2023-11-12 15:37:20 +01:00

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Social Justice Warrior

Social justice warrior (SJW) is an especially active, toxic and aggressive kind of pseudoleftist (a kind of fascist) that tries to fight (especially on the Internet) anyone opposing or even just slightly criticizing the mainstream pseudoleftist gospel such as the feminism and LGBT propaganda. SJWs divide people rather than unite them, they operate on the basis of hate, revenge and mass hysteria and as we know, hate spawns more hate, they fuel a war mentality in society. They support hard censorship (forced political correctness) and bullying of their opposition, so called cancelling, and also such retardism as sanism and whatnot. Wokeism is yet more extreme form of SJWery.

SJWs say the term is pejorative. We say it's not pejorative enough xD

A sneaky tactic of an SJW is masked hypocrisy. As any good marketing guy he will proclaim some principle OUT LOUD IN BIG LETTERS, adding asterisks with exceptions that immediately break that principle. For example:

  • "WE HAVE TO CREATE A CENSORSHIP RESISTANT INFORMATION NETWORK" (asterisk: "But we have to build in mechanisms to censor pedophiles and racists and other information we dislike.")
  • "WE HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE OF CYBER BULLYING" (asterisk: "With the exception of bullying people we deem fair to be bullied.")
  • "WE ARE PACIFIST REJECTING VIOLENCE" (asterisk: "With the exception of violence against people we deem good to use violence against.")
  • "WE HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE OF RACISM" (asterisk: "We don't count reverse racism as racism.")
  • "WE SUPPORT FREE SPEECH AND FREE INFORMATION SHARING" (asterisk: "Speech we dislike doesn't fall under free speech.")
  • "WE SUPPORT TECHNOLOGICAL MINIMALISM" (asterisk: "As long as it's written in Rust, Python and JavaScript with encryption and virtual machines for security.")
  • "WE PROMOTE SCIENCE" (asterisk: "Science being defined as trusting the word of authorities we approve without questioning them.")
  • "THIS ENCYCLOPEDIA CAN BE EDITED BY EVERYONE" (asterisk: "Except for 90% of population who are blocked for not conforming to our political style of writing.")
  • etc.