This commit is contained in:
Miloslav Ciz 2024-07-12 23:42:19 +02:00
parent c76830be56
commit b538617e35
19 changed files with 1839 additions and 1794 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*"In this moment I am euphoric ..."* --some retarded atheist *"In this moment I am euphoric ..."* --some retarded atheist
An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in [god]( or any other similar supernatural beings. An especially annoying kind is the **[reddit]( atheist** who will DESTROY YOU WITH FACTS AND LOGIC^(TM) while managing to throw around le [42]( jokes. These atheists are 14 year old children who think they've discovered the secret of the universe and have to let the whole world know they're atheists who will destroy you with their 200 [IQ]( [logic]( and knowledge of all 10 argument logic fallacies, while in fact they reside at the [mount stupid]( and many times involuntarily appear on other subreddits such as r/iamverysmart and r/cringe. They masturbate to [Richard Dawkins](, love to read [soyentific]( studiiiiiies about how [race]( has no biological meaning and think that religion is literally [Hitler]( (oh noes, reduction to HITLER has been committed, game over). They love to write or even read the ["rational" wiki]( They like to pick easy targets such as [flatearthers]( and cyberbully them on [YouTube]( with the power of SCIENCE and their enormously large thesaurus (they will never use a word that's among the 100000 most common English words). They are so [cringe]( you want to [kill yourself](, but their discussions are sometimes entertaining to read with a bowl of popcorn. An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in [god]( or any other similar supernatural beings. An especially annoying kind is the **[reddit]( atheist** who will DESTROY YOU WITH FACTS AND LOGIC^(TM) while managing to throw around le [42]( jokes. These atheists are 14 year old children who think they've discovered the secret of the universe and have to let the whole world know they're an ATHEIST who scored 200 [IQ]( on facebook test and knows all 10 argument fallacies, while in fact they reside at the [mount stupid]( and many times involuntarily appear on other subreddits such as r/iamverysmart and r/cringe. They masturbate to [Richard Dawkins](, love to read [soyentific]( studiiiiiies about how [race]( has no biological meaning and think that religion is literally [Hitler]( (oh noes, reduction to HITLER has been committed, game over) while taking every words of famous soyence popularizators like the word of a priest. They love to write or even read the ["rational" wiki]( They like to pick easy targets such as [flatearthers]( and cyberbully them on [YouTube]( with the power of SCIENCE and their enormously large thesaurus (they will never use a word that's among the 100000 most common English words). They are so [cringe]( you want to [kill yourself](, but their discussions are sometimes entertaining to read with a bowl of popcorn.
Such a specimen of atheist is one of the best quality examples of a [pseudosceptic]( See also this: Such a specimen of atheist is one of the best quality examples of a [pseudosceptic]( See also this:
@ -10,6 +10,13 @@ Favorite topics of atheists include argument fallacies (which they also like to
On a bit more serious note: we've all been there, most people in their teens think they're literal [Einsteins]( and then later in life cringe back on themselves. However, some don't grow out of it and stay arrogant, ignorant fucks for their whole lives. The principal mistake of the stance they retain is they try to apply "science" (or whatever it means in their world) to EVERYTHING and reject any other approach to solving problems -- of course, [science]( (the real one) is great, but it's just a tool, and just like you can't fix every problem with a hammer, you can't approach every problem with science. In your daily life you make a million of unscientific decisions and it would be bad to try to apply science to them; you cross the street not because you've read a peer-reviewed paper about it being the most scientifically correct thing to do, but because you feel like doing it, because you believe the drivers will stop and won't run you over. Beliefs, intuition, emotion, non-rationality and even spirituality are and have to be part of life, and it's extremely stupid to oppose these concepts just out of principle. With that said, there's nothing wrong about being a well behaved man who just doesn't feel a belief in any god in his heart, just you know, don't be an idiot. On a bit more serious note: we've all been there, most people in their teens think they're literal [Einsteins]( and then later in life cringe back on themselves. However, some don't grow out of it and stay arrogant, ignorant fucks for their whole lives. The principal mistake of the stance they retain is they try to apply "science" (or whatever it means in their world) to EVERYTHING and reject any other approach to solving problems -- of course, [science]( (the real one) is great, but it's just a tool, and just like you can't fix every problem with a hammer, you can't approach every problem with science. In your daily life you make a million of unscientific decisions and it would be bad to try to apply science to them; you cross the street not because you've read a peer-reviewed paper about it being the most scientifically correct thing to do, but because you feel like doing it, because you believe the drivers will stop and won't run you over. Beliefs, intuition, emotion, non-rationality and even spirituality are and have to be part of life, and it's extremely stupid to oppose these concepts just out of principle. With that said, there's nothing wrong about being a well behaved man who just doesn't feel a belief in any god in his heart, just you know, don't be an idiot.
Although they think they do, these atheists don't really believe in science but rather [soyence](, they have merely chosen to subscribe to a new religion than the old one. Compare these scenarios:
- A medieval peasant believes what the priest tells him because only the priest has high enough education to know the language of the scripture. The priest tells the peasant God's miracles happen and other priests confirm this, they even show him the page in the holy book where it is written, it was reviewed by hundreds of priests. The peasant believes them, he didn't see the miracles (in fact he doesn't even know anyone who did) but someone with higher education assured him it is so and other people with such education approve of the message. Why would they lie? Certainly there is no politics and business in religion. Besides this, questioning the priests is socially punished, it's better to not do it.
- A [21st century]( internet peasant believes what PhD in biology tells him about human [races]( because he himself doesn't have such qualification nor the means to run his own research. The PhD science popularizator tells the guy races are an illusion and other such PhDs confirm this, they even make their mutually reviewed papers available on the internet. The guy believes them, he didn't make the research himself (in fact what they say contradicts his everyday observations) but someone with higher education assured him it is so and other people with such education approve of the message. Why would they lie? Certainly there is no politics and business in science. Besides this, questioning these PhDs is socially punished, it's better to not do it.
We see there is zero difference besides changed names.
Among the greatest minds it is hard to find true atheists, even though they typically have a personal and not easy to describe faith. [Newton]( was a Christian. [Einstein]( often used the word "[God](" instead of "nature" or "universe"; even though he said he didn't believe in the traditional personal God, he also said that the laws of physics were like books in a library which must have obviously been written by someone or something we can't comprehend. [Nikola Tesla]( said he was "deeply religious, though not in the orthodox sense". There are also very hardcore religious people such as [Larry Wall](, the inventor of [Perl]( language, who even planned to be a Christian missionary. The "true atheists" are mostly second grade "scientists" who make career out of the pose and make living by writing books about atheism rather than being scientists. Among the greatest minds it is hard to find true atheists, even though they typically have a personal and not easy to describe faith. [Newton]( was a Christian. [Einstein]( often used the word "[God](" instead of "nature" or "universe"; even though he said he didn't believe in the traditional personal God, he also said that the laws of physics were like books in a library which must have obviously been written by someone or something we can't comprehend. [Nikola Tesla]( said he was "deeply religious, though not in the orthodox sense". There are also very hardcore religious people such as [Larry Wall](, the inventor of [Perl]( language, who even planned to be a Christian missionary. The "true atheists" are mostly second grade "scientists" who make career out of the pose and make living by writing books about atheism rather than being scientists.
## See Also ## See Also

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@ -36,3 +36,4 @@ In 2019 drummyfish has written a "manifesto" of his ideas called **Non-Competiti
- [schizo]( - [schizo](
- [based]( - [based](
- [loser]( - [loser](
- [lolcow](

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Some signs of egoism include:
- **Drawing someone's own face (or letting someone else do it) and then using it for a profile picture**. "Modern" soydevs on twitter and blogs are so guilty of this, especially the "game devs" with pixel art portraits etc., it's so narcissistic and cringe you just want to puke. Why would anyone humble even allow someone to make a statue of him, allowing the danger of cult of personality and becoming a [hero]( Why the fuck do people obsess about forcing their ugly faces onto others? - **Drawing someone's own face (or letting someone else do it) and then using it for a profile picture**. "Modern" soydevs on twitter and blogs are so guilty of this, especially the "game devs" with pixel art portraits etc., it's so narcissistic and cringe you just want to puke. Why would anyone humble even allow someone to make a statue of him, allowing the danger of cult of personality and becoming a [hero]( Why the fuck do people obsess about forcing their ugly faces onto others?
- **Decorating one's body obsessively, trying to adopt an "image"**, especially with [tattoos](, wild hairstyles, clothes that serves other purpose than pure protection from weather, for example a **[suit](** etc. A good man will never try to look much different from how he'd look naturally, he will minimize effort put into caring about looks and will try to avoid the danger of applying manipulative psychological tricks such as appeal by looks. - **Decorating one's body obsessively, trying to adopt an "image"**, especially with [tattoos](, wild hairstyles, clothes that serves other purpose than pure protection from weather, for example a **[suit](** etc. A good man will never try to look much different from how he'd look naturally, he will minimize effort put into caring about looks and will try to avoid the danger of applying manipulative psychological tricks such as appeal by looks.
- **Putting one's name in (or near) the title of his creation**: one of the most famous examples being the *Shit Faggot's Game Of Civilization*. Yes, [Linux]( counts too; even though [Linus]( didn't name it himself, he just waited for someone else to do it for him and then didn't protest; he also joked about it, trying to make it look OK, though without success (see below). - **Putting one's name in (or near) the title of his creation**: one of the most famous examples being the *Shit Faggot's Game Of Civilization*. Yes, [Linux]( counts too; even though [Linus]( didn't name it himself, he just waited for someone else to do it for him and then didn't protest; he also joked about it, trying to make it look OK, though without success (see below).
- **Egoism masked as [joking](** (see also [doing it with a smile](, i.e. doing something egoistic and then pretending to do it for the sake of a joke; for example in the book *World of Warcraft Diary* the author *X* puts a huge quote of himself on one page and jokingly writes under it *"X quoting X in his own book"* -- hahaha we laughed ok? It's not egoism, it's done for a joke, BTW the quote will stay there. The author here thinks he is smart as he think this achieves two things: promoting himself while also making him look like someone with a sense of humor. In fact it just makes him look like the most egocentric bastard. - **Egoism masked as [joking](** (see also [doing it with a smile](, i.e. doing something egoistic and then pretending to do it for the sake of a joke; for example in the book *World of Warcraft Diary* the author *X* puts a huge quote of himself on one page and jokingly writes under it *"X quoting X in his own book"* -- hahaha we laughed ok? It's not egoism, it's done for a joke, BTW the quote will stay there. The author here thinks he is smart as he thinks this achieves two things: promoting himself while also making him look like someone with a sense of humor. In fact it just makes him look like the most egocentric bastard.
- **[Assertiveness](**. - **[Assertiveness](**.
- **Giving oneself special names**. Making a quick Internet handle is cool for practical purposes, inventing an artistic name or even changing it legally is just an inflated ego. - **Giving oneself special names**. Making a quick Internet handle is cool for practical purposes, inventing an artistic name or even changing it legally is just an inflated ego.
- **Talking about oneself too much**. - **Talking about oneself too much**.

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@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ The following are some further details about the work:
- **Men are [polygons](, more sides implies higher class**, within a single class the polygon regularity further implies one's social standing. [Triangles]( are lowest class of men, among these the lowest are irregular triangles (soldiers, their sharp point makes them good at fighting) with two long and one short side because these are kind of closer to a mere line segment (woman). Equal sided triangles are the middle class. [Squares]( and [pentagons]( are professional workers. Noblemen begin at [hexagons]( The highest class are [circles](, i.e. polygons in which the number of sides is so numerous they appear to be smooth all around -- these are the priests. A man's male descendant will typically have one more side than his father, rising in social class, but this doesn't always happen and is less common among lower classes, with isoscele soldiers only rarely having such children (it requires some effort, like spiritual exercise and intermarriages). - **Men are [polygons](, more sides implies higher class**, within a single class the polygon regularity further implies one's social standing. [Triangles]( are lowest class of men, among these the lowest are irregular triangles (soldiers, their sharp point makes them good at fighting) with two long and one short side because these are kind of closer to a mere line segment (woman). Equal sided triangles are the middle class. [Squares]( and [pentagons]( are professional workers. Noblemen begin at [hexagons]( The highest class are [circles](, i.e. polygons in which the number of sides is so numerous they appear to be smooth all around -- these are the priests. A man's male descendant will typically have one more side than his father, rising in social class, but this doesn't always happen and is less common among lower classes, with isoscele soldiers only rarely having such children (it requires some effort, like spiritual exercise and intermarriages).
- **[Women]( are just [line]( segments**, implying several things -- firstly a line segment is basically the lowest possible polygon, a degenerated triangle, i.e. by this a woman is even below the lowest class of men (triangles). Furthermore for its geometric shape a woman is dangerous and can be sneaky as from certain angles she just cannot be seen -- one can bump into her and get injured (as a one dimensional shape she is very sharp, even more than a soldier), which, as the author notes, is further made worse by women being extremely dumb and acting mostly just on instinct. For this women are required by law to wiggle their butts (which they actually started to like doing as a kind of fashion trend -- yes, just like twerking) and make noise when moving around in public. - **[Women]( are just [line]( segments**, implying several things -- firstly a line segment is basically the lowest possible polygon, a degenerated triangle, i.e. by this a woman is even below the lowest class of men (triangles). Furthermore for its geometric shape a woman is dangerous and can be sneaky as from certain angles she just cannot be seen -- one can bump into her and get injured (as a one dimensional shape she is very sharp, even more than a soldier), which, as the author notes, is further made worse by women being extremely dumb and acting mostly just on instinct. For this women are required by law to wiggle their butts (which they actually started to like doing as a kind of fashion trend -- yes, just like twerking) and make noise when moving around in public.
- **World directions** can be distinguished thanks to a law of nature in Flatland that creates a slight but constant attraction towards south, making rain fall from north. This could be explained by Flatland being located on a slightly tilted plane within Spaceland. - **World directions** can be distinguished thanks to a law of nature in Flatland that creates a slight but constant attraction towards south, making rain fall from north. This could be explained by Flatland being located on a slightly tilted plane within Spaceland.
- **Sight** of Flatlanders is also explained -- seeing in this world poses difficulties -- everything looks like a line and a Flatlander always has just one eye -- so the senses of hearing and touch are mentioned to be highly developed to provide additional help (though distinguishing by voice is seen as more of a pleb thing, not much practiced by aristocrats who prefer using sight). Fog also helps. **[Colors](** exist and could aid seeing greatly, but their use is highly regulated (read forbidden) by the Universal Color Bill because in history color firstly caused some trouble (like women shading themselves to look like circles) and secondly nobility wanted to keep the precious art of sight recognition to themselves, so they just banned it despite it killing all [art]( etc. (Basically what [copyright]( does nowadays etc.) - **Sight** of Flatlanders is also explained -- seeing in this world poses difficulties -- everything looks like a line and a Flatlander always has just one eye -- so the senses of hearing and touch are mentioned to be highly developed to provide additional help (though distinguishing by voice is seen as more of a pleb thing, not much practiced by aristocrats who prefer using sight). Fog also helps. **[Colors](** exist and could aid seeing greatly, but their use is highly regulated (read forbidden) by the Universal Color Bill because in [history]( color firstly caused some trouble (like women shading themselves to look like circles) and secondly nobility wanted to keep the precious art of sight recognition to themselves, so they just banned it despite it killing all [art]( etc. (Basically what [copyright]( does nowadays etc.)
- Sizes are mentioned in common units, a Flatlander is about a foot or so in size, though whether their foot corresponds to our foot isn't lear. - Sizes are mentioned in common units, a Flatlander is about a foot or so in size, though whether their foot corresponds to our foot isn't clear.
- **[Light](** is present everywhere and at all times -- the origin of light is unknown to Flatland society but the protagonist hints on the heretic idea that light in fact comes from the Spaceland, in which Flatland is embedded. - **[Light](** is present everywhere and at all times -- the origin of light is unknown to Flatland society but the protagonist hints on the heretic idea that light in fact comes from the Spaceland, in which Flatland is embedded.
- **Houses** are most commonly pentagonal (sharper shapes are forbidden to prevent injuries), with roofs protecting against rain and they have no windows (as light is everywhere). West side has a big entrance for men, east a smaller entrance for women. - **Houses** are most commonly pentagonal (sharper shapes are forbidden to prevent injuries), with roofs protecting against rain and they have no windows (as light is everywhere). West side has a big entrance for men, east a smaller entrance for women.
- The book spawns a possible **[free universe](**, which may furthermore be quite friendly to e.g. making computer [games]( (2D games are easier to make than 3D ones, also no need for many assets etc.). - The book spawns a possible **[free universe](**, which may furthermore be quite friendly to e.g. making computer [games]( (2D games are easier to make than 3D ones, also no need for many assets etc.).

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Free Speech # Free Speech
Freedom of speech means there are absolutely no punishments or obstacles (such as [censorship](, imposed by anyone (government, [corporations](, [culture](, society, technology, ...), against merely talking about anything, making any public statement and sharing or publication of any [information]( at all. **Free speech has to be by definition absolute and have no limit**, otherwise it's not free speech but controlled, limited speech -- trying to add exceptions to free speech is like trying to limit to whom a [free software]( license is granted; doing so immediately makes such software non-free; free speech "with limits" is like free lunch for a low price or vegetarian food with only a little meat in it -- it's not the real thing, it just wants to be called *X* without actually being *X*. **Free speech also comes with zero responsibility** exactly by definition, as responsibility implies some forms of punishment; free speech means exactly one can say anything without fearing any burden of responsibility -- if anyone says "free speech comes with responsibility", he has absolutely no clue what he's talking about, he is not against censorship, he just advocates self censorship (i.e. censorship done internally rather than externally). If you unable to say something or afraid of saying it because of any kind of punishment -- for example sharing someone's private information or a pirated movie, saying that you hate your boss, that you'd like to fuck your cousin, that there is a bomb on a plane, that you'd like to kill someone -- you have no free speech. True freedom of speech is an essential attribute of a mature society, sadly it hasn't been implemented yet and with the [SJW]( [cancer]( the latest trend in society is towards eliminating free speech rather than supporting it (see e.g. [political correctness]( Speech is being widely censored by extremist groups (e.g. [LGBT]( and [corporations](, see also [cancel culture]( and states -- depending on country there exist laws against so called "[hate speech](", questioning official versions of history (see e.g. [Holocaust]( denial laws present in many EU states), criticizing powerful people (for example it is illegal to criticize or insult that huge inbred dick Thai king), sharing of useful information such as books ([copyright]( censorship) etc. Free speech nowadays is being eliminated by the strategy of creating an exception to free speech, usually called "hate speech", and then classifying any undesired speech under such label and silencing it. Freedom of speech means there are is no responsibility and absolutely no punishments or obstacles (such as [censorship](, imposed by anyone (government, [corporations](, [culture](, society, technology, ...), against merely talking about anything, making any public statement and sharing or publication any kind of [information]( at all. **Free speech has to be by definition absolute and have no limit**, otherwise it's not free speech but controlled, limited speech -- trying to add exceptions to free speech is like trying to limit to whom a [free software]( license is granted; doing so immediately makes such software non-free; free speech "with limits" is like free lunch for a low price or vegetarian food with only a little meat in it -- it's not the real thing, it just wants to be called *X* without actually being *X*. **Free speech also comes with zero responsibility** exactly by definition, as responsibility implies some forms of punishment; free speech means exactly one can say anything without fearing any burden of responsibility -- if anyone says "free speech comes with responsibility", he has absolutely no clue what he's talking about, he is not against censorship, he just advocates self censorship (i.e. censorship done internally rather than externally). If you unable to say something or afraid of saying it because of any kind of punishment -- for example sharing someone's private information or a pirated movie, saying that you hate your boss, that you'd like to fuck your cousin, that there is a bomb on a plane, that you'd like to kill someone -- you have no free speech. True freedom of speech is an essential attribute of a mature society, sadly it hasn't been implemented yet and with the [SJW]( [cancer]( the latest trend in society is towards eliminating free speech rather than supporting it (see e.g. [political correctness]( Speech is being widely censored by extremist groups (e.g. [LGBT]( and [corporations](, see also [cancel culture]( and states -- depending on country there exist laws against so called "[hate speech](", questioning official versions of history (see e.g. [Holocaust]( denial laws present in many EU states), criticizing powerful people (for example it is illegal to criticize or insult that huge inbred dick Thai king), sharing of useful information such as books ([copyright]( censorship) etc. Free speech nowadays is being eliminated by the strategy of creating an exception to free speech, usually called "hate speech", and then classifying any undesired speech under such label and silencing it.
The basic principle of free speech says that **if you don't support freedom of speech which you dislike, you don't support free speech**. I.e. speech that you hate does not equal hate speech. The basic principle of free speech says that **if you don't support freedom of speech which you dislike, you don't support free speech**. I.e. speech that you hate does not equal hate speech.

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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# History # History
{ Though history is usually written by the winners, this one was written by a loser :) Keep in mind there may appear errors, you can send me an email if you find some. ~drummyfish } { Though history is usually written by the winners, this one was written by a loser who liked to sleep during school history lessons, so it's likely I put some bullshit here, send me correcting mails pls. ~drummyfish }
This is a brief summary of history of [technology]( and [computers]( (and some other things). For those who don't know history are doomed to repeated it. This is a brief summary of history of [technology]( and [computers]( (and some other things). For those who don't know history are doomed to repeated it.
{ A curious pattern of history is that the civilization -- or maybe rather the dominating superpowers -- are moving to the west, kind of like: middle East -> Greece -> Rome -> Holy Roman Empire -> England/France/Spain -> America. ~drummyfish } { A curious pattern of history is that the civilization -- or maybe rather the dominating superpowers -- are moving to the west, kind of like: middle East -> Greece -> Rome -> Holy Roman Empire -> England/France/Spain -> America. ~drummyfish }
The [Universe]( began in singularity and started to exist with [Big Bang]( almost 14 billion years ago. It went through several epochs during which it changed greatly: first there was the epoch of rapid inflation, up to about 10^-32 seconds, during which it expanded extremely rapidly. After this the fundamental forces (strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational) started to become separate, the universe was cooling down, it became transparent and then, after 200 million years, first stars started to form. After another 200 million years first galaxies started to form, including our own Milky Way galaxy. Our [Earth]( formed some 4.5 billion years ago, along with the Moon. It seems [life]( appeared about 3.8 billions years ago; about 600 million years ago multicellular life formed and 66 million years ago the dinosaurs went extinct, giving opportunity to mammals and eventually to us, humans. The [Universe]( began in [singularity]( and started to exist with [Big Bang]( almost 14 billion years ago. It went through several epochs during which it changed greatly: first there was the epoch of rapid inflation, up to about 10^-32 seconds, during which it expanded extremely rapidly. After this the fundamental forces (strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational) started to become separate, the universe was cooling down, it became transparent and then, after 200 million years, first stars started to form. After another 200 million years first galaxies started to form, including our own Milky Way galaxy. Our [Earth]( formed some 4.5 billion years ago, along with the Moon. It seems [life]( appeared about 3.8 billions years ago; about 600 million years ago multicellular life formed and 66 million years ago the dinosaurs went extinct, giving opportunity to mammals and eventually to us, humans.
The earliest known appearance of technology related to humans may likely be the use of **[stone]( tools** by hominids in Africa some two and a half million years ago -- this is even before the appearance of modern humans, homo sapiens, that emerged roughly 600000 years ago. Learning to start and control **[fire](** was another key invention of the earliest men; this probably happened hundreds of thousands to millions years ago, even before modern humans. Around 8000 BC the **[Agricultural Revolution](** happened: this was quite a disaster -- as humans domesticated animals and plants, they had to abandon the comfortable life of hunters and gatherers and started to suffer the life of a farmer, full of extremely hard [work]( in the fields (this can be seen e.g. from their bones). This led to the establishment of first cities that would later become city states (as the name says -- something between a city and a state, i.e. greatly independent cities with their own laws etc.). Some of the first such cities were Ur and Uruk in Mesopotamia, since around 5000 BC. Primitive **writing** can be traced to about 7000 BC to China. **[Wheel](** was another crucial piece of technology humans invented, it is not known precisely when or where it appeared, but it might have been some time after 5000 BC -- in Ancient Egypt **The Great Pyramid** was built around 2570 BC still without the knowledge of wheel. Around 4000 BC **history starts with first written records**. Humans learned to smelt and use [metals]( approximately 3300 BC (**Bronze Age**) and 1200 BC (**Iron Age**). **[Abacus](**, one of the simplest [digital]( devices aiding with computation, was invented roughly around 2500 BC. However people used primitive computation helping tools, such as bone ribs, probably almost from the time they started trading. Babylonians in around 2000 BC were already able to solve some forms of **[quadratic equations](**. The earliest known appearance of technology related to humans may likely be the use of **[stone]( tools** by hominids in Africa some two and a half million years ago -- this is even before the appearance of modern humans, homo sapiens, that emerged roughly 600000 years ago. Learning to start and control **[fire](** was another key invention of the earliest men; this probably happened hundreds of thousands to millions years ago, even before modern humans. Around 8000 BC the **[Agricultural Revolution](** happened: this was quite a disaster -- as humans domesticated animals and plants, they had to abandon the comfortable life of hunters and gatherers and started to suffer the life of a farmer, full of extremely hard [work]( in the fields (this can be seen e.g. from their bones). This led to the establishment of first cities that would later become city states (as the name says -- something between a city and a state, i.e. greatly independent cities with their own laws etc.). Some of the first such cities were Ur and Uruk in Mesopotamia, since around 5000 BC. Primitive **writing** can be traced to about 7000 BC to China. **[Wheel](** was another crucial piece of technology humans invented, it is not known precisely when or where it appeared, but it might have been some time after 5000 BC -- in Ancient Egypt **The Great Pyramid** was built around 2570 BC still without the knowledge of wheel. Around 4000 BC **history starts with first written records**. Humans learned to smelt and use [metals]( approximately 3300 BC (**Bronze Age**) and 1200 BC (**Iron Age**). **[Abacus](**, one of the simplest [digital]( devices aiding with computation, was invented roughly around 2500 BC. However people used primitive computation helping tools, such as bone ribs, probably almost from the time they started trading. Babylonians in around 2000 BC were already able to solve some forms of **[quadratic equations](**.
@ -50,11 +50,13 @@ Also in 1888 probably the **first [video](** that survived until today
On December 17 1903 the Wright brothers famously performed the **first controlled flight of a motor airplane** which they built, in North Carolina. In repeated attempts they flew as far as 61 meters over just a few seconds. On December 17 1903 the Wright brothers famously performed the **first controlled flight of a motor airplane** which they built, in North Carolina. In repeated attempts they flew as far as 61 meters over just a few seconds.
Int 1907 Lee De Forest invented a practically usable **[vacuum tube](**, an extremely important part usable in electric devices for example as an amplifier or a switch -- this would enable construction of radios, telephones and later even primitive computers. The invention would lead to the [electronic]( revolution.
From 1914 to 1918 there was **[World War I](**. From 1914 to 1918 there was **[World War I](**.
Around 1915 [Albert Einstein](, a German physicist, completed his **[General Theory of Relativity](**, a groundbreaking physics theory that describes the fundamental nature of space and time and gives so far the best description of the Universe since [Newton]( This would shake the world of science as well as popular culture and would enable advanced technology including nuclear energy, space satellites, high speed computers and many others. Around 1915 [Albert Einstein](, a German physicist, completed his **[General Theory of Relativity](**, a groundbreaking physics theory that describes the fundamental nature of space and time and gives so far the best description of the Universe since [Newton]( This would shake the world of science as well as popular culture and would enable advanced technology including nuclear energy, space satellites, high speed computers and many others.
Int 1907 Lee De Forest invented a practically usable **[vacuum tube](**, an extremely important part usable in electric devices for example as an amplifier or a switch -- this would enable construction of radios, telephones and later even primitive computers. The invention would lead to the [electronic]( revolution. 7 November 1917 was the date of so called October Revolution ("October" because of different dating back then) that was part of the **Russian Revolution** led by Vladimir Lenin and his [Marxist]( Bolshevik party. This got rid of the Russian Empire and would eventually establish the **[Soviet Union](** in 1922.
In 1923 the research of mainly Edwin Hubble leads to concluding there exist other galaxies in the Universe besides our Milky Way, vastly expanding the size of known Universe. In 1923 the research of mainly Edwin Hubble leads to concluding there exist other galaxies in the Universe besides our Milky Way, vastly expanding the size of known Universe.

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@ -142,6 +142,10 @@ Some articles with tutorials and how tos related to this:
- [exercises]( - [exercises](
- ... - ...
### How To Do Projects Well
See the article about [projects](
## How To Live, Dos and Don'ts ## How To Live, Dos and Don'ts
This is a summary of some main guidelines on how an LRS supporter should behave in general so as to stay consistent with LRS philosophy, however it is important that this is shouldn't be taken as rules to be blindly followed -- the last thing we want is a religion of brainwashed NPCs who blindly follow orders. One has to understand why these principles are in place and even potentially modify them. This is a summary of some main guidelines on how an LRS supporter should behave in general so as to stay consistent with LRS philosophy, however it is important that this is shouldn't be taken as rules to be blindly followed -- the last thing we want is a religion of brainwashed NPCs who blindly follow orders. One has to understand why these principles are in place and even potentially modify them.

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Some examples include:
- "He likes guns, therefore he also likes [war](, violence, hunting etc." - "He likes guns, therefore he also likes [war](, violence, hunting etc."
- "He likes to watch gore videos, therefore he is a violent man and supports violence in real life." - "He likes to watch gore videos, therefore he is a violent man and supports violence in real life."
- "He opposes bullying of [pedophiles](, therefore he is a pedophile." -- This reasoning is guaranteed to be made by every single [American]( as Americans cannot comprehend any other motive than [self interest](, to them it's physically impossible to try to benefit a group one is not part of.
- "He opposes [bloat](, therefore he supports the [privacy]( and [productivity]( hysteria and his hobby must be ricing tiling window managers." - "He opposes [bloat](, therefore he supports the [privacy]( and [productivity]( hysteria and his hobby must be ricing tiling window managers."
- "He acknowledges the existence and significance of [human races](, therefore he is hostile to other races and supports their genocide." - "He acknowledges the existence and significance of [human races](, therefore he is hostile to other races and supports their genocide."
- "He plays competitive games so he must think having society based on competition is a good idea." - "He plays competitive games so he must think having society based on competition is a good idea."

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@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ Kek means [lol]( It comes from [World of Warcraft]( where the two
## See Also ## See Also
- [lulz](
- [meme]( - [meme](

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Line # Line
Line is one of the most basic geometric shapes, it is straight, continuous, infinitely long and infinitely thin. A finite continuous part of a line is called **line segment**, though in practice we sometimes call line segments also just *lines*. In flat, non-curved geometries shortest path between any two points always lies on a line. Line is one of the most basic geometric shapes, it is straight, continuous, [infinitely]( long and infinitely thin. A finite continuous part of a line is called **line segment**, though in practice we sometimes call line segments also just *lines*. In flat, non-curved geometries shortest path between any two points always lies on a line.
Line is a one [dimensional]( shape, i.e. any of its points can be directly identified by a single number -- the signed distance from a certain point on the line. But of course a line itself may exist in more than one dimensional spaces (just as a two dimensional sheet of paper can exist in our three dimensional space etc.). Line is a one [dimensional]( shape, i.e. any of its points can be directly identified by a single number -- the signed distance from a certain point on the line. But of course a line itself may exist in more than one dimensional spaces (just as a two dimensional sheet of paper can exist in our three dimensional space etc.).

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Marxism comprises of ideas, theories (known as *historical materialism*) and ideologies strongly based in works of [Karl Marx]( (and also Friedrich Engels), roughly aiming for (and scientifically predicting) a violent [revolution]( that should end [capitalism](, replace it with "[socialist](" society and eventually a truly [communist]( society. Despite the terms Marxism and communism NOT being equal (communism is a general idea with many branches, e.g. [anarcho communism](, Christian communism etc.), most common people see them as equivalent, which is unfortunate because communism is a purely [good]( idea while Marxism is mostly a bad way of trying to achieve and sustain their own idea of communism (the relationship between communism and Marxism may be roughly compared to the relationship between Christianity and Catholicism). Marxism comes with aggressive, revolutionary mindset that has caused great tragedies mainly during the 20th century (see especially [USSR]( Many non-Marxist communists even see Marxist "communist" states as capitalist (so called state capitalism). Marxism sees itself as a [scientific]( effort, it is studied by intellectuals and lives mainly in written works of Marxists. Marxism comprises of ideas, theories (known as *historical materialism*) and ideologies strongly based in works of [Karl Marx]( (and also Friedrich Engels), roughly aiming for (and scientifically predicting) a violent [revolution]( that should end [capitalism](, replace it with "[socialist](" society and eventually a truly [communist]( society. Despite the terms Marxism and communism NOT being equal (communism is a general idea with many branches, e.g. [anarcho communism](, Christian communism etc.), most common people see them as equivalent, which is unfortunate because communism is a purely [good]( idea while Marxism is mostly a bad way of trying to achieve and sustain their own idea of communism (the relationship between communism and Marxism may be roughly compared to the relationship between Christianity and Catholicism). Marxism comes with aggressive, revolutionary mindset that has caused great tragedies mainly during the 20th century (see especially [USSR]( Many non-Marxist communists even see Marxist "communist" states as capitalist (so called state capitalism). Marxism sees itself as a [scientific]( effort, it is studied by intellectuals and lives mainly in written works of Marxists.
Marx himself wasn't really any angry revolutionary but more of an intellectual, a philosopher who tried to [scientifically]( examine [history]( and came up with so called [historical materialism](, a theory that basically states that everything (structure of society, its [law](, [culture]( etc.) is subdued to economic forces and that society changes solely due to these forces, i.e. things like changes in [technology](, means of production, economic relationships etc. -- he said individual humans are just slaves to these forces, their will cannot change them. He identified certain classes in society, mainly the proletariat (workers) and bourgeoisie (their overlords) and then reasoned some stuff about their conflict etcetc. until he came to the conclusion that capitalism will be surpassed by socialism and eventually communism -- not as anything ethical or "just", but purely as superior systems in terms of economy. So he basically only predicted the revolution would inevitably happen, however some other people who came after him -- those that we nowadays call Marxists (at least most commonly) -- took this theory and started to use it as a basis to PROMOTE an active revolution. Marx himself wasn't just some angry peasant pissed of at the system, but more of an intellectual, a philosopher who tried to [scientifically]( examine [history]( and came up with so called [historical materialism](, a theory that basically states that everything (structure of society, its [law](, [culture]( etc.) is subdued to human production and economic forces and that society changes exclusively due to these forces, i.e. things like changes in [technology](, modes of production, economic relationships etc. -- he said individual humans are just slaves to these forces, their will cannot change them. He identified certain classes in society, mainly the proletariat (workers) and bourgeoisie (their overlords) and then reasoned some stuff about their conflict etcetc. until he came to the conclusion that capitalism will be surpassed by socialism and eventually communism -- not as anything ethical or "just", but purely as superior systems in terms of economy. So he basically only predicted the revolution would inevitably happen, however some other people -- those whom we typically now use the term "Marxists" for -- took this theory and started to use it as a basis to PROMOTE an active revolution.
**We, [LRS](, are communists but do NOT embrace Marxism!** Though we do agree with Marxists on many things (mostly identifying issues of [capitalism](, we can't ever approve of some inherent traits of Marxism, mainly the following. Marxism is **violent**, aggressive and revolutionary, often highly hostile to [anarchism]( and [pacifism]( (which we highly embrace), wanting to FORCE communism. Marxists promote establishment of temporary **dictatorship** of the proletariat as they see it the only way to ending capitalism. **Marxists are NOT [altruists](**, their desire of communism doesn't come from love of life, they simply see it as a more efficient societal system than capitalism that's a natural and inevitable next step in evolution of society, they see a man as servant of society, **they are obsessed with [work](** (even preferring to call themselves *workers* rather than *people*; [language matters]( and see people who don't share their values as undesirable -- these undesirable people are not only capitalists, but also people who don't want to work, religious people or people who refuse to [fight]( for their society. They say that ends justify the means and will happily utilize means such as [war](, dictatorship, executions, [censorship](, cults of personality and propaganda. We cannot ever stand behind this. **We, [LRS](, are communists but do NOT embrace Marxism!** Though we do agree with Marxists on many things (mostly identifying issues of [capitalism](, we can't ever approve of some inherent traits of Marxism, mainly the following. Marxism is **violent**, aggressive and revolutionary, often highly hostile to [anarchism]( and [pacifism]( (which we highly embrace), wanting to FORCE communism. Marxists promote establishment of temporary **dictatorship** of the proletariat as they see it the only way to ending capitalism. **Marxists are NOT [altruists](**, their desire of communism doesn't come from love of life, they simply see it as a more efficient societal system than capitalism that's a natural and inevitable next step in evolution of society, they see a man as servant of society, **they are obsessed with [work](** (even preferring to call themselves *workers* rather than *people*; [language matters]( and see people who don't share their values as undesirable -- these undesirable people are not only capitalists, but also people who don't want to work, religious people or people who refuse to [fight]( for their society. They say that ends justify the means and will happily utilize means such as [war](, dictatorship, executions, [censorship](, cults of personality and propaganda. We cannot ever stand behind this.

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@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Here is a list of people notable in technology or in other ways related to [LRS]
- **[John Romero](**: legendary oldschool game dev, co-creator of [Doom]( - **[John Romero](**: legendary oldschool game dev, co-creator of [Doom](
- **[John von Neumann](**: early 20th century multidisciplinary genius, one of the greatest [computer scientists]( of all time, also famous for huge [IQ]( and being a human calculator - **[John von Neumann](**: early 20th century multidisciplinary genius, one of the greatest [computer scientists]( of all time, also famous for huge [IQ]( and being a human calculator
- **[Jonathan Blow](**: Mainstream proprietary indie game developer of puzzle games, kind of a celebrity of indie game dev, mostly retarded but sometimes says something based out of context, some people love him, some hate him. - **[Jonathan Blow](**: Mainstream proprietary indie game developer of puzzle games, kind of a celebrity of indie game dev, mostly retarded but sometimes says something based out of context, some people love him, some hate him.
- **[Karl Marx](**: jewish intellectual, philosopher, started [Marxism](
- **[Ken Silverman](**: famous oldschool 3D engine programmer ([Duke Nukem 3D]('s [BUILD engine](, ...), sadly proprietaryfag - **[Ken Silverman](**: famous oldschool 3D engine programmer ([Duke Nukem 3D]('s [BUILD engine](, ...), sadly proprietaryfag
- **[Ken Thompson](**: co-creator of [Unix](, [C]( and [Go]( - **[Ken Thompson](**: co-creator of [Unix](, [C]( and [Go](
- **[Kurt Godel](**: mathematician famous for his groundbreaking incompleteness theorems proving that [logic]( itself has intrinsic limitations, was a tinfoil schizo and died of starvation believing his food to be poisoned - **[Kurt Godel](**: mathematician famous for his groundbreaking incompleteness theorems proving that [logic]( itself has intrinsic limitations, was a tinfoil schizo and died of starvation believing his food to be poisoned

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Project
Project is a highly planned endeavor. TODO: moar
## How To Do Projects Well
Firstly a word of warning: stuff about how to plan projects, lead them, get people "motivated" and so on is a huge, huge milking cow of "[productivity](" writers and capitalists, to a large degree this is a bullshit topic growing alongside gigantic capitalist [bullshit]( projects and entrepreneurship religions. Never fall into this trap, never let concerns about how to make art take too much of the time that should actually be spent on making the art itself. With this said, we may offer some useful word of advice.
Also let it be said that everyone has to find his own way of doing projects, it's just like with learning for example: everyone has his own ways, what works for one may not work for another. The advice here will come firstly from the author's ([drummyfish]( personal experience and secondly from general [LRS]( principles. Also even though we'll mostly be talking about programming projects, a project can be anything really, what we say applies also to making a [music]( CD or writing a [book]( Here we go:
- **As always, keep everything [free](, [LRS](, well designed, non-commercial etcetc.** Just a reminder. Also think with your brain.
- **Prefer one man projects to many men projects**: Firstly LRS projects should be simple enough to be manageable by a single man, which has many advantages, for example ensuring a coherent artistic vision without any compromise, legal simplicity (e.g. with relicensing), ensuring that the project can REALLY be controlled by a single man (true [freedom](, and also very importantly the cost of collaboration. Multiple people on a project -- even just two -- introduce many inconveniences, issues and [friction](, e.g. that of communication (every thought has to be explained, put into words for others and they still may not completely get it, communication tools will have to be set up and maintained, ...), resolving editing conflicts (multiple people working on the same thing at once), making decisions (voting? discussions?), disagreements, arguments, "codes of conducts" and similar bullcrap. LRS does value collaboration, but mainly loose collaboration, i.e. making bigger things out of smaller things that are made by single people. But more people projects are cool, e.g. wikis or maybe projects by very close people who are already used to working together efficiently.
- **Do NOT be too ambitious, especially with first projects.** This is EXTREMELY important and you have to realize that even if you think something will be easy, it won't be so, a project will always be at least 20 times harder than you estimate (even if you already have experience in estimating project difficulty). Making a game is not just about programming it (which itself means debugging, refactoring, writing tests, debugging tests, organizing repos, designing APIs, studying libraries, ...), you'll also have to document it, play test it (many, many times over), debug it, optimize it, package it, make a website for it and a billion other things. If you decide to make a game like GTA (or even just Pokemon clone or something) but you haven't made at least 10 games already, YOU WILL FAIL, it will be a disaster and completely wasted time. Unless you've done like 10 projects already, choose dead simple things like Tetris clone or something (see [exercises]( for beginner project tips). Remember, the goal of your first project isn't the thing in question but rather learning about making a project and finishing it.
- **[FINISH]( THE FUCKING PROJECT.** Unfinished project will just have wasted your time, it will leave you disgusted, broken, depressed and defeated, it will be of no use to anyone, you'll just feel like [shit]( For this it is important to choose something simple -- if you finish the thing, you'll be happy regardless of how simple it really was, you'll be eager to make more things, people will be able to use your project, they'll be thanking you for it which will further make you more happy and so on. Even if it's a freaking minesweeper, you've made your own game now, it brings happiness to people, you can take a look at it every time you'll feeling down and be a bit happier.
- **Take long breaks**, enjoy the fact this is not a "[job](" -- when you've become fed up with your project, take a pause. If you have other projects, you may hop onto another one (but if you're simply overall tired, just take a full vacation, go play games or whatever). In a week, month or a year you'll start to feel the urge to get back to it and when you do, it's a sign you'll be enjoying doing it again, it's very likely you'll then get a period of """[productivity](""" (better said just enjoyment) and inspiration. Also when you get stuck or stand before an important decision taking a break is very much advised, you need a fresh mind and even if you make a decision, take a few more days to see if you still think it's good after some time.
- **Have multiple projects in progress**. This is cool for several reasons, for example it prevents a burn out of a single project -- if one projects becomes boring, shows to lead nowhere or you simply get tired of it for a while, you switch to a different one. Even if it fails completely and you delete it, you still have many other "children", it won't be a disaster. Sometimes you have a period when you want to program, so there's a programming project waiting for you, other times you feel like you wanna do music, and there is the project that needs some music, just ready for you. So this also stimulates you in different ways. And sometimes you get surprised if some small project turns into something unexpected maybe. It's just good to have this diversity in your art.
- **Do everything yourself and keep switching tasks**. This is similar to the other point about having multiple projects, just within a single project. Be your own programmer, graphic designer, musician, tester, writer and so on -- at least as much as possible. This not only helps you become a cool generalist, an independent, non-capitalist living being, but also prevents burn out from doing the same activity over and over.
- **Publish everything immediately**, don't wait until the project is "polished", this NEVER, never ends well. Really just have everything public at all times, keep no secrets, make it public even if it's buggy, shit, cringe, dangerous or whatever. This doesn't mean "go promote your buggy unfinished game", but simply "have your work-in-progress git repo public". This is not capitalism in which you work in secrecy and then "ship" a "product". Just make art and let anyone watch you, give you "feedback", advice and so on, get rid of shame, don't let others waste time on making what you're already making, don't let perfectionism paralyze you so that you'd never release your art.
- **If you ARE ambitious, separate the thing into multiple less ambitious projects**. Firstly this is just a good design, you shouldn't make a huge monolithic program but rather multiple simple things out of which it is easy to make the big thing. This achieves multiple things: you'll have several parallel projects as advised above and also if you don't finish the grandiose work, you'll still probably finish at least some parts of it that will be useful on its own. So if you really want to make that GTA clone (and have at least 20 years of experience so that you can even think about it), rather make several projects such as a 3D renderer, physics engine, a pack of car 3D models etc. When all of the projects are ready, you may try to merge them into the magnum opus.
- **"It would be cool" is not a good enough motivation for a bigger project.** You can't start a big thing just out of boredom. Finishing a greater thing will be painful, you'll be through sleepless nights, periods of desperation, headaches and burn outs, you'll sacrifice social life to hunting down bugs and rewriting shitty code. To keep yourself going through this it's not enough to know that "the result will be nice I guess". It needs more -- you must absolutely feel it is necessary to make the thing, you have to think the world NEEDs you to make it, only then you will keep torturing yourself to make it to the finish. So choose very wisely.
- **Before making a big thing of type X make a small thing of type X** or as it's been said "plan to throw one away". This is to say that you can't make a good game if it's the first game you're making, so you better make your first game small knowing that it ill suck rather than making a big game that would suck. The first thing is just for the experience. You can't prepare yourself for making an operating system just by reading a book, you have to make one to REALLY comprehend what it will be about, to see the whole picture and to properly plan it.
- ...

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@ -9,3 +9,7 @@ Exact ambient occlusions can be computed with algorithms such as RTAO (which use
This methods is notoriously ugly in certain conditions and many [modern]( [games]( suffer from this, even the supposedly "photorealistic" engines like Unreal -- if someone is standing in front of a wall there is a shadow outline around him that looks so unbelievably ugly you literally want to puke. But normie eyes can't see this lol, they think that's how reality looks and they are okay with this shit, they allow this to happen. Normies literally destroy computer graphics by not being able to see correctly. This methods is notoriously ugly in certain conditions and many [modern]( [games]( suffer from this, even the supposedly "photorealistic" engines like Unreal -- if someone is standing in front of a wall there is a shadow outline around him that looks so unbelievably ugly you literally want to puke. But normie eyes can't see this lol, they think that's how reality looks and they are okay with this shit, they allow this to happen. Normies literally destroy computer graphics by not being able to see correctly.
What to do then? The most [suckless]( way is to simply do no ambient occlusion -- seriously test how it looks and if it's okay just save yourself the effort, performance and complexity. Back in the 90s we didn't have this shit and games unironically looked 100 times better. You can also just [bake]( the ambient occlusion in textures themselves, either directly in the color texture or use [light maps]( Note that this makes the ambient occlusions static and with light maps you'll need more memory for textures. Finally, if you absolutely have to use SSAO, at least use it very lightly (there are parameters you can lower to make it less prominent). What to do then? The most [suckless]( way is to simply do no ambient occlusion -- seriously test how it looks and if it's okay just save yourself the effort, performance and complexity. Back in the 90s we didn't have this shit and games unironically looked 100 times better. You can also just [bake]( the ambient occlusion in textures themselves, either directly in the color texture or use [light maps]( Note that this makes the ambient occlusions static and with light maps you'll need more memory for textures. Finally, if you absolutely have to use SSAO, at least use it very lightly (there are parameters you can lower to make it less prominent).
## See Also
- [screen space reflections](

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@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ Technology (from Greek tekhnologia, "systematic treatment of art", also just "te
**The foremost purpose of technology is to make people not have to [work](** -- see also [progress]( Proponents of dystopian societies, such as [capitalists](, fear that technology will "take people's work" -- such people are for sure greatly idiotic and often end up abusing technology in the completely opposite manner: for enslaving and oppressing people. Proponents of [good technology]( strive to make technology do work for humans so that people can actually live happy lives and do what they want. With this in mind we have to remember that **one of the most important concepts in technology is [minimalism](**, as that is a necessary prerequisite for technological [freedom]( **The foremost purpose of technology is to make people not have to [work](** -- see also [progress]( Proponents of dystopian societies, such as [capitalists](, fear that technology will "take people's work" -- such people are for sure greatly idiotic and often end up abusing technology in the completely opposite manner: for enslaving and oppressing people. Proponents of [good technology]( strive to make technology do work for humans so that people can actually live happy lives and do what they want. With this in mind we have to remember that **one of the most important concepts in technology is [minimalism](**, as that is a necessary prerequisite for technological [freedom](
**Good technology absolutely and unconditionally serves its user in whatever it is he does**, it must never refuse to do what the user asks, it must never abuse the user, it must never hide anything from him. Even if what the user does would be considered dangerous and unethical, the technology may warn the user but if he wishes so, the tool must obey. This is a very basic principle of technology that simply states that a machine is another extension of human, like an extra limb, it should only do work, ethics is left completely to the human brain (the user of the machine, NOT the machine's manufacturer). For this reason technology must never contain any [proprietary]( parts, [censorship](, [ads](, [DRM](, [planned obsolescence]( and so on -- and for this reason good technology is incompatible with [capitalism]( **Good technology absolutely and unconditionally serves its user in whatever it is he does**, it must never refuse to do what the user asks, it must never abuse the user, it must never hide anything from him. Even if what the user does would be considered dangerous and unethical, the technology may warn the user but if he wishes so, the tool must obey. This is a very basic principle of technology that simply states that a machine is another extension of human, like an extra limb, it should only do work, ethics is left completely to the human brain (the user of the machine, NOT the machine's manufacturer). For this reason technology must never contain any [proprietary]( parts, [censorship](, [ads](, [DRM](, [planned obsolescence]( and so on -- and for this reason good technology is incompatible with [capitalism]( (where technology serves its manufacturer).
**Knowledge of older technology gets lost extremely quickly in society** -- this is a crucial realization that follows a naive idea of the young man who by his inexperience believes that we somehow pertain knowledge of all technology that's been invented from dawn of man until today. In [history]( our society has always only held knowledge of technology it was CURRENTLY ACTIVELY USING; knowledge of decades old technology no longer in use only stays in hands and heads of extremely few individuals and perhaps in some obscure [books]( that ARE UNREADABLE to most, sometimes to none; yet older technology oftentimes gets forgotten for good. For instance renaissance had to largely reinvent many arts and sciences of making building and statues of antiquity because middle ages have simply forgotten them. A more recent example can be found at [NASA]( and their efforts to recreate THEIR OWN old rocket engines: you would think that since they literally have detailed documentation of those engines, they'd be able to simple make them again, but that's not the case because the small undocumented (yet crucial) [know-how]( of the people who built the engines decades ago was lost with those individuals who died or retired in the meanwhile; NASA had to start a ginormous project to reinvent its own relatively recent technology. The same is happening in the field of [programming]( [modern]( [soydevs]( just CANNOT create as efficient software as hackers back then as due to normalization of wasting computing resources they threw away the knowledge of [optimization]( technique and [wisdom]( in favor of bullshit such as "soft skills" and memorizing one billion genders and personal pronouns. One might naively think that e.g. since our agriculture is highly efficient and advanced due to all the immense complexity of our current machines, simple farming without machines would be a child's play for us, however the opposite is true: we no longer know how to farm without machines. If a [collapse]( comes, we are quite simply fucked. **Knowledge of older technology gets lost extremely quickly in society** -- this is a crucial realization that follows a naive idea of the young man who by his inexperience believes that we somehow pertain knowledge of all technology that's been invented from dawn of man until today. In [history]( our society has always only held knowledge of technology it was CURRENTLY ACTIVELY USING; knowledge of decades old technology no longer in use only stays in hands and heads of extremely few individuals and perhaps in some obscure [books]( that ARE UNREADABLE to most, sometimes to none; yet older technology oftentimes gets forgotten for good. For instance renaissance had to largely reinvent many arts and sciences of making building and statues of antiquity because middle ages have simply forgotten them. A more recent example can be found at [NASA]( and their efforts to recreate THEIR OWN old rocket engines: you would think that since they literally have detailed documentation of those engines, they'd be able to simple make them again, but that's not the case because the small undocumented (yet crucial) [know-how]( of the people who built the engines decades ago was lost with those individuals who died or retired in the meanwhile; NASA had to start a ginormous project to reinvent its own relatively recent technology. The same is happening in the field of [programming]( [modern]( [soydevs]( just CANNOT create as efficient software as hackers back then as due to normalization of wasting computing resources they threw away the knowledge of [optimization]( technique and [wisdom]( in favor of bullshit such as "soft skills" and memorizing one billion genders and personal pronouns. One might naively think that e.g. since our agriculture is highly efficient and advanced due to all the immense complexity of our current machines, simple farming without machines would be a child's play for us, however the opposite is true: we no longer know how to farm without machines. If a [collapse]( comes, we are quite simply fucked.

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki. This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 583 - number of articles: 583
- number of commits: 833 - number of commits: 834
- total size of all texts in bytes: 4041978 - total size of all texts in bytes: 4046550
- total number of lines of article texts: 30634 - total number of lines of article texts: 30646
- number of script lines: 262 - number of script lines: 262
- occurences of the word "person": 7 - occurences of the word "person": 7
- occurences of the word "nigger": 89 - occurences of the word "nigger": 89
@ -29,66 +29,80 @@ longest articles:
- [game]( 32K - [game]( 32K
- [random_page]( 32K - [random_page]( 32K
- [3d_rendering]( 32K - [3d_rendering]( 32K
- [woman]( 32K
- [main]( 32K - [main]( 32K
- [pseudorandomness]( 32K - [pseudorandomness]( 32K
- [woman]( 32K
top 50 5+ letter words: top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2301) - which (2305)
- there (1747) - there (1747)
- people (1550) - people (1551)
- example (1335) - example (1338)
- other (1259) - other (1262)
- number (1142) - number (1143)
- software (1129) - software (1130)
- about (1083) - about (1084)
- program (918) - program (919)
- their (861) - their (864)
- because (842) - because (842)
- would (823) - would (824)
- being (788) - being (790)
- called (787) - called (789)
- language (757) - language (757)
- things (749) - things (752)
- numbers (747) - numbers (747)
- something (743) - something (744)
- computer (742) - computer (742)
- simple (725) - simple (725)
- without (691) - without (691)
- programming (674) - programming (674)
- function (673) - function (673)
- these (647) - these (650)
- different (643) - different (644)
- however (637) - however (638)
- system (596) - system (596)
- world (595) - world (595)
- should (584) - should (584)
- doesn (574) - doesn (574)
- games (569) - games (569)
- point (563) - point (564)
- society (559) - society (562)
- while (544) - while (545)
- though (532)
- drummyfish (532) - drummyfish (532)
- though (531)
- using (517) - using (517)
- still (517) - still (517)
- memory (508) - memory (508)
- simply (506)
- possible (506) - possible (506)
- simply (505)
- similar (500) - similar (500)
- technology (495)
- course (495) - course (495)
- technology (494) - https (479)
- https (477)
- always (463) - always (463)
- really (452) - really (453)
- basically (450) - basically (452)
- extremely (447) - extremely (447)
- value (446) - value (446)
latest changes: latest changes:
``` ```
Date: Thu Jul 11 04:28:41 2024 +0200
Date: Tue Jul 9 15:45:39 2024 +0200 Date: Tue Jul 9 15:45:39 2024 +0200
@ -110,21 +124,6 @@ Date: Tue Jul 9 15:45:39 2024 +0200
Date: Fri Jul 5 21:16:01 2024 +0200 Date: Fri Jul 5 21:16:01 2024 +0200
Date: Tue Jul 2 20:46:24 2024 +0200
``` ```
most wanted pages: most wanted pages:
@ -153,7 +152,7 @@ most wanted pages:
most popular and lonely pages: most popular and lonely pages:
- [lrs]( (284) - [lrs]( (284)
- [capitalism]( (227) - [capitalism]( (226)
- [c]( (215) - [c]( (215)
- [bloat]( (206) - [bloat]( (206)
- [free_software]( (171) - [free_software]( (171)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# <3 Woman <3 # <3 Woman <3
A woman (also girl, gril, gurl, femoid, toilet, wimminz, the weaker sex, the dumber sex or succubus; [tranny]( girl being called [t-girl](, troon, [trap](, [femboy](, fake girl or [mtf]( is one of two genders ([sexes]( of [humans](, the other one being [man]( -- traditionally woman is defined as that who was born with a vagina. Women are the weaker sex, they are [cute]( (sometimes) but notoriously bad at [programming](, [math]( and [technology]( in the field they usually "work" on [bullshit]( (and mostly [harmful]( positions such as "diversity department", [marketing](, "[HR](", [UI]([user experience](, or as a [token]( girl for media. If they get close to actual technology, their highest "skills" are mostly limited to casual "[coding](" (which itself is a below-average form of [programming]( in a baby language such as [Python](, [Javascript]( or [Rust]( Mostly they are just hired for quotas and make coffee for men who do the real work (until TV cameras appear). Don't let yourself be fooled by the propaganda, women have always been bad with tech. A woman (also girl, gril, gurl, femoid, toilet, wimminz, the weaker sex, the dumber sex or succubus; [tranny]( girl being called [t-girl](, troon, [trap](, [femboy](, fake girl or [mtf]( is one of two genders ([sexes]( of [humans](, the other one being [man]( -- traditionally woman is defined as that who was born with a vagina. Women are the weaker sex, they are [cute]( (sometimes) but notoriously bad at [programming](, [math]( and [technology]( in the field they usually "work" on [bullshit]( (and mostly [harmful]( positions such as "diversity department", [marketing](, "[HR](", [UI]([user experience](, or as a [token]( girl for media. If they get close to actual technology, their highest "skills" are mostly limited to casual "[coding](" (which itself is a below-average form of [programming]( in a baby language such as [Python](, [Javascript]( or [Rust]( Mostly they are just hired for quotas and make coffee for men who do the real work (until TV cameras appear). Don't let yourself be fooled by the propaganda, women have always been bad with tech. But indeed, very rarely a somewhat skilled woman may appear (we're not saying women can't be capable, just that they rarely are).
The symbol for woman is a circle with cross at its bottom ([Unicode]( U+2640). Women mostly like pink [color]( and similar colors like red and purple. The symbol for woman is a circle with cross at its bottom ([Unicode]( U+2640). Women mostly like pink [color]( and similar colors like red and purple.