2025-03-20 21:16:10 +01:00

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Rights Culture

Rights culture is a toxic culture of the law-obsessed capitalism-plagued western society, mostly connected to so called "human rights movement", in which common things such as repairing things and defecating without being watched start to become privileges ("rights") which common people have to "fight" for instead of doing useful things. It manifests in language by much more frequent use of the word "right" ("human rights", "worker rights", "men's rights", "animal rights", "I have a right to sleep", "I have a right to not listen to you", ...), reflecting the subconscious shift towards accepting that "what's not codified as a right is implicitly forbidden", creating a new bullshit field of various "fighters" for all kinds of rights like the right to wipe one's ass with his right hand, right to wipe his ass with the left hand, right to receive what one pays for, right to not be tortured for arriving late at slavery etc. The solution to such a shitty state of society is of course not in codifying more rights and "fighting" for them, but rather replacing the shitty underlying system which keeps turning common things into privileges; however it's also the solution people will never choose because people always do the exact opposite of what they should.

As with countless other phenomena in modern western culture, this is a twisted take on something that initially might have started as good intentions, but was later on hijacked and raped to serve evil interests (see also similar cases: ecology, open source, communism etc.) Abuse of rights culture can now be seen clear as day especially with a very common pattern of the word "right" actually meaning "restriction", i.e. its exact opposite, being used as an euphemism -- for example so called "copyRIGHT" does not stand for giving anyone any extra rights at all! It stands for TAKING AWAY the naturally present "right" to freely use, study, modify and share information. Whereas without copy"right" anyone was free to share information, copyright established that this will now be forbidden. Similarly the "right to be forgotten" means that other people will now be FORBIDDEN from talking about someone else. Of course people haven't noticed this shift because they only react to keywords and the word "right" sounds like a "good" word.