2025-03-17 16:42:36 +01:00

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How To Lose Weight

Here is a guide for anyone wanting to lose weight, only follow at own risk.

{ Below given tips are a summary of my rich personal experience. I used to weight some 85 kg and every year I would go on a diet to get to 60 kg so that I could spend the rest of the year eating anything I wanted again. I always managed to lose those 10 to 15 kg in one to two months. One year I even lost over 30 kg (over a longer period) down to weighting only 54 kg thanks to a diet combined with an episode of depression. By now I am able to just do whatever I want with my weight. ~drummyfish }

WARNING: being too skinny is dangerous and this doesn't just mean the extreme case of possibly starving to death. A malnourished body lacks resources and has trouble sustaining vital functions which leads to issues with joints, teeth, skin, mental health, immunity, blood pressure and even to permanent health damage -- women lose menstruation cycle and can become infertile etc. Overly anorexic chicks end up tied by ropes on intensive care unit, force fed, looking like a 120 year old. Be very careful about overdoing it.

Basics: first question asked must be whether you aim to LITERALLY JUST LOSE WEIGHT or if you want to lose fat and keep/build muscle. Unsurprisingly the latter is harder, it REQUIRES exercise and optimizing nutrition. Merely losing weight is much easier, not as troublesome thanks to not requiring exercise at all, and is fine in case you just want to go from morbidly obese to "normal". At any rate it's necessary to force swallow the following fact pill:

You HAVE TO go on a diet, period. Losing weight only with exercise is quite literally impossible if you keep consuming double cheeseburgers with Pepsi for breakfast and then watching a movie with a bag of large chips and Monster drinks plus a few beers on top. The amount of food we consume in the first world is NOT NORMAL, what the average folk considers a "normal" daily intake of food is actually overeating. Remember the trait imposed upon us by evolution: with enough food we overeat in order to store energy as body fat for the worse times of scarcity. This perfectly works in the jungle when times of abundance and scarcity alternate, but turns to a curse in times of constant abundance (and additional pressure of the food business). Exercise is cool and helps, but reducing calorie intake is the single most essential thing for losing weight.

From weight losing perspective the primary key word in a diet is calorie, a unit energy. Watch out: everybody says "calories" but in fact what we always mean is kilocalories, i.e. kcal. Hearing someone talk about 100 calories means 100 kilocalories, 100 calories is just nothing. Every food has a certain amount of (kilo)calories and your body naturally burns some amount of calories per day -- if you give it more, you gain weight, if you give it less, you lose weight (because the body must take the missing energy from the stored fat). It's as simple as that. The number of calories in food is printed on the packaging and/or can be looked up on the Internet. Average adult male needs 2000 kcal per day (exact value depends on sex, age, height, physical activity, genes etc.), so you aim to get less than that, to induce the energy deficit and burn the fat. In gradual weight loss you'll probably want to lost about 500 kcal per day, but there are even madmen eating less than 1000 calories per day. Some people even fast and eat nothing at all, but this mustn't be sustained for too long.

So how many calories are too much in food? This depends, calories are usually measured per 100 grams of food but this depends on the DENSITY of the food, so rough calories/100 grams values can be misleading -- see also tips below. But in general it goes like this: fewer than 10 kcal / 100 g is guilt-free food, you can consume it as much as you want; under 100 kcal / 100 g is low-calorie food that you want to consume as your "normal" food; below 200 kcal is acceptable but should be limited and stuff above is best to be avoided. 400 and above is a disaster.

How many calories must one burn to lose 1 kg of weight? The number is said to be 7700 kcal as that's how many there are in 1 kg of fat, however it's just approximate (eventually the body also loses muscle, water etc.). Now you can do the math and see how quickly one is losing weight depending on the calorie deficit per day. Normal people will aim to maybe lose 0.5 to 1 kg per week, but obviously it can go a lot faster, though brutally fast weight loss (like more than 2 kg maybe) is generally not recommended.

Now to debunk a common misconception here's another truth pill: weight loss can't be targeted on body parts. If you want to lose your belly fat, doing belly exercises will NOT make you lose fat there. NO IT WILL FUCKING NOT, IT'S TRUE MOTHERFUCKER. Exercising your belly will make you gain muscle there, but if you're staying fat, the muscle won't be seen. Yes, you saw a guy on TV do situps and then have a cool six pack in the next episode, but you don't get it, this is how it works: he loses weight mainly through diet which makes him lose fat, and the body burns fat from wherever it wants first -- sadly in places where you WANT to lose fat it usually goes last. Well, that's why it's probably seen as "sexy" to have a flat belly -- because it's HARD to do :) Why is the guy doing situps then? To keep the muscles. The body burns fat but also takes a bit of the muscle, and exercising certain parts makes the body invest in growing muscles there, slowing the loss. Of course exercise also burns calories so it accelerates loss of fat, but again, you cannot target where the fat will be lost.

And to debunk another one: increased mental effort doesn't burn more calories. Well, maybe it does but only very insignificant amount. Look it up if you don't believe it. If it did, why are all nerds fat? THINK FOR FUCKS SAKE. Yes, it's true that brain consumes a disproportionate amount of calories, but it's a faulty logic to think that increased or decreased mental effort changes this amount. The brain just consumes X calories per day no matter if you stare at a wall or study math, most of the energy goes to things like keeping organs functioning etc.

And another one :) NO, the body doesn't start storing more fat if you give it few calories, that's bullshit. There seems to be circulating this hoax, perhaps propelled by its usability as a convenient excuse for not undertaking a diet, that a body deprived of food "gets scared" and "starts hoarding more fat". LMAO, not true at all, it doesn't work like this, definitely not to any significant level. Do you think someone overeating will therefore start getting slimmer because the body sees there is enough food? Your body will eventually start hoarding more fat, but more due to aging and other factors. Stop looking for excuses.

BMI (body mass index) is a measure often used to calculate how fat someone is depending on weight and height, you can use it to track where you stand.

Everybody can lose weight, no excuses exist. Fatties frequently go on crying they just won't lose weight despite diets because of "bad genes" or whatever but this is debunked by physics itself: if a man is able to not eat and keep his weight, he is literally breaking physics laws, creating energy from nothing and should be awarded Nobel Prize for the greatest breakthrough in science. It's always only about having the will to not eat as much. This might come with a possible exception that will nonetheless be rare: even though literally everyone CAN lose weight, it's possible some might be cursed with such a bizarre condition that would cause them to die if they lost weight, for which they'd have to choose not to lose it. So if your excuse is to be "I cannot lose weight because of health problems", please be sure to prove that reaching healthy weight would kill you, otherwise please stop bullshitting everyone, admit you're lazy, stay fat and be happy, there is nothing wrong about making that decision.

And now to some general tips:

  • understanding calories: It's common to get confused by the fact that for example diet food, such as that polystyrene bread or caffeine free coffee, advertise ungodly amount of calories on the package, or that cooking something makes it lose calories. WTF is going on? What you read on the package is amount of kcal on 100 grams, so if something has very low density, it will have a lot of calories advertised. The polystyrene bread is extremely dry and so very light, so even if it has 350 calories per 100 grams, one piece of it only has 35 calories if it weights 10 grams! Same with coffee drinks -- the powder may actually sport significant calories per 100 grams, but a typical cup will only contain a tiny spoon of the powder. Usually the more "watery" and "wet" something is, the fewer kcal per 100 grams it has, meaning one can eat a lot of it in terms of weight (i.e. probably also volume), making himself full without intaking too much energy.
  • minding hidden calories: An infamous "enemy" are the sneaky hidden calories in things one misses when tracking the intake. For example oil has gigantic amount of calories -- it's said there was a guy who lost some kilos ONLY by drying his pizzas from oil with paper towels.
  • learning to estimate calories: Beginners have to look everything up, pros can just take a look at the plate and tell you how many calories there are. Food should always have calorie value on the package, but one must be careful to always look at the value per 100 grams (sometimes they sneakily write something different, for example calories per serving or number of joules). Like with everything losing weight can also be trained to eventually be doing it effortlessly. { Nowadays I can even just "feel" if I've had enough -- even if I'm slightly hungry, I can tell "how hungry" I am and how much of a calorie deficit I have. ~drummyfish }
  • waiting after eating: After eating a dish, one must always wait before deciding to eat more. Once we start eating, the body just desires more and more, even if we've already had enough. Waiting makes us realize if we are ACTUALLY still hungry of not. In 99% cases hunger goes away after eating any small amount of food if one only waits 5 minutes as the body starts the digesting process and expects you to rest.
  • watching the vitamins: When decreasing food consumption it's important to pay more attention to eating a balanced diet because with smaller amount of food neglecting something will result in far too little of that something. For losing weight basically only calories matter, but for staying healthy one must watch other things like amount of protein, vitamin B and stuff. Vitamins can be taken in pills without any calories.
  • avoiding seeing food: Hard to do in capitalism but important, one must eliminate ads, food documentaries, avoid billboards with food, going near food shops etc.
  • avoiding access to food: It's surprising how much of a role subconsciousness plays in being hungry -- just having food in a fridge nearby will make people hungry. { This I experienced and realized very much when spending time at my caravan in the woods. In a civilization I used to get hungry in the evening but in my caravan I never got hungry at all if I was only staying overnight and brought no food with me. ~drummyfish }
  • avoiding bad food:
    • fastfood, hamburgers, chips, sweets, jam etc.: Everyone knows this makes you fat and sick. As an exercise check out how many calories there are in this stuff.
    • bakery: Bread, rolls etc. Somehow this is bad for losing weight, just start eating something else.
    • strong flavors, too tasty: Potato chips, ketchup on food, spicy food and so on -- this excites the taste receptors and makes one uncontrollably crave more and more food, it's intentionally made so by capitalists. Has to be avoided. At first it's hard, it's literally like quitting a drug, but just like with drugs one can eventually overcome the withdrawal and even starts enjoying the normal stuff much more than before. Really it works, just needs a bit of self control.
    • sweet drinks: Coca Cola, Pepsi, energy drinks and similar garbage are basically sugar with a bit of added water, avoid this at any cost. Maybe you can lose a few kilos literally just by quitting these and doing nothing else. Some people think that a drink can't have too many calories but no, that's a fatal mistake.
    • alcohol: One or two glasses of wine on the weekend are fine, but it still has some calories, it may be better to just eat something.
    • ...
  • eating regularly: One must eat at the same time every day. This trains the body and it doesn't get hungry when it's not food time.
  • drinks: Drinks are amazing, they are almost like food! { In Czech we have a proverb that says that "hunger is a thirst in disguise" lol. ~drummyfish } These fuckers are the best helpers in losing weight because they let us just "consume something" and be happy. Often a mild hunger can be really chased away with a cup of coffee.
  • chewing/licking stuff: Just like smoking is not just about nicotine but also the "ritual" and playing with the cigarette, the pleasure of eating is also a matter of many stimuli. Chewing a gum (or something similar) can therefore help overcome hunger. Also just slowly licking a spoon of salt can make one feel as if "eating something".
  • distractions/other habits: Hunger can be pushed away with doing something fun, maybe doing something useful like cleaning, or by some other form of entertainment and pleasure such as games, movies or sex (unrealistic). It's not uncommon for people to get preoccupied with something interesting and completely forget they were hungry.
  • being young: After around 25 years of age the metabolism usually gets shittier and body starts hoarding fat, so it's pretty good to be young.
  • having good genes: Some people, often taller ones, just don't gain weight as much, so it's easier to lose weight with good genes.
  • exercise: No need for hardcore weight lifting at the gym, it's enough to start making small decisions like taking stairs instead of the lift or walking on food instead of the bus. To really have an effect this has to be regular though, an everyday habit. However, as stated, exercise is not necessary for weight loss.
  • zero calorie food/drinks: There are many drinks with zero calories, some even tasting very good, however food with zero calories is somehow very rare to find and practically non-existent.
    • shirataki noodles: These magical noodles have basically zero calories, the body can't digest it and it goes right through. Yes, indeed it tastes like air, but it's food with fucking ZERO calories. The trick is in spicing it up and maybe throwing in some vegetable or a tiny bit of cheese, then it even has a taste. Usually eating it isn't really super enjoyable, but it fills the stomach and the body then isn't hungry anymore, so it's a great stopper of hunger crises.
    • water: Obviously.
    • coffee (no milk or sugar): The wonder of nature, delicious and overall amazing drink. Too much caffeine can be bad though, but thankfully there also exist caffeine-free coffee that also has practically no calories. Sometimes adding a bit of almond milk can diversify the experience.
    • coffee-like drinks: Stuff used as substitutes to coffee, e.g. barley coffee (caffe d'orzo), cereal coffee etc.
    • tea (no sugar): Basically just hot water, absolutely guilt free, healthy drink, many different flavors.
    • sparkling water: Some people really love it. It's possible to get mildly flavored water too.
    • diet versions of drinks: There exist zero calorie versions of coca cola, energy drinks etc., and they DO taste basically the same as the normal version, however these drinks are quite unhealthy so they shouldn't be consumed regularly. One can use them as a kind of "treat" for losing another kilogram for example ;)
    • wholegrain styrofoam bread: That kind of small, dry biscuit-like bread that doesn't taste great on its own but is excellent to replace normal bread, very good to make nice small vegetable sandwiches.
    • ...
  • low(er) calorie food: This is what you want your meals to consist of. In general you want stuff with a lot of water in it as water makes it bigger (makes you full) and has no calories.
    • fruit/vegetable: Obviously, very tasty, healthy and cool.
    • mushrooms: Almost entirely made of water, very tasty, but also a bit heavy so can't be eating every day.
    • potato: Amazing product of nature that can be eaten in many forms, is very tasty and doesn't have too many calories.
    • rice: Not the lowest in calories but acceptable and very tasty. There may be differences between different kind of rice, so this must be checked out.
    • juices (watered down): Natural juices are tasty and only have few calories, which can further be reduced by adding water.
    • almond milk: Not zero but very low on calories, used as a substitute to normal milk.
    • soups: Consist mostly of water and taste great.
    • mozzarella and some processed cheese: Cheese can have quite a lot of calories in general but it can be eaten e.g. instead of meat. Again, preferable are the "watery" kinds of cheese like mozzarella.
    • honey: It's not exactly low in calories but it's a good replacement for normal sugar and sweets in times of crisis. Firstly it has considerably less calories than normal sugar, but it's also healthier AND quite filling, so in a crisis instead of eating a whole chocolate it's often enough to take one spoon of honey.
  • depression: In depression one lose appetite and starts to lose weight like nothing. Depression sucks but this is a small advantage.
  • when/how to weight oneself: For accurate tracking one must always weight at the same time of the day, usually morning, and under the same conditions, i.e. without clothes, after peeing etc. The weight jumps up and down quite rapidly, for example we sweat out a lot of liquid during the night etc. It's also pointless to weight every day, weighting every friday for example is cool.
  • fucking up: If one's will got broken and he uncontrollably raided the fridge, there are several ways of proceeding. Firstly one can just ignore it, accept this will cost extra time to lose the calories again. One can also "take responsibility" and lose it by skipping the next meal or doing an extra exercise. Some go vomit the food out but this is considered not too good :)
  • initially weight loss goes fast: This is quite cool, it's probably because the body gets rid of water or something, but the first kilos just go easily.
  • no pussying out, one gets used to the diet: It takes maybe two to three weeks to get used to eating less, then it becomes a breeze. Modern degenerate people have zero self control and think it's impossible to quit a habit if it involves bearing slight discomfort for more than a day, but it's easy for a real chad. Many challenges in life are hard because it's difficult to DO something, here it's enough to NOT do the thing (eating).
  • sometimes the weight gets stuck: Sometimes it happens that the weight loss stalls, this just means one has to persevere and possibly decrease the calorie intake further. As one gets slimmer and "smaller", the body starts requiring slightly less energy to function and so losing weight gets a bit harder the more one has already lost.
  • learning to like hunger: One can mentally associate the feeling of hunger with losing weight by thinking "I'm so hungry -- this means I am now burning fat!". Just like many people like pain or fear and even get addicted to it, it's possible to enjoy the feeling of hunger in the same way.
  • cutting limbs off: Not very good but left for completeness.
  • liposuction: This sucks because it's a shitty capitalist business, also literally hurting your body. AVOID.
  • moving to planet with lower gravity: One loses weight but not mass.
  • pooping/peeing: Instantly lose half a kilo with this one trick.
  • other: Perhaps there are other tips whose effectiveness or health risks are however a bit more questionable, such as using laxatives to quickly shit out food quickly. Someone said taking hot baths burns some extra calories.
  • ...

How To Gain Weight

Do the opposite of the above.

See Also