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# Race
*All races are to coexist in love and peace, despite their differences.*
Races of people are very large, loosely defined groups of genetically similar (related) people. Races usually significantly differ by their look and in physical, mental and cultural aspects. The topic of human race is nowadays forbidden to be critically discussed and researched, however there at least exists a number of older research and some things about race are completely obvious. [Good society](less_retarded_society.md), unlike for example our current [capitalist](capitalism.md) society, acknowledges the differences between human races and lets them coexist peacefully in social equality despite their differences and without any need for [bullshit](bullshit.md) such as [political correctness](political_correctness.md).
Denying the facts regarding human race is called [race denialism](race_denialism.md), the acceptance of these facts is called [race realism](race_realism.md). Race denialism is part of the basis of today's [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) political ideology, theories such as polygenism (multiregional hypothesis) -- the idea that different races evolved from different pre-humans, i.e. Asians from asian monkeys, Africans from african monkeys etc. -- are forbidden to be supported and they're ridiculed and demonized by mainstream information sources like [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) who only promote the [politically correct](political_correctness.md) "out of Africa" theory. [SJWs](sjw.md) reject any idea of a race with the same religious fanaticism with which Christian fanatics opposed Darwin's evolution theory.
Race can be told from the shape of the skull or one's [DNA](dna.md), which finds use e.g. in forensics to help solve crimes. It is officially called the *ancestry estimation*. Some idiots say this should be forbidden to do because it's "racist" lmao.
Most generally races are called by the color of their skin, i.e. White (Caucasian), Black (African), Yellow (Asian) and Brown (Indian). But the lines can be drawn in many ways, some go as far as calling different nations separate races (e.g. the Norwegian race, Russian race etc.).
There is a controversial 1994 book called *The Bell Curve* that deals with differences in intelligence between races. [SJWs](sjw.md) indeed tried to attack it, however international experts on intelligence agree the book is correct in saying average intelligence between races differs (see e.g. [The Wall Street Journal's Mainstream Science on Intelligence](https://web.archive.org/web/20120716184838/http://www.lrainc.com/swtaboo/taboos/wsj_main.html)). An online resource with a lot of information on racial differences is e.g. http://www.humanbiologicaldiversity.com/.
In relation to [technology](tech.md)/[math](math.md)/[science](science.md) it is useful to know the differences in intellect between different races, though cultural and other traits linked to races may also play a big role. It is important to keep in mind intelligence isn't one dimensional, it's one of the most complex and complicated concepts we can be dealing with (remember the famous test that revealed that chimpanzees greatly outperform humans at certain intellectual tasks such as remembering the order of numbers seen for a very short period of time). We can't simplify to a single measure such as [IQ](iq.md) score. Let intelligence here mean simply the ability to perform well in the area of our art. And of course, there are smart and stupid people in any race, the general statements we make are just about statistics and probabilities.
The smartest races in this regard seem to be [Jews](jew.md) and [Asians](asian.md) (also found so by the book *Bell Curve*), closely followed by the general white race. There is no question about the intelligence of Jews, the greatest thinkers of all times were Jewish ([Richard Stallman](rms.md), [Einstein](einstein.md), [Marx](marx.md), [Chomsky](chomsky.md), even [Jesus](jesus.md) and others). Jews seem to have a very creative intelligence while Asians are more mechanically inclined, they can learn a skill and bring it to perfection with an extremely deep study and dedication. The African black race (in older literature known as the *negro*) is decisively the least intelligent -- this makes a lot of sense, the race has been oppressed and living in harsh conditions for centuries and didn't get much chance to evolve towards good performance in intellectual tasks, quite the opposite, those who were physically fit rather than smart were probably more likely to survive and reproduce as slaves or jungle people (even if white people split from the blacks relatively recently, a rapid change in environment also leads to a rapid change in evolution, even that of intelligence). 1892 book *Hereditary Genius* says that the black race is *about two grades* below the white race (nowadays the gap will most likely be lower). Hispanics were found to perform in between the white and black people. There isn't so much info about other races such as the red race or Eskimos, but they're probably similarly intelligent to the black race (The above mentioned book *Hereditary Genius* gives an intelligence of the Australian race *at least one grade below that of the negro*). The brown races are kind of complicated, the Indian people showed a great intellectual potential, e.g. in [chess](chess.md), [math](math.md), philosophy (nonviolence inherently connected to India is the most intellectually advanced philosophy), and lately also [computer science](compsci.md) (even though many would argue that "[pajeets](pajeet.md)" are just trained coding monkeys).
Increasing multiculturalism and mixing of the races will likely make all of this less and less relevant. But for now the differences still stand.
[LRS](lrs.md) philosophy is of course FOR multiculturalism and mixing of races. Biodiversity is good and it would probably also help reduce racial [fascism](fascism.md)/nationalism.
## See Also
- [stereotype](stereotype.md)