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# Censorship
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Censorship means intentional effort towards preventing exchange of certain kind of information among other individuals, for example suppression of [free speech](, altering old works of art for political reasons, forced takedowns of [copyrighted]( material from the [Internet]( etc. Note that thereby censorship does **NOT** include some kinds of data or information filtering, for example censorship does not include filtering out [noise]( such as [spam]( on a forum or static from audio (as noise is a non-information) or PERSONAL avoidance of certain information (e.g. using [adblock]( or hiding someone's forum posts ONLY FOR ONESELF). Censorship often **hides under euphemisms** such as "[moderation](", "[safe space](", "[filter](", "protection", "review" etc. **Censorship is always [wrong](** -- in a [good society]( there is never a slightest reason to censor anything, therefore whenever censorship is deemed the best solution, something within the society is deeply fucked up. In current society censorship, along with [propaganda](, brainwashing and misinformation, is extremely prevalent and growing -- it's being pushed not only by [governments]( and [corporations]( but also by harmful terrorist groups such as [LGBT]( and [feminism]( who force media censorship (e.g. that of [Wikipedia]( or search engines) and punishment of free speech (see [political correctness]( and "[hate speech](").
Sometimes it is not 100% clear which action constitutes censorship: for example categorization such as moving a forum post from one thread to another (possibly less visible) thread may or may not be deemed censorship -- this depends on the intended result of such action; moving a post somewhere else doesn't remove it completely but can make it less visible. Whether something is censorship always depends on the answer to the question: "does the action prevent others from information sharing?".
There exist **tools for bypassing censorship**, e.g. [proxies]( or encrypted and/or distributed, censorship-resistant networks such as [Tor](, [Freenet](, [I2P]( or [torrent]( file sharing. Watch out: using such tools may be illegal or at least make you look suspicious and be targeted harder by state surveillance.
## Examples
## See Also
- [free speech](