2025-03-20 21:16:10 +01:00

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Git (name without any actual meaning) is a pseudoleftist FOSS (GPL) version control system (system for maintaining and collaboratively developing source code of programs), currently the most mainstream-popular one (with surveys stating over 90% developers using it over other systems). Git is basically a command line program allowing to submit and track changes of text files (typically source code in some programming language, but not limited to it), offering the possibility to switch between versions, branches, detect and resolve conflicts in collaborative editing etc.

2024 UPDATE: Git is woke fascist software, it's good to distance from it. It has a code of censorship and is planning to implement newspeak by renaming the default branch from politically incorrect master to something else (even though it that will fuck up many projects) -- as a reaction you should rename all you branches to slavemaster. Do it right now :)

Git was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 to host the development of Linux and to improve on systems such as svn. Since then it has become extremely popular, mainly owing to GitHub, a website that offered hosting of git projects along with "social network" features for the developers; after this similar hosting sites such as GitLab and Codeberg appeared, skyrocketing the popularity of git even more.

It is generally (at the time of writing this) considered quite a good software (at least compared to most other stuff), many praise its distributed nature, ability to work offline etc., however diehard software idealists still criticize its mildly bloated nature and also its usage complexity -- it is non-trivial to learn to work with git and many errors are infamously being resolved in a "trial/error + google" style, so some still try to improve on it by creating new systems. It is also very harmful by pushing harmful pseudoleftist political ideology into its development.

Is git literally hitler? Git rhymes with shit, it is harmful tranny software and is indeed better be avoided. For the technological side -- by suckless standards git IS bloated and yes, git IS complicated as fuck, however let's try to go deeper and ask the important questions, namely "does this matter so much?" and "should I use git or avoid it like the devil?". Taking about the pure technological side, the answer is actually this: it doesn't matter too much that git is bloated and you don't have to avoid using it. Why? Well, git is basically just a way of hosting, spreading and mirroring your source onto many git-hosting servers (i.e. you can't avoid using git if you want to spread your code to e.g. Codeberg and GitLab) AND at the same time git doesn't create a dependency for your project, i.e. its shittiness doesn't "infect" your project -- if git dies or if you simply want to start using something else, you just copy-paste your source code elsewhere, you put it on FTP or anything else, no problem. It's similar to how e.g. Anarch uses SDL (which is bloated as hell) to run on specific platforms -- if it doesn't hard-depend on SDL and doesn't get tied to it, it's OK (and actually unavoidable) to make use of it. You also don't even have to get into the complicated stuff about git (like merging branches and resolving conflicts) when you're simply committing to a simple one-man project. But if you can make and distribute your project without using git, there should be no hesitation about just sending it to hell.

Which git hosting to use? All of them (except for GitHub which is a proprietary terrorist site)! Do not fall prey to predatory git platforms, githopping is a serious disease, just make tons of accounts, one for each git hosting site, add multiple push remotes and just keep pushing to all of them -- EZ. Remember, git hosting sites are just free file storage servers, not social networks or brands to identify with. Do NOT use their non-git "features" such as issue trackers, CI and shit. They want you to use them as "facebook for programmers" and become dependent on their exclusive "features", so that's exactly what you want to avoid, just abuse their platform for free file storage. Additional tip on searching for git hosting sites: look up the currently popular git website software and search for its live instances with some nice search engine, e.g. currently searching just gitea (or "powered by gitea", "powered by gogs", "powered by forgejo") on wiby returns a lot of free git hostings.

After registering on a git hosting site don't forget to create a repository named nigger to test its freedom of expression. If they ban you it's not a good git host.


Here are some alternatives to git:

  • nothing: If you don't have many people on the project, you can comfortably just use nothing, like in good old times. Share a directory with the source code and keep regular backups in separate directories, share the source online via FTP or something like that, let internet archive back you up.
  • svn: The "main", older alternative to git, used e.g. by SourceForge, apparently suffers from some design issues.
  • mailing list: Development happens over email, people just keep sending patches that are reviewed and potentially merged by the maintainers to the main code base. This is how Linux was developed before git.
  • darcs: Alternative to git, written in Haskell, advertising itself as simpler.
  • lit (previously known as gut): WIP LRS/suckless version control system.
  • ...

How To Use Git For Solo/Small Projects (Cheatsheet)


  • git clone repo_address: Clones online repository to local directory.
  • git add files_you_changed; git commit -m "Update"; git push: This is how you make a commit, do this after every meaningful change (added feature, fixed bug, ...). Bonus points for writing meaningful messages.
  • git pull: Updates your local repository with the newest commits from the online repo that someone (for example you on another computer) made. This will fail if you have uncommitted changes because you would lose them: either commit your changes or destroy them with git stash.
  • git stash: Scratches all the uncommitted changes you currently have. Use if you were trying something that didn't work out for example.
  • git rm file_to_remove: Removes a file, works the same as normal rm but also informs git about this removal so that it will be part of the next commit.
  • git init: Initializes a new repository in current directory. After this just git add your initial files and commit them.
  • git log: Shows latest commits.
  • git diff: Shows diff of your current uncommitted changes. Good for making patches or checking what exactly you are committing.
  • git apply diff_file: Applies a patch previously made with git diff.
  • weird error: Just look it up on stack overflow.
  • fix fucked up repository: Just rm -rf the whole directory and git clone again.

Set Up Your Own Git Server


on server:

mkdir myrepo
cd myrepo
git init --bare

on client you can clone and push with ssh:

git clone ssh://user@serveraddress:/path/to/myrepo
cd myrepo
... # do some work
git commit -m "blablabla"
git push

you can also make your repo clonnable via HTTP if you have HTTP server (e.g. Apache) running, just have address http://myserver/myrepo point to the repo directory, then you can clone with:

git clone http://myserver/myrepo

IMPORTANT NOTE: for the HTTP clone to work you need to do git update-server-info on the server in the repo directory after every repo update! You can do this e.g. with a git hook or cronjob.

See Also