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# Hitler
Adolf Hitler was a painter who killed several million [jews](jew.md).^([citation needed]) He is widely regarded as the worst human in whole [history](history.md). How many jews exactly he killed is a subject of very controversial debates and speculations, but for example in many parts of Europe it is now REQUIRED BY [LAW](law.md) to acknowledge at least 6 million OR ELSE -- if you argue it was fewer, even by ONE single jew, you are officially committing the crime of "Holocaust denial" (see also [wrongthink](wrongthink.md)). In any case the facts speak that he was the **head of the [Nazi](nazi.md) party** (NSDAP), later on also the head of whole Germany -- there he was called *Fuhrer* ("leader") -- and, most importantly, **started [World War II](ww2.md)**, the deadliest conflict in whole [history](history.md) with countless millions of victims on all sides; he was a [militant](military.md) [nationalist](nationalism.md) [fascist](fascism.md), [racist](racism.md) (in the TRUE sense of the world) and a state [capitalist](capitalism.md) -- probably incarnation of devil himself. In reality he was no different from your average [CEO](ceo.md) in our [current times](21st_century.md): the word "impossible" didn't exist in the dictionary of this great, highly respected [leader](hero_culture.md), patriot loving his country above all, an amazing inspirational speaker with unique, memorable image, a charismatic, confident, [productive](productivity_cult.md) and assertive psychopath who chased his goal tirelessly by any means necessary, who dedicated everything to his vision and worked day and night to achieve it, who created order by force, gave people great many [jobs](work.md) and made technological [progress](progress.md) skyrocket, created many industries and on top he was a [war](war.md) [hero](hero_culture.md.md) -- this is what every [American](usa.md) ever strives to be. He was basically just like Churchill with only one difference: he lost the war. His methods for maximizing self interest through populism, force, fear and political flexibility were so successful in fact that they were subsequently adopted by the whole western world, our [current society](21st_century.md) can be seen as consisting solely of aspiring Hitlers: everyone who means anything in our highly competitive [capitalist](capitalism.md) society has to master the essential skills of lying, manipulation, populist rhetoric, abuse of power, dirty political games, [propaganda](marketing.md), scaremongering and a myriad of others. In this Hitler was very ahead of his time and did away with all the naive thinkers who thought it was possible to achieve things by legitimate, even ethical means.
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Just like every capitalist/leader/entrepreneur/etc. he only lived thinking about [competition](competition.md) and showed us what is needed if you take competing seriously and truly WANT to win, not just participate. Hitler was basically a **[pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md)** and **his methods are mimicked by modern pseudoleft, most notably [LGBT](lgbt.md) and [feminism](feminism.md)**. For example:
- He misleadingly called himself a "[socialist](socialism.md)" (his party was called "National Socialist German Workers' Party") despite being a pure example of rightism (e.g. by arguing for strong hierarchies everywhere in society: in state, among races, in military etc.), a [fascist](fascism.md) aiming to benefit the group he belonged to (Germans, white [race](race.md)), just as LGBT/feminists call themselves "leftist" and "socialist" despite actually being fascists who want to benefit the group they belong to (gays/females).
- He brainwashed children: see Hitlerjugend. He knew children are an easy target for propaganda and that they would grow up to be soldiers [fighting](fight_culture.md) for whatever they were taught as young. This is what LGBT/feminism does nowadays with all the woke children fairytales etc.
- He manipulated [science](science.md), for example he refused discoveries made by Jewish scientists. Similar things are happening with [soyence](soyence.md).
- He absolutely loved propaganda, especially movies, he knew that's how you brainwash the masses very effectively. This is exactly what LGBT/feminism does with all the woke movies etc.
- He practiced hardcore [censorship](censorship.md) and ritual destruction of works deemed "harmful" to the regime, famously supporting public burning of books that were not aligned with his ideology, such as those written by Jews. This is the same as what LGBT/feminists nowadays do with old works that are "too focused on white men" etc.
- He loved military parades, demonstrations of power, waving flags and creating [fear](fear_culture.md) -- again, just like what we see with all the gay parades, gay flags, [cancel culture](cancel_culture.md) etc.
- ...
His life in tl;dr: he was born on 20 April 1889 in Austria (which back then was part of Austria-Hungary empire). He was interested in painting but wasn't successful, he got rejected from [art](art.md) school. He fought in World War I. Then he joined a small political party of which he became a leader and renamed it to *National Socialist German Workers' Party*, also known as *Nazi* party. Meanwhile he also managed to get into some trouble trouble and get into prison for a while where he wrote his famous book called *Mein Kampf* ("My [Fight](fight_culture.md)") -- this was kind of his "manifesto". The Nazi party went on to become very successful, owing a lot to the fact that after the lost war Germany was bullied and miserable, Hitler promised to "make Germany great again", to give everyone "[jobs](work.md)", he blamed all the problems on [Jews](jew.md) etc. (see also [Trump](trump.md)). He was also a very good public speaker who put stress on his image -- the most memorable part of it was, of course, his toothbrush mustache. All in all he got very popular and ended up being the head of the state (chancellor) and in 1939 started the war by invading Poland. On 30 April 1945 it was clear he lost the war -- hidden in an underground bunker in Berlin, knowing all hope was lost, he [killed himself](suicide.md) -- he took poison and then shot himself; immediately after this his body was burned as he ordered.
## See Also
- [Steve Jobs](steve_jobs.md)
- [Bill Gates](bill_gates.md)
- [Trump](trump.md)
- [Voldemort](voldemort.md) |