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# Corporation
Corporation is basically a huge company that doesn't have a single owner but is rather managed by many shareholders. Corporations are one of the most powerful, dangerous and unethical entities that ever came into existence -- their power is growing, sometimes even beyond the power of states and their sole goal is to make as much profit as possible without any sense of morality. Existence of corporations is enabled by [capitalism](capitalism.md). Examples of corporations are [Micro$oft](microsoft.md), [EA](ea.md), [Apple](apple.md), [Amazon](amazon.md), [Walmart](walmart.md), [Te$la](tesla.md), [McDonald$](mcdonalds.md), [Facebook](facebook.md) etc. Every [startup](startup.md) is an aspiring corporation, so never support any startup.
NOTE: Besides corporations there also exist non-corporate companies -- privately owned ones -- but these are basically the same, it's just that instead of ten assholes they are owned by one asshole, so anything that will be said about corporations here will apply to any kind of big company. And just like with the startups, any kind of small company is aspiring to become a big company (and if it isn't, it will be eliminated by competition), so all in all everything here will apply to any kind of company whatsoever.
**Corporations' interests are in conflict with people's interests** -- this is not a controversial statement, probably everyone agrees with it, nothing is more clear than that corporations WANT and NEED to do evil and that there must exist countless "protection" mechanisms so that people don't get absolutely destroyed and exploited like farm animals. Why, when we would hardly accept for example a court judge or sports referee having even a slight conflict of interests, do we accept the fact that our whole society is almost 100% controlled by entities with such an enormous [conflict of interests](antivirus_paradox.md) with having a society that's good for the people to live in? Why do riots start when it's found a football referee might have made a biased judgment during a game of kicking an inflated ball, but we see practically no opposition to the fact that an entity responsible for our health and literal lives of our families has DIRECT interest in people being sick, that those making software our lives depend on have direct interest in programming it so that it [intentionally breaks](artificial_obsolescence.md), that those ensuring people be fed have direct interest in food being expensive and people NOT being able to make their own food? It is of course because in sports and courts we by definition expect fairness, and so we get upset if it's not upheld, but we do NOT expect [capitalism](capitalism.md) to establish a good society -- as capitalism [by definition](name_is_important.md) focuses on capital ("profit"), NOT the people -- and so we don't even get upset when we don't see happy, free people living good lives under capitalism -- unlike in [socialism](socialism.md), which by definition focuses on the people, capitalism only focuses on maximizing profit on the detriment of everything else, and that is exactly what's happening.
The most basic fact to know about corporations is that **100% of everything a corporation ever does is done 100% solely for maximizing its [own benefit](self_interest.md) for any cost, with no other reason, with 0 [morality](morality.md) and without any consideration of consequences and collateral damage**. There is no difference between a corporation and a drug cartel, for example, besides legality of their existence, their motives are exactly the same, it's just that corporations are yet much larger, more powerful and less legally limited. If a corporation could make 1 cent by raping 1000000000 children and get away with it, it would do so immediately without any hesitation and any regret. This is very important to keep in mind. Now try to not get depressed upon realization that corporations are those to whom we gave power and who are in almost absolute control of the world.
**Corporation is not a human, it has zero sense of morality and no emotion.** The most basic error committed by retards is to reply to this argument with "but corporations are run by humans". This is an extremely dangerous argument because somehow 99.999999999999999999% people believe this could be true and accept it as a comforting argument so that they can continue their daily lives and do absolutely nothing about the disastrous state of society. The argument is of course completely false for a number of reasons: firstly corporations exclusively hire psychopaths for manager roles -- any corporation that doesn't do this will be eliminated by natural selection of the market environment because it will be weaker in a [fight](fight_culture.md) against other corporations, and its place will be taken by the next aspiring corporation waiting in line. Secondly corporations are highly sophisticated machines that have strong **mechanisms preventing any ethical behavior** -- for example division of labor in the "[just doing my job](just_doing_my_job.md)"/"[everyone does it](everyone_does_it.md)" style allows for many people collaborating on something extremely harmful and unethical without any single one feeling responsibility for the whole, or sometimes without people even knowing what they are really collaborating on. Saying corporation is like a human because it contains humans is like saying a human is like water because he's in big part composed of water.
Somehow people are surprised when they see let's say a game company make huge hypes and promises of revolutionary new games and then delivering a completely different, absolutely shitty product (e.g. Warcraft Reforged, GTA "definitive" edition, Cyberpunk and countless other scams) -- "How can this company be so evil and lie so blatantly? Don't they know lying is bad? How can they promise something they can't make? Don't they care about their customers? Don't they think this will make people sad?" Of course not, lying is profitable and there is no one who's to blame in the company -- the [marketing](marketing.md) department's task is to just maximize hype and attention, their job is only to make promises and they know it's the developer's job to deliver on those promises, and on the other hand the developer's job is to just do what he can and not care about marketing and PR, from his point of view unrealistic promise is the marketing department's fail. I.e. both are just doing their job, they don't even have any other choice (else they get fired), no one is responsible, no one feels any guilt. This is a corporation using human intelligence while removing human conscience.
This is further taken to perfection by corporations not even having a single responsible owner -- there is a group of shareholders, none of whom has a sole responsibility, and there is the CEO who is just a tool and puppet with tied hands who is just supposed to implement the collective bidding of shareholders. Of course, most just don't care, and most don't even have a choice. Similar principles allowed for example the [Holocaust](holocaust.md) to happen. Anyone who has ever worked anywhere knows that managers always pressure workers just to make money, not to behave more ethically -- of course, such a manager would be fired on spot -- and indeed, workers that try to behave ethically are replaced by those who make more money, just as companies that try to behave ethically in the market are replaced by those that rather make money, i.e. corporations. This is nothing surprising, the definition of [capitalism](capitalism.md) implies existence of a system with Darwinian evolution that selects entities that are best at making money for any cost, and that is exactly what we are getting. To expect any other outcome in capitalism would be just trying to deny mathematics itself.
A corporation is made to exploit people just as a gun is made to kill people. When a corporation commits a crime, it is not punished like a human would be, the corporation is left to exist and continue doing what it has been doing -- a supposed "punishment" for a corporation that has been caught red handed committing a crime is usually just replacing whoever is ruled to be "responsible", for example the CEO, which is of course ridiculous, the guy is just replaced with someone else who will do exactly the same. This is like trying to fix the lethal nature of a weapon by putting all the blame on a screw in the weapon, then replacing the screw with another one and expecting the weapon to no longer serve killing people.
Former CIA employee Andrew Bustamante openly shared with Insider that the government spies on people through corporations (see also [Snowden](snowden.md)), he specifically said "we're not a police state, we're a commercial state" -- this says nothing else than that corporations have taken to do the dirty job for the state, which was traditionally reserved for the tyrants, ending up implementing a [de facto](de_facto.md) police state once again, with the only difference being the added layer of indirection which, as we know, is enough for the [people](npc.md) to accept what they otherwise wouldn't. People in the [US](usa.md) would hardly ever accept a government installing spy cameras directly into everyone's houses, but they will accept it if it's done through a [middle man](middle_man.md) within the business framework (because business is a [word they like](shortcut_thinking.md)): the corporations spy and get the data, and the government just gets the data from them -- there is a symbiosis: state will support corporations to be their extended hand and vice versa, corporations will do business with the state, tell on people and help spread the state propaganda to keep the feeding hand. The two naturally form a ruling body against which people are absolutely powerless.
**It is always better for a corporation to not exist than vice versa.** The [proof](proof.md) is following:
1. It is better to have no corporation than an evil corporation.
2. Corporation is always evil.
3. Therefore it is always better for a corporation to not exist. QED
There is probably nothing we can do to stop corporations from taking over the world and eventually eliminating humans, we have probably passed the **[capitalist singularity](capitalist_singularity.md)**.
## List Of Ethical Corporations
The following is a complete list of all ethical corporation in history:
## See Also
- [capitalism](capitalism.md)
- [antivirus paradox](antivirus_paradox.md)
- [capitalist singularity](capitalist_singularity.md) |