Miloslav Ciz 6fee61f49d Update
2021-11-03 20:59:55 -05:00

2 KiB


A license is a legal text by which we grant others some rights that we hold over certain work. For our thing a license is what enables us to legally implement free (as in freedom) software: we attach a license to our program that says that we grant to everyone the basic freedom rights to our software with optional conditions (which are not in conflict with free software definition, e.g. we may require attribution or copyleft). We call these licenses free licenses (open source licenses work the same way). Of course, there also exist non-free licenses called EULAs, but we stay away from these.

Some most notable free licenses for software include (FSF: FSF approved, OSI: OSI approved, LRS: approved by us, short: is the license short?):

license type FSF OSI LRS short
Apache 2 permissive, conditions + + - -
AGPL network copyleft + + - -
BSD (0,1,2,3) permissive + + - +
BOML permissive - - - +
CC0 PD waiver, 0 conditions + - + -
GPLv2, GPLv3 copyleft (strong) + + - -
LGPL copyleft (weak) + + - -
MIT permissive, credit + + + +
MIT-0 permissive, 0 conditions - + + +
Unlicense PD waiver, 0 conditions + + + +
WTFPL permissive, fun + - - +
zlib permissive + + - +
0BSD permissive, 0 conditions - + + +

Some most notable free licenses for general artworks include: