This commit is contained in:
Miloslav Ciz 2025-03-11 12:33:07 +01:00
parent 79e565687b
commit 5dbd5b164a
33 changed files with 1951 additions and 1907 deletions

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@ -2148,6 +2148,8 @@ This code is almost a bare minimum template for SDL that doesn't even perform an
## Where To Go Next
*See also [exercises](*
We haven't nearly covered the whole of C, but you should have pretty solid basics now. Now you just have to go and write a lot of C programs, that's the only way to truly master C. WARNING: Do not start with an ambitious [project]( such as a 3D game. You won't make it and you'll get demotivated. Start very simple (a Tetris clone perhaps?). Try to develop some consistent programming style/formatting -- see our [LRS programming style]( you may adopt (it's better than trying to make your own really).
See also supplemental articles at the beginning of this tutorial.

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Chess as a game is not and cannot be [copyrighted](, but **can ches
{ NOTE (speculative): I think I've heard some research suggested that it's not so much the spatial/visual part of the brain that's responsible for playing chess but rather the language part, it really seems like learning chess might be more similar to learning a foreign language -- it takes about the same time to become "fluent" at chess and the key to being good at it is starting at young age. I.e. the relationship of chess and intelligence is probably similar to that of language learning and intelligence. ~drummyfish }
**[Fun]( [historical]( fact**: chess used to be played over [telegraph](, first such game took place probably in 1844.
**[Fun]( [historical]( fact**: chess used to be played over [telegraph](, first such game took place probably in 1844.
Fun fact 2: in 2022 a chess playing robot took and broke a finger of a 7 year old opponent lol.

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ Consumerism is [cancer]( of society created by [capitalism](capitalism
Consumerism is additionally pushed by capitalists by many other means, for instance by psychological pressure such as extreme [marketing]( that constantly creates artificial trends, hypes and fashion waves, or by economic means such as [inflation]( created by printing money -- this is a simple trick for a state (nowadays controlled by [corporations]( to take away money from people so that people can do nothing about it, and this is how capitalism makes it impossible to save money: once you try to save money, it simply loses its value and you end up with nothing, so you're forced to immediately spend any money that you make. You must not stop, just consume, work, consume and work -- people that don't want to engage in this cycle are unwanted by the system and left to starve.
Someone once said that consumerism is an addiction like any other, the only difference being that it's not being cured and curing it is not even considered.
If you don't want to consume, you made a very big mistake by being born in [21st century](
## Rant (Left For Historical Significance)

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# Corporation
Corporation is basically a huge company that doesn't have a single owner but is rather managed by many shareholders. Corporations are one of the most powerful, dangerous and unethical entities that ever came into existence -- their power is growing, sometimes even beyond the power of states and their sole goal is to make as much profit as possible without any sense of morality. Existence of corporations is enabled by [capitalism]( Examples of corporations are [Micro$oft](, [EA](, [Apple](, [Amazon](, [Walmart](, [Te$la](, [McDonald$](, [Facebook]( etc. Every [startup]( is an aspiring corporation, so never support any startup.
Corporation is basically a huge company that doesn't have a single owner but is rather managed by many shareholders. Corporations are one of the most powerful, dangerous and unethical entities that ever came into existence -- their power is growing, sometimes even beyond the power of states and their sole goal is to make as much profit as possible without any sense of [morality]( Welcome to the [21st century](! Existence of corporations is enabled by [capitalism]( Examples of corporations are [Micro$oft](, [EA](, [Apple](, [Amazon](, [Walmart](, [Te$la](, [McDonald$](, [Facebook]( etc. Every [startup]( is an aspiring corporation, so never support any startup.
NOTE: Besides corporations there also exist non-corporate companies -- privately owned ones -- but these are basically the same, it's just that instead of ten assholes they are owned by one asshole, so anything that will be said about corporations here will apply to any kind of big company. And just like with the startups, any kind of small company is aspiring to become a big company (and if it isn't, it will be eliminated by competition), so all in all everything here will apply to any kind of company whatsoever.
NOTE: Besides corporations there also exist non-corporate companies -- privately owned ones -- but these are basically the same, it's just that instead of ten assholes they are owned by one asshole, so anything that will be said about corporations here will apply to any kind of big company. And just like with the startups, any kind of small company is aspiring to become a big company (and if it isn't, it will be eliminated by competition), so all in all everything here will apply to any kind of company whatsoever. The difference between a small company and corporation is like the difference between a small group of terrorists and an army of them.
**Corporations' interests are in conflict with people's interests** -- this is not a controversial statement, probably everyone agrees with it, nothing is more clear than that corporations WANT and NEED to do evil and that there must exist countless "protection" mechanisms so that people don't get absolutely destroyed and exploited like farm animals. Why, when we would hardly accept for example a court judge or sports referee having even a slight conflict of interests, do we accept the fact that our whole society is almost 100% controlled by entities with such an enormous [conflict of interests]( with having a society that's good for the people to live in? Why do riots start when it's found a football referee might have made a biased judgment during a game of kicking an inflated ball, but we see practically no opposition to the fact that an entity responsible for our health and literal lives of our families has DIRECT interest in people being sick, that those making software our lives depend on have direct interest in programming it so that it [intentionally breaks](, that those ensuring people be fed have direct interest in food being expensive and people NOT being able to make their own food? It is of course because in sports and courts we by definition expect fairness, and so we get upset if it's not upheld, but we do NOT expect [capitalism]( to establish a good society -- as capitalism [by definition]( focuses on capital ("profit"), NOT the people -- and so we don't even get upset when we don't see happy, free people living good lives under capitalism -- unlike in [socialism](, which by definition focuses on the people, capitalism only focuses on maximizing profit on the detriment of everything else, and that is exactly what's happening.

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@ -30,4 +30,5 @@ In theoretical [computer science]( non-determinism means that a model
- [randomness](
- [pseudorandomness](
- [free will](
- [karma](
- [karma](
- [solipsism](

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Disease is a bad state of living organism's health caused by failure of its inne
- crippling [purity checking](
- chronic downloading
- citation addiction, also known as [pseudoskeptic]('s disease^[1][2][3]
- [consumerism](
- [data hoarding](
- [depression](
- dyslexia

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Great nerds read encyclopedias linearly from start to finish just like a normal
These are some **nice/interesting/benchmark articles** to look up in encyclopedias: [algorithm](, [anarchism](, Andromeda (galaxy), Antarctica, Atlantis, atom, [axiom of choice](, [Bible](, [big bang](, [black hole](, [brain](, [Buddhism](, [C]( (programming language), [cannibalism](, [capitalism](, castle, [cat](, [censorship](, [central processing unit](, [chess](, Chicxulub, China, [color](, comet, [communism](, [computer](, [Creative Commons](, [Deep Blue](, [democracy](, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, [depression](, [determinism](, [dinosaur](, dodo, [dog](, [Doom]( (game), [Earth](, [Einstein](, [Elo](, [Encyclopedia](, [entropy](, [ethics](, [Euler's Number](, [evolution](, [font](, [football](, [fractal](, [free software](, [game](, gigantopythecus, [go]( (game), [god](, [GNU]( project, [hacker](, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, [hardware](, [Hitler](, [Holocaust](, [homosexual](, [human](, [infinity](, [information](, intelligence, [Internet](, [IQ](, Japan, [Jesus](, [Jew](, [language](, [Latin](, [life](, [light](, lightning, [Linux](, [logarithm](, [logic](, [love](, Mammoth, [mathematics](, Mariana Trench, Mars, Milky Way, Moon, [morality](, Mount Everest, [music](, [necrophilia](, [number](, [Open Source](, negro, [nigger](, pacifism, [pedophilia](, [penis](, [pi](, Pluto, [prime number](, [quaternion](, Pompei, [Quran](, [race](, Roman Empire, [sex](, [sine](, [schizophrenia](, [software](, [Stallman]( (Richard), [star](, Stonehenge, [suicide](, Sun, Tibet, [technology](, Tetris, [time](, Titanic, [transistor](, Troy, Tyrannousaurus Rex, [UFO](, [universe](, [Unix](, Uruk, [Usenet](, Valonia Ventricosa (bubble algae), Vatican, Venus, video game, [Wikipedia](, [woman](, [World War II](, [World Wide Web](, ...
**What is the best letter in an encyclopedia?** If you are super nerdy, you may start to search for your favorite starting letter -- this if [fun]( and may also help you e.g. decide which volume of your encyclopedia to take with you when traveling. Which letter is best depends on many things, e.g. the language of the encyclopedia, its size, your area of interest and so on. Assuming [English]( and topics that would be interesting to the readers of [LRS wiki](, the best letter is most likely C -- it is the second most common starting letter in dictionaries, has a great span and includes essential and interesting terms such as [computer](, [C]( programming language, [cat](, [communism](, [capitalism](, [chess](, [christianity](, [collapse](, [CPU](, [color](, [culture](, [copyleft](, [compiler](, [creative commons](, [cryptography](, [copyright](, [car](, [cancer](, [cellular automata](, [consumerism](, [cosine](, [Chomsky](, [CIA](, [cybernetics](, [cracking](, [chaos](, [carbon](, [curvature](, [chemistry](, [censorship]( and others. As close second comes S, the most frequent letter in dictionaries, with terms such as [Stallman](, [science](, [shader](, [semiconductor](, [silicon](, [software](, [sound](, [socialism](, [state](, [selflessness](, [speech recognition](, [steganography](, [square root](, [sudoku](, [suicide](, [speedrun](, [space](, [star](, [Sun](, [sine](, [Soviet union](, [schizophrenia](, [set](, [suckless](, [shit](, [sex]( and others. { This is based on a list I made where I assigned points to each letter. The letters that follow after C and S are P, M, A, E, T, L, R, F, D, G, I, B, H, U, N, W, V, J, O, K, Q, Z, Y, X. ~drummyfish }
**What is the best letter in an encyclopedia?** If you are super nerdy, you may start to search for your favorite starting letter -- this if [fun]( and may also help you e.g. decide which volume of your encyclopedia to take with you when traveling. Which letter is best depends on many things, e.g. the language of the encyclopedia, its size, your area of interest and so on. Assuming [English]( and topics that would be interesting to the readers of [LRS wiki](, the best letter is most likely C -- it is the second most common starting letter in dictionaries, has a great span and includes essential and interesting terms such as [calculator](, [computer](, [C]( programming language, [cat](, [communism](, [capitalism](, [chess](, [christianity](, [collapse](, [CPU](, [color](, [culture](, [copyleft](, [compiler](, [creative commons](, [cryptography](, [copyright](, [car](, [cancer](, [cellular automata](, [consumerism](, [cosine](, [Chomsky](, [CIA](, [cybernetics](, [cracking](, [chaos](, [carbon](, [curvature](, [chemistry](, [censorship]( and others. As close second comes S, the most frequent letter in dictionaries, with terms such as [Stallman](, [science](, [shader](, [semiconductor](, [silicon](, [software](, [sound](, [socialism](, [state](, [selflessness](, [speech recognition](, [steganography](, [square root](, [sudoku](, [suicide](, [speedrun](, [space](, [star](, [Sun](, [sine](, [Soviet union](, [schizophrenia](, [set](, [suckless](, [shit](, [sex]( and others. { This is based on a list I made where I assigned points to each letter. The letters that follow after C and S are P, M, A, E, T, L, R, F, D, G, I, B, H, U, N, W, V, J, O, K, Q, Z, Y, X. ~drummyfish }
## Notable/Nice Encyclopedias
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ Here is a list of notable encyclopedias, focused on general knowledge English la
| GNU CIDE |2012...| GPL | online/elec.| ~123K | GNU English dictionary, forked from old Webster's dictionary |
|Illustrated Family Encyclopedia | 1997 | proprietary | 2 vol. 920p | 5K | kid-friendly, nice pictures, USA bias, piratable |
|[Infogalactic]( |2016...| CC BY-SA | online | 2M | Wikipedia fork, no SJW censorship, FOR PROFIT (you can buy article control lol), can't make accounts |
| Justapedia |2023...| CC BY-SA | online | 6M | Wikipedia fork, wants to "fix" some issues of Wikipedia but still looks quite mainstream and censored |
| [Leftypedia]( |2020...| GFDL | online | ~200 | Leftist encyclopedia, currently NOT littered by SJWs, writing about all branches of the "left" |
| [LRS wiki]( |2021...| PD (CC0) | online/elec.| 500 | best encyclopedia, focused on tech/society, no censorship |
| [Metapedia]( |2006...| GFDL | online | 7K | Wikipedia fork, online, no SJW censorship, ATM limited account creation, "pro-European" fascism |

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
English is a natural [human language]( spoken mainly in the [USA](, UK and Australia as well as in dozens of other countries and in all parts of the world (with about 1.5 billion speakers). It is the default language of the world nowadays. Except for the awkward relationship between written English and its pronunciation it is a pretty simple and [suckless]( language (even though not as suckless as [Esperanto](, even a braindead man can learn it { Knowing Czech and learning Spanish, which is considered one of the easier languages, I can say English is orders of magnitude simpler. ~drummyfish }. It is the lingua franca of the tech world (virtually every [programming language]( is based on English for example) and many other worldwide communities as well as the [Internet]( Thanks to its simplicity (lack of declension, fixed word order, relatively simple grammatical rules etc.) it is pretty suitable for computer analysis and as a basis for [programming languages](
If you haven't noticed, this wiki is written in English.
If you haven't noticed, [this wiki]( is written in English.
## Retarded Mistakes You Make In English

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@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
Entrepreneur is an individual practicing legal slavery, murder and theft under [capitalism](; capitalists describe those actions by euphemisms such as "doing [business](". Successful entrepreneurs can also be seen as mass murderers and terrorists as they consciously firstly hoard resources that poor people lack (including basic resources needed for living) and secondly cause and perpetuate situations such as the third world slavery where people die on a daily basis performing extremely difficult, dangerous and low paid work, so that the entrepreneur can buy his ass yet another private jet.
Some of the most famous and successful entrepreneurs include [Elon Musk]( (psychopath, pathological liar), [Steve Jobs]( (psychopath, pathological liar), [Elizabeth Holmes]( (psychopath, pathological liar), [Bill Gates]( (psychopath, pathological liar), [Donald Trump]( (psychopath, pathological liar) and others.
Some of the most famous and successful entrepreneurs include [Elon Musk]( (psychopath, pathological liar), [Steve Jobs]( (psychopath, pathological liar), [Elizabeth Holmes]( (psychopath, pathological liar), [Bill Gates]( (psychopath, pathological liar), [Donald Trump]( (psychopath, pathological liar), [Zuckerberg]( (psychopath, pathological liar) and others.

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@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ Let us start by prefacing the feminist motto:
A quite nice article on feminism can also be found on the [incel]( wiki at { A friend also recommended a text called *Counter-Advice From The Third Sex*, possibly check it out. ~drummyfish }
If anything's clear, then that feminism is not at all about gender equality but about hatred towards men and female superiority. Firstly feminism is not called *gender equality movement* but *feminism*, i.e. for-female, literally "womanism", and as we know, [name plays a huge role]( Imagine this: if you asked feminists if they could right now implement matriarchy in society, i.e. female ruling over man, how many of them do you think would answer "no"? There is not even a shadow of a doubt a vast majority would absolutely answer "yes", we may at best argue about if it would be 85% or 99% of them. So the question of feminist goals is absolutely clearly answered, there is no point in trying to deny it. To a feminist a man is what a [jew]( was to the Nazi or what the Christian was to the Romans who famously hunted Christians down and fed them to the lions because they refused to bow to their polytheist ideology (nowadays analogous to e.g. refusing to practice [political correctness]( The whole story is repeated again, we have yet again not learned a bit from our [history]( Feminism is exactly the same as [Nazism](, just replace "Aryan race" with "woman gender", "jew" with "man" and Nazi uniforms with pink hair. Indeed, women have historically been oppressed and needed support, but once women reach social equality -- which has basically already happened a long time ago now -- feminist movement will, if only by [social inertia](, keep pursuing more advantages for women (what else should a movement called *feminism* do?), i.e. at this point the new goal has already become female superiority. In the age of capital no one is going to just dissolve a movement because it has already reached its goal, such a movement present political capital one will simply not throw out of window, so feminists will forever keep saying they're being oppressed and will forever keep inventing new bullshit issues to keep [fighting]( Note for example that feminists care about things such as wage gap but of course absolutely don't give a damn about opposite direction inequality, such as men dying on average much younger than women, committing significantly more suicides or much more often (over 70%) being homeless etc. -- feminism cares about women, not equality. If the wage gap became reversed, i.e. women earned on average more than men, do you think a Feminist wouldn't be happy? No answer is needed. And of course, when men establish "men rights" movements, suddenly feminists see those as "fascist", "toxic" and "violent" and try to destroy such movements.
If anything's clear, then that feminism is not at all about gender equality but about hatred towards men and female superiority. Firstly feminism is not called *gender equality movement* but *feminism*, i.e. for-female, literally "womanism", and as we know, [name plays a huge role]( Imagine this: if you asked feminists if they could right now implement matriarchy in society, i.e. female ruling over man, how many of them do you think would answer "no"? There is not even a shadow of a doubt a vast majority would absolutely answer "yes", we may at best argue about if it would be 85% or 99% of them. So the question of feminist goals is absolutely clearly answered, there is no point in trying to deny it. To a feminist a man is what a [jew]( was to the Nazi or what the Christian was to the Romans who famously hunted Christians down and fed them to the lions because they refused to bow to their polytheist ideology (nowadays analogous to e.g. refusing to practice [political correctness]( The whole story is repeated again, we have yet again not learned a bit from our [history]( Feminism is exactly the same as [Nazism](, just replace "Aryan race" with "woman gender", "jew" with "man" and Nazi uniforms with pink hair. Indeed, in some areas women might have historically been "oppressed" (even though in other areas they were highly privileged, such as not having to die in wars, not having to work as hard, being saved first, ...) and often needed support, but once women reach social equality -- which has basically already happened a long time ago now -- feminist movement will, if only by [social inertia](, keep pursuing more advantages for women (what else should a movement called *feminism* do?), i.e. at this point the new goal has already become female superiority. In the age of capital no one is going to just dissolve a movement because it has already reached its goal, such a movement present political capital one will simply not throw out of window, so feminists will forever keep saying they're being oppressed and will forever keep inventing new bullshit issues to keep [fighting]( Note for example that feminists care about things such as wage gap but of course absolutely don't give a damn about opposite direction inequality, such as men dying on average much younger than women, committing significantly more suicides or much more often (over 70%) being homeless etc. -- feminism cares about women, not equality. If the wage gap became reversed, i.e. women earned on average more than men, do you think a Feminist wouldn't be happy? No answer is needed. And of course, when men establish "men rights" movements, suddenly feminists see those as "fascist", "toxic" and "violent" and try to destroy such movements. Closing gaps is not how you achieve equality -- on the contrary it's only how you stir up hostility and physically reshape women into men (by closing the height gap, boob size gap, penis length gap, brain size gap and any kind of gap that may potentially have any significance in sports, art or culture at all). [Making gaps not matter]( is how you truly achieve equality. But Feminists won't go that way exactly because they are against equality.
Closing gaps is not how you achieve equality -- on the contrary it's only how you stir up hostility and physically reshape women into men (by closing the height gap, boob size gap, penis length gap, brain size gap and any kind of gap that may potentially have any significance in sports, art or culture at all). [Making gaps not matter]( is how you truly achieve equality. But Feminists won't go that way exactly because they are against equality.
Due to feminism it is [nowadays]( completely normal and socially accepted to promote "woman pride"; in bigger companies for example it's common for female employees to end their emails with a signature stating "woman power". But what if a male employee used "male power" in his signature? He'd be fired on the spot, if not sued for "hate speech". Is this supposed to be the equality promised by feminism?
Since feminism became [mainstream]( in about 2010s, it also became the main ideology of populists and opportunists, i.e. all politicians and [corporations](, it is now a milking cow movement and a vehicle for pushing all kinds of evil such as censorship laws, creation of bullshit jobs, discrediting opposition and so on.
Since feminism became [mainstream]( in about 2010s, it also became the main ideology of populists and opportunists, i.e. all politicians and [corporations](, it is now a milking cow movement and a vehicle for pushing all kinds of evil such as censorship laws, creation of bullshit jobs, virtue signaling, political attacks and so on.
{ I really have no issues with women, I truly love everyone, but I do pay attention to statistics. One of the biggest things feminism achieved for me in this regard is that now it's simply not enough for me to see a woman achieve success in society to be convinced she is skilled or capable, a woman getting PhD to me nowadays automatically just means she got it because she's a woman and we need more quotas of "strong women in SCIENCE". In the past I didn't see it this way, a woman that did something notable back then was mostly convincing to me. Nowadays I just require much better evidence to believe she is good at something, e.g. seeing something truly good she created -- to be honest, I now don't recall any woman in "modern times" to have convinced me, but I am really open to it and just waiting to be proven wrong. ~drummyfish }

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@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ In early [1990s]( a new project called [Linux]( -- an operating
Free software gained enough momentum to become a serious threat to capitalism and so opposition appeared, most notably [Microsoft](, caught red handed with the leak of so called *Halloween documents* in late [1990s](, in which they discuss strategies for eliminating the threat of free software. Despite this free software couldn't be stopped and grew in popularity, which is apparent from the huge success of [GNU]([Linux]( and from the cases when very valuable software, such as the [Doom]( engine or [Blender](, got released under free terms.
Later on free software inspired movements such as [free culture]( (shortly after the year 2000) and the evil [open-source]( [fork]( (1998, a malicious response of business, a kind of "free software" minus ethics).
Later on free software inspired movements such as [free culture]( (shortly after the year 2000) and the evil [open-source]( [fork]( (1998, a malicious response of business, a kind of "free software" minus ethics). Sister organizations to the original FSF were also established outside the [US](, notably FSFE (FSF [Europe]( and FSFLA (FSF Latin America) in 2001 and 2005 respectively.
Sadly around 2010 (aka the year when everything started to go to [shit]( the "open source" wave was already overshadowing free software. This was really a part of the great societal [downfall](, the time when dystopian ultracapitalism finally got to finishing off the last remnants of ethical values in society.

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@ -6,11 +6,13 @@
{ I am still learning the beautiful game of go, please excuse potential unintentional errors here. ~drummyfish }
Go (from Japanese *Igo*, "surrounding board game", also *Baduk* or *Wei-qi*) is possibly the world's oldest original-form two-player board [game](, coming from Asia, and is one of the most [beautiful](, elegant, deep and popular games of this type in [history](, whose cultural significance and popularity can be compared to that of [chess](, despite it largely remaining widely popular only in Asia (along with other games like [shogi](, or "Japanese chess"). There however, especially in Japan, go is pretty big, it appears a lot in [anime](, there are TV channels exclusively dedicated to go etc., though in Japan [shogi]( (the "Japanese chess") is probably a bit more popular (however Sensei library states that go is even the second most played game in the world behind Chinese chess); nevertheless go may be the most intellectually challenging board game among all of the biggest traditional board games. **Go is a bit difficult to get into** (kind of like [vim]( though the rules can be learned quite quickly; it is hard to make big-picture sense of the rule implications and it may take weeks to months before one can even call himself a beginner player. To become a master takes lifetime (or two).
Go (from Japanese *Igo*, "surrounding board game", also *Baduk* or *Wei-qi*) is possibly the world's oldest original-form two-player board [game](, coming from Asia, and is one of the most [beautiful](, elegant, deep and popular games of this type in [history](, whose [cultural]( significance and popularity can be compared to that of [chess](, despite it largely remaining widely popular only in Asia (along with other games like [shogi](, or "Japanese chess"). There however, especially in Japan, go is pretty big, it appears a lot in [anime](, there are TV channels exclusively dedicated to go etc., though in Japan [shogi]( (the "Japanese chess") is probably a bit more popular (however Sensei library states that go is even the second most played game in the world behind Chinese chess); nevertheless go may be the most intellectually challenging board game among all of the biggest traditional board games. **Go is a bit difficult to get into** (kind of like [vim]( though the rules can be learned quite quickly; it is hard to make big-picture sense of the rule implications and it may take weeks to months before one can even call himself a beginner player. To become a master takes lifetime (or two).
{ There is a nice non-bloated site hosting everything related to go: Sensei's Library at ~drummyfish }
{ There is a beautiful non-bloated site hosting everything related to go: Sensei's Library at ~drummyfish }
**Compared to chess** (some purists dislike this, see the rules of go are much more simple -- which is part of the game's [beauty]( (see [easy to learn, hard to master]( -- though the emergent complexity of those few rules is grandiose; so much so that to play the game well is usually considered more challenging than learning chess well, as there are many more possibilities (moves to make) and mere calculation is not enough to be strong, one needs to develop a strong intuition and so probably talent may be more of a factor in the game; this is also the reason why it took 20 more years for [computers]( to beat the best humans in go than in chess. Many say that go is yet deeper than chess and that it offers a unique experience that can't be found anywhere else; go is more mathematical, something that just exists naturally as a side effect of [logic]( itself, while chess is a bit of an arbitrary set of more complex rules fine-tuned so that the game plays well. The spirit of go is also more [zen]( and peaceful: while chess simulates [war]( (something more aligned with western mentality and its [fight culture](, go is more about dividing territory, one could even see it not as a battle but rather a creation of [art](, beautiful patterns (something better aligned with eastern mentality). Also the whole [culture]( around go is different, for example there is a strong tradition of go proverbs that teach you to play (there also exist many [joke]( proverbs).
{ NOTE: after more than a year of casually playing go with a computer I can say it really is one of the most difficult games in existence, I probably haven't even reached intermediate level yet. ~drummyfish }
**Compared to chess** (some purists dislike this, see the rules of go are much more simple -- which is part of the game's [beauty]( There are no pieces of different types, just black and white stones that never move, and a few rules for where they can be placed. Go may be the best example of an **[easy to learn, hard to master](** game because the emergent complexity of those few rules is grandiose; so much so that to play the game well is usually considered more challenging than learning chess well, as there are many more possibilities (moves to make) and mere calculation is not enough to be strong, one needs to develop a strong intuition and so probably talent may be more of a factor in the game; this is also the reason why it took 20 more years for [computers]( to beat the best humans in go than in chess. Many say that go is yet deeper than chess and that it offers a unique experience that can't be found anywhere else; go is more mathematical, something that just exists naturally as a side effect of [logic]( itself, while chess is a bit of an arbitrary set of more complex rules fine-tuned so that the game plays well. The spirit of go is also more [zen]( and peaceful: while chess simulates [war]( (something more aligned with western mentality and its [fight culture](, go is more about dividing territory, one could even see it not as a battle but rather a creation of [art](, beautiful patterns (something better aligned with eastern mentality). Also the whole [culture]( around go is different, for example there is a strong tradition of go proverbs that teach you to play (there also exist many [joke]( proverbs).
**From [LRS]( point of view go is one of the best games ever**, for similar reasons to chess (it's highly free, [suckless](, cheap, [not owned by anyone](, [fun](, mathematically deep, nice for programming while the game itself doesn't even require a [computer]( etc.) plus yet greater [simplicity]( and beauty.
@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ WORK IN PROGRESS
These are some tips on how to play well:
- As a newcomer first overview the absolutely basics: life and death, liberties, eyes, ko, komi, cutting, atari, ladders and so on. Just like with learning a new [language](, however, do not spend too much time just reading books: invest time in actually playing and try to notice and learn what you read about. You must collect countless games under your belt to truly come to intuitively understand the concepts.
- Another beginner advice: start playing on the tiny 5x5 board, then after a while move to a 9x9 board and stay practicing there. Only when you feel somewhat comfortable move to the full size board.
- Double atari is a basic tactic similar to fork in chess: with one move you threaten to immediately take two groups on the next move and the opponent will only be able to save one.
- Oftentimes it happens that a good move is to place your stone where the opponent would want to place his stone, so think from the point of view of your opponent, it may aid you in finding your own move.
- A group that is alive (has at least two eyes and so cannot ever be captured) can serve you as a safe island of stability to which you can connect other of your groups, which will also make them uncapturable.

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ We can divide computer graphics in different ways, traditionally e.g.:
- **offline**: Processes or creates images over longer time-spans, even hours or days, e.g. in 3D movie rendering.
- ...
Since the 90s computers started using a dedicated hardware to accelerate graphics: so called [graphics processing units]( (GPUs). These have allowed rendering of high quality images in high [FPS](, and due to the entertainment and media industry (especially gaming), GPUs have been pushed towards greater performance each year. Nowadays they are one of the most consumerist [hardware](, also due to the emergence of general purpose computations being moved to GPUs (GPGPU), lately especially mining of [cryptocurrencies]( and training of [AI]( Most lazy programs dealing with graphics nowadays simply expect and require a GPU, which creates a bad [dependency]( and [bloat]( At [LRS]( we try to prefer the [suckless]( **[software rendering](**, i.e. rendering on the [CPU](, without GPU, or at least offer this as an option in case GPU isn't available. This many times leads us towards the adventure of using old and forgotten algorithms used in times before GPUs.
Since the [90s]( computers started using a dedicated hardware to accelerate graphics: so called [graphics processing units]( (GPUs). These have allowed rendering of high quality images in high [FPS](, and due to the entertainment and media industry (especially gaming), GPUs have been pushed towards greater performance each year. Nowadays they are one of the most consumerist [hardware](, also due to the emergence of general purpose computations being moved to GPUs (GPGPU), lately especially mining of [cryptocurrencies]( and training of [AI]( Most lazy programs dealing with graphics nowadays simply expect and require a GPU, which creates a bad [dependency]( and [bloat]( At [LRS]( we try to prefer the [suckless]( **[software rendering](**, i.e. rendering on the [CPU](, without GPU, or at least offer this as an option in case GPU isn't available. This many times leads us towards the adventure of using old and forgotten algorithms used in times before GPUs.
## 3D Graphics

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@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ Also remember the worst thing you can do to a joke is put a [disclaimer](disclai
- Have you heard the [atheists]( are starting their own non-prophet?
- The latest [gender studies]( paper concluded that if God exists, he is both man and woman, black and white, child and adult, straight and homosexual. Basically imagine Michael Jackson.
- Why does a [woman]( laugh before you tell her a joke? She just got the one you told her last year.
- Two guys who work at [Microsoft]( go to a casino and stop by a roulette, wondering what number to bet on. One asks the other: "How many times a week do you have sex with your wife?". The guy replies: "Well, usually about 2 times." The first guys says: "Alright, I get laid about 3 times a weak, so let's add it up and bet on 5". The roulette starts spinning and the ball stops at 0. The guy concludes: "See? If we were honest we'd have won."
- What's a [black]( sprinter called in [America]( Guilty.
- What's do you call a lesbian with long nails? Single.
- Which argument fallacy is best used against an [LGBT]( [soyentist]( Ad homosexual.

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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ Pseudoleft is extra harmful by deceiving the public into thinking what it does r
| class | pseudoleft | pseudoleft | pseudoleft | right | right? | pseudoleft | pseudoleft | true left |
| fights for | gay/bi/etc. | women | antifa, pseudoleft | own race/nation | men | black | proletariat | no one |
| fights against |straight, anti-LGBT| men, anti-Feminists | right, anti-Antifa | Jews, other r/n | women | non-black, anti-BLM | other classes | no one |
| motto | gay power! | woman power! | rebel power! | white power! | men power! | black power! | proletariat power! | love everyone |
| official motive | "social justice" | "social justice" | "self defense" | "self defense" | "self defense" | "self. def.", ... | superiority | love |
| bullying/violence? | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | no |
| fanaticism/hysteria? | yes | yes | yes | yes | probably | yes | yes | no |

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@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ LGBT:
## See Also
- [KKK](
- [NSDAP](
- [SJW](
- [pseudoleftism](
- [liberalism](

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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# LRS Wiki
LRS wiki, also Less Retarded Wiki or LRW, is a [public domain]( ([CC0]( non-commercial anti[capitalist]( (precisely [anarcho pacifist]( [encyclopedia]( focused on truly good, [minimalist]( [technology](, mainly [computer]( [software]( -- so called [less retarded software]( (LRS) which should serve the people at large -- while also exploring related topics such as the relationship between technology and society, promoting so called [less retarded society]( LRS wiki is a source of high quality truth and the voice of reason in the [age of lies and brainwashing]( The basic motivation behind LRS and its wiki is unconditional [love]( of all life, and the goal of LRS is to move towards creating a truly useful, [selfless]( technology that maximally helps all living beings as much as possible -- it does so while at the same time developing its own [culture](, one that's much more sane and compatible with the desired goal, unlike the [toxic]( [modern]( [fascist]( culture of the [21st century]( As such the wiki rejects for example [capitalist software]( (and [capitalism]( itself), [bloated]( software, [intellectual property]( laws ([copyright](, [patents](, ...) [censorship](, [pseudoleftism]( ([political correctness](, [cancel culture](, [COC]( ...) etc. It embraces [free as in freedom](, simple technology, i.e. [Unix philosophy](, [suckless]( software, [anarcho pacifism](, [racial realism](, [free speech](, [veganism]( etc. As a work promoting pure [good]( in a [time]( of universal rule of [evil]( it is greatly controversial, misunderstood and often met with hostility. However it already gained at least a few enlightened followers.
LRS [wiki](, also Less Retarded Wiki or LRW (motto: *Love everyone, help [selflessly](*), is a [public domain]( ([CC0]( non-commercial anti[capitalist]( (precisely [anarcho pacifist]( [encyclopedia]( focused on truly good, [minimalist]( [technology](, mainly [computer]( [software]( -- so called [less retarded software]( (LRS) which should serve the people at large -- while also exploring related topics such as the relationship between technology and society, promoting so called [less retarded society]( LRS wiki is a source of high quality truth and the voice of reason in the [age of lies and brainwashing]( The basic motivation behind LRS and its wiki is unconditional [love]( of all life, and the goal of LRS is to move towards creating a truly useful, [selfless]( technology that maximally helps all living beings as much as possible -- it does so while at the same time developing its own [culture](, one that's much more sane and compatible with the desired goal, unlike the [toxic]( [modern]( [fascist]( culture of the [21st century]( As such the wiki rejects for example [capitalist software]( (and [capitalism]( itself), [bloated]( software, [intellectual property]( laws ([copyright](, [patents](, ...) [censorship](, [pseudoleftism]( ([political correctness](, [cancel culture](, [COC]( ...) etc. It embraces [free as in freedom](, simple technology, i.e. [Unix philosophy](, [suckless]( software, [anarcho pacifism](, [racial realism](, [free speech](, [veganism]( etc. As a work promoting pure [good]( in a [time]( of universal rule of [evil]( it is greatly controversial, misunderstood and often met with hostility. However it already gained at least a few enlightened followers. Currently the wiki can be accessed on the [web]( at, as well as on [gopher](, however it's more than a mere website -- the work can very easily be exported in many formats, including [pdf](, [txt]( and so on.
Alternatively the wiki may be seen as the greatest Internet rant ever.
The wiki is not funded by anyone, it doesn't have to be funded because it's not a capitalist project and it costs literally zero [monies]( to make, it is not even a non-profit, so it doesn't have to obey by any laws or suck some bureaucratic dick, it is also not affiliated with anyone, its author has no career for which he would have to fear, he has no friends, family, community or collaborators, no material desires, no fear of demonetization/demonization, bans, [cancelling](, jail or [death](, so he can write truth without being limited by anything.
LRS wiki has no [furry]( or [loli]( mascot. In fact it has no mascot at all. This is a huge advantage against every other existing wiki.
There are no [furry](, [anime]( or [loli]( mascots. In fact LRS has no mascot at all. This is a huge advantage against every other existing wiki.
LRS wiki was started by [drummyfish]( on November 3 2021 as a way of recording and sharing his views, experience and knowledge about technology, as well as for creating a completely public domain educational resource and account of current society for future generations. It was forked from so called "based wiki" at a point when all the content on it had been made by drummyfish, so at this point LRS wiki is 100% drummyfish's own work; over time it became kind of a snapshot of drummyfish's brain and so the wiki doesn't allow contributions (but allows and encourages [forks](, blatant copy pastes of anything from it to anywhere else etc.).

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@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
Magic stands for unknown mechanisms. Once mechanisms of magic are revealed and understood, it becomes [science](
In [programming]( the term has negative connotitation as it's just another word for obscurity.
## See Also
- [obscurity](
- [wizard](
- [Harry Potter](
- [Harry Potter](

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@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ Minimalism is a sign of high [IQ]( and better developed mind, it is someth
{ Apparently some people "disagree" with the above and say that "complexity is OK" in free software. I don't think it is possible to disagree on this, it is only possible to not see the issue because of lack of experience. Someone "disagreeing" here means one of two things: he only pretends to care about freedom while actually pursuing other interests (for example creating a "community" around some highly bloated project), OR he has fewer than one brain cell. ~drummyfish }
**It is a beginner mistake to think that minimalism complicates things**: a man not experienced with technology only sees short-term benefits and so he believes that bloated technology is a better choice as it lets him immediately [produce]( things faster. Indeed this is mind of a child that wants everything and now without doing any thinking of the future -- of course, writing software in a minimalist programming language will be more difficult and will take more time, but that's simply investing in building good foundations, ones that will last for a very long time, just like building a house of solid stone will be more difficult than quickly building it out of drywall -- a building made of stone will last many centuries, it pays off many times in the future. Of course there is also [capitalism]( playing a huge part as a system hostile to anything permanent, a dystopia that needs to constantly rebuild things anew so it needs things that never last too long. Peasants play along with the system and just [do what it wants them to]( as again that gives them immediate benefits in form of salary, however it still holds that this technology is bad, it's just that dystopias require and support bad technology. [We]( however don't.
**It is a beginner mistake to think that minimalism complicates things**: a man not experienced with technology only sees short-term benefits and so he believes that bloated technology is a better choice as it lets him immediately [produce]( things faster. Indeed this is a mind of a child that wants everything and now without doing any thinking of the future -- of course, writing software in a minimalist programming language will be more difficult and will take more time, but that's simply investing in building good foundations, ones that will last for a very long time, just like building a house of solid stone will be more difficult than quickly building it out of drywall -- a building made of stone will last many centuries, it pays off many times in the future. Of course there is also [capitalism]( playing a huge part as a system hostile to anything permanent, a dystopia that needs to constantly rebuild things anew so it needs things that never last too long. Peasants play along with the system and just [do what it wants them to]( as again that gives them immediate benefits in form of salary, however it still holds that this technology is bad, it's just that dystopias require and support bad technology. [We]( however don't.
There is a so called *[airplane rule](* that states a plane with two engines has twice as many engine problems than a plane with a single engine.
[Alan Kay](, a famous [hacker](, let himself be heard that he experienced a revelation upon reading manual to the [Lisp]( programming language once he saw that the whole programming language's code was written on half a page in the manual itself. "These are Maxwells Equations of software!" he exclaimed -- this is the essence of true programming. Not huge codebases maintained by hundreds of programmer, but mathematics, seeking minimal equations and [beauty]( are the interest of a true programmer.
[Alan Kay](, a famous [hacker](, let himself be heard that he experienced a revelation upon reading manual to the [Lisp]( programming language once he saw that the whole programming language's code was written on half a page in the manual itself. "These are Maxwells Equations of software!" he exclaimed -- this is the essence of true programming. Not huge codebases maintained by hundreds of programmers, but mathematics, seeking minimal equations and [beauty]( are the interest of a true programmer.
Up until recently in [history]( every engineer would tell you that *the better machine is that with fewer moving parts*. This still seems to hold e.g. in [mathematics](, a field not yet so spoiled by huge commercialization and mostly inhabited by the smartest people -- there is a tendency to look for the most minimal equations -- such equations are considered [beautiful]( Science also knows this rule as the [Occam's razor]( In technology invaded by aggressive commercialization the situation is different, minimalism lives only in the underground and is ridiculed by the mainstream propaganda. Some of the minimalist movements, terms and concepts at least somewhat connected to minimalism include (watch out for [SJW](, [pseudominimalism](, Nazis etc., we don't automatically fully embrace all things on this list):

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@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ There exist many terms that are highly similar and can legitimately be used inte
- **[1D](** vs **[2D](** vs **[2.5D](** vs **[3D](** (e.g. 2D function vs 3D function, 1D raycasting vs 2D raycasting, ...)
- **academia** vs **[science](** vs **[soyence](**
- **[address](** vs **[pointer](** vs **[reference](** vs **[index](** vs **[vector](**
- **[AI](** vs **[machine learning](** vs **[neural networks](**
- **[AI](** vs **[machine learning](** vs **[neural networks](** vs **[LLM](**
- **[algebra](** vs **[arithmetic](** vs **[math](** vs **[logic](**
- **[algorithm](** vs **[program](** vs **[process](** vs **[heuristic](** vs **[source code](**
- **[algorithm](** vs **[program](** vs **[process](** vs **[heuristic](** vs **[source code](** vs **[software](**
- **[algorithm](** vs **[logarithm](** lol
- **America** vs **[USA](**
- **[anagram](** vs **[palindrome](**
@ -21,35 +21,45 @@ There exist many terms that are highly similar and can legitimately be used inte
- **[assembler](** vs **[assembly](** vs **[machine code](** vs **[bytecode](**
- **[astrology](** vs **[astronomy](**
- **[attribution](** vs **[credit](**
- **binary** vs **[executable](**
- **binary** vs **[executable](** vs **[program](**
- **[binary](** vs **[boolean](**
- **[binary](** vs **[digital](** vs **[electronic](**
- **[biocomputing](** vs **[bioinformatics](** vs **computational biology**
- **bisexual** (normal) vs **[gay](** (not normal)
- **[bitmap](** vs **image**
- **[black]( [race](** vs **[nigger](** vs **[negro](** vs **afroamerican**
- **[booting](** vs **turning on**
- **[brainwashing](** vs **[education](** vs **[indoctrination](**
- **[branchless]( programming** vs **ifless programming**
- **[brute force](** vs **[heuristic search](**
- **[buffer](** vs **[cache](** vs **[cash](**
- **[bug](** vs **[glitch](** vs **[error](** vs **[exception](** vs **[fault](** vs **[failure](** vs **[defect](**
- **[byte](** vs **octet** vs **word**
- **[calculator](** vs **[computer](**
- **[calculus](** vs **mathematical analysis**
- **call** vs **command** vs **request** vs **statement** vs **[expression](** vs **[function](** vs **control structure** vs **operator**
- **[causation](** vs **[correlation](** (le [reddit]( scientist rule)
- **[cepstrum](** vs **[spectrum](**
- **chan board** vs **image board** vs **text board**
- **change** vs **[progress](**
- **[chaos](** vs **[randomness](** vs **[pseudorandomness](** vs **[quasirandomness](** vs **[entropy](** vs **[statistics](** vs **[probability](** vs **[stochasticity](**
- **[character](** vs **letter** vs **glyph**
- **[cheater](** vs **[cracker](** vs **[hacker](** vs **[programmer](**
- **[checksum](** vs **[hash](** vs **[ID](** vs **[index](** vs **[token](** vs **[handle](** vs **[identifier](**
- **[CLI](** vs **[TUI](** vs **[terminal](** vs **[console](** vs **[shell](** vs **[TTY](**
- **[clipping](** vs **[culling](** vs **[pruning](**
- **[closed source](** vs **[proprietary](**
- **[cloud](** vs **[server](**
- **[college](** vs **[university](**
- **[color model](** vs **[color space](** vs **[palette](**
- **[computation](** vs **[computing](**
- **[communism](** vs **[Marxism](** vs **[socialism](**
- **[complex](** vs **[complicated](**
- **[complex number](** vs **[imaginary number](**
- **[computability](** vs **[decidability](**
- **[computer language](** vs **[programming language](**
- **[computer science](** vs **[information technology](** vs **[informatics](** vs **[cybernetics](** vs **[computer engineering](** vs **[software engineering](**
- **[compatibility layer](** vs **[emulator](** vs **[virtual machine](**
- **[compatibility layer](** vs **[emulator](** vs **[virtual machine](** vs **simulator**
- **[concurrency](** vs **[parallelism](** vs **[quasiparallelism](** vs **[distribution](**
- **[conjecture](** vs **[hypothesis](** vs **[theory](** vs **[theorem](** vs **[lemma](**
- **[constant](** vs **[literal](** vs **immediate operand** vs **[macro](**
@ -58,6 +68,7 @@ There exist many terms that are highly similar and can legitimately be used inte
- **[coherence](** vs **[consistency](**
- **[computational model](** vs **[model of computation](**
- **[convolution](** vs **[correlation](**
- **computer language** vs **[programming language](**
- **[copyright](** vs **[patent](** vs **[trademark](** vs **[intellectual property](** vs **[moral right](** etc.
- **[currency](** vs **[money](**
- **[crossplatform/multiplatform](** vs **[portable](**
@ -67,13 +78,14 @@ There exist many terms that are highly similar and can legitimately be used inte
- **[data](** vs **[information](** vs **[entropy](** vs **[signal](**
- **[data structure](** vs **[data type](**
- **[decentralized](** vs **[distributed](**
- **[declaration](** vs **[definition](**
- **[declaration](** vs **[definition](** vs **initialization**
- **[demo](** vs **[intro](**
- **[democracy](** vs **[voting](**
- **demonstration** vs **[proof](**
- **[desktop environment](** vs **[window manager](** vs **[windowing system](**
- **[derivative](** vs **[differential](**
- **[discretization](** vs **[quantization](**
- **disc** vs **disc**
- **[duck typing](** vs **[weak typing](** vs **[dynamic typing](** vs **[no typing](**
- **[digit](** vs **[number](** vs **[value](** vs **figure** vs **numeral**
- **[directed acyclic graph](** vs **[tree](**
@ -88,7 +100,7 @@ There exist many terms that are highly similar and can legitimately be used inte
- **[emulation](** vs **[simulation](**
- **[encryption](** vs **[security](** vs **[privacy](**
- **[entity](** vs **[object](**
- **[equation](** vs **[expression](** vs **[inequality](**
- **[equation](** vs **[expression](** vs **[inequality](** vs **statement**
- **[equivalence](** vs **[implication](**
- **[ethics](** vs **[morality](**
- **[Euler's number](** vs **[Euler number](**
@ -105,8 +117,9 @@ There exist many terms that are highly similar and can legitimately be used inte
- **[globalism](** vs **[globalization](**
- **[goniometry](** vs **[trigonometry](**
- **[gradient noise](** vs **[value noise](**
- **[GUI](** vs **graphics** vs **[UI](** vs **[TUI](** vs **[CLI](**
- **heading** vs **header**
- **[hyperlink](** vs **[link](** vs **[URI](** vs **[URL](**
- **[hyperlink](** vs **[link](** vs **[URI](** vs **[URL](** vs **[URN](**
- **[ideology](** vs **[philosophy](** vs **[religion](** vs **[paradigm](**
- **[imperative]( paradigm** vs **procedural paradigm** vs **[procedural generation](**
- **implementation defined behavior** vs **undefined behavior** vs **unspecified behavior**
@ -115,7 +128,7 @@ There exist many terms that are highly similar and can legitimately be used inte
- **[Internet](** vs **[web](**
- **[interpolation](** vs **[regression](**
- **[Java](** vs **[JavaScript](**
- **[kB/mB/gB/tB](** vs **[KiB/MiB/GiB/TiB](**
- **[kB/mB/gB/tB](** vs **[KiB/MiB/GiB/TiB](** vs **KB/MB/GB/TB**
- **[latency/ping/lag](** vs **[throughput/bandwidth](** vs **speed**
- **[leftism](** vs **[pseudoleftism](**
- **[liberalism](** vs **[libertarianism](**
@ -125,6 +138,7 @@ There exist many terms that are highly similar and can legitimately be used inte
- **[logic](** vs **[math](**
- **[low poly](** vs **stylized** vs **[low effort](**
- **low [resolution](** vs **[pixel art](**
- **[malware](** vs **[virus](**
- **[mass](** vs **[weight](**
- **[method](** vs **[methodology](**
- **[mod](** vs **[mode](**
@ -146,6 +160,7 @@ There exist many terms that are highly similar and can legitimately be used inte
- **[pseudoleft](** vs **[left](**
- **[pseudoskeptic](** vs **[skeptic](**
- **reboot** vs **remake** vs **remaster** vs **rerelease** vs **spinoff**
- **[regular expressions](** vs **[wildcars](**
- **responsive** vs **responsible**
- **[shading](** vs **[shadows](**
- **[static typing](** vs **[strong typing](**
@ -157,4 +172,4 @@ There exist many terms that are highly similar and can legitimately be used inte
## See Also
- [often misunderstood](
- [often misunderstood](

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@ -90,3 +90,4 @@ The **secret of an effective insult** is not in maximizing vulgarity -- a common
- [stupidity](
- [censorship](
- [diplomacy](
- [euphemism](

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@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
# Proof
[Mathematical]( proof is [logical]( reasoning that beyond any doubt shows given statement to be true. Such a proof is the best and most objective guarantee of truthfulness we can ever hope for -- this is not to say there can't ever exist any doubt about mathematical proof, but as long as we believe logic itself holds and that there is no error in the proof, the proven statement has to hold.
[Mathematical]( proof is [logical]( reasoning that beyond any doubt shows given statement to be true. Such a proof is the best and most objective guarantee of truthfulness we can ever hope for -- this is not to say there can't ever exist any doubt about mathematical proof, but as long as we agree on the [axioms](, believe logic itself holds and that there is no error in the proof, the proven statement has to hold. Mathematical proof is a **deductive** reasoning (despite the fact that, a bit confusingly, one type of mathematical proof is called *induction*) that absolutely eliminates any chance of being wrong, i.e. it is yet a stronger argument than inductive proofs provided by traditional [sciences](, which typically just have high level of statistical confidence that however never reaches 100%. This is to say mathematical proof must never leave a slightest doubt about the conclusion, and so while presenting thousands or millions of samples supporting a hypothesis may in traditional science be good enough to call the hypothesis confirmed, it is not enough for a mathematical proof. Mathematical proofs are therefore hard and still amount to [art]( requiring human brain (although some proofs can nowadays be assisted or even carried out completely autonomously by [computers](, and so in practical life we often require mathematical proofs only in very critical areas -- for example [software]( used in planes or medical devices has to be mathematically PROVEN to be correct (see [formal verification](, most other software is [debugged]( just by [testing](, which is just a [good enough]( evidence it's mostly free of bugs.
**Why do we need mathematical proof if something is obvious?** Well, mathematicians need to be most precise and proof enables them to discover absolute truths without any shadow of a doubt (a luxury most other scientists don't have), so they set it as a standard because many things that seem obvious aren't in fact so -- for example numbers 31, 331, 3331, 33331, 333331, 3333331 and 33333331 are all [primes]( so you might think by this pattern also 333333331 will be a prime, but that's not the case because 333333331 = 19607843 * 17. Sometimes patterns deceive us, mathematicians only take proof for the ultimate solution. But indeed e.g. the industry sometimes accepts even unproven but highly likely conjectures to hold, e.g. that [P doesn't equal NP](, simply for economic reasons (the chance of being wrong is very low and profitability of being right is high).
**Why do we need mathematical proof if something is obvious?** Well, mathematicians need to be most precise and proof enables them to discover absolute truths without any shadow of a doubt (a luxury most other scientists don't have), so they set it as a standard because many things that seem obvious aren't in fact so -- for example numbers 31, 331, 3331, 33331, 333331, 3333331 and 33333331 are all [primes]( so you might think by this pattern also 333333331 will be a prime, but that's not the case because 333333331 = 19607843 * 17. Sometimes patterns deceive us, mathematicians only take proof for the ultimate solution. But indeed e.g. the industry sometimes accepts even unproven but highly likely conjectures to hold, e.g. that [P doesn't equal NP](, simply for economic reasons (the chance of being wrong is very low and profitability of being right is high).
**There are mathematical problems that cannot be proven** or disproved (under given set of axioms). See [decidability](

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# Regular Expression
Regular expression (shortened *regex* or *regexp*) is a kind of mathematical [expression](, very often used in [programming](, that can be used to define simple patterns in [strings]( of characters (usually text). Regular expressions are typically used for searching patterns (i.e. not just exact matches but rather sequences of characters which follow some rules, e.g. numeric values), substitutions (replacement) of such patterns, describing [syntax]( of computer languages, their [parsing]( etc. (though they may also be used in more wild ways, e.g. for generating strings). Regular expression is itself a string of symbols which however describes potentially many (even [infinitely]( many) other strings thanks to containing special symbols that may stand for repetition, alternative etc. For example `a.*.b` is a regular expression describing a string that starts with letter `a`, which is followed by a sequence of at least one character and then ends with `b` (so e.g. `aab`, `abbbb`, `acaccb` etc.).
Regular expression (shortened *regex* or *regexp*) is a kind of [mathematical]( [expression](, very often used in [programming](, that can be used to define simple patterns in [strings]( of characters (usually text). Regular expressions are typically used for searching patterns (i.e. not just exact matches but rather sequences of characters which follow some rules, e.g. numeric values), substitutions (replacement) of such patterns, describing [syntax]( of computer languages, their [parsing]( etc. (though they may also be used in more wild ways, e.g. for generating strings). Regular expression is itself a string of symbols which however describes potentially many (even [infinitely]( many) other strings thanks to containing special symbols that may stand for repetition, alternative etc. For example `a.*.b` is a regular expression describing a string that starts with letter `a`, which is followed by a sequence of at least one character and then ends with `b` (so e.g. `aab`, `abbbb`, `acaccb` etc.).
WATCH OUT: do not confuse regular expressions with Unix [wildcards]( used in file names (e.g. `sourse/*.c` is a wildcard, not a regexp).
WATCH OUT: do not confuse regular expressions with [Unix]( [wildcards]( used in file names (e.g. `sourse/*.c` is a wildcard, not a regexp).
{ A popular online tool for playing around with regular expressions is, though it requires JS and is bloated; if you want to stay with Unix, just grep (possibly with -o to see just the matched string). ~drummyfish }

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Shitwords include the following:
- **[justice](**: means revenge, anger, violence; incompatible with forgiveness
- **[moderation](**: euphemism for [censorship](
- **[modern](**: basically just mean "bad", "unethical", shitty, [bloated](, expensive, incompatible, ...
- **motivation**: [Productivity cult]( term, euphemism for something that forces you to [slavery]( or something else you don't really want to do. Things like *death threat* or *blackmailing* [do not sound "positive"](, so the term *motivation* is used instead.
- **neurodivergent**: [newspeak]( bullshit, signals conformity and obedience of the [pseudoleftist]( ideology
- **[open source](**: unethical capitalist movement aimed at business, NOT freedom or ethics; explicitly abandons ethics, its goal is only shallow "openness" (source availability etc.), supports free market, capitalism and corporations
- **person** (also p-word): signals conformance to [pseudoleft](; it's better to use other words such as "man"

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@ -6,7 +6,10 @@ The adjective "smart", as in e.g. *smartphone*, is in the context of [modern](mo
[Richard Stallman]( has called smart phones "Stalin's dream" -- a device Stalin would wish every citizen of [Soviet Union]( had so that he could be tracked and spied on.
In [programming]( the word "smart" is also used as an euphemism for [magic](, i.e. obscurity/[bloat](, for example "smart pointer".
## See Also
- [dumb](
- [buzzword](
- [buzzword](
- [magic](

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@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ we cannot miss the fact that this way of establishing truth has simply no longer
- "Absence of evidence is evidence of absence", but only when it's convenient for them -- for example "humans are of recent origin because there is no evidence of older humans existing" (so as to support their claims about human [race]( or "God doesn't exist because we have no evidence for it", but when asked about whether life exists anywhere besides Earth they will go "YES YES YES" (because that supports science hype). { Stole this observation from Luke Smith's podcast. ~drummyfish }
- Obsession about words rather than ideas and concepts, e.g. what is a "disorder" and "illness" vs "divergent", emotional arguments about whether Pluto is a "planet" or not etc.
- "Feeling sexually attracted to 17.99 years old chick is a serious mental illness, please consider lobotomy and castration. 18.00 is OK. QED"
- When men score higher on [IQ]( tests than [women](, the consensus is: "IQ tests are invalid and have no value". When a suspicious study appears showing women scored 1 point higher than men, suddenly the headlines explode: "PROVEN BY SCIENCE: WOMEN SMARTER THAN MEN!11!1"
- Number of rapes has escalated by 1000%! (Because we redefined rape to include any interaction of man and woman.)
- "[Pedophilia]( is a mental illness while pure [homosexuality]( is not. QED"
- ...

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Some stereotypes are:
- shit products, anything "made in USA" breaks fast
- everything is fake, a cheap copy of things from other cultures, mushed and mix together without any taste or moderation (a "luxury" house will have Chinese vases next to Egyptian statues and ancient Greek columns put side by side with medieval armor and life sized Stormtrooper statue to top it off)
- wild west, survival of the fittest, they have highest tech weapons but mentality of cavemen
- [aliens]( always attack USA first
- **Antarctica**:
- no stereotypes yet, wait maybe four or five centuries
- **Arabs**:

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Suicide is when someone voluntarily kills himself. Suicide offers an immediate e
Men die by suicide much more commonly than [women]( in 80% of cases a human that dies by suicide is man.
**WHAT TO DO IF YOU WANT TO KILL YOURSELF?** Run into the woods right now! Now that you have given up on everything, you became absolutely [free](! Why not just do whatever you want now? Do NOT end it yet -- you will most likely die in the wilderness anyway, but while you're still alive, just give it a chance, just ran away from it all, run away from the society, BURN ALL THE MONEY, leave everything behind. You will find happiness for a while. Trust that it is worth it. You are depressed because of the toxic society, now you will experience freedom of it, albeit for a short moment, you'll become one with the nature again. It is worth it.
For SCIENCE RESEARCHERS: there is a text file describing suicide methods at One site related to suicide that's being censored because it discussed methods of killing oneself is called **sanctioned suicide** (

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 626
- number of commits: 982
- total size of all texts in bytes: 5136366
- number of commits: 983
- total size of all texts in bytes: 5137521
- total number of lines of article texts: 37499
- number of script lines: 324
- occurrences of the word "person": 10
@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
- other (1603)
- about (1424)
- number (1336)
- software (1285)
- because (1177)
- software (1286)
- because (1178)
- their (1105)
- would (1076)
- would (1077)
- program (1060)
- something (1057)
- being (1034)
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
- without (867)
- function (864)
- simple (863)
- computer (844)
- computer (846)
- numbers (835)
- different (799)
- these (787)
@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
- doesn (716)
- still (713)
- games (693)
- while (679)
- while (680)
- society (673)
- drummyfish (673)
- point (672)
- possible (657)
- simply (656)
- possible (658)
- simply (657)
- probably (649)
- using (645)
- always (634)
@ -89,6 +89,14 @@ top 50 5+ letter words:
latest changes:
Date: Thu Mar 6 17:07:35 2025 +0100
Date: Wed Mar 5 21:32:37 2025 +0100
@ -113,15 +121,6 @@ Date: Tue Mar 4 21:04:02 2025 +0100
Date: Sun Mar 2 21:01:56 2025 +0100
most wanted pages:
@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
- [proprietary]( (134)
- [modern]( (122)
- [minimalism]( (119)
- [censorship]( (116)
- [censorship]( (117)
- [computer]( (115)
- [kiss]( (111)
- [programming]( (109)
@ -167,14 +166,14 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
- [math]( (105)
- [linux]( (104)
- [gnu]( (104)
- [shit]( (102)
- [shit]( (103)
- [woman]( (99)
- [corporation]( (96)
- [bullshit]( (96)
- [fight_culture]( (95)
- [hacking]( (93)
- [art]( (93)
- [less_retarded_society]( (92)
- [hacking]( (92)
- [free_culture]( (90)
- [chess]( (87)
- [public_domain]( (86)

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@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ Of course, [LRS]( loves all living beings equally, even women. In order t
Also **women aren't funny** for some reason (with one possible exception of [Ashley Jones]( -- somehow it's very very difficult to find a woman with comedic talent and if very rarely at least a somewhat funny girl appears, it seems she has to be extremely ugly for it to work. It's hard to say if it's because of their low intelligence or due to the natural public perception of women (e.g. when a woman is attempting comedy it's still very hard for a man to not just focus on imagining sex with her).
One of the most perplexing questions in [history]( of mankind is the following: Why are the women most vocal about not wanting to be sexualized the first ones to show the most seductive photos on social media? Why do women put on makeup, wear bikini and share photos of their cleavage and cameltoes when in fact they get physically sick of the mere idea of being a subject of sexualization? Perhaps this is too difficult to comprehend with a primitive male brain.
also :D