Miloslav Ciz 4 weeks ago
parent dbb877da0e
commit d7ff960b42

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
# 21st Century
21st century, known as the Age Of [Shit]( or Dark Ages, is already one of the worst centuries in [history](, despite only being around for a short time. Hell on [Earth](, violence, pure stupidity, destruction, hatred and greed, [fascism](, misery, torture and suffering -- these are just some words describing this time period of time. How unlucky it is to have been born in such a shitty time. [Abominations]( walk in the streets. In this century there exists no more [good](, there is just [evil]( opposed by [another evil]( and people no longer even know what good means, they only support one of the two evils, thinking it's the good; there are rare few who support some kind of third evil that's not one of the two major evils, but all in all there is nothing but evil. While in the past only a portion of population were slaves, under today's late stage [capitalism]( the whole population has already been enslaved. And everything is getting much worse every year.
21st century, known as the Age Of [Shit]( or Dark Ages, is already one of the worst centuries in [history](, despite only being around for a short time. Hell on [Earth](, violence, pure stupidity, destruction, hatred and greed, [fascism](, misery, torture and suffering -- these are just some words describing this time period of time. How unlucky it is to have been born in such a shitty time. [Abominations]( walk in the streets. In this century there exists no more [good](, there is just [evil]( opposed by [another evil]( and people no longer even know what good means, they only support one of the two evils, thinking it's the good; there are rare few who support some kind of third evil that's not one of the two major evils, but all in all there is nothing but evil. While in the past only a portion of population were slaves, under today's late stage [capitalism]( the whole population has already been enslaved. And everything is getting much worse every year.
In 21st century there are already long established offices whose sole purpose is to ensure people cannot make use of useful ideas (see [patents]( It is also possible -- and actually extremely common -- to draw a rectangle on the ground and then buy a paper that makes it possible to bully anyone who enters that rectangle, even kill him. Whole earth is now covered with such rectangles, it is impossible to set foot anywhere else -- in fact if you want to live, you have to buy a paper that gives you your own rectangle where you won't be bullied if you fall asleep, but you have to continuously pay for that paper, i.e. you are doomed to slavery just by existing. In 21 century it is forbidden to shit or urinate if you have no money in your pocket, without money you are OFFICIALLY supposed and expected to hold it until your bladder explodes and you die in the street -- if you're in a big city and you want to shit, you cannot do it, you may only pay for someone to let you take a shit in his house. Also in 21st century you cannot eat food that is next to you, that no one else is eating and that will be thrown away, and that even if you're starving -- it is called theft and you will be beaten for it, maybe even killed. In this century you can also no longer drink from rivers or lakes, they have been poisoned so that you cannot drink at all if you don't have money in your pocket -- doing the same with air is already work in progress, major cities already have borderline unbreathable air. Never ending torture is part of everyday life: for example every day you are forced to stop sleeping very early and go perform [slavery]( that you hate deeply, the whole day you are continuously targeted with repeated brainwashing ([ads](, news, social media, [fear culture](, industrial noise, ...) that equate psychological torture. There are many more things like this but trying to recount them all would result in many thousands of billions of volumes of books.

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Just as reddit consists of subcommunities known as subreddits, 4chan consists of
For us the most important part of 4chan is the technology board known as /g/ (for technoloGEE). Browsing /g/ can bring all kinds of emotion, it's a place of relative freedom and somewhat beautiful chaos where all people from absolute retards to geniuses argue about important and unimportant things, brands, tech news and memes, and constantly advise each other to kill themselves. Sometimes the place is pretty toxic and not good for mental health, actually it is more of a rule than an exception.
UPDATE: As of 2022 /g/ became literally unreadable, ABANDON SHIP. The board became flooded with [capitalists](, cryptofascists, proprietary [shills](, [productivity]( freaks and other uber retards, it's really not worth reading anymore. You can still read good old threads on archives such as Some other more relaxed boards such as /x and /vr may still be alright though.
UPDATE: As of 2022 /g/ became literally unreadable, ABANDON SHIP. The board became flooded with [capitalists](, cryptofascists, proprietary [shills](, [productivity]( freaks and other uber retards, it's really not worth reading anymore. You can still read good old threads on archives such as ALSO 2024 update: 4chan is also completely unusable now because it's [cuckflared]( and posting requires unsolvable captchas (they are actually unsolvable, you must have PAID account to bypass it, so to post you now de facto have to pay). Lurking on some other more relaxed boards such as /x and /vr may still be cool, but in general accept that the site is dead, find something else.
Despite dwelling slightly [underground]( -- maybe better said being isolated from the normie "safespace" [censornet]( -- 4chan has really been very notably significant for the whole Internet [culture](, long [books]( could be written about its [history](, culture, unique, intricate social mechanism of its ways of communication and impact on the rest of the cyberspace; the "4chan experience" is one of the things that can't faithfully be described by words, it has to be lived. Just like reddit mixed some interesting concepts into a unique, yet more powerful combination that's more than a sum of its ingredients, so did 4chan -- yes, other boards are to be credited for this too, but 4chan is the flagship, the center of it all. Especially important seems to be the anonymity aspect, you never know who you are talking to, it's never clear if someone is [trolling](, serious, shilling, extremely dumb or something in between. There is no karma, no handles, no profile pictures, no upvotes (at best there are numbers of replies), no post history, no account age, you have to rely on judging people by unusual attributes, for example by the style of their talk, their knowledge of the [lore]( and latest [memes](, by how they format their posts (e.g. the infamously hated empty lines), what images they attach (and what they're file names are), as these are the only clues. A thread on 4chan isn't something with a clear goal, you don't know if someone is asking a question because he wants a genuine answer or because he's just bored and wants to see funny answers, or if he's posting a bait and is trying to trigger others, so each discussion is a bit of a game, you're trying to guess what's going on. A famous post, for example, had itself heard that the poster despises translations of books and always reads any book in its original language despite not understanding a word of it, and that he already read works such as Don Quixote and Les Miserables in their respective languages without knowing what they were about -- this stupidity combined with extreme determination and dedication captures part of what makes 4chan what it is. Also everything is temporary, every thread and image is deleted in a short time, which is an important factor too, everything is constantly in motion, people have to react quickly, there is no turning back, reactions are quick and genuine, if you miss something it's gone. Also the image memes themselves show how [art]( (who cares if low) evolves if completely unrestrained, anyone can try to spawn a new meme or download anyone else's posted meme, repost it or [modify]( it, copyright mostly [de facto]( won't apply as the authors are unknown; bad works are filtered out while good ones remain simply by making others save them and keep reposting them, it's art without authors, separated from the people, evolving completely on its own, purely by its intrinsic attributes, unconstrained evolution at work right before our eyes -- this is a seriously scientifically [interesting]( stuff.

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ TODO: history of bloat?
The issue of bloat may of course appear outside of the strict boundaries of computer technology, nowadays we may already observe e.g. **[science bloat](** -- science is becoming so overcomplicated (many times on purpose, e.g. by means of [bullshit]( science) that 99% people can NOT understand it, they have to BELIEVE "scientific authorities", which does not at all differ from the dangerous blind religious behavior. Any time a new paper comes out, chances are that not even SCIENTISTS from the same field but with a different specialization will understand it in depth and have to simply trust its results. This combined with self-interest obsessed society gives rise to [soyence]( and large scale brainwashing and spread of "science approved" propaganda.
Some metrics traditionally used to measure bloat include **[lines of source code](**, **[programming language]( used** (some languages are bloated themselves and inherently incapable of producing non-bloat, also choice of language indicates the developer's priorities, skills etc.), **number of [dependencies](** (packages, libraries, hardware, ...), **binary size** (size of the compiled program), **compile time**, **resource usage** ([RAM](, CPU, network usage, ...), **performance** ([FPS](, responsiveness, ...), **anti features** ([GUI](, [DRM](, auto updates, file formats such as [XML](, ...), [portability](, number of implementations, size of specification, number of developers and others. Some have attempted to measure bloat in more sophisticated ways, e.g. the famous *web bloat score* ( measures bloat of websites as its total size divided by the page screenshot size (e.g. [YouTube]( at 18.5 vs at 0.386). It has been observed that **software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster**, which is now known as [Wirth's law](; this follows from [Moore's law]( (speed of hardware doubles every 24 months) being weaker than [Gate's]( law (speed of software halves every 18 months); or in other words: the stupidity of [soydevs]( outpaces the brilliancy of geniuses.
Some metrics traditionally used to measure bloat include **[lines of source code](**, **[cyclomatic complexity](** (kind of "number of ways the code may take"), **[programming language]( used** (some languages are bloated themselves and inherently incapable of producing non-bloat, also choice of language indicates the developer's priorities, skills etc.), **number of [dependencies](** (packages, libraries, hardware, ...), **binary size** (size of the compiled program), **compile time**, **resource usage** ([RAM](, CPU, network usage, ...), **performance** ([FPS](, responsiveness, ...), **anti features** ([GUI](, [DRM](, auto updates, file formats such as [XML](, ...), [portability](, number of implementations, size of specification, number of developers and others. Some have attempted to measure bloat in more sophisticated ways, e.g. the famous *web bloat score* ( measures bloat of websites as its total size divided by the page screenshot size (e.g. [YouTube]( at 18.5 vs at 0.386). It has been observed that **software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster**, which is now known as [Wirth's law](; this follows from [Moore's law]( (speed of hardware doubles every 24 months) being weaker than [Gate's]( law (speed of software halves every 18 months); or in other words: the stupidity of [soydevs]( outpaces the brilliancy of geniuses.
Despite this there isn't any completely objective measure that would say "this software has exactly X % of bloat", bloat is something judged based on what we need/want, what tradeoffs we prefer etc. The answer to "how much bloat" there is depends on the answer to **"what really is bloat?"**. To answer this question most accurately we can't limit ourselves to simplifications such as [lines of code]( or number of package dependencies -- though these are very good estimates for most practical purposes, a more accurate insight is obtained by carefully asking what *burdens* and *difficulties* of ANY kind come with given technology, and also whether and how much of a necessary evil they are. Realize for example that if your software doesn't technically require package X to run or be compiled, package X may be [de facto]( required for your software to exist and work (e.g. a pure multiplayer game client won't have the server as a dependency, but it will be useless without a server, so de facto all bloat present in the server is now in a wider sense also the client's burden). So if you've found a program that's short and uses no libraries, you still have to check whether the language it is written in isn't bloated itself, whether the program relies on running on a complex platform that cannot be implemented without bloat, whether some highly complex piece of hardware (e.g. [GPU]( or 8GB of [RAM]( is required, whether it relies on some complex Internet service etc. You can probably best judge the amount of bloat most objectively by asking the following: if our current technology instantly disappeared, how hard would it be to make this piece of technology work again? This will inevitably lead you to investigating how hard it would be to implement all the dependencies etc.
@ -192,3 +192,4 @@ The concept of bloat can be applied even outside the computing world, e.g. to no
- [maximalism](
- [obscurity](
- [shit](
- [cyclomatic complexity](

@ -23,4 +23,5 @@ TODO
- [less retarded society](
- [socialism](
- Mores [Utopia](
- [capitalism](

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Furthermore there many are other useful tools such as:
- **dynamic program analyzer**: A tool that will watch your program running and check for things like [memory leaks](, access of unallocated memory, suspicious behavior, unsafe behavior, call of obsolete functions and many others. The most famous such tool is probably **[valgrind](**, it's a good habit to just use valgrind from time to time to check our program.
- **[profiler](**: A kind of dynamic analyzer that focuses on statistical measuring of resource usage of your program, typically execution times of different functions, memory consumption or network usage. Basically it will watch your program run and then draw you graphs of which parts of your programs consume most resources. This usually helps [optimization]( but can also serve to find bugs (you can spot where your memory starts leaking etc.). Some basic profiling can be done even without profiler, just inside your own program, but it can get tricky. One famous profiler is e.g. [gprof](
- **static source code analyzer**: Static analyzers look at the source code (or potentially even compiled binary) and try to find bugs/inefficiencies in it without running it, just by reasoning. Static analyzers often tell you about [undefined behavior](, potential overflows, unused code, unreachable branches, unsatisfiable conditions, confusing formatting and so on. This complement the dynamic analysis. Some tools to do this are e.g. [cppcheck]( and [splint](, though thanks to compilers performing a lot of static analysis themselves these seem not as widely used as dynamic analyzers nowadays.
- **static source code analyzer**: Static analyzers look at the source code (or potentially even compiled binary) and try to find bugs/inefficiencies in it without running it, just by reasoning. Static analyzers often tell you about [undefined behavior](, potential overflows, unused code, unreachable branches, unsatisfiable conditions, confusing formatting and so on. This complement the dynamic analysis. Some tools to do this are e.g. [cppcheck](, [pmccabe]( and [splint](, though thanks to compilers performing a lot of static analysis themselves these seem not as widely used as dynamic analyzers nowadays.
- **[hex editor](**: Tool allowing you to mess with binary files, useful for any program that works with binary files. A simple hex viewer is e.g. `hexdump`.
- **[emulators](, [virtual machines](, ...**: Running your program on different platform often reveals bugs -- while your program may [work perfectly fine]( on your computer, it may start crashing on another because that computer may have different integer size, [endianness](, amount of RAM, timings, file system etcetc. Emulators and VMs allow you to test exactly this AND furthermore often allow easy inspection of the emulated machine's memory and so on.
- ...

@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ Bear in mind the main purpose of this quiz is for you to test your understanding
71. You've probably seen a game freeze and become unresponsive and then you likely heard audio get stuck too in a weird way: a short piece of sound is just played over and over like a broken vinyl record. Why does this happen? How and WHY is audio typically implemented here?
72. Mention at least one advantage and one disadvantage of using [matrices]( to represent transformations in 3D engines.
73. A nudist is lying completely horizontally on a beach with his dick pointed up towards the sky when a hot 16 year old jailbait walks by and he gets an erection, the sun is shining under the angle 20 degrees (measured from horizon), his dick is now pointed up completely vertically and casts a shadow that reaches up to his feet, i.e. the shadow (completely horizontal) has a length of 60 cm. How long is his dick (with erection)?
74. Did you enjoy this quiz?
74. If your computer resides in a private network that's connected to the Internet through a router that performs network address translation ([NAT](, common with many ISPs), why you typically cannot host a server that would be publicly accessible from the outside [Internet]( I.e. explain how NAT works and say what's preventing outside computers from reaching your server behind it. How can you make your server work even behind NAT?
75. Did you enjoy this quiz?
### Answers
@ -251,7 +252,8 @@ Bear in mind the main purpose of this quiz is for you to test your understanding
71. Continuous audio is normally implemented with a [circular buffer]( -- that is we have a buffer of audio samples of certain size *N* and that is being played over and over, with the play head going from start to finish and then back to start again; the program has to keep updating this buffer regularly to fill it with new samples to play and it has to keep ahead of the play head. Circular buffer is nice because we don't have to shift it as a whole (which would require moving a lot of values in memory), the only thing that is moving is the play head, that's why it's used as opposed to e.g. a queue. When a game freezes, it stops operating correctly and it stops updating the audio buffer, so whatever is in it will just be played over and over in a loop.
72. Main advantage is that a matrix can hold any combination of transformations and that applying all the transformations is then simply performed by performing a single matrix multiplication which additionally may be implemented with quite fast matrix multiplication algorithms. Not only can a matrix represent for example the whole translation+rotation+scale transformation of a single object, it can hold any number of such transformations performed in any order so that we can for example precompute a matrix that will perform world transformation, camera space transformation and view space transformations all at once! That's very fast. Disadvantages of matrices may be that they can only hold affine transformations (i.e. they can't represent ANY transformation whatsoever), it may also be a bit harder to extract back the parameters of the transformation from a matrix (though it can be done) etc. Also in case of some extreme memory limitations matrices may take up more space than would be strictly needed.
73. From the right triangle: *dick_legth / shadow_length = tan(20 degrees) => dick_legth = tan(20 degrees) * shadow_length ~= 21.83 cm*.
74. yes
74. Behind NAT you're in a private network, computers inside it have no public addresses (their IP addresses are in the private range and potentially same as addresses of computers in other private networks), only the router has a public IP address that's unique within the Internet, i.e. from Internet's point of view there is only one device connected -- your router. Computers behind this router are invisible, so no one can connect to the server that's behind it. The possibility of you having a two way communication from within this private network with the outside Internet is enabled by the router who communicates for you when you ask for it, i.e. when you (from inside the private network) initiate the connection -- the router then creates the connection for you and talks to the outside world for you (translating your private address to its public address, hence *network address translation*). But no one can initiate communication from the outside, the router wouldn't know to whom he wants to speak. This can be solved e.g. by port forwarding (setting some default computer to which communication from outside will be redirected) or tunneling (keeping a constant connection with some outside proxy server that's listening to requests and resending them).
75. yes
## Other

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Gopher (allegedly from "go for information") is a [network]( [protocol]( for publishing, browsing and downloading files and is known as a much simpler alternative to the [World Wide Web]( (i.e. to [HTTP]( and [HTML]( In fact it competed with the Web in its early days and even though the Web won in the mainstream, gopher still remains used by small communities (usually the more dedicated though, see e.g. [bitreich]( Gopher is like the Web but well designed, it is the [suckless]([KISS]( way of doing what the Web does, it contains practically no [bloat]( and so [we]( highly advocate its use. Gopher inspired creation of [Gemini](, a similar but bit more complex and "[modern](" protocol, and the two together have recently become the main part of so called [Smol Internet]( Gopher is much better than Gemini though. The set of all public gopher servers is called gopherspace. The Gopher protocol was defined in 1993 in [RFC]( 1436.
Gopher **doesn't use any [encryption](** (though some servers allow access via [Tor]( **This is good, encryption is [bloat](**. Gopher also doesn't really know or care about [Unicode]( and similar bloat (which mostly serves trannies to insert emojis of pregnant men into readmes anyway, we don't need that), it's basically just [ASCII]( (of course you can employ Unicode as gopher just transfers files really, it's just that Unicode is not part of gopher's specification and most people prefer to keep it ASCII). Gopher's simple design is intentional, the authors deemed simplicity a [good]( feature. Gopher is so simple that you may very well write your own client and server and comfortably use them -- **you can even browse gopher just by manually using [telnet](** to communicate with the server.
Gopher **doesn't use any [encryption](** (though some servers allow access via [Tor]( actually there's also some kinda encrypted "gophers" protocol too, but still it seems encrypting is thankfully not so popular at this point). **This is good, encryption is [bloat](**. Gopher also doesn't really know or care about [Unicode]( and similar bloat (which mostly serves trannies to insert emojis of pregnant men into readmes anyway, we don't need that), it's basically just [ASCII]( (of course you can employ Unicode as gopher just transfers files really, it's just that Unicode is not part of gopher's specification and most people prefer to keep it ASCII). Gopher's simple design is intentional, the authors deemed simplicity a [good]( feature. Gopher is so simple that you may very well write your own client and server and comfortably use them -- **you can even browse gopher just by manually using [telnet](** to communicate with the server.
**How big is/was gopherspace?** In 1994 there were over 1300 gopher servers (source: 1994 book *Finding it on the Internet"*), around 1995 there were already more than 6000 (source: 1995 video *Searching the Internet - Gopher | The Internet Revealed*). Most of them are now gone, in 2005 there were only 145 servers reported by Veronica search engine (source: *2007 gopher archive*), though Gopher recently saw a new wave of popularity. As of 2023 the Veronica search engine reported 315 gopher servers in the world with 5+ million indexed selectors, which they estimated was 83% of the whole gopherspace (the peak server count was in 2020 at almost 400). Quarry search engine reports 369 servers and 1+ million indexed selectors. Contrition search engine reported even 495 servers and 7+ million selectors. The "grawler" crawler of reported 192 active servers at the beginning of 2016, 182 in 2020, 413 in 2023 (bumped its search list) and 380 in 2024. Gopher LAWN directory (made by [bitreich]( contains 281 selected quality gopher holes.

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# Hero Culture
Hero culture is a [harmful]( culture of creating and worshiping heroes and "leaders" (and other kinds of [celebrities]( which leads to e.g. creation of [cults of personality](, strengthening [fight culture]( and establishing hierarchical, anti-[anarchist]( society of "winners" and "losers". The concept of a hero is one that arose in context of [wars]( and other many times violent conflicts; a hero is different from a mere authority or a well known individual in some area, it is someone who creates fear of disagreement and whose image is distorted to a much more positive, sometimes godlike state, by which he distorts truth and is given a certain power over others. Therefore [we]( highly warn about falling to the trap of hero culture, though this is very difficult in current highly hierarchical society. **To us, the word hero has a pejorative meaning**. Our advice is always this:
*"Personally I've never had much time for heroes."* --wise words from [Albus Dumbledore](
Hero culture (or just hero cult) is a [harmful]( [culture]( of creating and worshiping heroes and "leaders" (and other kinds of [celebrities]( which leads to e.g. creation of [cults of personality](, strengthening [fight culture]( and establishing hierarchical, anti-[anarchist]( society of "winners" and "losers". The concept of a hero is one that arose in context of [wars]( and other many times violent conflicts; a hero is different from a mere authority or a well known individual in some area, it is someone who creates fear of disagreement and whose image is distorted to a much more positive, sometimes godlike state, by which he distorts truth and is given a certain power over others. Therefore [we]( highly warn about falling to the trap of hero culture, though this is very difficult in current highly hierarchical society. **To us, the word hero has a pejorative meaning**. Our advice is always this:
**Do NOT create heroes. Follow ideas, not people**. Also similarly: hate ideas, not people, and follow ideas, not groups.

@ -2,4 +2,6 @@
Military is the official [state]( terrorist organization specialized in killing, genocide, torture, destruction, rape and other oppression of people outside the state's country, mainly through physical force; the purpose of military is [war]( for which it largely consists of [army](, a group of professional murderers who, for doing the most immoral things imaginable, get a great amount of benefits from the state, such as financial security and propaganda support (the title of [hero]( Military complements [police](, a similar organization which however specializes in killing people inside the country.
**Existence of army itself incites war** -- it costs money to maintain an army, soldiers are non-working men at the top of their working potential, they are idle, have to be fed, accommodated, trained, military technology has to be maintained, updated etc., i.e. it cost huge amounts of money to simply have army existing. If it is not fighting a war, the money is completely lost. If war is fought, there will be losses but there will also be considerable return of this investment in army, e.g. the newly acquired land and its resources, as well as weakened enemy and therefore greater comparative power and control. Therefore **investing in army always economically pressures for starting a war**.
**If you can, get military technology**, e.g. from army shops etc. (but be sure to get the true army stuff, not just something branded as such). The reason is that military gets the best technology -- unlike [consumer]( technology, which is designed to break on purpose and never last very long, the army needs reliable, durable tools that last long, work in harsh conditions and can be repair in the field. So if you can get your hands on a military laptop, go for it.

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ Another pseudoleftist argument is that "the DNA of any two individuals is 99.6 %
In general the politically correct love to pick and attack **strawmen**: typically they will find some lunatic racial supremacist such as [Hitler]( who claims something like "My German race is the purest, it has no Jewish blood in it!", then they easily [attack]( this obvious nonsense by saying "ACKCHUALY, studies show that Germans are mostly of mixed ethnicity and have a lot of Jewish blood.^[123456789101112131415]" (which is of course probably true), and then they go on (and here comes the sneaky step), "therefore the whole premise about existence of races is false." A retard will buy this of course because the sentence has a lot of those superscript numbers in it. They cannot refute actual arguments that aren't based on racial supremacy, arguments made by true scientists -- these they just ban and censor as "[racist](".
The "race is a social construct" argument is perhaps the absolutely most cretinous and idiotic ever given, it's almost so stupid as to not even be worth addressing -- this one is the kind of "not even wrong", just completely irrelevant and stupid to such a degree you can't but just shake your head. What the FUCK is a "social construct" supposed to mean in the first place, and how is it relevant? Does it mean that race is an abstract concept made by humans? Well yes, but so is physics, species and whole biology, governments, mathematics, colors, numbers, engineering and a million of other things. Does it mean these things don't exist or that they have no significance? Are completely braindead or what?
Denying the facts regarding human race is called **[race denialism](**, the acceptance of these facts is called [race realism]( Race denialism is part of the basis of today's [pseudoleftist]( political ideology, theories such as polygenism (multiregional hypothesis) are forbidden to be supported and they're ridiculed and demonized by mainstream information sources like [Wikipedia]( who only promote the [politically correct]( "out of Africa" theory. [SJWs]( reject any idea of a race with the same religious fanaticism with which Christian fanatics opposed Darwin's evolution theory.
**What races are there?** That depends on definitions^([according to who?][according to logic]), the boundaries between races are [fuzzy]( and the lines can be drawn differently. The traditional, most general division still found in the greatest 1990s encyclopedias is to three large groups: **Caucasoid** (white), **Negroid** (black) and **Mongoloid** (yellow). These can be further subdivided. Some go as far as calling different nations separate races (e.g. the Norwegian race, Russian race etc.), thought that may be a bit of a stretch. One of the first scientific divisions of people into races was done by Francois Bernier in *New Division of the Earth by the Different Species or "Races" of Man that Inhabit It* into Europeans, Asians, Africans and Sami (north Europe), based on skin color, hair color, height and shape of face, nose and eyes.

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 579
- number of commits: 794
- total size of all texts in bytes: 3754331
- total number of lines of article texts: 28894
- number of commits: 795
- total size of all texts in bytes: 3760225
- total number of lines of article texts: 28905
- number of script lines: 262
- occurences of the word "person": 8
- occurences of the word "nigger": 73
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ longest articles:
- [chess]( 56K
- [number]( 52K
- [faq]( 48K
- [programming_language]( 44K
- [c]( 40K
- [programming_language]( 40K
- [3d_model]( 40K
- [bloat]( 36K
- [internet]( 36K
@ -35,60 +35,76 @@ longest articles:
top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2151)
- there (1628)
- which (2154)
- there (1630)
- people (1420)
- other (1177)
- example (1155)
- other (1178)
- example (1157)
- software (1059)
- number (1033)
- about (976)
- about (979)
- program (858)
- their (806)
- because (766)
- would (746)
- called (744)
- computer (725)
- language (724)
- being (709)
- because (767)
- would (754)
- called (745)
- language (733)
- computer (727)
- being (710)
- simple (696)
- things (688)
- numbers (686)
- something (661)
- numbers (687)
- something (662)
- without (654)
- programming (645)
- function (643)
- programming (638)
- these (604)
- however (602)
- these (606)
- however (603)
- different (601)
- world (568)
- world (569)
- system (555)
- should (544)
- games (539)
- doesn (532)
- society (529)
- doesn (535)
- society (530)
- point (529)
- though (504)
- while (498)
- memory (497)
- drummyfish (492)
- drummyfish (494)
- using (489)
- technology (477)
- technology (478)
- still (476)
- similar (471)
- course (467)
- similar (472)
- course (470)
- simply (454)
- possible (452)
- https (442)
- really (422)
- computers (412)
- https (445)
- really (423)
- computers (414)
- extremely (411)
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- first (406)
- first (407)
latest changes:
Date: Mon May 6 21:37:53 2024 +0200
Date: Sun May 5 23:13:54 2024 +0200
@ -106,22 +122,6 @@ Date: Sun May 5 23:13:54 2024 +0200
Date: Sun May 5 02:12:27 2024 +0200
Date: Sat May 4 13:57:18 2024 +0200
most wanted pages:
@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ most wanted pages:
- [data_type]( (14)
- [irl]( (12)
- [embedded]( (12)
- [lisp]( (11)
- [cli]( (11)
- [buddhism]( (11)
- [array]( (11)
- [quake]( (10)
- [lisp]( (10)
- [complex_number]( (10)
- [tree]( (9)
- [meme]( (9)
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
- [lrs]( (278)
- [capitalism]( (211)
- [c]( (210)
- [bloat]( (199)
- [bloat]( (200)
- [free_software]( (165)
- [game]( (139)
- [suckless]( (132)
@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ most popular and lonely pages:
- [foss]( (74)
- [less_retarded_society]( (73)
- [hacking]( (73)
- [fight_culture]( (73)
- [bullshit]( (73)
- [fight_culture]( (72)
- [art]( (71)
- [programming_language]( (70)
- [shit]( (68)

@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ If you contribute, add yourself to [wiki authors](! You can also
- I've finally decided that with certain exceptions headings should be written like this: **Each Word Of A Heading Is Capitalized**. This is for simplicity, we don't deal with weird ass rules of when or when not to capitalize.
- **Filenames of articles shall use a lowercase snake_case**.
- **Article/file names are to be preferably singular nouns**. I.e. "animal" rather than "animals", "portability" rather than "portable" etc. But there may be exceptions, e.g. articles that are lists may use plural ("human" is about human as species, "people" is a list of existing humans), non-nous MAY be used if nouns would be too long/awkward (e.g. "weird" instead of "weirdness"). Use your brain.
- **This isn't [Wikipedia](**, memes, opinions and uncensored truths are allowed (and welcome). **References/citations are not needed**, we aren't a religion that relies on someone else's reputation to validate truth, we just spread information and leave it to others to either trust, test its usefulness and/or verify. Furthermore we don't limit ourselves to truths that can be or have been "proven" by whatever is currently called "approved science^TM", many valuable truths are just proven by experience etc. LRS advocates society in which deception doesn't happen and in which therefore there is no need for citations serving as a proof -- we practice this here. However references are still allowed and many times useful, e.g. as a further reading.
- **This isn't [Wikipedia](**, memes, opinions and uncensored truths are allowed (and welcome). **References/citations are not needed**, we aren't a religion that relies on someone else's reputation to validate truth, we just spread information and leave it to others to either trust, test its usefulness and/or verify. This wiki doesn't so much exist to convince people who disagree with us, that cannot be done and retards cannot be convinced no matter what, the wiki is here for people who already see the truth as we do, we aren't proving anything to them, we are offering them further stuff they may find useful. Furthermore we don't limit ourselves to truths that can be or have been "proven" by whatever is currently called "approved science^TM", many valuable truths are just proven by experience etc. LRS advocates society in which deception doesn't happen and in which therefore there is no need for citations serving as a proof -- we practice this here. However references are still allowed and many times useful, e.g. as a further reading.
- **The wiki must mentally be written in the past**, i.e. when writing it you mustn't adhere to the culture of [21st century](, get back to the previous millennium, just ignore the past several decades ever happened and continue existing back then, isolate yourself from the outside world if you must, don't talk to anyone, don't watch TV, use language and mindset that was present back in the better days.
- Unlike with [Wikipedia]( our criterion of inclusion isn't notability, i.e. things that people talk about, but value, i.e. **things that are worth talking about**. On the other hand if something is notable but of little value, such as details of [OOP]( or famous feminists, we won't write too much about it, it's just useless noise that harms the good things by obscuring them.
- The style of this wiki is inspired by the classic hacker culture works such as the [WikiWikiWeb]( and [Jargon File](
- **Writing style should be relaxed and in many parts informal**. Formality is used where it is useful (e.g. definitions), most of other text can benefit from being written as a tech conversation among friends.

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ Note: It is guaranteed that [soyentific]( BIGBRAINS will start screec
| muscle/mass avg. | 42% | 32% | |
|life span: avg. (EU)| 75 years | 81 years | |
| life span: greatest| 116 y. (Kimura) | 122 y. (Calment) |top 10 oldest people ever are all W |
| suicides / 100K | 11.15 | 2.86 |M die by suicide nearly 4x as often |
|average IQ (US 1993)| 101.8 | 98.8 |in some areas M score even 11 higher |
| 200m outdoor WR | 19.90s (Bolt) |21.34s (G-Joyner) |best W ranks lower than #5769 among M|
| 60m indoor WR | 6.34s (Coleman) |6.92s (Privalova) |best W ranks lower than #3858 among M|
@ -109,4 +110,4 @@ Here is a list of almost all historically notable women:
- [man](
- [t-girl](
- [waifu](
- [waifu](
