This commit is contained in:
Miloslav Ciz 2024-07-22 13:52:54 +02:00
parent 7f93d68df8
commit 3b5988ac49
14 changed files with 1823 additions and 1779 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ Maybe most depressing of all is that people reading this article think it's some
Human is dead, he was replaced by [economy]( There are just things such as economy, laws, [rights](, countries, prosperity, [justice](, [correctness](, then also more economy, money and prosperity, "progress", [modern]( technology and many other things, but no human. You dislike what you do and think it has no meaning? Shut up and serve the economy -- that's the OFFICIAL justification to any complaint. You are suffering every day agony and want to kill yourself? Yeah it's not ideal but shut up and serve the economy. Next: your kids are dying and are being raped every day? Yeah that's maybe not so good but anyway, shut up and serve the economy. Next.
In 21st century if you buy something there is only about 0.03% chance it will work. There is probably some law that says that if you buy something it should work, but in practice there are no laws because even if you could probably sue the seller, it would mean investing $100000000 and about 10 years of every day going to the court to get your $100 back, and the result isn't guaranteed anyway because for your investment you'll be able to afford maybe 3 lawyers while the corporation will have about 100 to 100000 lawyers, it's very unlikely you would beat that, so you just won't do it, you will just keep buying the thing over and over and praying it works. The exact breaking rates are fine tuned by special departments so as to not make people give up on buying the thing completely, but to make them buy as many of them as possible. This is basically completely optimized [capitalism]( Even if the thing works when you buy it, it will at best last maybe 3 days or 3 and a half days. It's similar with [work]( (slavery) -- in theory there is some kind of minimum wage you should be paid but in practice you'll be very lucky to even be paid anything -- again, you could in theory sue your employer for not paying you but you can't really do it -- if you come naked or in bad clothes to the court you'll be automatically ruled guilty and since you have no money because the employer didn't pay you, you can't afford the required $1000000 suit, so you can't sue anyone -- so laws de facto only exist so that law makers have a job, they can't be used (well they can, but only by corporations). { I personally have this experience with computer mice -- I bought many mice this way because they just never worked, eventually I just gave up and stopped playing shooter games, I realized it's better to learn living without a working computer mouse, otherwise I would just spend all my life savings on them. ~drummyfish }
Literally in your living room, in your pocket there is constantly an annoying retard telling you to [consoome](, you pay him to invade your life and constantly bother you. Is this believable? No, but it is happening, no one even thinks it's weird lol.
In 21st century if you buy something there is only about 0.03% chance it will work. There is probably some law that says that if you buy something it should work, but in practice there are no laws because even if you could probably sue the seller, it would mean investing $100000000 and about 10 years of every day going to the court to get your $100 back, and the result isn't guaranteed anyway because for your investment you'll be able to afford maybe 3 lawyers while the corporation will have about 100 to 100000 lawyers, it's very unlikely you would beat that, so you just won't do it, you will just keep buying the thing over and over and praying it works. The exact breaking rates are fine tuned by special departments so as to not make people give up on buying the thing completely, but to make them buy as many of them as possible. This is basically completely optimized [capitalism]( Even if the thing works when you buy it, it will at best last maybe 3 days or 3 and a half days. It's similar with [work]( (slavery) -- in theory there is some kind of minimum wage you should be paid but in practice you'll be very lucky to even be paid anything -- again, you could in theory sue your employer for not paying you but you can't really do it -- if you come naked or in bad clothes to the court you'll be automatically ruled guilty and since you have no money because the employer didn't pay you, you can't afford the required $1000000 suit, so you can't sue anyone -- so laws de facto only exist so that law makers have a job, they can't be used (well they can, but only by corporations). { I personally have this experience with computer mice -- I bought many mice this way because they just never worked, eventually I just gave up and stopped playing shooter games, I realized it's better to learn living without a working computer mouse, otherwise I would just spend all my life savings on them. Lol also recently I got a paddle board for birthday, it exploded in a week. ~drummyfish }
{ Sorry I just realized the previous paragraph is maybe written about 3 to 5 years ahead -- I sometimes do that because I see into the future and I don't want to rewrite this too often. Anyway it still falls under this century. ~drummyfish }

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@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Here is a list of some acronyms:
- **[ED](** (Enyclopedia Dramatica)
- **[EEPROM](** (electronically erasable programmable ROM)
- **[ELF](** (executable and linkable format)
- **[EMCAS](** (editor macros)
- **[EMACS](** (editor macros)
- **[ENIAC](** (electronic numerical integrator and computer)
- **[EOF](** (end of [file](
- **[EOL](** (end of line, end of life)

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Dramatica is notorious for switching domains extremely quickly, as of writing th
Examples of what you will find on ED include a highscore table of mass shooters, summary of important event of each year, tips on how to vandalize [Wikipedia](, detailed article on every [lolcow](, a lengthy article about [niggers](, [women](, video games, countries, music bands, [Hitler](, Pokemon, daily featured pictures, documentation of [4chan]( raids and other wonderful acts of [trolling]( and much more.
The encyclopedia used to be written under [CC0](, which is of course amazing, but they seem to just be switching licenses however they like -- maybe to support a bit of a drama anyway -- however even with CC0 much of the content simply by nature comprises of copy pastes, screencaps, anonymous works and fair uses (sometimes perhaps also illegal unfair uses), so in general you can't really treat it as a "tidy" [public domain](, more like a chaotic "we shit on any [copyright](" philosophy, which given the situation (impossibility of achieving true PD) is probably the least evil. As of writing this it also doesn't sport any [shit]( like [ads]( (allegedly there were ads in the past though) or Turing test bullshit, unlike many of the "competitors", which is simply amazing and shows a high standard of this magnum opus, but of course everything may change at any time so better not speak too early. ED also has a pretty nice forum.
The encyclopedia used to be written under [CC0](, which is of course amazing, but they seem to just be switching licenses however they like -- maybe to support a bit of a drama anyway -- however even with CC0 much of the content simply by nature comprises of copy pastes, screencaps, anonymous works and fair uses (sometimes perhaps also illegal unfair uses), so in general you can't really treat it as a "tidy" [public domain](, more like a chaotic "we shit on any [copyright](" philosophy, which given the situation (impossibility of achieving true PD) is probably the least evil. As of writing this it also doesn't sport any [shit]( like [ads]( (though there were ads in the past, but they managed to get rid of them) or Turing test bullshit and it also only works on plain HTTP (no HTTPS nonsense, even though there are logins and passwords lol), which is simply amazing and shows a high standard of this magnum opus, but of course everything may change at any time so better not speak too early. ED also has pretty nice forums.
Dramatica has firmly stood towering as the giant among the people's encyclopedias since its establishment on December 9 2004, it can only be compared to such places like [4chan]( It was established by a [WOMAN]( who got piseed at Wikipedia, who was called called Girlvinyl (Sherrod DeGrippo), which would make her one of the few based women wasn't it for her betrayal of the project in 2011 when she caused a **major drama** by trying to milk the project and replaced ED by some shitty normie friendly website (called "Oh Internet") that soon went bankrupt, by which she confirmed she indeed was just a woman unable to control her lust for golds (and even failing at digging it after going all in lol). Fans however kept ED backed up and going under different domains. ED is mainly a work of [oldfags](, a place of classic, old style, porn-rich [meme]( culture, nowadays in contrast with the lame zoomer shit like soyjaks and whatnot. The articles are visually rich, joyful, with many flashing colors, flying [CSS]( pictures and many catchy quotes and phrases with a lot of exclamation marks!!11!1! The editors call themselves EDiots. The work achieved a legendary status despite facing the hardest forms of censorship, for example being excluded from [Goolag]( search results; Wikipedia also tried to ban and censor the whole article about Dramatica but eventually had to give in because ED actually became very notable and referenced in mainstream media. This couldn't go without inspiring similar projects, so ED has since its inception been competing with other similar encyclopedias, however it might be better to say it's simply been copied and mimicked without anyone so far reaching the high quality. Some competing wikis are for example the Lurkmore wikis (English, Russian and Ukrainian ones), Nigrapedia or the Soyjak wiki -- nevertheless these hardly ever managed to get on the same level. The "competition" usually does have some valuable material but overall generally fails by several points, like for example being quite small, having low effort articles consisting of unfunny spam, forced self serving vulgarity without any artistic vision (Family Guy style), having too many rules, putting on ads (revealing its motives for just grabbing some internet cash), putting on [cuckflare]( and basically just not valuing the work enough, not keeping the standard that ED seems to be valuing and tryharding too much to dethrone Dramatica. Dramatica simply knows what it wants to do and does it to the fullest, it puts no barriers, no "this is too far" lines, an artist wouldn't put just 50% effort in his painting and he wouldn't stick a sponsor logo on it. ED is about memes and shitposting but that is [art]( like any other -- awareness of this is key for a quality wiki. Dramatica makes fun even of itself, it won't censor it's own failures, it writes about the competing wikis (when these, on the other hand, may pretend Dramatica doesn't exist), it simply truly only follows the [lulz](, at least that's how it seems.

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@ -213,7 +213,8 @@ Bear in mind the main purpose of this quiz is for you to test your understanding
107. Ronald died and wasn't missed, he was just a capitalist. Every action of that bitch only served to make him rich. Things he built but always sold, patents he would always hold. As he jerked off to his brands, dick got zipped up in his pants. Ron did one last happy dance, had idiot death insurance. Do you know what kind of note this stupid's grave would be bestowed?
108. Explain at least one of the following [chess]( concepts: fork, pin, smothered mate.
109. There is a cube-shaped planet that has 8 houses (numbered 1 to 8), each house on one of the 8 cube vertices. Each house is inhabited by one alien (they're named *A* to *H*). Sometimes they get bored and want to switch houses with others, so they organize a big moving day in which some aliens switch houses (it's possible that everyone moves elsewhere or that just some move and some stay where they are). However they like their neighbors (aliens living in houses directly connected by the same edge), so any time this house switching occurs, at the end of the day everyone must have the same neighbors as before. How many possible ways there are to assign aliens to the houses so that they always have the same neighbors?
110. Did you enjoy this quiz?
110. A [troll]( joins homosexual gayming stream and starts spamming Hitler quotes by which he increases the amount of lulz by X percent. However the gay starts crying so the stream censor quickly bans the poor troll, dropping the lulz to the original level. By how many percent have the lulz decreased now?
111. Did you enjoy this quiz?
### Answers
@ -327,7 +328,8 @@ sin(x) / cos(x) - log2(2) = tg(x) - 1*, so we get *tg(x) >= 1*. So that will hol
107. Retard -- read the first letter of each sentence.
108. Fork: attacking two (or more) pieces at once (often done with knight) so that the opponent can only save one. Pin: attacking a piece so that if it moves away, it will reveal another piece behind it to be taken (often pinning to king). Smothered mate: checkmate by knight in which king can't move anywhere because he's blocked by own pieces.
109. This is counting graph [automorphisms]( Let's say we assign alien *X* to house 1; we can count how many possible allowed configurations there are for this case and then multiply it all by 8 (for case when *X* would be assigned to house 2, then 3, 4 etc.). Let's say neighbors of *X* are *U*, *V* and *W*. There are 3 edges going from house 1, i.e. 3 possible ways for the first neighbor, *U*, to be placed -- again, consider we put *U* in one place; we'll count the possibilities and eventually multiply them by 3. Now we have 2 edges (2 neighbor houses) remaining and 2 neighbors (*V* and *W*) to put there; again, consider one case and then multiply that by 2. Now we have *X* and all his neighbors in place, how many possible configurations are left here? There is one house that's the neighbor of both *U* and *V* and there is only one possibility of who can live there: the shared neighbor of *U* and *V* -- there is just one option so this house's inhabitant is determined. Same for *V*/*W* and *U*/*W*. That's already 7 houses assigned and the one last remaining has to be in the one house left, so in fact by placing *X* and its neighbors we've uniquely determined the rest of the houses, there's just one way. So in the end we have 8 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 48 possible ways.
110. yes
110. If the original level of lulz is *a* and lulz increase is *n*, then *X = 100 * n / a*. The decrease is then *100 * n / (a + n) = 100 * (a * X / 100) / (a + a * X / 100) = X / (1 + X / 100) = 100 * X / (100 + X)*.
111. yes
## Other

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@ -67,4 +67,13 @@ Fractals are also immensely useful in [procedural generation](, they
There exist also [compression]( techniques based on fractals, see [fractal compression](
There also exist such things as fractal antennas and fractal transistors.
There also exist such things as fractal antennas and fractal transistors.
## See Also
- [Lissajous curve](
- [rose curves](
- [cardioid](
- [spirograph](
- [procedural generation](
- [turtle graphics](

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@ -56,23 +56,33 @@ LGBT:
infect culture:
establish pride/parades
=> increase fanaticism, hysteria and fascist thinking
=> more conflict, ground for business: mutual support with capitalism strengthens
=> more conflict: mutual support with capitalism and politics strengthens
=> strengthen fear of LGBT
=> establish gayness as fashion, "modern", "cool", "interesting"
=> get attention capital
=> buy corporate support
=> buy politicians
make big deal out of sex
=> creates more stigma around sex and sexual failures
=> more conflict, i.e. business, strengthen mutual support with capitalism and politicians
=> more depressed people
=> feed psychiatry business, strengthen mutual support etc.
"coming outs"
=> reward with hero status, people will want to be heroes
=> reward with popularity (money, fame, ...) on social media
=> generate media activity: mutual support with capitalism strengthens
infect media, "art" (child cartoons, books, Internet, ...)
make "gender issues" constantly on minds of people
=> more conflict, depressions, business, politics, capital etc.
promote gayness as cool, straightness as boring and/or enemy
=> push people into gayness, increase ranks
infect science, e.g. medicine
=> allow prepubescent children to decide for irreversible gender change
=> will mostly lead to regret and depression but increases ranks
=> additionally feeds psychiatry business: strengthens mutual support
=> psychiatry opens up to propaganda, e.g. removing the "disorder" word, supporting gender switch
=> psychiatry opens up to propaganda, e.g. removing the "disorder" word, supporting the harmful gender switch
establish that "being gay = supporting LGBT"
=> then infect laws
@ -82,6 +92,9 @@ LGBT:
push + normalize: censorship
=> increase manipulation/brainwashing potential => mutual support with corporations strengthen
(now negative reviews = "hate speech", e.g. "dislike buttons on YouTube", banning negative
reviews stops people preventing corporations from implementing artificial obsolescence as
only positive reviews of shitty products are now allowed etc.)
=> get corporate marketing support
=> more popularity = power
=> allow hiding lies, damage and unethical behavior of LGBT

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@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ Music is an auditory [art]( whose aim is to create [pleasant](beautiful.m
**[Copyright]( of music**: TODO (esp. soundfonts etc.).
TODO: list of most LRS/suckless instruments
## Modern Western Music + How To Just Make Noice Music Without PhD
{ I don't actually know that much about the theory, I will only write as much as I know, which is possibly somewhat simplified, but suffices for some kind of overview. Please keep this in mind and don't eat me. ~drummyfish }
@ -41,4 +39,21 @@ TODO: chords, scales, melody, harmony, beat, bass, drums, riffs, transpositions,
## Music And Computers/Programming
TODO: midi, bytebeat, tracker music, waveforms, formats, procedural music, AI music, ...
TODO: midi, bytebeat, tracker music, waveforms, formats, procedural music, AI music, ...
## LRS Music
**What's the most [suckless]( musical instrument?** Definitive answer is hard to give, but here are a few suggestions for very [KISS]( ones:
- **drums**: Extremely satisfying to play, not so difficult to learn, quite easy to make yourself (for inspiration see how street drummers in poor countries do it: it's enough to take a few plastic buckets, two sticks and you have nice basic drums).
- **keyboard percussion instruments** like xylophone, malimbe etc.: Potentially easy to play and make at home, just take sticks and then take some kind of objects that can be tuned (pieces of wood, metal, glasses with water, ...) and make a keyboard out of them.
- **melodica** (kind of "flute with piano keys"): Not the simplest but still super cheap to get, small to carry around anywhere, sounds nice and you get kind of a mini piano with that super nice and convenient keyboard, it can be easy to learn, especially if you've already played piano.
- **single string instruments (monochords)**: Potentially easier to learn and play and make at home.
- **voice**: You automatically have it, you always have it with you everywhere and it sounds beautiful, on top of music can also communicate AND can even be used as percussive instrument (see [beatbox](
- **wind instruments** like flutes, ocarinas etc.: They're very small, have beautiful sound and can even be made at home (from a pipe, wood, whatever...).
- Something like a [music box](
- ...
What's the most [bloated]( instrument? Theatre organ looked like one but pipe organs may be on a similar level. Orchestrion also. We have to ask ourselves what counts as an instrument, for example if we consider orchestra to be the conductor's instrument or if we consider a super bloated DAW with hundreds of VSTs an instrument, then these may aspire for most bloated ones.

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Even though one cannot choose this orientation and even though pedophiles don't
In 15th century an unofficial version of the Bible, the Wycliffe's translation, was officially declared a heretic work and its possession was forbidden under penalty of prison, torture and excommunication. That's what we still do today, just with works violating a different kind of orthodoxy. We are literally still living in the middle ages.
**Can a child consent?** Rather ask if you have good enough reason to prevent it from what it wants to do and what is natural for its healthy development. Can a child consent for going out of house? What if someone abducts it there? What if a car runs it over? Better lock it at home until it's 18 and it's no longer on you if it dies, right? Doesn't matter it will grow up to be a pale unsocialized monster with depression who never saw sunlight, only if it's physically safe and you are legally safe. People nowadays have more trouble with sex than ever before, they don't know what gender they are, they have trouble dating, stay virgins, don't have kids, commit suicides. This wasn't the case in times when this supposed "law protection" didn't exist, how can that be? It's because this "protection" is actually a curse, it makes big deal out of sex and prevents natural development at everyone's pace. It labels people monsters for being attracted to the wrong age group, it labels them marked for life for having been touched by someone from a different age group, it label art a work of Satan if it shows a natural human body. It prohibits the depiction of young face because someone might find it pretty. This you think is a good society? Think again then.
**Can a child consent?** Rather ask if you have good enough reason to prevent it from what it wants to do and what is natural for its healthy development. Can a child consent for going out of house? What if someone abducts it there? What if a car runs it over? Better lock it at home until it's 18 and it's no longer on you if it dies, right? Doesn't matter it will grow up to be a pale unsocialized monster with depression who never saw sunlight, only if it's physically safe and you are legally safe. People nowadays have more trouble with sex than ever before, they don't know what gender they are, they have trouble dating, stay virgins, don't have kids, commit suicides. This wasn't the case in times when this supposed "law protection" didn't exist, how can that be? It's because this "protection" is actually a curse, it makes big deal out of sex, purposefully establishes a [stigma]( and prevents natural development at everyone's pace. It labels people monsters for being attracted to the wrong age group, it labels them marked for life for having been touched by someone from a different age group, it label art a work of Satan if it shows a natural human body. It prohibits the depiction of young face because someone might find it pretty. This you think is a good society? Think again then.
{ For example one issue (that I might have heard from someone as a first hand experience): teenagers are often sexually interested in other teenagers rather than adults, but they cannot find teenager porn on the Internet. This not only discriminates them, but forces them to seek adult porn and adult partners, and any such kind of forcing may be quite harmful, especially at the age of crucial sexual development (note that sexual interaction with an adult is not the harmful thing, harmful is forcing someone to do something else than he desires and needs). ~drummyfish }

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ Here is a comparison of average European country before and after infestation wi
In [Europe](, or maybe just anywhere else in the world, you are afraid of getting hit by a car because you might die, in America you afraid of it because you couldn't afford the ambulance bill and would get into unpayable debt (yes, even if you pay "health insurance"). You can literally find footage of half dead people running away from ambulances so that they don't have to go to debt for being kept alive. In Europe you are afraid to hit someone with a car because you might kill him, in America you are afraid of it because he might sue you. This is not an exaggeration or [joke](, it's literally how it is -- it's incredible how people can believe the country is somehow "more advanced", it is quite literally the least developed country in history.
In 1920 the "land of freedom" banned drinking alcohol so that capitalist slaves could spend less time on fun and more time on slavery, this was known as the prohibition and led to skyrocketing of organized crime. Another pinnacle of stupidity indeed. This lasted over a decade.
## See Also
- [elvis](

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@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ syntax on
*See also a nice big list at*
Of course there are alternatives to Vim that are based on different paradigms, such as [Emacs](, its biggest rival, or plan9 editors such as [acme]( (or maybe even [ed]( In this regard any [text editor]( is a potential alternative. Nevertheless people looking for Vim alternatives are usually looking for other vi-like editors. These are for example:
Of course there are alternatives to Vim that are based on different paradigms, such as [Emacs]( (or possibly more "minimal" clones of it such as [Zile](, its biggest rival, or plan9 editors such as [acme]( (or maybe even [ed]( In this regard any [text editor]( is a potential alternative. Nevertheless people looking for Vim alternatives are usually looking for other vi-like editors. These are for example:
- **[vi](**: While you probably won't use the original ancient vi program but rather something like [nvi](, vi is a [POSIX]( standard for a text editor that's much simpler and universal than Vim. It lacks many features one may be used to from Vim such as tabs, [autocompletion](, [syntax highligh]( or multiple [undos]( But limiting yourself to only using the features specified by the standard makes you more likely to be able to operate any vi-like text editor you encounter. (List of features added by Vim to vi can be found in `runtime/doc/vi_diff.txt` in Vim source tree.)
- **[neovim](**: Tries to be the "[modernized](" ([refactored]( fork of Vim, it removes some code, adds a new plugin system but also [bloat]( like [CMake]( One of its self-stated goals is to be more "community driven". It is also written in C99 (while Vim is in C89, more portable). { At least I think. ~drummyfish }

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 587
- number of commits: 844
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4102385
- total number of lines of article texts: 30862
- number of commits: 845
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4105822
- total number of lines of article texts: 30872
- number of script lines: 262
- occurences of the word "person": 7
- occurences of the word "nigger": 90
@ -35,60 +35,70 @@ longest articles:
top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2332)
- there (1780)
- which (2333)
- there (1782)
- people (1579)
- example (1357)
- other (1285)
- example (1358)
- other (1286)
- number (1143)
- software (1139)
- about (1102)
- software (1140)
- about (1104)
- program (922)
- their (869)
- because (861)
- would (846)
- being (795)
- called (794)
- because (862)
- would (848)
- called (796)
- being (796)
- things (777)
- something (768)
- something (769)
- language (768)
- numbers (749)
- computer (748)
- simple (736)
- simple (737)
- without (697)
- programming (683)
- function (674)
- these (659)
- different (649)
- different (650)
- however (643)
- system (610)
- system (611)
- world (600)
- should (594)
- doesn (583)
- games (576)
- point (569)
- society (567)
- while (554)
- while (555)
- drummyfish (539)
- though (535)
- still (525)
- using (523)
- though (536)
- still (526)
- using (524)
- possible (522)
- simply (518)
- simply (519)
- memory (508)
- similar (505)
- similar (506)
- course (502)
- technology (496)
- https (494)
- always (473)
- really (468)
- basically (457)
- extremely (452)
- extremely (451)
- value (448)
latest changes:
Date: Sun Jul 21 01:20:52 2024 +0200
Date: Sat Jul 20 10:32:21 2024 +0200
@ -112,16 +122,6 @@ Date: Fri Jul 19 22:49:02 2024 +0200
Date: Fri Jul 19 19:45:16 2024 +0200
most wanted pages:
@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ most wanted pages:
- [sdl]( (8)
- [pointer]( (8)
- [html]( (8)
- [hitler]( (8)
- [gpu]( (8)
- [gpl]( (8)
- [cryptography]( (8)
- [war]( (7)
most popular and lonely pages:
- [lrs]( (290)
- [lrs]( (291)
- [capitalism]( (232)
- [c]( (216)
- [bloat]( (207)
@ -170,10 +170,10 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
- [fight_culture]( (79)
- [less_retarded_society]( (78)
- [math]( (77)
- [hacking]( (76)
- [hacking]( (77)
- [public_domain]( (76)
- [bullshit]( (76)
- [shit]( (75)
- [public_domain]( (75)
- [foss]( (75)
- [art]( (74)
- [programming_language]( (72)

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ For lawyers: we officially DO NOT ADVISE any illegal methods mentioned here. How
- **Faking sickness or getting sick on purpose**: for an employee it is possible to pretend to be sick to avoid work, to bribe doctor or break one's leg on purpose to stay at home and leech the employer and state is a possibility (of course we don't advice you to hurt yourself, just saying it's possible). If one just keeps breaking his leg over and over to avoid work, they will also likely give him some mental disease diagnosis and a disability pension so that he can stay at home indefinitely.
- **Leeching welfare**: it's a common practice to e.g. register at the employment office and then just take unemployment support.
- **Becoming caretaker of a relative**: in some countries you can become a caretaker for someone, usually a relative, who's old and/or disabled and needs a daily assistant, which will count as a job, you'll be getting some state money etc. So ask your grandma maybe, then just let her watch TV all day and do whatever you want with the free time.
- **Convincing someone rich to just give you $$$**: low chance of success, but it can't hurt to just sincerely ask some millionaires if they could maybe drop $100K or something, maybe when the guy will do it if he's drunk or high or just likes you.
- **"Religious reasons"**: adopt of even invent a "religion" that says you cannot work, for example Judaism forbids any work on Saturday (Sabbath) -- you may be able to dig up a religion that has a lot of holy days on which you mustn't work. If your employer protests, absolutely rape him in court for racism and oppression, sue him for at least $1000000000, you're guaranteed to win this.
- **Calling anonymous inspections**: it can be fine to [troll]( one's employers by calling for example hygienic workplace inspections, one may for example call that he saw they mix in shit into food, that there are rats running around, that employees masturbate in workplace and so on. When inspection comes, workers may be left waiting and just relaxing or even staying at home, and if the inspection does find some violations (very likely), it may at least temporarily close the workplace, again winning a few days off for the slaves.
- **Stealing from the rich**: stealing stuff from supermarkets, offices etc. is nice (officially NOT ADVISED, but it's still very nice). It's also helping society. Do not steal from the poor.