2022-10-22 16:12:50 +02:00

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LGBT ruined the rainbow for me.

LGBT, LGBTQ+, LGBTQIKKAWTFJJJKKSSMMMAAK (lesbian gay, bisexual, transsexual, queer and whatever else they're gonna invent) is a fascist political group of terrorists whose gospel preaches superiority of certain selected minority sexual orientations. They are a highly violent, bullying movement (not surprisingly centered in the US) practicing censorship, Internet lynching (cancel culture), discrimination, spread of extreme propaganda, political correctness and other evil.

LGBT is related to the ideas of equality in a similar way in which crusade wars were related to the nonviolent teaching of Jesus, it shows how an idea can be completely twisted around and turned on its head so that it's directly contradicting its original premise.

Note that not all gay people support LGBT, even though LGBT wants you to think so and media treat e.g. the terms gay and LGBT as synonyms (this is part of propaganda, either conscious or subconscious). The relationship gay-LGBT is the same as e.g. the relationship German-Nazi: Nazis were a German minority that wanted to fight for more privileges for Germans (as they felt oppressed by Jews), LGBT is a gay minority who wants to fight for more privileged for gay people (because they feel oppressed by non-gay people). LGBT isn't just about being gay but about approving of a very specific ideology that doesn't automatically come with being gay. LGBT frequently comments on issues that go beyond simply being gay (or whatever), for example LGBT openly stated disapproval of certain other orientation (e.g. pedophilia) and refuses to admit homosexuality is a disorder, which aren't necessarily stances someone has to take when simply being gay.

LGBT works towards establishing newspeak and though crime, their "pride" parades are not unlike military parades, they're meant to establish fear of their numbers. LGBT targets children and young whom their propaganda floods every day with messages like "being gay makes you cool and more interesting" so that they have a higher probability of developing homosexuality to further increase their ranks in the future. They also push the idea of children having same sex parents for the same reason.

They oppose straight people as they solely focus on gaining more and more rights and power only for their approved orientations. They also highly bully other, unpopular sexual orientations such as pedophiles (not necessarily child rapists), necrophiles and zoophiles, simply because supporting these would hurt their popularity and political power. They label the non-approved orientations a "disorder", they push people of such orientations to suicide and generally just do all the bad things that society used to do to gay people in the past -- the fact that these people are often gay people who know what it's like to be bullied like that makes it this even much more sad and disgusting. To them it doesn't matter you never hurt anyone, if they find some loli images on your computer, you're gonna get lynched mercilessly.

In the world of technology they are known for supporting toxic codes of conduct in FOSS projects (so called tranny software), they managed to push them into most mainstream projects, even Linux etc. Generally they just killed free speech online as well as in real life, every platform now has some kind of surveillance and censorship justified by "offensive speech". They canceled Richard Stallman for merely questioning a part of their gospel. They also managed to establish things like "diversity" quotas in Hollywood that only allow Oscars to be given to movies made by specific number of gays, lesbians etc. xD Apparently in the software development industry it is now standard to pretend to be a tranny on one's resume so as to greatly increase the chance of being hired xD WTF if I didn't live in this shitty world I wouldn't believe that's even possible, in a dystopian horror movie this would feel like crossing the line of believability too far lmao.