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Miloslav Ciz 2024-02-21 20:13:01 +01:00
parent 31d4b6a59e
commit 4108a88cc5
9 changed files with 1714 additions and 1688 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*The Cathedral and the Bazaar* (shortened to *catb*) is a very famous [software engineering]( essay from 1997 by [Eric S. Raymond]( (ESR, a famous oldschool hacker writer) which analyzes the development method of [Linux](, at the time a new way of mass developing [FOSS]( software by many volunteers over the [Internet]( with relatively little central planning -- this method is called the *Bazaar* (the word used for marketplace in middle east) and is contrasted with so called *Cathedral* method, i.e. the traditional, highly centralized development of software (not necessarily of [proprietary]( software). This essay was later being expanded, updated and made into a whole book -- the short version of it can be read on ESR's website. It played a role in [corporations]( adopting "[open source](" (Netscape, i.e. Firefox, was "open sourced" basically because of this essay).
Watch out: Raymond used to be an oldschool [hacker]( who however, like many others, later turned to the evil side once he smelled money and fame; he basically became hardcore [capitalist](, promoting [open $ource](, free markets and even doing business himself. It can very well be seen in the essay -- it's not about [programming](, it is about software engineering, i.e. managing and manipulating masses of people to work like machines who will be continuously producing lines of code. It focused on things such as ["productivity"]( and basically how to develop [bloat]( in fastest way and for least cost. It takes things such as [update culture](, rapid development, gigantic software projects and existence of software companies for granted. Therefore *The Cathedral and the Bazaar* is of no use to [less retarded software]( but it may be good to read for the wide picture view.
Watch out: Raymond used to be an oldschool [hacker]( who however, like many others, later turned to the evil side once he smelled money and fame; he basically became hardcore [capitalist](, promoting [open $ource](, free markets and even doing business himself. It can very well be seen in the essay -- it's not about [programming](, it is about software engineering, i.e. managing and manipulating masses of people to work like machines who will be continuously producing lines of code. It focused on things such as ["productivity"]( and basically how to develop [bloat]( in fastest way and for least cost. It takes things such as [update culture](, rapid development, gigantic software projects and existence of software companies for granted. Therefore *The Cathedral and the Bazaar* is of no use to [less retarded software]( but it may be good to read for the big picture view.
{ The online version is not very long, the writing style is good and there are nice, catchy observations about software development, however it's still quite shitty, towards the end I was falling asleep, only the capitalist trigger words kept me awake eventually. But there are some nice things, like "plan to throw one away", i.e. when you want to write something, you'll probably have to write it once badly, by which you really understand the issue, then you throw it away and implement it again, this time well. ~drummyfish }

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@ -12,6 +12,27 @@ We can divide computers based on many attributes, e.g.:
- by **computational power**: how difficult problems the computer is able to solve, i.e. where in the [Chomsky hierarchy]( it stands (typically we want [Turing complete]( computers)
- by **other criteria**: price, reliability, durability etc.
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*Typical personal computer, with case, monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers.*
Computers are theoretically studied by [computer science]( The kind of computer we normally talk about consists of two main parts:
- **[hardware](**: physical parts

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@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ TODO: add more, mark CPUs with ME, add features like MMX, FPU, ...
| Motorola 68000 |1979 | 32 / 24 | own (CISC) | 68 K | | | 64 | 1 | | popular, e.g. Amiga, Mega Drive, ... |
| Intel (80)286 |1982 | 16 / 24 | x86 (x86-16) | 130 K | 1.5 um | 25 M | 68 | 1 | | |
| Intel (80)386 |1985 | 32 | x86 (IA-32) | 275 K | 1 um | 40 M | 132 | 1 | | |
| Intel (80)486 |1989 | 32 | x86 (IA-32) | 1.6 M | 600 nm | 100 M | 196 | 1 | 16 K cache | |
| Intel (80)486 |1989 | 32 | x86 (IA-32) | 1.6 M | 600 nm | 100 M | 196 | 1 | 16 K cache, FPU | 1st intel with cache and FPU |
| AMD Am386 |1991 | 32 | x86 (IA-32) | 275 K | 800 nm | 40 M | 132 | 1 | | clone of i386, lawsuit |
| Intel Pentium P5 |1993 | 32 | x86 (IA-32) | 3 M | 800 nm | 60 M | 273 | 1 | 16 K cache | starts Pentium line with many to follow |
| AMD K5 |1996 | 32 | x86 (IA-32) | 4.3 M | 500 nm | 133 M | 296 | 1 | 24 K cache |1st in-house AMD CPU, compet. of Pentium |
@ -81,6 +81,10 @@ TODO: add more, mark CPUs with ME, add features like MMX, FPU, ...
| Intel Core i5-2500K |2011 | 64 | x86 (x86-64) | 1 B | 32 nm | 3.3 G | | 4 | ~6 M cache, ME | |
| PicoRV32 |2015?| 32 |RISC-V (RV32IMC)| | | ~700 M | | | | simple, free hardware RISV-V core |
| Apple A9 |2015 | 64 | ARM (ARMv8) | 2 B | 14 nm | 1.8 G | | 2 | ~7 M cache | iPhones |
|AMD Ryzen Threadrip. PRO 5995WX|2022 | 64 | x86 (x86-64) | 33 B | 7 nm | 4.5 G | 4094 | 64 | ~300 M cache, ME | high end bloat |
|AMD Ryzen Threadrip. PRO 5995WX|2022 | 64 | x86 (x86-64) | 33 B | 7 nm | 4.5 G | 4094 | 64 | ~300 M cache, PSP | high end bloat |
| [Talos ES]( |2023 | 8 | own (RISC) | | | | | | | simple but usable DIY free hardware CPU |
## See Also
- [GPU](
- [MCU](

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@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ This is a summary of some main guidelines on how an LRS supporter should behave
- **Should you go vote?** The safe answer is no, most likely you shouldn't vote, not voting is in 99.99% cases the best thing as you can just avoid all noise and stress of watching politics at all, you won't waste your time and you also actively vote against the current system by not voting: you decrease the voter turnout, decreasing trust in the system -- there is a reason all politics agree on the one thing that "you should go vote" -- they do because that sustains trust that gives them power, so as it's mostly the case, mainstream clearly pushing you to something basically means it's the one thing you should almost definetely NOT do. A deeper answer to the question of voting is again that you should weight all pros and cons, but you will conclude the pros are so unlikely to prevail that only in an extremely rare situation it would make sense to go vote. You should go vote only if there appears a "party" that's extremely based -- this party should be extremely aligned with LRS, wanting to end all work, military, money, police, all by strictly peaceful ways and eventually end even state and itself too -- something we have practically a zero chance of seeing in the next few hundred years, and even if such "party" appeared in theory and you went vote for it, it almost definitely won't win as normies just won't vote for it, so you change nothing anyway. Definitely do NOT go vote for lesser evil, that's just strengthens the system. Just stop watching politics and let the system destroy itself, you won't be able to influence it by voting in any way no matter what, even if your voting power was multiplied by one million, it just doesn't even matter which party is ruling nowadays. Stop caring about current politics, spend the time on better things. If the base party appears, the news will get to you anyway.
- **Live your life as you want**, don't let someone else control your life and manipulate you, e.g. with feelings of guilt -- this often happens with your parents, partner, friends, culture, laws, ... This isn't an argument for self interest! On the contrary, most people nowadays will try to push you to following self interest or fascist goals that will also benefit them. You only have one life, others have theirs, so listen to advice but remember to always make your own decisions in important things. If you feel you don't want to go to school or that you don't want to work or that you want to do something that people despise or you want to do something that you've read is wrong, just do what you feel is best, even if it's a let down for your family or if it contradicts what the whole society is telling you.
- **Publish everything immediately**, don't wait for your project "to be ready" for a release, make it public right now! You don't have to advertize it, just make it public. Some reasons are for example: you aren't behaving strategically like a capitalist, you get early feedback from others (important so you don't spend a lot of time on shit), you let others know what you're working on so they don't waste time working on the same thing, even an incomplete project may be useful to someone (parts of it may already be useful to someone), and also, very importantly, if you hesitate YOU WILL NEVER RELEASE THE PROJECT, you will become obsessed with perfectionism and ashamed to ever release the project. YES YOU WILL, I have seen it about 10000000 billion times. You think you will release it but you won't, every additional day you hesitate the chance of release decreases by 10%, so after 10 days it's already certain you will never release it, further on the chance even gets negative.
- **NEVER, NEVER go into debt**: Even if you should live under a bridge, if you aren't in debt you're still good -- better than most people probably. Debt is how the system enslaves you, so never take any loans or make unplanned children you would be obliged to pay for etc., it will force you to bow to the system, take unethical jobs, forget your morals. If you're already in debt, make it number one priority to pay it off ASAP. If you're in debt that would take too long or forever to pay off, your only option is just to burn your ID and run off to the woods, the system will now see you as a free slave, someone who can be forced to labor without sleep or just killed, you can no longer rely on any help from it.
- PRO TIP: **Get yourself [banned]( on toxic platforms** like [Wikipedia](, [GitHub](, [Steam](, [4chan]( etcetc., it has many advantages -- you gain [freedom]( (no longer having to care about platform you are banned on), the platform loses one user/slave (you), you stop being abused by the platform, it's also [fun]( (just find some creative way to get banned, possibly cause uprising on the platform, make mods angry and waste their time on cleaning up your mess), it will make you become more self sufficient and you help decentralize the Internet again (can't edit Wikipedia? Just make your own :-]), it will make you find better places, you may also help bring the toxic platform down (others will see the platform utilizes censorship, some may follow you in leaving...) etcetc.
- ...

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@ -3,20 +3,20 @@
* Ada Lovelace * Hitler
* Donald Trump * Lassie * Goethe
* Bill Gates * Neil De Grass * Charles Babbage * Terence Tao
* Adam Smith * Bjarne Stroustrup * Unabomber
* Ada Lovelace * Hitler * Miley Cyrus
* Donald Trump * Lassie * Goethe * Kim Ung-Yong
* Bill Gates * Neil De Grass * Charles Babbage * Terence Tao
* Adam Smith * Elon Musk * Bjarne Stroustrup * Unabomber * Grigori Perelman
* Steve Jobs * Pikachu * Einstein * Jara Cimrman
--------------capitalists----------- * Terry Davis
----------------blacks---------------- * Britney Spears * Kasparov
--------------capitalists----------- * Terry Davis
----------------blacks---------------- * Britney Spears * ChatGPT * Kasparov
-------------------women (white)--------------------- * Richard Feynman * William Sidis
------------CEOs------------ * drummyfish
-trees- ---------webdevs-------- ---janitors--- -------true programmers------------------(see test below)
-trees- ----------webdevs---------- ------janitors----- ------------true programmers------------
-rocks- --soldiers-- ------apolitical/centrist/confused------ --------LRS--------
--feminists-- ---dolphins-- ----geeks-------- ------type A/B fail---
--chimps--- -------atheists------ -----nerds----------------------------------
--bacteria-- ------------coders------------ ------teachers------- ---------mathematicians------
--feminists-- ---dolphins-- ----geeks-------- -----type A/B fail----
--chimps--- -------atheists------ -------------------nerds--------------------
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ TODO
|-----------------------------------99.999999802%-----------------------------------|---1 in 1013594327.1152-
*IQ follows the normal distribution, measure scales are usually centered at 100 with standard deviation 15, above we see the distribution along with approximate placement of certain groups and individuals. Notice how interesting people are either far to the right or far to the left.*
*IQ follows the normal distribution, measure scales are usually centered at 100 with standard deviation 15, above we see the distribution along with approximate placement of certain groups and individuals. Notice how interesting people are either far to the right or far to the left. Also notice how the smartest you've never heard of while you've heard of all the dumbest.*
**Is IQ a useful measure and if so, how important is the score?** This is the controversial question discussed over and over, modern "inclusive" society dismisses IQ as basically useless because it points out differences between [races]( etc., some rightist are on the other hand obsessed with IQ too much as it creates a natural hierarchy assigning each man his rank among others. True significance of IQ as a measure seems to be somewhere in between the two extremes here. As it's always noted about IQ, we have to remember the term "intelligence" itself is fuzzy, there doesn't and cannot exist any universal definition of it, so we have trouble even grasping what we're measuring and however we define intelligence, it usually ends up hardly even correlating with "success" or "achievements" or anything similar, so firstly let's see IQ just as what it literally is: a score in some kind of game. Furthermore intelligence is extremely complex and multidimensional (there is spatial and visual intelligence, long and short term memory, language skills, social and emotional intelligence etc.), capturing all this with a single number is inevitably a simplification, the score is just a projected shadow of the intelligence with light cast from certain angle. IQ score definitely does say a lot about some specific kind of "mathematical" intelligence, though even if designed to be so, even in this narrow sense it isn't anywhere near a perfect measure -- though a minority, some mathematicians do score low on IQ tests (Richard Feynman, physics Nobel Prize laureate had famously a relatively low score of 125). It's perhaps good to keep the "IQ tests as a game" mindset -- intelligent people will be probably good at it but some won't, performance can be increased by training, there will be narrowly focused autists who excel at the game but are extremely dumb at everything else etc. Having IQ score predict what we normally understand to be "intelligence" is like having height, weight and age predict how good of a soldier someone will be -- there will be some good correlations, but not nearly perfect ones. Some general IQ range will be necessary for certain tasks such as [programming](, but rather than +5 on an IQ score things such as education and personality traits will play much more important roles in actually achieving something or creating something good; for example curiosity and determination, the habit of thinking about everything in depth, nonconformity, a skeptical mind, all these are much more important than being a human calculator -- remember, the cheapest calculator will beat the smartest man in multiplying numbers, would you say it is more intelligent?
@ -55,6 +55,6 @@ Most people are called a genius nowadays -- any recent so called "genius" (such
Here is a quick but extremely accurate IQ estimate. Let *x* be the approximate amount to which you agree with [LRS](, expressed in percents. You IQ (SD 15) is approximately *2 * x*. If you can't compute that, subtract 200.
By this test currently the smartest man that ever lived is [drummyfish]( :'D { On mainstream tests I scored lower than 200. ~drummyfish }
DISCLAIMER: The previous paragraph is suitable to everyone. The following is a binding legal and health advice: STOP [CAPITALISM](
{ NOTE: There used to be a joke about me being the smartest being on the planet by this test but I removed it because I realized it was probably [egoism]( masked as a joke. ~drummyfish }

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Here is a list of people notable in technology or in other ways related to [LRS]
- **[Eric S. Raymond](**: proponent of [open source](, co-founder of [OSI]( and tech writer
- **[Fabrice Bellard](**: legendary programmer, made many famous programs such as [ffmpeg](, [tcc](, [TinyGL]( etc.
- **[Geoffrey Knauth](**: very [shitty]( president of [Free Software Foundation]( since 2020 who embraces [proprietary]( software lol
- **[Grigori Perelman](** based Russian mathematician who solved one of the biggest problems in math ([Poincare conjecture](, then refused Fields medal and million dollar prize, refuses to talk to anyone and make [hero]( of himself, just sent a huge fuck you to the system
- **[Jesus](**: probably the most famous guy in history, had a nice teaching of [nonviolence]( and [love](
- **[Jimmy Wales](**: co-founder of [Wikipedia](
- **[John Carmack](**: legendary game ([Doom](, [Quake](, ...) and [graphics]( developer, often called a programming god
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ Here is a list of people notable in technology or in other ways related to [LRS]
- **[Richard Stallman](**: inventor of [free software]( and [copyleft](, founder of [GNU]( and [FSF](, hacker, also created [emacs](
- **[Rob Pike](**: oldschool hacker involved in [Unix](
- **[Roy Schestowitz](roy_schestowitz)**: PhD journalist, running [Techrights](, revealing corruption in technology
- **[Stephen Gough](** (*naked rambler*): based guy who refuses to wear clothes, is bullied by society and kept in prison
- **[Steve Jobs](**: founder and CEO of [Apple](, huge retard and dickhead
- **[Ted Kaczynski](**: AKA the Unabomber, mathematician, primitivist and murderer who pointed out the dangers of modern technology
- **[Terry Davis](**: deceased schizophrenic genius, creator of [Temple OS](, became a tech [meme](

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 559
- number of commits: 701
- total size of all texts in bytes: 3065842
- number of articles: 560
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- total size of all texts in bytes: 3072987
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Date: Wed Feb 21 11:59:01 2024 +0100
Date: Wed Feb 21 09:18:07 2024 +0100
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Date: Mon Feb 19 23:59:22 2024 +0100
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