This commit is contained in:
Miloslav Ciz 2025-03-12 16:58:53 +01:00
parent 5dbd5b164a
commit 53bd3b4b91
14 changed files with 1966 additions and 1937 deletions

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@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ Here is a list of some acronyms:
- **[CSG](** (constructive solid geometry)
- **[CSS](** (cascading style sheet)
- **[CSV](** (comma separated values)
- **[CTO](** (chief technology officer)
- **[DAC](** (digital analog converter)
- **[DB](** (database)
- **[DC](** (direct current)
@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ Here is a list of some acronyms:
- **[DVD](** (digital versatile disc)
- **[ED](** (Enyclopedia Dramatica)
- **[EEPROM](** (electronically erasable programmable ROM)
- **[ELI5](** (explain like I'm 5)
- **[ELF](** (executable and linkable format)
- **[EMACS](** (editor macros)
- **[ENIAC](** (electronic numerical integrator and computer)
@ -114,7 +116,7 @@ Here is a list of some acronyms:
- **[FPGA](** (field programmable gate array)
- **[FPS](** (frames per second, first "person" shooter)
- **[FQA](** (frequently questioned answers)
- **[FS](** (file system)
- **[FS](** (file system, [free software](
- **[FTL](** (faster than light)
- **[FTP](** (file transfer protocol)
- **[FU](** (fuck you)
@ -200,6 +202,7 @@ Here is a list of some acronyms:
- **[KILL](** (keep it [Linux]( loser)
- **[KISS](** (keep it simple stupid)
- **[KISP](** (keep it simple perfect)
- **[KISR](** (keep it simple retard)
- **[KLOC](** (kilo LOC)
- **[KKK](** (ku klux klan)
- **[KYS](** ([kill yourself](
@ -219,11 +222,13 @@ Here is a list of some acronyms:
- **[LOL](** (laughing out loud)
- **[LQ](** (low quality)
- **[LRS](** (less retarded software/society)
- **[LRW](** ([less retarded wiki](
- **[LSB](** (least significant bit)
- **[LUT](** (lookup table)
- **[MBR](** (master boot record)
- **[MHZ](** (megahertz)
- **[MIB](** (mebibyte)
- **[MILF](** (mom I'd like to fuck)
- **[MIME](** (multipurpose internet mail extension)
- **[MIP](** (multum in parvo)
- **[MIPS](** (millions of instructions per second)
@ -258,7 +263,7 @@ Here is a list of some acronyms:
- **[OMG](** (oh my god)
- **[OO](** (object oriented, object obsessed, object obfuscated)
- **[OOP](** (object oriented/obsessed programming)
- **[OS](** (operating system, open source)
- **[OS](** (operating system, [open source](
- **[OSS](** (open source software)
- **[OSI](** ([open source]( initiative)
- **[P2P](** (peer to peer)
@ -343,6 +348,7 @@ Here is a list of some acronyms:
- **[TCP](** (transmission control protocol)
- **[TFT](** (thin filter transistor)
- **[TFW](** (that face when)
- **[TL;DR](** (too long, didn't read)
- **[TLA](** (three letter acronym)
- **[TM](** ([trademark](, [Turing machine](
- **[TOS](** (terms of service)

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@ -528,11 +528,12 @@ Bear in mind this is not a school test that's supposed to decide if you get to a
118. [Jara Cimrman]( invented a brilliant self-powered mine elevator design that worked as follows. When miners came to start a new shift in the mine, two of them would enter a down-coming lift, which by the weight of the two workers started to move down and lifted another lift up; in the up-coming lift one miner, ending his shift in the mine, would come up (as he was lighter than the two miners in the down-coming lift). However they soon realized this system had one fatal flaw. What was it?
119. Use only the logical function [NAND]( (which gives a negated result of [AND]( to implement the [XOR]( logical function.
120. We have a rubber rope 1 meter long. On one side there is an ant. He starts moving over the rubber towards its other end by the speed of 1 cm/s, however as he starts to move we start stretching the rubber also by the speed of 1 cm/s, so that after 1 second it's 101 cm long, after 2 seconds it's 102 cm long etc. The ant keeps the same speed. Will he ever reach the end? How long would it take him?
122. [Permutation]( is a kind of "shuffling scheme", it says to which position we move items. For example a permutation 213 says the 1st item moves to position 2, 2nd item to position 1 and 3rd item stays in position 3. Applying this permutation to string "abc" would therefore give us "bac", and applying it the second time gets us back to "abc". Find a permutation of length 5 (i.e. some shufling of the string of digits 12345) which among all permutations of length 5 takes the longest possible number of steps to get back to the original arrangement.
123. Today in [slavery]( I tried to fix 6 computers: I ended up destroying twice as many of them than I fixed. Every time I destroyed a computer my boss told me I'm a retard. How many times did my boss repeat I'm a retard?
124. What does constant [bitrate]( mean in relation to video encoding? What are some of its advantages and disadvantages against variable bitrate?
125. The ISS orbits 400 km above [Earth]( surface. The Earth radius is 6378 km. How far away (from the ISS) is the Earth's horizon?
126. Write the hexadecimal values of a pure green color in 24 bit RGB, [RGB565]( and [RGB332]( formats.
121. [Permutation]( is a kind of "shuffling scheme", it says to which position we move items. For example a permutation 213 says the 1st item moves to position 2, 2nd item to position 1 and 3rd item stays in position 3. Applying this permutation to string "abc" would therefore give us "bac", and applying it the second time gets us back to "abc". Find a permutation of length 5 (i.e. some shufling of the string of digits 12345) which among all permutations of length 5 takes the longest possible number of steps to get back to the original arrangement.
122. Today in [slavery]( I tried to fix 6 computers: I ended up destroying twice as many of them than I fixed. Every time I destroyed a computer my boss told me I'm a retard. How many times did my boss repeat I'm a retard?
123. What does constant [bitrate]( mean in relation to video encoding? What are some of its advantages and disadvantages against variable bitrate?
124. The ISS orbits 400 km above [Earth]( surface. The Earth radius is 6378 km. How far away (from the ISS) is the Earth's horizon?
125. Write the hexadecimal values of a pure green color in 24 bit RGB, [RGB565]( and [RGB332]( formats.
126. Someone wants to kill you in a very special way: he [magically]( shrinks you so that you're just 2 cm tall and puts you in a blender, but doesn't put the lid on as he's convinced you can't escape. The blender will be turned on in one minute. What do you do?
127. Did you enjoy this quiz?
### Answers
@ -658,12 +659,13 @@ sin(x) / cos(x) - log2(2) = tg(x) - 1*, so we get *tg(x) >= 1*. So that will hol
118. Two miners were coming down but only one up, more workers were entering the mine than were leaving, so the workers started to pile up in the mine. Cimrman solved this by advising the workers to eat a lot before the shift and then work hard to lose some weight so that two heavy miners would be able to lift two lighter ones.
119. a XOR b = (a AND NOT(b)) OR (NOT(a) AND b) = (a AND (b NAND b)) OR ((a NAND a) AND b) = NOT(a NAND (b NAND b)) AND ((a NAND a) NAND b) = (a NAND (b NAND b)) NAND ((a NAND a) NAND b).
120. Let *p* be the ant's relative position on the rubber, i.e. the fraction of the rubber he has already traveled; when *p = 1* he'll be in the finish. At the beginning his speed in fractions of the rubber per second is *v = 1/100*. As the rubber expands, the fractional speed decreases (he keeps moving at 1 cm/s but the total number of cm to be traveled increases): we can write the speed as a function of time: *v = 1/(100 + t)*. Now the fractional position *p* over time is an [integral]( of speed, i.e. *p = integrate 1/(100 + t) dt = log(100 + t) + C* and the initial position is *p = 0*, i.e. *C = -log(100)*, so *p = log(100 + t) - log(100)*. Now we just have to compute when *p* reaches 1, i.e. *log(100 + t) - log(100) = 1*, which gives us *t = 100 * (e - 1) ~= 171.83*. So the ant will reach the end in nearly 3 minutes.
121. Permutations can be represented in terms of cycles and the lowest common multiple of the cycle lengths is the permutation order, which says "after how many steps we get back to the start". So we are looking for the highest order permutation of length 5. The highest possible order is 6 -- this we get when we have one 3-cycle and one 2-cycle, which gives us LCM(2,3) = 6. So the cycles can be for example (123)(45), which written as before may start as 23154. Indeed, it takes 6 steps to get back to the same permutation: 23154 -> 31245 -> 12354 -> 23145 -> 31254 -> 12345 -> 23154.
121. Permutations can be represented in terms of cycles and the lowest common multiple of the cycle lengths is the permutation order, which says "after how many steps we get back to the start". So we are looking for the highest order permutation of length 5. The highest possible order is 6 -- this we get when we have one 3-cycle and one 2-cycle, which gives us LCM(2,3) = 6. So the cycles can be for example (123)(45), which written as before may start as 23154. Indeed, it takes 6 steps to get back to the same permutation: 23154 -> 31245 -> 12354 -> 23145 -> 31254 -> 12345 -> 23154.
122. 3: I destroyed 4 computers, so he told me 4 times I'm a retard, i.e. he first told me I'm a retard (this was not a repetition) and then repeated it three times.
123. Constant bitrate means a given time unit of the video will always be encoded with (at least approximately) the same number of [bits]( One second of the video will therefore take the same size no matter how complex or simple the encoded scene is. Advantages are for example being able to estimate size of any video just from its duration alone, easier seeking and rewinding to a random position, or that during streaming over network there will be a constant number of bits transferred per second, which is very predictable and good for many protocols. Disadvantage may be that sometimes space is wasted (we encode a simple scene with more bits than necessary) and that quality of the video won't be constant (scenes for which bits don't suffice will have to have their quality lowered).
124. Draw the shit on paper: draw a ball (Earth) and a point above it (ISS), then draw a tangent line from the point to the ball. Then draw a line from the ball center to the ISS and from the ball center to where the tangent line touches that ball (the horizon). Obviously there's a right angle at the tangent line touch point, so we have a right triangle. One side is the Earth radius and the longest side is the radius plus the orbit height. From this we compute the remaining side as *sqrt((6378 + 400)^2 - 6378^2)*, which gives us approx. 2293 km.
125. 24 bit RGB is easy: 00ff00. For 565 we want a 16 bit value whose upper and lower 5 bits are zero, with the middle bits being ones, i.e. 0000011111100000 in binary, which is 07e0 in hexadecimal. Similarly for 332 we get 1c.
126. yes
126. Apparently the expected answer is this: just jump out of the blender. How? If you're so small, you can jump much higher, just like bugs can, as physics on such a small scale work differently (which is why for example elephants can't jump at all while a cat can jump to a height many times its own height).
127. yes
## Other

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@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ This is a suitable answer to anything, if someone tells you something you don't
What following a "constantly [work in progress](" list of subjectively selected facts and topics that may be judged interesting, preferably while also being lesser known:
- **Obscure [Internet]( communities**: for example various [wikis]( or [image boards]( See also [netstalking](
- **Zanclean flood**: extremely huge flood that refilled the Mediterranean sea some 5 million years ago, which must have been a greatly spectacular event. Other similar mega floods are also discussed, e.g. that of the Black sea. Some of them are (often controversially) thought to be the origin of the shared great flood myth that's present in almost all old religions and cultures. A bit related interesting topic is the 20th century Atlantropa mega project that planned to partially dry the Mediterranean to gain more space for Europe.
- **[Ball lightning](**: a real weird phenomenon whose existence is not controversial (it is acknowledged to exist) but which still remains without exact scientific explanation. You can find some video of it, descriptions of eye witnesses are also quite fun to read.
- **Extinct animals**: obviously everyone loves dinosaurs (BTW look up well preserved fossils of dinosaurs, some are in excellent state, we also now know for fact the skin color of some dinosaurs), but there are many underrated extincts animals, e.g. gigantopithecus, the biggest ape known to have ever existed (estimated weight up to 300 kg), which we however know almost nothing about (only teeth were found). More recently extinct species such as mammoth, dodo, moa bird (extremely big bird), saber-toothed cats, giant sloth, short-faced bear (probably the biggest bear ever) or Tasmanian tiger (which there still exists a black and white video footage of) are interesting exactly because they are closer on the timeline, people may have seen them and even depicted them somehow (e.g. cave paintings), we have may find much better preserved bodies of them and also have a bigger chance of cloning them one day or even discover them still living somewhere (has happened to several species already).
- **Obscure [Internet]( communities**: for example various [wikis]( or [image boards](, also [darknet](, [gopher](, internet archives, websites in foreign languages and so on. See also [netstalking](
- **Zanclean flood**: gigantic flood that refilled the Mediterranean sea some 5 million years ago, which must have been a greatly spectacular event. Other similar mega floods are also discussed, e.g. that of the Black sea. Some of them are (often controversially) thought to be the origin of the shared great flood myth that's present in almost all old religions and cultures. A bit related interesting topic is the 20th century Atlantropa mega project that planned to partially dry the Mediterranean to gain more space for Europe.
- **[Ball lightning](**: a real weird phenomenon whose existence is not controversial (it is acknowledged to exist) but which still remains without exact [scientific]( explanation. You can find videos of it, descriptions of eye witnesses are also quite fun to read.
- **Extinct animals**: obviously everyone loves dinosaurs (BTW look up well preserved fossils of dinosaurs, some are in excellent state, we also now know for fact the skin color of some dinosaurs, ALSO there exist MILLIONS years old animals perfectly preserved in amber), but there are many underrated extincts animals, e.g. gigantopithecus, the biggest ape known to have ever existed (estimated weight up to 300 kg), which we however know almost nothing about (only teeth were found). More recently extinct species such as mammoth, dodo (recorded in paintings, there exist some remains of dodos), moa bird (extremely large bird), saber-toothed cats, giant sloth, short-faced bear (probably the biggest bear ever) or Tasmanian tiger (which there still exists a black and white video footage of) are interesting exactly because they are closer on the timeline, people may have seen them and even depicted them somehow (e.g. cave paintings), we have may find much better preserved, mummified bodies of them (often in ice) and also have a bigger chance of cloning them one day or even discover them still living somewhere (has happened to several species already).
- **[UFO]( and aliens**: ufology is pretty fun when when you dig through the real retarded cases and ignore soyence fanatics that will stop being friends with you. Remember, you may enjoy digging into weird, suspicious cases without starting to wear tinfoil or seeing little green men behind anything; even if a UFO turns out to be a new, secret military tech or newly discovered atmospheric phenomenon and not aliens, it's still pretty damn interesting. Some cases are pretty solid, e.g. Hangzhou Xiaoshan (China) 2010 sighting of extremely weird tear in the sky which was scanning the whole city with some kind of obviously artificial light screen for a very long time, which was seen by thousands and captured on camera and video by many (e.g. and even caused an airport to shut down -- the real nature of the thing was never explained and wasn't even much talked about (there also seems to be another simple-to-debunk cover up UFO sighting under the same keywords). The Travis Walton abduction case is also quite interesting, supported by a lot of evidence and has stood for a very long time. There are also many pretty good footages of weird UFOs, especially interesting are those captured by multiple people from different angles, which are extremely hard to fake.
- **Known but unexcavated archaeological sites**: e.g. the Qin tomb, a pyramid in China that's a resting place of a great emperor is buried underground -- historical records say the pyramid contains an unbelievable wealth, a great palace and models of cities, seas, waterways of quicksilver and traps protecting against intruders; this is believable as it is also the place where the astonishing terracota army was already excavated. However it is quite likely the pyramid won't be opened during our lifetime, we probably won't ever see it with our eyes. Also the well known pyramids and sphinx of Giza are still very mysterious -- e.g. there are holes in the great Sphinx you can clearly but about which no one ever talks -- you can see they lead somewhere inside but you never see the actual inside, they let no one in and photos are nowhere to be found. Historical places of yet unknown locations, like the hanging gardens of Babylon, are also pretty interesting.
- **Oldest existing [photographs](**, video and audio recordings, and also old paintings, e.g. cave paintings capturing extinct animals.
@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ What following a "constantly [work in progress](" list of subjectively se
- **Third man factor**: there is a phenomenon which makes people hear some kind of comforting, guiding voice in long-lasting crisis situations, described e.g. by people who got lost in mountains etc.
- **Weird coincidences**: for example the names of all continents start and end with *A* (AsiA, AfricA, AmericA, AntracticA, AustraliA) except for Europe which starts and ends with *E*. Sun and Moon have the same apparent size in the sky. And so on.
- **[Language]( and translations**: translation errors are a rich rabbit hole, revealing not only bloopers but weird differences and features of languages themselves. { Start for example here ~drummyfish }
- **Deep sea, Antarctica and other unexplored parts of the world**.
- **Old [books]( and drawings**, first-hand records of [history]( from before photography. There are no photographs from medieval times, but there are paintings, which are sometimes quite realistic and the next best thing to a photograph. First hand witness accounts of historical events ,such as the Krakatoa explosion, famines, black death etc., are indeed very captivating.
- **Space and distant history**: just viewing HD photos from Mars can fill us with awe for hours, and then there are videos of [Earth]( from the ISS (it's surprising how many features can be seen from it, e.g. solar plants reflecting the Sun), videos and photos from the [Moon](, photos of distant planets (Pluto, ...) etc. Then there are exoplanets, Universe simulators, supernovas, strange formations in distant universe. Another cool pastime is looking into discoveries about distant past such as the Big Bang, formation of the Moon or the Chicxulub impact (also looking up other big craters on Earth), AND possibly researching accurate predictions of the far future (collision of Andromeda galaxy with our Milky Way etc.).
- **Historical [Jesus](** (and other similar historical figures such as Muhammad, Moses, Homer, ...) -- new archeological discoveries are being made and it's fascinating how much can be deduced from it when connected to other source. We are still getting closer to the true image of perhaps the most famous man in history.
- ...
TODO: serial killers?

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
LMAO (also LMFAO) stands for *laughing my (fucking) ass off*.
LMAO (also LMFAO) stands for *laughing my (fucking) ass off*, alternative being a [recursive]( [acronym]( for *LMAOing my ass off*.
On this wiki we kind of use LMAO as a synonym to [LULZ]( as used on [Encyclopedia Dramatica](

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
| code of conduct ([COC]( | code of coercion, code of censorship, COCK |
| [comun]( | coomun { One friend suggested this :D ~drummyfish } |
| consume | consoom (see also [coom]( |
| content creator | digital clown |
| content delivery network | [censorship]( delivery network |
| [copyright]( | copywrong, copyrestriction, copyrape |
| [CSS]( | cascading stylish [shit]( |

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@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ Are you a [noob]( but see our ideas as appealing and would like to join
- That the [free software]( song has a very uncommon 7/8 rhythm that is not easy to follow?
- That the term "[retarded](" was actually made as a [politically correct]( replacement for medical terms such as "idiot", "imbecile" and "moron" which became seen as derogatory.
- That all [Intel]( [processors]( since 2008 (and [AMD]( processors since 2013) have a hardware [backdoor]( ([Intel ME](, [AMD PSP]( that run the [Minix]( operating system and allows spying on users of those processors no matter what operating system they run?
- That in certain parts of [China]( there are villages where people don't build traditional houses, but rather dig a big rectangular hole in the ground (a courtyard) in whose walls they then dig "cave houses" to live in? This is called [Yaodong](; such houses have advantages such as very good insulation, preserving land, relative [simplicity]( of construction and resistance against earthquakes.
- That Wilhelm Rontgen, a Nobel laureate, did not [patent]( his groundbreaking discoveries, stating that they should be freely available to anyone without any charge?
- That brain size correlates with [intelligence]( and male brains are on average 10% larger than those of [women]( Yep, this is still even on [Wikipedia](, though the implications mustn't be mentioned there.
- That [capitalism]( is probably the most [retarded]( and dangerous idea in [history](
@ -141,20 +142,22 @@ Are you a [noob]( but see our ideas as appealing and would like to join
- That before refrigerators were invented people used so called ice houses to store food in cold temperatures? Ice house was kind of a cellar into which ice was put during winter and where it would last throughout whole summer until the next winter.
- That [wifi]( radiation causes [cancer](
- That David Hampson is a man who repeatedly commits the crime of standing in the middle of the road, lets himself be arrested and then refuses to speak a single word, then goes to jail and once released repeats this whole again? He is capable of talking, he just likes doing this. This is one of the most [based]( things anyone has ever done.
- That cockpits of big airplanes speak out loud warnings to the pilots about dangerous situations and one of the warnings literally says "[retard]("? It's often the last word the pilots hear before a crash.
- That as early as 1907 it was possible to send photographs over long distances via telephone lines (basically [fax]( them) thanks to Belinographe? The photo was rotating on a cylinder where a beam of light was scanning it by lines and transmitting the reflected light intensity as electric current to the receiver who reversed the process to recreate the image.
- That hygrometers (devices that measure air humidity) typically work by having a stretched human hair inside which changes its tension based on air humidity?
- That [tattoos]( cause cancer?
- That bottles with compressed air [can be used]( instead of batteries to store electric energy? Electricity is retrieved by releasing the air which in turn rotates a generator. This is a lower tech, more [KISS](, eco-friendly way that stores energy not through chemistry, but mechanically.
## Topics
Here there are quick directions to some of the important topics; for more see the links provided at the top that include the list of all articles as well as a single page HTML which is good for "fulltext search" via crtl+F :)
- **basics**: [bloat]( -- [capitalist software]( -- [less retarded society]( -- [LRS]( -- [pseudoleft](
- **LRS inventions/propositions**: [A/B fail]( -- [Anarch]( -- [boat]( webring -- [comun]( -- [freedom distance]( -- [gege]( -- less retarded [chess]( -- [less retarded hardware]( -- [less retarded society]( -- [less retarded software]( -- [less retarded watch]( -- [less retarded wiki]( -- [macrofucker]( -- [public domain computer]( -- [raycastlib]( -- [rock carved binary data]( -- [SAF]( -- [small3dlib]( -- [smallchesslib]( -- [tinyphysicsengine]( -- [world broadcast]( -- [unretardation](
- **programming/computers**: [3D rendering]( -- [binary]( -- [computer]( -- [AI]( -- [algorithm]( -- [C]( -- [C tutorial]( -- [computer]( -- [computer graphics]( -- [CPU]( -- [data structure]( -- [demoscene]( -- [GNU]( -- [hacker culture]( -- [hardware]( -- [Internet]( -- [KISS]( -- [Linux]( -- [OOP]( -- [open consoles]( -- [operating system]( -- [optimization]( -- [portability]( -- [procedural generation]( -- [programming]( -- [programming language]( -- [suckless]( -- [Unix philosophy]( -- [web](
- **basics**: [bloat]( -- [capitalist software]( -- [less retarded society]( -- [LRS]( -- [pseudoleft]( -- [tl;dr](
- **LRS inventions/propositions**: [A/B fail]( -- [Anarch]( -- [boat]( webring -- [comun]( -- [freedom distance]( -- [gege]( -- less retarded [chess]( -- [less retarded hardware]( -- [less retarded society]( -- [less retarded software]( -- [less retarded watch]( -- [less retarded wiki]( -- [Licar]( -- [macrofucker]( -- [public domain computer]( -- [raycastlib]( -- [rock carved binary data]( -- [SAF]( -- [small3dlib]( -- [smallchesslib]( -- [tinyphysicsengine]( -- [world broadcast]( -- [unretardation](
- **programming/computers**: [3D rendering]( -- [AI]( -- [algorithm]( -- [binary]( -- [brainfuck]( -- [computer]( -- [C]( -- [C tutorial]( -- [computer]( -- [computer graphics]( -- [CPU]( -- [data structure]( -- [demoscene]( -- [Forth]( -- [GNU]( -- [hacker culture]( -- [hardware]( -- [Internet]( -- [KISS]( -- [Linux]( -- [minimalism]( -- [OOP]( -- [open consoles]( -- [operating system]( -- [optimization]( -- [portability]( -- [procedural generation]( -- [programming]( -- [programming language]( -- [programming tips]( -- [suckless]( -- [Unix philosophy]( -- [web](
- **math/theory**: [aliasing]( -- [chaos]( -- [combinatorics]( -- [fractal]( -- [formal languages]( -- [information]( -- [linear algebra]( -- [logic]( -- [math]( -- [number]( -- [pi]( -- [prime number]( -- [probability]( -- [Turing machine]( -- [zero](
- **society**: [anarchism]( -- [anarcho pacifism]( -- [capitalism]( -- [censorship]( -- [collapse]( -- [communism]( -- [democracy]( -- [everyone does it]( -- [fascism]( -- [feminism]( -- [fight culture]( -- [history]( -- [homosexuality]( -- [left vs right vs pseudoleft]( -- [Jesus]( -- [less retarded society]( -- [LGBTQWTF]( -- [science]( vs [soyence]( -- [productivity cult]( -- [selflessness]( -- [socialism]( -- [Venus project]( -- [work](
- **freedom/law**: [Creative Commons]( -- [free culture]( -- [free hardware]( -- [free software]( -- [copyleft]( -- [copyright]( -- [GNU]( -- ["intellectual property"]( -- [license]( -- [open $ource]( -- [patent]( -- [public domain](
- **society**: [anarchism]( -- [anarcho"capitalism"]( -- [anarcho pacifism]( -- [capitalism]( -- [censorship]( -- [collapse]( -- [communism]( -- [democracy]( -- [everyone does it]( -- [fascism]( -- [feminism]( -- [fight culture]( -- [history]( -- [homosexuality]( -- [left vs right vs pseudoleft]( -- [liberalism]( -- [Jesus]( -- [less retarded society]( -- [LGBTQWTF]( -- [pedophilia]( -- [people]( -- [productivity cult]( -- [science]( vs [soyence]( -- [selflessness]( -- [socialism]( -- [Venus project]( -- [work](
- **freedom/law**: [Creative Commons]( -- [freedom]( -- [free culture]( -- [free hardware]( -- [free software]( -- [copyleft]( -- [copyright]( -- [GNU]( -- ["intellectual property"]( -- [license]( -- [open $ource]( -- [patent]( -- [public domain](
- **interesting**: [beauty]( -- [bytebeat]( -- [chess]( -- [Dodleston messages mystery]( -- [hyperoperation]( -- [interesting]( -- [interplanetary internet]( -- [netstalking]( -- [steganography](
- **fun/relaxed/offtopic**: [audiophilia]( -- [C downto operator]( -- [C obfuscation contest]( -- [dog]( -- [esolang]( -- [fantasy console]( -- [fun]( -- [games]( -- [island]( -- [jokes]( -- [LMAO]( -- [NaNoGenMo]( -- [open console]( -- [rock]( -- [shit]( -- [SIGBOVIK]( -- [Temple OS](

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@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ There are different types of numbers, in mathematics we classify them into [sets
- **highly composite**: Composite numbers that have more divisors than any lower number. E.g. 4, 36 or 1260.
- **[perfect](**: Equal to the sum of its divisors. E.g. 6, 28 or 8128.
One of the most interesting and mysterious number sets are the [prime numbers](, in fact many number theorists dedicate their whole careers solely to them. Primes are the kind of thing that's defined very simply but give rise to a whole universe of mysteries and whys, there are patterns that seem impossible to describe, conjectures that look impossible to prove and so on. Another similar type of numbers are the [perfect numbers](
One of the most [interesting]( and mysterious number sets are the [prime numbers](, in fact many number theorists dedicate their whole careers solely to them. Primes are the kind of thing that's defined very simply but give rise to a whole universe of mysteries and whys, there are patterns that seem impossible to describe, conjectures that look impossible to prove and so on. Another similar type of numbers are the [perfect numbers](
Of course there are countless other number sets, especially those induced by various number sequences and functions of which there are whole encyclopedias. Another possible division is e.g. to *cardinal* and *ordinal* numbers: ordinal numbers tell the order while cardinals say the size (cardinality) of a set -- when dealing with finite sets the distinction doesn't really have to be made, within natural numbers the order of a number is equal to the size of a set of all numbers up to that number, but with infinite sets this starts to matter -- for example we couldn't tell the size of the set of natural numbers by ordinals as there is no last natural number, but we can assign the set a cardinal number (aleph zero) -- this gives rise to new kind of numbers.

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Paradigm
By [programming language]('s paradigm (from Greek *paradeigma*, "pattern", "example") we mean the very basic concepts used as a basis for performing computation in that language. Among the most popular paradigms we'll find for example the [imperative](, [object oriented]( and [functional](, but there exist many others; we may view every paradigm as a set of basic ideas, principles and [mathematical]( models (e.g. [models of computation](, [data types](, forms of [expressions]( etc.) that form the foundation of how the whole language works; these foundations are subsequently also accompanied by a kind of "programming philosophy" (we'll oftentimes hear sentences such as "[everything is]( X" where *X* may be *number*, *object*, *array*, *list* etc.), a naturally emerging "mindset", a set of recommendations the programmer should follow when using the language. But let it be set straight that paradigm will NOT include other than purely technical, engineering aspects of computation, i.e. artistic or political ideas (such as "eco-friendlieness", "anti-fascism", ...) are indeed not part of programming paradigm. Nevertheless, although of technical nature, aspects of paradigms are subjective, for example the question of drawing borders between them -- just like [music]( genres or human [races](, paradigms are [fuzzy]( concepts, they have different definitions in different books, come in different flavors and are often combined; sometimes it's unclear how to classify paradigms (if one strictly falls under another etc.) or even if something is or isn't a paradigm at all.
By [programming language]('s paradigm (from Greek *paradeigma*, "pattern", "example") we mean the very basic concepts used as a basis for performing computation in that language. Among the most popular paradigms we'll find for example the [imperative](, [object oriented]( and [functional](, but there exist many others; we may view every paradigm as a set of basic ideas, principles and [mathematical]( models (e.g. [models of computation](, [data types](, forms of [expressions]( etc.) that form the foundation of how the whole language works; these foundations are subsequently also accompanied by a kind of "programming philosophy" (we'll oftentimes hear sentences such as "[everything is]( X" where *X* may be *number*, *object*, *array*, *list* etc.), a naturally emerging "mindset", a set of recommendations the programmer should follow when using the language. But let it be set straight that paradigm will NOT include other than purely technical, engineering aspects of computation, i.e. artistic or political ideas (such as "eco-friendlieness", "anti-fascism", ...) are indeed not part of programming paradigm. Nevertheless, although of technical nature, aspects of paradigms are subjective, for example the question of drawing borders between them -- just like [music]( genres or human [races](, paradigms are [fuzzy]( concepts, they have different definitions in different books, come in different flavors and are often combined; sometimes it's unclear how to classify paradigms (if one strictly falls under another etc.) or even if something is or isn't a paradigm at all. In a wider sense the term *paradigm* may also be used outside of programming languages, for example a paradigm of a [physics engine]( might be "everything's a sphere" etc.
For example the [functional]( paradigm is built on top of [lambda calculus]( (one of many possible mathematical systems that can be used to perform general calculations) which performs calculations by combining pure mathematical [functions]( -- this then shapes the language so that a programmer will mostly be writing mathematical functions in it, AND this also usually comes with the natural "philosophy" of subsequently viewing everything as a function, even such things as loops or [numbers]( themselves. In contrast [object oriented]( (OOP) paradigm tries to solve problems by constructing a network of intercommunicating "objects" and so in OOP we tend to see most things as objects.

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# RGB332
RGB332 is a general 256 [color]( [palette]( that encodes one color with 1 [byte]( (i.e. 8 [bits]( 3 bits (highest) for red, 3 bits for green and 2 bits (lowest) for blue (as human eye is least sensitive to blue we choose to allocate fewest bits to blue). RGB332 is an implicit palette -- it doesn't have to be stored in memory (though doing so also has justifications) because the color index itself determines the color and vice versa. Compared to the classic 24 bit RGB (which assigns 8 bits to each of the RGB components), RGB332 is very "[KISS]([suckless](" and often [good enough]( (especially with [dithering]( as it saves memory, avoids headaches with [endianness]( and represents each color with just a single number (as opposed to 3), so it is ideal for simple and limited computers such as [embedded]( It is also in the [public domain](, unlike some other palettes, so it's additionally a legally safe choice. RGB332 also has a "sister palette" called [RGB565]( which uses two bytes instead of one and so offers many more colors.
RGB332 is a general [256]( [color]( [palette]( that encodes one color with 1 [byte]( (i.e. 8 [bits]( 3 bits (highest) for red, 3 bits for green and 2 bits (lowest) for blue (as human eye is least sensitive to blue we choose to allocate fewest bits to blue). RGB332 is an implicit palette -- it doesn't have to be stored in memory (though doing so also has justifications) because the color index itself determines the color and vice versa. Compared to the classic 24 bit RGB (which assigns 8 bits to each of the RGB components), RGB332 is very "[KISS]([suckless](" and often [good enough]( (especially with [dithering]( as it saves memory, avoids headaches with [endianness]( and represents each color with just a single number (as opposed to 3), so it is ideal for simple and limited computers such as [embedded]( It is also in the [public domain](, unlike some other palettes, so it's additionally a legally safe choice. RGB332 also has a "sister palette" called [RGB565]( which uses two bytes instead of one and so offers many more colors.
One disadvantage of plain 332 palette lies in the linearity of each component, i.e. lack of [gamma correction](, resulting in too many almost indistinguishable bright colors and too few darker ones { TODO: does a gamma corrected 332 exist? make it? ~drummyfish }. Another disadvantage is non-alignment of the blue component with red and green ones, i.e. while R/G components have 8 levels of intensity and hence step from 0 to 255 by 36.4, the B component only has 4 levels and steps by exactly 85, making it impossible to create exact shades of grey (which of course have to have all R, G and B components equal).
It's also possible to [swap]( the order of component to get palettes such as BGR223, GBR 323 etc.
The RGB values of the 332 palette are following:

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# RGB565
RGB565 is color format, or a way of representing [colors]( with just 2 [bytes]( (unlike traditional 24 bit RGB formats that use 3 bytes, one for each component), that is 16 [bits]( (giving a total of 65536 distinct colors), by using 5 bits (highest) for red, 6 bits for green (to which human eye is most sensitive) and 5 bits for blue; it can also be seen as a color [palette]( It is similar to [RGB332]( -- it's basically a mid way between RGB332 and full 24bit RGB against which it saves one byte per pixel, but compared to RGB332 [byte sex]( comes to play here. Practically speaking you will rarely need anything more than this, 65 thousand colors are absolutely sufficient for everything.
RGB565 is [color]( format, or a way of representing color with just 2 [bytes]( (unlike traditional 24 bit RGB formats that use 3 bytes, one for each component), that is 16 [bits]( (giving a total of [65536]( distinct colors), by using 5 bits (highest) for red, 6 bits for green (to which human eye is most sensitive) and 5 bits for blue; it can also be seen as a color [palette]( It is similar to [RGB332]( -- it's basically a mid way between RGB332 and full 24bit RGB against which it saves one byte per pixel, but compared to RGB332 [byte sex]( comes to play here. Practically speaking you will rarely need anything more than this, 65 thousand colors are absolutely sufficient for everything.
Yet another similar format to this one is [RGB555]( which sacrifices one useful bit for gaining the nice property of having the same size of each component. The one "wasted" bit may also be utilized, e.g. for marking transparency.
Yet another similar format to this one is [RGB555]( which sacrifices one useful bit for gaining the nice property of having the same size of each component. The one "wasted" bit may also be utilized, e.g. for marking transparency. Variants of RGB565 can also be obtained by [swapping]( the order of components, e.g. BGR565 etc.
Here is a [C]( code for the basic conversions to/from this format:
Here is a [C]( code for the basic conversions to/from RGB565:
unsigned int rgbTo565(unsigned char red, unsigned char green,

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{ RMS is a legend and overall a great human, but let's be reminded we shouldn't be creating any [heroes]( or celebrities. ~drummyfish }
The great doctor Richard Matthew Stallman (RMS, also [GNU](, chief GNUisance and saint IGNUcius, born 1953 in New York) is one of the biggest figures in [software]( [history](, inventor of [free (as in freedom) software](, its lifelong advocate, founder of the [GNU project](, [Free Software Foundation](, a great [hacker]( and the author of a famous text editor [Emacs]( besides others. He is a non-religious [Jew]( and an [atheist]( (though he is the highest saint of [Church Of Emacs](, a man who firmly stands behind his beliefs, who always acts in conformance with them and who's been advocating for [ethics]( and user [freedom]( in the computing world. He has also been called the *king of software [cloning](*, for he started the wave of making free, ethical clones of [proprietary]( programs. Stallman doesn't wear a [suit](, he never shaves and doesn't use a cellphone, he talks even if what he says is unpopular -- if he didn't make history, these things alone would make him one of the most [based]( men of our time. However, on a completely serious note, let's not make [gods out of people]( -- Richard Stallman also does some very retarded things too, for example he plays along with the [fight culture]( and started conforming to the [SJW]( [newspeak](, thumbs down on that.
The great doctor Richard Matthew Stallman (RMS, also [GNU](, chief GNUisance and saint IGNUcius, born 1953 in New York) is one of the biggest figures in [software]( [history](, inventor of [free (as in freedom) software](, its lifelong advocate, founder of the [GNU project](, [Free Software Foundation](, a great [hacker]( and the author of a famous text editor [Emacs]( besides others. He is a non-religious [Jew]( and an [atheist]( (though he is the highest saint of [Church Of Emacs](, a man who firmly stands behind his beliefs, who always acts in conformance with them and who's been advocating for [ethics]( and user [freedom]( in the computing world. He has also been called the *king of software [cloning](* for having started the wave of making free, ethical clones of [proprietary]( programs. He's also notable for a plethora of smaller things such as coming up with the name [POSIX]( and creating lyrics for the Free Software Song. Stallman doesn't wear a [suit](, he never shaves and doesn't use a cellphone, he talks even if what he says is unpopular -- if he didn't make history, these things alone would make him one of the most [based]( men of our time. However, on a completely serious note, let's not make [gods out of people]( -- Richard Stallman also does some very retarded things too, for example he plays along with the [fight culture]( and started conforming to the [SJW]( [newspeak](, thumbs down on that.
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Stallman's life along with free software's history is documented by a free-licen
Richard Stallman is also famous for having foreseen and foretold virtually all the atrocities that [corporations]( would do with computer technology, such as all the spying through cell phones, trade of personal data and abusing secrecy and "[intellectual ownership](" of source code for bullying others, though to be honest it doesn't take a genius to foresee that [corporations]( will want to rape people as much as possible, it's more of a surprise he was one of very few who did. The important thing is he acted immediately he spotted this -- though corporations indeed did go on to rape people anyway, Richard Stallman made some very important steps early on to make the impact much less catastrophic nowadays. We should be all grateful.
It seems that **Stallman had at least one girlfriend**; in the 1999 book called *Open Sources* he says that he originally wanted to name the [HURD]( kernel Alix after a [girl]( that was at the time his "sweetheart".
It seems that **Stallman had at least one girlfriend**; in the 1999 book called *Open Sources* he says that he originally wanted to name the [HURD]( kernel Alix after a [girl]( that was at the time his "sweetheart". On his website he further wrote about a girl named Melynda he met in 1995, however noting their love was only platonic.
[tl;dr]( At 27 as an employee at [MIT]( [AI]( labs Stallman had a bad experience when trying to fix a Xerox printer who's [proprietary]( software source code was made inaccessible; he also started spotting the betrayal of hacker principles by others who decided to write proprietary software -- he realized proprietary software was inherently wrong as it prevented studying, improvement and sharing of software and enable abuse of users. From 1982 he was involved in a "[fight](" against the Symbolics company that pushed aggressive proprietary software; he was rewriting their software from scratch to allow Lisp Machine users more freedom -- here he proved his superior programming skills as he was keeping up with the whole team of Symbolics programmers. By 1983 his frustration reached its peak and he announced his [GNU]( project on the [Usenet]( -- this was a project to create a completely [free as in freedom]( [operating system](, an alternative to the proprietary [Unix]( system that would offer its users freedom to use, study, modify and share the whole software, in the hacker spirit. He followed by publishing a manifesto and establishing the [Free Software Foundation]( GNU and FSF popularized and standardized the term [free (as in freedom) software](, [copyleft]( and free licensing, mainly with the [GPL]( license. In the 90s GNU adopted the [Linux]( operating system kernel and released a complete version of the GNU operating system -- these are nowadays known mostly as "Linux" [distros]( As a head of FSF and GNU Stallman more or less stopped [programming]( and started traveling around the world to give talks about free software and has earned his status of one of the most important people in software history.
@ -31,15 +31,17 @@ This said, we naturally also have to state we don't nearly agree with all he say
He is a weird guy, looks a bit like PS1 Hagrid, and has been recorded on video eating dirt from his feet before giving a lecture besides others -- another time he was even recorded raging on stage after being stressed out but that's actually odd -- he practically always keeps a calm, monotone, very rational speech (much different from any politician or revolutionary). In the book *Free as in Freedom* he admits he might be slightly [autistic]( Nevertheless he's extremely smart, has magna [cum]( laude degree in [physics]( from Harvard, 10+ honorary doctorates, fluently speaks English, Spanish, French and a little bit of Indonesian and has many times proven his superior programming skills (even though he later stopped programming to fully work on promoting the FSF). He is really good at public speaking, and that despite the mentioned calmness of his speech -- here possibly his inner autism shines because he just speaks in very simple but cold rational and logical ways that everyone from an expert to a complete layman understands, he rarely stops to say something like "ummm... wait", he's just letting out carefully crafted sentences as if you were reading them from a book, showing ways from facts to logical conclusions without cheap rhetoric tricks like wild gesticulation, rising voice or using buzzwords and strong terms. His interviews are however often awkward for the same reasons: it's usually the interviewer asking a question and then waiting 15 minutes for Stallman to print out the whole answer without giving a chance to be interrupted.
Stallman has a [beautifully]( [minimalist]( website at where he actively comments on current news and issues. He also made the famous free software song (well, only the lyrics, the melody is taken from a Bulgarian folk song Sadi Moma) -- he often performs it in public himself (he is pretty good at keeping the weird rhythm of the song while at the same time also singing, that's impressive).
Stallman has a [beautifully]( [minimalist]( website at where he actively comments on current news and issues. He also made the famous Free Software Song (well, only the lyrics, the melody is taken from a Bulgarian folk song Sadi Moma) -- he often performs it in public himself (he is pretty good at keeping the weird rhythm of the song while at the same time also singing, that's impressive).
Stallman has been critical of [capitalism]( though he probably isn't a hardcore anticapitalist (he's an [American]( after all). [Wikidata]( states he's a proponent of [alter-globalization]( (not completely against globalization in certain areas but not supporting the current form of it).
In the book *Free As In Freedom* it is also mentioned that **Stallman had aversion to passwords and secrecy in general** -- at MIT he used the username RMS with the same password so that other people could easily log in through his account and access [ARPANET]( (the predecessor of [Internet]( Indeed, we applaud this, the "[security](" hysteria is killing the computing world.
As [anarchists]( we of course despise the idea of worshiping people, creating [heroes]( and cults of personalities, but the enormous [historical]( significance of Stallman has to be stressed as a plain and simple fact and though we may disagree with some of his methods and even opinions, it's as clear as it can be that he acted [selflessly](, in favor of all people -- something that can be said about very few, if anyone at all. Most other old time hackers, such as [Eric S. Ramyond]( and [Rob Pike]( immediately abandoned all ideals of ethics and jumped the capitalist train with the first sight of money, Stallman stayed opposed to it, and for this he has our uttermost respect. Even though in our days his name is overshadowed in the mainstream by rich businessman and creators of commercially successful technology and even though we ourselves disagree with Stallman on some points, in the future [history]( may well see Stallman as perhaps the greatest man of the software era, and rightfully so. Stallman isn't a mere creator of a commercially successful software product or a successful politician, he is an extremely morally strong philosopher, a great example to others, a prophet, someone who sees the truth and shows it to people -- he brilliantly foresaw the course of history and quickly defined ethics needed for the new era of mass available programmable computers at the right time, before the hammer hit. And not only that, he also basically alone established this ethics as a standard IN SPITE of all the world's [corporations]( [fighting]( back, in a field that back then was relatively obscure, unpopular in mainstream and hence not much supported by any mass media. He is also extremely unique in not pursuing self interest, in TRULY living his own philosophy, dedicating his whole life to his cause and refusing to give in even partially. All of this is at much higher level than simply becoming successful and famous within the contemporary capitalist system, his life effort is pure, true and timeless, unlike things achieved by pieces of shit such as [Steve Jobs](
As [anarchists]( we of course despise the idea of worshiping people, creating [heroes]( and cults of personalities, but the enormous [historical]( significance of Stallman cannot be overstated, it's a plain and simple fact and though we may disagree with some of his methods and views, it's as clear as it can be that he many times acted [selflessly](, in favor of all people -- something that can ever be said about very few. Most other old time hackers, such as [Eric S. Ramyond]( and [Rob Pike](, immediately abandoned all ideals of ethics and jumped the capitalist train with the first smell of [money](, Stallman stayed opposed to it, and for this he holds our uttermost admiration. Even though in [our days]( his name is overshadowed by rich [businessman]( and creators of commercially successful technology and even though we ourselves disagree with Stallman on some points, in the future [history]( may well see Stallman as perhaps the greatest man of the software era, and rightfully so. Stallman isn't a mere creator of a commercially successful software product or a successful politician, he is an extremely morally strong philosopher, a great example to others, a prophet, someone who sees the truth and hands it to the people -- he brilliantly foresaw the course of events and quickly defined ethics needed for the new era of cheap programmable computers at the right time, before the hammer hit. And not only that, he also managed to coordinate efforts so as to establish this ethics as a standard IN SPITE of all the world's [corporations]( [fighting]( back, in a field that back then was relatively obscure, unpopular in the mainstream and hence not much supported by any mass media. He is also extremely unique in not pursuing personal self interest, in not succumbing to luxury, in TRULY living his own philosophy, dedicating his whole life to his cause and refusing to give in even partially. All of this is at much higher level than simply becoming successful and famous within the contemporary capitalist system, his life effort is pure, true and timeless, unlike things achieved by pieces of shit such as [Steve Jobs](
**Is Richard Stallman a celebrity?** This question is important to [us]( because we dislike any celebrities. The answer is probably this: to a certain level he is a celebrity (though not nearly a Hollywood level celebrity, 99% of normal people never heard of him), but at least to a similar level he is just a well known expert on certain things. So yes, partially we have to dislike his celebrity part -- any worship of him as a God is acceptable only as a [meme](, we must never see him as a [hero]( He seems to be a very rare case of a mini celebrity that managed to keep some morality, perhaps because his celebrity status, very uncommonly, came to him more because he wasn't careful enough to avoid it rather than because he actively pursued it. It's not an excuse -- if someone doesn't want to become a celebrity, he cannot become one -- but it may be an extenuating circumstance. This is to say: yes, it sucks he's a celebrity to some degree, but he's probably at least among the least harmful ones.
**Is Richard Stallman a celebrity?** To [us]( the question is of importance because we oppose the existence of celebrity status in itself. The answer is likely this: to a certain degree he indeed is a small celebrity (though not nearly a Hollywood scale one, 99% of normal people never heard of him), but at least to a similar level he is just a well known expert in a very important, though obscure area of software ethics. So yes, we ought to dislike the celebrity part -- any worship of a man as god is acceptable only as subject of a [meme](, we must never see him as a [hero]( or "leader". He seems to be a very rare case of a mini celebrity that managed to keep a sense of morality despite his fame, perhaps because he never aimed to become famous and his celebrity status, quite uncommonly, came to him rather accidentally, more because he wasn't careful enough to avoid it rather than because he would actively pursue it (which even in his time was rare, and [nowadays]( is probably impossible). This is not an excuse -- if someone resists hard enough, he can never become a celebrity -- but it may be an extenuating circumstance. This is to say: yes, it sucks he's partially a celebrity, but at least one of the least harmful ones.
**Stallman also sucks** just like any other [human]( Some of his sins include: being a [nationalist]( (puts a flag of his country on his website), having totalitarian tendencies (aiming for [GNU]( to be the overseer of ethics, a "big brother") and supporting some kind of hierarchy in society, supporting [copyleft]( (perpetuating [copyright]( and the "lawyer's game"), supporting [privacy]( and other [censorship]( as a [means to an end]( (e.g. censoring software in repositories for merely not conforming to approved terminology), violating [free culture]( (adding sneaky "invariant sections" to otherwise free documents, making them unfree, also being sensitive/hostile to others incorporating his GNU "brand" without permission), partially being an [SJW]( (inventing "gender neutral" pronouns etc.), supporting [hero]( culture (e.g. calling [Snowden]( a "hero"), accepting [bloat](, supporting [fight culture](, practicing [egoism]( (putting himself in center of attention by accepting the role of chief GNUisance, ruining [anarchist]( culture by sustaining the politician's game ("go vote for X!", "I support this candidate!", ...), demonstrating evil through [humorwashing](, also seeming to overestimate the quality of his [jokes]( sometimes), [being fat]( and more.
## See Also

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