2025-03-25 00:54:31 +01:00

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Military is the official state terrorist organization specialized in killing, genocide, torture, destruction, rape and other oppression of people outside the state's country, mainly through physical force; the purpose of military is war for which it largely consists of army, a group of professional murderers who, for doing the most immoral things imaginable, get a great amount of benefits from the state, such as financial security and propaganda support (the title of hero). Military complements police, a similar organization which however specializes in killing people inside the country.

Existence of army itself incites war -- it costs money to maintain an army, soldiers are non-working men at the top of their working potential, they are idle, have to be fed, accommodated, trained, military technology has to be maintained, updated etc., i.e. it cost huge amounts of money to simply have army existing. If it is not fighting a war, the money is completely lost -- the country is paying for a tool it is not using. If war is fought, there will be losses but there will also be considerable return of this investment in army, e.g. the newly acquired land and its resources, as well as weakened enemy and therefore greater comparative power and control. Therefore investing in army always economically pressures for starting a war.

If you can, get military tech, e.g. from army shops etc., however be sure to get the true army stuff, not just something branded as such though, as there's a lot of stuff labeled "military grade" only for marketing. The reason is that military gets the best technology -- unlike consumer technology, which is designed to break on purpose and never last very long, the army needs reliable, durable tools that last long, work in harsh conditions and can be repair in the field. So if you can get your hands on a military laptop, go for it.