This commit is contained in:
Miloslav Ciz 2022-05-09 19:27:44 +02:00
parent d04ce0575d
commit f8fdea7b41
12 changed files with 58 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# 21st Century
21st century, known as the Age Of [Shit](, is already one of the worst centuries in history despite only being around shortly.

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@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ Here is a list of some acronyms:
- **[EOL](** (end of line, end of life)
- **[ESR](** (Erik Steven Raymond)
- **[EULA](** (end user license agreement)
- **[FAQ](** (frequently asked questions)
- **[FE](** (frontend)
- **[FET](** (field effect transistor)
- **[FFS](** (for fuck's sake)

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@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ Following are some common algorithms classified into groups.
- [path tracing](
- [ray tracing](
- [math](
- [Boot'h algorithm]: algorithm for multiplication
- [Boot'h algorithm]( algorithm for multiplication
- [Dijkstra's algorithm](
- [Euclidean algorithm]( computes greatest common divisor
- [numerical algorithms]( approximate mathematical functions

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Anarcho Capitalism
*Not to be confused with [anarchism](*
So called "anarcho capitalism" (ancap for short, not to be confused with [anpac]( or any form of [anarchism]( is probably the worst, most retarded and most dangerous idea in the history of ever, and that is the idea of supporting [capitalism]( absolutely unrestricted by a state or anything else. No one with with at least 10 brain cells and/or anyone who has spent at least 3 seconds observing the world could come up with such a stupid, stupid idea. We, of course, completely reject this shit.
It has to be noted that **"anarcho capitalism" is not real [anarchism](**, despite its name. Great majority of anarchists strictly reject this ideology as form of capitalism is completely incompatible with anarchism -- anarchism is defined as opposing any social hierarchy and oppression, while capitalism is almost purely based on many types of hierarchies (internal corporate hierarchies, hierarchies between companies, hierarchies of social classes of different wealth etc.) and oppression (employee by employer, consumer by corporation etc.). Why do they call it *anarcho* capitalism then? Well, partly because they're stupid and don't know what they're talking about (otherwise they couldn't come up with such an idiotic idea) and secondly, as any capitalists, they want to deceive and ride on the train of the *anarchist* brand -- this is not new, [Nazis]( also called themselves *socialists* despite being the complete opposite.
The colors on their flag are black and yellow.
It is kind of another bullshit kind of "anarchism" just like "[anarcha feminism](" etc.
## The Worst Idea In History
As if [capitalism]( wasn't extremely bad already, "anarcho" capitalists want to get rid of the last mechanisms that are supposed to protect the people from corporations -- [states]( We, as anarchists ourselves, of course see states as eventually harmful, but they cannot go before we get rid of capitalism first. Why? Well, imagine all the bad things corporations would want to do but can't because there are laws preventing them -- in "anarcho" capitalism they can do them.
Firstly this means anything is allowed, any unethical, unfair business practice, including slavery, physical violence, blackmailing, rape, worst psychological torture, nuclear weapons, anything that makes you the winner in the jungle system. Except that this jungle is not like the old, self-regulating jungle in which you could only reach limited power, this jungle offers, through modern technology, potentially limitless power with instant worldwide communication and surveillance technology, with mass production, genetic engineering, AI and weapons capable of destroying the planet.
Secondly the idea of getting rid of a state in capitalism doesn't even make sense because **if we get rid of the state, the strongest corporation will become the state**, only with the difference that state is at least *supposed* to work for the people while a corporation is only by its very definition supposed to care solely about its own endless profit on the detriment of people. Therefore if we scratch the state, McDonalds or Coca Cola or Micro$oft -- whoever is the strongest -- hires a literal army and physically destroys all its competition, then starts ruling the world and making its own laws -- laws that only serve the further growth of that corporation such as that everyone is forced to work 16 hour shifts every day until he falls dead. Don't like it? They kill your whole family, no problem. 100% of civilization will experience the worst kind of suffering, maybe except for the CEO of McDonald's, the world corporation, until the planet's environment is destroyed and everyone hopefully dies, as death is what we'll wish for.
All in all, "anarcho" capitalism is advocated mostly by children who don't know a tiny bit about anything, by children who are being brainwashed daily in schools by capitalist propaganda, with no education besides an endless stream of ads from their smartphones, or capability of thinking on their own. However, these children are who will run the world soon. It is sad, it's not really their fault, but through them the system will probably come into existence. Sadly "anarcho" capitalism is already a real danger and a very likely future. It will likely be the beginning of our civilization's greatest agony. We don't know what to do against it other than provide education.
God be with us.

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@ -36,5 +36,6 @@ V
## See Also
- [ANSI art](
- [pixel art](
- [plain text](

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Dodleston Mystery
The Dodleston mystery regards a teacher Ken Webster who in 1984 supposedly started exchanging messages with people from the past and future, most notably people from the 16th and 22nd century, via files on a [BBC micro]( computer. While probably [hoax]( and [creepypasta](, there are some interesting unexplained details... and it's a fun story.
The guy has written a [proprietary]( book about it, called *The Vertical Plane*.

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@ -46,6 +46,12 @@ We're not fascists, we're in fact the exact opposite: our aim is to create techn
What we do NOT engage in is political correctness, censorship, offended culture, identity politics and pseudoleftism. We do NOT support fascist groups such as feminists and LGBT and we will NOT practice bullying and [codes of conducts]( We do not pretend there aren't any differences between people and we will make jokes that make you feel offended.
### Why do you use the word Nigger so much?
To counter its censorship. The more they censor something, the more I am going to uncensor it. They have to learn that the only way to make me not say that word so often is to stop censoring it, so to their action of censorship I produce a reaction they dislike. That's basically how you train a dog.
To ask who "them" is is absolutely stupid.
### How can you say you love all living beings and use offensive language at the same time?
The culture of being offended is [bullshit](, it is a [pseudoleftist]( (fascist) invention that serves as a weapon to justify censorship, canceling and bullying of people. Since I love all people, I don't support any weapons against anyone (not even against people I dislike or disagree with). People are offended by language because they're taught to be offended by it by the propaganda, I am helping them unlearn it.

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Fractal is formed by [iteratively]( or [recursively](
\./ \./ V \./ \./ V
\ / \ / V \ / \ / V
| | _| | | |_ >_| | | |_<
'-.| |.-' '-.| |.-' '-.| |.-'
\ / \ / \ / \ /

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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ If you don't know where to start, here are some suggestions. If you're new, the
- [C tutorial](
- [pseudoleft](
- [history](
- [Dodleston messages mystery](
And if you just want something more obscure and [fun](, check out these:

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ As neural [AI]( approaches human level of creativity, we may see it actual
For its extreme save of space procedural generation is extremely popular in [demoscene]( where programmers try to create as small programs as possible. German programmers made a full fledged 3D shooter called [.kkrieger]( that fits into just 96 kB! It was thanks to heavy use of procedural generation for the whole game content. [Bytebeat]( is a simple method of generating procedural "8bit" music, it is used e.g. in [Anarch]( Procedural generation is generally popular in indie game dev thanks to offering a way of generating huge amounts of content quickly, without having to pay artists.
We may see procgen as being similar to [compression]( algorithms: we have large data and are looking for an algorithm that's much smaller while being able to reproduce the data. [John Carmack]( himself called procgen "basically a shitty compression".
We may see procgen as being similar to [compression]( algorithms: we have large data and are looking for an algorithm that's much smaller while being able to reproduce the data (but here we normally go the other way around, we start with the algorithm and see what data it produces rather than searching for an algorithm that produces given data). [John Carmack]( himself called procgen "basically a shitty compression".
Using [fractals]( is a popular technique in procgen because they basically perfectly fit the definition of it: a fractal is defined by a simple equation or a set of a few rules that yield an infinitely complex shape. Nature is also full of fractals such as clouds, mountain or trees, so fractals look organic.

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Usenet
Usenet (User's Network) is an ancient [Internet]( discussion network -- a [forum]( -- that existed long before the [World Wide Web]( At the time it was very popular, it was THE place to be on the Internet (for those who actually were on the Internet, that is), but nowadays it's been forgotten by the mainstream, sadly hardly anyone remembers it.
Back in the day there were no [web browsers](, there was no web. Users of the Internet could communicate e.g. by [email]( or by directly connecting to servers and leaving messages for others there -- these servers were called [BBS]( and were another popular kind of [social network]( at the time. Usenet was a bit different as it was [decentralized]( -- it wasn't stored or managed on a single [server](, but on many independent servers that provided users with access to the network. This access was (and is) mostly paid (to [lurk]( for free you can search for Usenet archives online). To access Usenet a **newsreader** program was needed, it was kind of a precursor to web browsers (nowadays newsreaders are sometimes built into e.g. email clients). Usenet was lots of time not moderated and anonymous, i.e. kind of free, you could find all kinds of illegal material there.
Usenet invented many things that survive until today such as the words *[spam](* and *[FAQ](* as well as some basic concepts of how discussion forums even work.
Usenet was originally [ASCII]( only, but people started to post binary files encoded as ASCII and there were dedicated sections just for posting binaries, so you co go [piiiiiiiiirating](
It worked like this: there were a number of Usenet servers that all collaborated on keeping a database of *articles* that users posted (very roughly this is similar to how [blockchain]( works nowadays); the servers would more or less mirror each other's content. These servers were called *providers* as they also allowed access to Usenet but this was usually for a fee. The system uses a [NNTP]( (Network News Transfer Protocol) protocol. The articles users posted were also called *posts* or *news*, they were in plain text and were similar to email messages. Other users could reply to posts, creating a discussion thread. Every post was also categorized under certain **newsgroup** that formed a hierarchy (e.g. **). After so called *Big Renaming* in 1987 the system eventually settled on 8 top level hierarchies (called the *Big 8*): comp.* (computers), news.* (news), sci.* (science), rec.* (recreation), soc.* (social), talk.* (talk), misc.* (other) and humanities.* (humanities). There was also another one called alt.* for controversial topics.
Usenet was the pre-[web]( web, kind of like an 80s [reddit]( which contained huge amounts of historical information and countless discussions of true computer [nerds]( which are however not easily accessible anymore as there aren't so many archives, they aren't well indexed and Usenet access is normally paid. It's a shame. It is possible to find e.g. initial reactions to the [AIDS]( disease, people asking what the [Internet]( was, people discussing future technologies, the German cannibal (Meiwes) looking for someone to eat (which he eventually did), [Bezos]( looking for [Amazon]( programmers, a heated debate between [Linus Torvalds]( and [Andrew Tanenbaum]( about the best OS architecture (the "Linux is obsolete" discussion) or [Douglas Adams]( talking to his fans. There are also some politically incorrect groups like *alt.niggers* [lol](

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@ -24,10 +24,12 @@ Around 2005, the time when [YouTube](, [Twitter](, [Facebo
## See Also
- [teletext](
- [WAP](
- [Usenet](
- [TOR](
- [Gopher](
- [Gemini](
- [BBS](
- [Freenet](
- [Internet](