2025-03-25 00:54:31 +01:00

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Slowly Boiling The Frog

Slowly boiling the frog names a phenomenon by which people tolerate a very significant change for the worse if that change is very gradual, even if they would absolutely not tolerate the change being made quickly. The name refers to an experiment in which a frog doesn't jump out of boiling water if the water temperature is raised very gradually (even though according to "modern science" this experiment actually doesn't work exactly this way, it still demonstrated the principle). In essence it can be said that people won't protest living in bad conditions, they will only protest a quick change for the worse. When evil is creeping in slowly, it will be tolerated, and this gets exploited to rape people: for example at first a small, innocent looking law is introduced whose scope will increase each year without anyone noticing. But the practice is not limited to law, it is popular among whoever holds the power, for example corporations: they can establish any kind of evil if only they invest the time to do it gradually, without ringing the bell too loudly to anger too many people at once. This pattern is very reliable and exploited plentifully over and over without people ever learning from it -- even if they read this very article, they will happily let themselves be abuse like before. This technique works on everyone except drummyfish who undergoes extreme suffering because he NEVER gets used to even a slight increase of evil.

For example the amount and aggressiveness of brainwashing ads and technological abuse that young people tolerate nowadays would have been absolutely unacceptable a few decades ago, but now it's the reality of life that few even question (some complete retards like that linus tech faggot even defend it). Imagine you traveled back to 1990s and made the following offer to a random man: wanna buy this device that will be spying on you, show you ads whenever you interact with it, you'll have to pay for it monthly, charge it daily and every two years pay for a new model? He'd tell you must have some serious brain damage to even make that offer. Nowadays the situation is completely opposite: they'll call you retarded if you decline this offer. The frog has been boiled.

The technique of slowly boiling the frog is used by corporations, governments, fascists and idiots to slowly take away people's freedom in small steps: each step takes away a bit of freedom while promising some reward, normally in form of additional comfort -- normal people are too braindead to see the obvious trick and are enthusiastic about the change. If you tell them that giving up net neutrality or simplicity will eventually lead to almost complete loss of freedom, they label you a tinfoil or "conspiracy theorist", they tell you that "it's not a big deal". So it will go on with other and other changes and the normie is still happy because he can only see one step ahead or behind. The bad thing is that it's not only the normie who will suffer --in fact he may even be happy as a slave robot of the system -- but you will suffer as well. Normies decide the future of the environment we all have to live in.

Slowly boiling the frog works very well when spanning several generations because a new generation won't remember that things used to be better. Parents can tell them but young never listen to older generations, or take them seriously. A zooomer won't remember that computers used to be better, he thinks that bloated phones filled with ads and DRM that don't work without Internet connection and that spy on you constantly are the only way of technology, they don't know that back then it wasn't this way, even if they hear about it, they just don't comprehend it.

This can also be seen with all the subscriptions and service as software replacement in modern tech. Back in the 90s no one would buy a program he would have to keep periodically paying for, people saw that was stupid and everyone would tell you that no company can make subscription software because no one would pay subscriptions if he can just buy a competitor's program once and use it forever, people would just laugh at any company trying to do that; if back then you told anyone subscriptions would become the sole business model in technology, even e.g. for cars, they would literally put you in mental asylum, you would be labeled a retard and schizo, just like they are labeling us warning about the future. It took 1 to 2 generations to indeed make this schizo vision a reality. If you think something can't happen because it just sounds "schizo", you're a brainwashed retard.

Studies on caged people show that a 90s man can bear only as much as 3 ads per hour before killing himself^[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] while a zoomer kid can easily live with his senses being 97% occupied by ads all the time (even in sleep) -- in fact a zoomer cannot live without receiving at least 7 ads per 3 minutes. { I myself start being suicidal after watching TV for like 1 minute, I have now started to cover my ears when ads start to play somewhere (you just hear them on a bus, in stores etc.) but sometimes you can't do it. It's seriously endangering my life, not even kidding. ~drummyfish }

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