2022-12-18 13:08:28 +01:00

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Hero Culture

Hero culture is a harmful culture of creating and worshiping heroes which leads to e.g. creation of cults of personality, strengthening fight culture and establishing hierarchical, anti-anarchist society of "winners" and "losers". The concept of a hero is one that arose in context of wars and other many times violent conflicts; a hero is different from a mere authority in some area, it is someone who creates fear of disagreement and whose image is distorted to a much more positive, sometimes godlike state, by which he distorts truth and is given a certain power over others. Therefore we highly warn about falling to the trap of hero culture, though this is very difficult in current highly hierarchical society. To us, the word hero has a pejorative meaning. Our advice is always this:

Do NOT create heroes. Follow ideas, not people.

Smart people know this and those being named heroes themselves many times protest it, e.g. Marie Curie has famously stated: "be less curious about people and more curious about ideas." Anarchists purposefully don't name theories after their inventors but rather by their principles, knowing that people are imperfect, they carry distorting associations and their images are twisted by history and politics. Abusive regimes are the ones who use heroes and their names for propaganda -- Stalinism, Leninism, corporations such as Ford, named after their founder etc. Heroes become brands whose stamp of approval is used to push bad ideas... especially popular are heroes who are already dead and can't protest their image being abused -- see for example how Einstein's image has been raped by capitalists for their own propaganda, e.g. by Apple's marketing, while in fact Einstein was a pacifist socialist. This is not to say an idea's name cannot be abused, the word communism has for example become something akin a swear word after being abused by regimes that had little to do with real communism. Nevertheless it is still much better to focus on ideas as ideas always carry their own principle embedded within them, visible to anyone willing to look. Focusing on ideas allows us to discuss them critically, it allows us to reject a bad concept without "attacking" the human who came up with it.