2024-06-10 10:07:07 +02:00

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Micro$oft Window$

Microsoft Windows is a series of malicious, bloated proprietary "operating systems". AVOID THIS SHIT.

Windows has these advantages:

  • none

Windows has these disadvantages (this is just a few things, we can't possibly aspire to recount them all):

  • It's slow, huge, ugly and gigantically bloated.
  • It's proprietary, you have no control over it, it does whatever it wants.
  • It spies on you.
  • It has blatant backdoors, Microsoft can absolutely take over your computer whenever they want.
  • It's paid and expensive.
  • It needs to restart on updates, it won't let you reject updates, it will restart in the middle of your work and ruin it.
  • It shows you ads.
  • It crashes extremely often.
  • It doesn't work.
  • You can't customize it.
  • It forces you to update to newer and shittier versions.
  • It forces you to constantly buy new hardware else it stops working.
  • It's made for absolute retards and only retards use it. It is designed by retards for retards.
  • It's made by terrorists and murderers whom you support by using it.
  • It takes forever to boot.
  • It automatically installs stuff you don't want.
  • 99% viruses will target you.
  • You have to only have one brain cell to use it.
  • It doesn't work on old (superior) computers.
  • It's unusable for servers. It's also unusable for anything else.
  • It shits on Unix philosophy, it does everything EXACTLY the opposite way than it should be done. It pushes harmful concepts such as monolithic software, GUI for everything etc.
  • It does poorly even in implementing its own philosophy, for example its GUI design is absolute crap cretinous retarded shit that was designed by a monkey, incoherent and unintuitive rushed piece of shit.
  • It constantly downloads stuff from the Internet, eating up your bandwidth, stopping to work when Internet goes down.
  • It's hostile to anything free, for example it will nuke all other operating systems when installed.
  • It has a shitty EULA that makes Micro$oft able to sue you for absolutely anything, it forbids studying the system, copying it, borrowing it, basically doing anything with it.
  • It pushes DRM and similar shit.
  • It gives you cancer.
  • It's an absolutely laughable shitty capitalist product that manipulates you, it shills Micro$oft's inferior software, for example if you want to install a web browser it will just push you to installing Micro$oft's harmful browser etc.
  • It's inefficient, eats too much electricity, increases CO2, heat pollution, forces you to buy big harddrives, more expensive Internet connection etc.
  • ...

Some people still decide to use it.



All are shit.