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# Drummyfish
*"Next time you're considering [offing yourself](suicide.md), go for it."* --genuine reaction of normal people in [Xonotic](xonotic.md) to drummyfish advocating people should love each other
{ My email is currently: drummyfish AT disroot DOT org. ~drummyfish }
Drummyfish (also known as *tastyfish*, *drummy*, *drumy*, *smellyfish* and *i forcefeed my diarrhea to capitalism*) is a [programmer](programming.md), [anarchopacifist](anpac.md), [heretic](heresy.md), wannabe [generalist](generalism.md) and proponent of [free software/culture](free_software.md), who started [this wiki](lrs_wiki.md) and invented the kind of [software](software.md) it focuses on: [less retarded software](lrs.md) (LRS), as well as [less retarded society](less_retarded_society.md). Besides others he has written [Anarch](anarch.md), [small3dlib](small3dlib.md), [raycastlib](raycastlib.md), [smallchesslib](smallchesslib.md), [tinyphysicsengine](tinyphysicsengine.md), [SAF](saf.md) and [comun](comun.md) (and some older but technologically shittier projects such as [LibreMage](libremage.md), [Steamer Duck](steamer_duck.md) etc.). He has also been creating [free culture](free_culture.md) [art](art.md) and otherwise contributing to free projects such as [OpenMW](openm.md); he's been contributing with [public domain](pd.md) art of all kind (2D, 3D, music, ...) and writings to [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) (no longer cause ban), [Wikimedia Commons](wm_commons.md) (also banned now), [opengameart](oga.md), [libregamewiki](lgw.md), freesound and others. Drummyfish is insane/neuroretarded, suffering from anxiety/[depression](depression.md)/etcetc. (diagnosed [avoidant personality disorder](avpd.md)) and has more than once been called a [schizo](schizo.md), though psychiatrists didn't officially diagnose him with schizophrenia (yet). He sometimes [self harms](self_harm.md), both physically and socially. All in all, psychiatrists say he is insane but in reality he is the only sane man in the world, and that is what he suffers from. Due to spreading uncensored truth, helping and loving others and revealing corruption he is banned and censored on many places on the Internet, including [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) (literally just linked to personal site from personal page), Wikimedia Commons, [4chan](4chan.md) (made a pedo joke), [GitLab](gitlab.md) (hosted this wiki lol), watchpeopledie.tv (made a sarcastic Nazi joke or something), many [subreddits](reddit.md), some [Xonotic](xonotic.md) and [Openarena](openarena.md) servers, ["Rational"Wiki](rationalwiki.md) { well, probably, I just vandalized it and never came back to check lol :D ~drummyfish } etc. He is also being constantly stalked by some pissed off pedophobe (:D), whom he still loves by the way <3, and which drummyfish appreciates as it makes him set many ban [speedrunning](speedrun.md) records and also become more self sufficient and not rely so much on the mainstream, censored platforms. Drummyfish also has no [real life](irl.md) and is pretty retarded when it comes to leading [projects](project.md) or otherwise dealing with people or [practical life](irl.md). Drummyfish's political compass is off the charts, he once tried to take the political compass test, the computer got confused and exploded. He is also a [wizard](wizard.md).
**Drummyfish is the most physically disgusting bastard on [Earth](earth.md)**, no [woman](woman.md) ever loved him, he is so ugly people get suicidal thoughts from seeing any part of him. He is also very stupid.
He loves all living beings, even those whose attributes he hates or who hate him. Drummyfish loves even bugs, he saves them when they're drowning and tries a lot to not even hurt spiders, flies, ants and so on, and is sad even when he has to kill a plant, so he avoids for example mowing grass. He is a [vegetarian](vegetarianism.md) (since about 2018) and here and there supports good causes, for example he donates hair and gives money to homeless people who ask for them and sometimes cleans the [Earth](earth.md) from plastic garbage (something he learned when he slaved as a factory cleaner). He also tried to donate blood but couldn't because he's taking antidepressants.
Drummyfish has a personal website at [www.tastyfish.cz](https://www.tastyfish.cz), and a gopherhole at [self.tastyfish.cz](gopher://self.tastyfish.cz). He uses [vim](vim.md), doesn't have any favorite distro and will NEVER HAVE ONE (in fact he hates [Linux](linux.md) and would use another kernel if it was possible).
Photos of drummyfish: [young](https://cloud.disroot.org/apps/files_sharing/publicpreview/4E36WS5ZN42pasg?file=/me/156%20-%20sQNYr3g.png&fileId=122364667&x=1280&y=800&a=true), [older](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Drummyfish_profile_photo.png) (after being confronted with real life) and [naked](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Drummyfish_naked_all_sides_beard.png).
Drummyfish experiences a lot of discrimination but still doesn't hate his discriminators. As a straight white male in [21st century](21st_century.md) drummyfish is a victim of regular discrimination and racism in form of social revenge for historical events he has nothing to do with. Drummyfish is not covid vaccinated -- for this he was sorted into the second class of citizens during the covid pandemic and experienced another form of discrimination, e.g. what today would be called a "verbal abuse", segregation and so on. He never had covid. As a [Slav](slav.md) he comes from an ancestry of slaves, so in [America](usa.md) he would be called a [hero](hero_culture.md).
Drummyfish's real name is Miloslav Číž, he was born on 24.08.1990 and lives in Moravia, [Czech Republic](czechia.md), [Earth](earth.md) (he rejects the concept of a country/[nationalism](nationalism.md), the info here serves purely to specify a location) -- he is the only man on Earth who hates the country in which he happened to come out of vagina. He is a more or less straight [male](man.md) of the [white](white.md) [race](race.md). He started programming at high school in [Pascal](pascal.md), then he went on to study [compsci](compsci.md) (later focused on [computer graphics](graphics.md)) in a Brno University of Technology and got a [master's degree](msc.md) in 2017, however he subsequently refused to find a job in the industry, partly because of his views (manifested by [LRS](lrs.md)) and partly because of mental health issues. He rather chose to stay closer to the working class and do less harmful [slavery](job.md) such as cleaning and physical [spam](spam.md) distribution, and continues [hacking](hacking.md) on his programming (and other) projects in his spare time in order to be able to do it with absolute freedom.
{ Why doxx myself? Following the [LRS](lrs.md) philosophy, I believe information should be free. [Censorship](censorship.md) -- even in the name of [privacy](privacy.md) -- goes against information freedom. We should live in a society in which people are moral and don't abuse others by any means, including via availability of their private information. And in order to achieve ideal society we have to actually live it, i.e. slowly start to behave as if it was already in place. Of course, I can't tell you literally everything (such as my passwords etc.), but the more I can tell you, the closer we are to the ideal society. ~drummyfish }
He likes many things such as animals, peace, [freedom](freedom.md), [programming](programming.md), [math](math.md) and [games](game.md). Drummyfish used to be a pro at [Xonotic](xonotic.md) and [OpenArena](openarena.md), had dedicated years to the them (even though he despises [competitive](competition.md) behavior [in real life](irl.md)) but he quit the games after Xonotic developers fucked the game up at which time he also realized the games kind of enslaved him -- he misses the games and some of the players a little bit but has in general been a bit happier not playing them. He plays piano and drums a little bit and tries to pick up new things like [chess](chess.md), [go](go.md), crocheting or language learning. He has [no sense of smell](anosmia.md) (since birth).
Before becoming a kind of schizo, he used to be relatively normal, even had a girlfriend for a while -- for a long time he was a [proprietary](proprietary.md) [Windows](windows.md) normie, using [Facebook](facebook.md) and playing mainstream games like Trackmania and [World of Warcraft](wow.md) (since vanilla, quit during WotLK, played tauren warrior named *Drummy*). In the university he started using GNU/Linux because it was convenient for the school work, but still mostly used Windows. Only near the end of his studies he became more interested in [FOSS](foss.md), after reading [Richard Stallman](rms.md)'s biography. At the beginning he promoted "[open source](open_source.md)" and used [soynet](soynet.md) platforms such as [Fediverse](fediverse.md), later on he found the [suckless](suckless.md) website and was enlightened by [minimalism](minimalism.md); he also started to see through the evils of [open $ource](open_source.md), [capitalism](capitalism.md) and other things and refused to conform, which led him to the path of becoming the aforementioned schizo.
In 2019 drummyfish has written a "manifesto" of his ideas called **Non-Competitive Society** that describes the political ideas of an ideal society. It is in the [public domain](public_domain.md) under [CC0](cc0.md) and available for download online and was translated to more than zero languages. Around 2020 he spent a few months in mental hospital. Some time around 2023 he bought a tiny caravan inawoods and plans to live there, away from society.
**Drummyfish is from the alternative, good far [future](future.md)** (one that won't happen but would happen if [LRS](lrs.md) was realized), he comes from a society several thousand to possibly millions years ahead -- if you want to talk to a man from the future, talk to drummyfish. How is it possible? Imagine you traveled back to cavemen times, times when no one knew the wheel and couldn't count beyond 10, when it was normal for people to perform ritual sacrifices of human and so on -- imagine yourself at this time, telling people "you don't have to sacrifice this guy, it's no good" or "you can use wheel to transfer these stones to save 90% of your current effort" and the cavemen being like "[LMAO](lmao.md) you schizo, that will never work, humans have to be sacrificed, society can't work without it, stop your utopia bullshit" and "LMAO wheel? What's that schizo shit? It won't work, we don't even have to try. Our top [shamanism](soyence.md) popularizator says it's BS so we believe him. Numbers beyond 10? You mean infinity? You have some demons in you, take your potions." You would literally be a man from the future in the past, and that is what drummyfish is nowadays. Drummyfish says things like "stop [competition](competition.md)", "stop nationalism", "stop bullshit like political correctness", "adopt true [minimalism](minimalism.md)", and people are like "LMAO stop that utopia bullshit [pedo](pedophilia.md), competition is necessary for human organism to physically function because Neil de grass told me that on TV, take your schizo potions, minimalism will never work because it's nonintuitive and it isn't good for the economy gods".
**Does drummyfish have [divine intellect](terry_davis.md)?** Hell no, he's pretty retarded at most things, but thanks to his extreme tendency for isolation, great curiosity and obsession with [truth](truth.md) he is possibly the only man on Earth completely immune to propaganda, he can see the world as it is, not as it is presented, so he feels it is his moral duty to share what he is seeing. He is able to overcome his natural dumbness by tryharding and sacrificing his social and sexual life so that he can program more. If drummyfish can learn to program [LRS](lrs.md), so can you.
## See Also
- [autism](autism.md)
- [schizo](schizo.md)
- [based](based.md)
- [loser](loser.md)
- [lolcow](lolcow.md) |