2024-09-29 21:48:44 +02:00

17 KiB


Acronym is an abbreviation of a multiple word term by usually appending the starting letters of each word to form a new word.

Here is a list of some acronyms:

  • AA (anti aliasing)
  • AC (alternating current, air conditioning)
  • AD (anno domini)
  • ACID (atomicity consistency isolation durability)
  • ACK (acknowledgement)
  • ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line)
  • AF (as fuck)
  • AFAIK (as far as I know)
  • AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
  • AFK (away from keyboard)
  • ALU (arithmetic logic unit)
  • AM (amplitude modulation)
  • ANCAP (anarcho capitalist)
  • ANPAC (anarcho pacifist)
  • ANSI (american national standards institute)
  • AO (ambient occlusion)
  • API (application programming interface)
  • ARM (advanced RISC machines)
  • ARPANET (advanced research projects agency network)
  • ASAP (as soon as possible)
  • ASCII (American standard code for information interchange)
  • ASM (assembly)
  • ATM (at the moment, automated teller machine)
  • B (byte, bit)
  • B4 (before)
  • BAI (bienvenido a internet)
  • BASH (bourne again shell)
  • BASIC (beginner all purpose symbolic instruction code)
  • BBC (big black cock)
  • BBS (bulletin board system)
  • BC (bytecode, before Christ)
  • BCD (binary coded decimal)
  • BDFL (benevolent dictator for life)
  • BDSM (bondage domination sadism masochism)
  • BF (brainfuck)
  • BG (background, bad game)
  • BGR (blue green red)
  • BIOS (basic input/output system)
  • BJ (blow job)
  • BJT (bipolar junction transistor)
  • BS (bullshit)
  • BSD (Berkeley software distribution)
  • BTFO (blown the fuck out)
  • CAD (computer aided design)
  • CAPTCHA (completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart)
  • CC (creative commons, C compiler)
  • CC0 (creative commons zero)
  • CD (compact disc, change directory)
  • CEO (chief executive officer)
  • CGI (computer generated imagery)
  • CISC (complex instruction set computer)
  • CLI (command line interface)
  • CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor)
  • CMS (content management system)
  • CMYK (cyan magenta yellow key)
  • COMPSCI (computer science)
  • CP (child porn, copy)
  • CPU (central processing unit)
  • CRC (cyclic redundancy check)
  • CRT (cathode ray tube)
  • CSG (constructive solid geometry)
  • CSS (cascading style sheet)
  • CSV (comma separated values)
  • DAC (digital analog converter)
  • DB (database)
  • DC (direct current)
  • DDOS (distributed denial of service)
  • DDR (double data rate)
  • DE (desktop environment)
  • DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol)
  • DL (download)
  • DMA (direct memory access)
  • DMCA (digital millennium copyright act)
  • DND (dungeons & dragons, do not disturb)
  • DNS (domain name system)
  • DOM (document object model)
  • DOS (disk operating system, denial of service)
  • DOTADIW (do one thing and do it well)
  • DPI (dots per inch)
  • DRAM (dynamic RAM)
  • DRM (digital restrictions management)
  • DRY (don't repeat yourself)
  • DVD (digital versatile disc)
  • ED (Enyclopedia Dramatica)
  • EEPROM (electronically erasable programmable ROM)
  • ELF (executable and linkable format)
  • EMACS (editor macros)
  • ENIAC (electronic numerical integrator and computer)
  • EOF (end of file)
  • EOL (end of line, end of life)
  • ERP (erotic role play)
  • ESR (Erik Steven Raymond)
  • EULA (end user license agreement)
  • FAQ (frequently asked questions)
  • FE (frontend)
  • FET (field effect transistor)
  • FFS (for fuck's sake)
  • FIFO (first in first out)
  • FLAC (free lossless audio codec)
  • FLOSS (free libre open source software)
  • FM (frequency modulation)
  • FML (fuck my life)
  • FORTRAN (formula translation)
  • FOSH (free and open source hardware)
  • FOSS (free and open source software)
  • FSF (free software foundation)
  • FP (floating point)
  • FPGA (field programmable gate array)
  • FPS (frames per second, first "person" shooter)
  • FQA (frequently questioned answers)
  • FS (file system)
  • FTL (faster than light)
  • FTP (file transfer protocol)
  • FU (fuck you)
  • FXAA (full screen anti aliasing)
  • FYI (for your information)
  • GB (gigabyte/gigabit, GameBoy)
  • GBPS (GB per second)
  • GCC (GNU compiler collection)
  • GDB (GNU debugger)
  • GI (global illumination)
  • GIB (gibibyte)
  • GIF (graphics interchange format)
  • GIGO (garbage in garbage out)
  • GIMP (GNU image manipulation program)
  • GLUT (OpenGL utility toolkit)
  • GNAA (Gay Nigger Association of America)
  • GNOME (GNU network object model environment)
  • GNG (GNG's Not GNU)
  • GNU (GNU's Not Unix)
  • GOAT (greatest of all time)
  • GPG (GNU privacy guard)
  • GPGPU (general purpose GPU)
  • GPL (GNU General Public License)
  • GPLv2 (GPL version 2)
  • GPLv3 (GPL version 3)
  • GPS (global positioning system)
  • GPU (graphics processing unit)
  • GRUB (grand unified boot loader)
  • GSM (global system for mobile communication)
  • GTK+ (GIMP toolking)
  • GUI (graphical user interface)
  • H8 (hate)
  • HD (high definition)
  • HDD (hard disc drive)
  • HDMI (HD multimedia interface)
  • HW (hardware)
  • HTML (hypertext markup language)
  • HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol)
  • HTTPS (HTTP secure)
  • HURD (hird of unix replacing demons)
  • HQ (high quality)
  • HZ (hertz)
  • IANA (internet assigned number authority)
  • IANAL (I am not a lawyer)
  • ICMP (internet control message protocol)
  • IDC (I don't care)
  • IDE (integrated development environment)
  • IEEE (institute for electrical and electronic
  • IM (instant messaging)
  • IMAP (internet message access protocol)
  • IMHO (in my honest opinion)
  • IMO (in my opinion)
  • INB4 (in before)
  • IO (input/output)
  • IOT (internet of things)
  • IPS (instructions per second)
  • IP (internet protocol, intellectual property)
  • IPV4 (IP version 4)
  • IPV6 (IP version 6)
  • IRC (internet relay chat)
  • IRL (in real life)
  • ISA (instruction set architecture)
  • ISO (international organization for standardization)
  • ISP (internet service provider)
  • ISS (international space station)
  • IS (information system)
  • IT (information technology)
  • J2ME (java 2 micro edition)
  • JB (jailbait)
  • JDK (java development kit)
  • JIT (just in time)
  • JK (just kidding)
  • JPEG/JPG (joint photographic expert group)
  • JS (JavaScript)
  • JSON (JavaScript object notation)
  • K&R (Kernighan and Ritchie)
  • KB (kilobyte/kilobit)
  • KBPS (KB per second)
  • KDE (K desktop environment)
  • KEK (a meme version of LOL coming from World Of Warcraft)
  • KHZ (kilohertz)
  • KIB (kibibyte)
  • KILL (keep it Linux loser)
  • KISS (keep it simple stupid)
  • KISP (keep it simple perfect)
  • KLOC (kilo LOC)
  • KKK (ku klux klan)
  • KYS (kill yourself)
  • LAMP (linux apache mysql php)
  • LARP (live action role play)
  • LAN (local area network)
  • LCD (liquid crystal display)
  • LED (light emitting diode)
  • LER (light emitting resistor)
  • LGBT (lesbian gay bisexual trans)
  • LGBTQ (lesbian gay bisexual trans queer)
  • LGPL (lesser GPL)
  • LIFO (last in first out)
  • LISP (list processing)
  • LMAO (laughing my ass off)
  • LOC (lines of code)
  • LOL (laughing out loud)
  • LQ (low quality)
  • LRS (less retarded software/society)
  • LSB (least significant bit)
  • LUT (lookup table)
  • MBR (master boot record)
  • MHZ (megahertz)
  • MIB (mebibyte)
  • MIME (multipurpose internet mail extension)
  • MIP (multum in parvo)
  • MIPS (millions of instructions per second)
  • MBPS (MB per second)
  • MCU (microcontroller unit)
  • MD (markdown)
  • MFW (my face when)
  • MMO (massively multiplayer online)
  • MMX (multimedia extension)
  • MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor)
  • MOTD (message of the day)
  • MPEG (motion pictures experts group)
  • MR (merge request)
  • MS/M$ (Micro$oft)
  • MSB (most significant bit)
  • MSC (master of science)
  • MSG (message)
  • MUD (multi user dungeon)
  • NAN (not a number)
  • NASA (national aeronautic and space administration)
  • NAT (network address translation)
  • NC (non commercial)
  • NEET (not in education, employment or training)
  • NFT (non-fungible token)
  • NGL (not gonna lie)
  • NOP (no operation)
  • NP (nondeterministic polynomial)
  • NTFS (NT file system)
  • OEM (original equipment manufacturers)
  • OGL (OpenGL)
  • OMG (oh my god)
  • OO (object oriented, object obsessed, object obfuscated)
  • OOP (object oriented/obsessed programming)
  • OS (operating system, open source)
  • OSS (open source software)
  • OSI (open source initiative)
  • P2P (peer to peer)
  • PB (petabyte, petabit, personal best)
  • PBR (physically based rendering)
  • PC (personal computer, political correctness)
  • PD (public domain)
  • PDF (portable document format)
  • PCM (pulse code modulation)
  • PGP (pretty good privacy)
  • PHD (doctor of philosophy)
  • PID (process ID)
  • PIN (personal identification number)
  • PITA (pain in the ass)
  • PNG (portable network graphics)
  • POP3 (post office protocol version 3)
  • POSIX (portable operating system interface)
  • PPC (power PC)
  • PR (pull request)
  • PS (Photoshop, Postscript, PlayStation)
  • PS2 (personal system 2)
  • PTHC (preteen hardcore)
  • QED (quod erat demonstrandum)
  • QOS (quality of service)
  • RAID (redundant array of inexpensive discs)
  • RAM (random access memory)
  • RC (release candidate)
  • RCL (raycastlib)
  • REGEX (regular expression)
  • RFC (request for comments)
  • RGB (red green blue)
  • RGBA (red green blue alpha)
  • RISC (reduced instruction set computer)
  • RIP (rest in piece)
  • RLE (run length encoding)
  • RMS (Richard Matthew Stallman)
  • RN (right now)
  • ROFL (rolling on floor laughing)
  • ROM (read-only memory)
  • RPG (role playing game)
  • RPI (Raspberry Pi)
  • RPN (reverse Polish notation)
  • RT (real time)
  • RTFM (read the fucking manual)
  • RTOS (real time operating system)
  • S3L (small3dlib)
  • SAAS (software as a service)
  • SAASS (service as a software substitute)
  • SAF (smallabstractfish)
  • SBC (single board computer)
  • SCL (smallchesslib)
  • SD (standard definition, secure digital)
  • SDF (signed distance function)
  • SDK (software development kit)
  • SDL (simple directmedia layer)
  • SED (smoke emitting diode)
  • SEO (search engine optimization)
  • SFX (sound effects)
  • SGML (standard generalized markup language)
  • SHA (secure hash algorithm)
  • SIG (special interest group)
  • SIM (subscriber identity module)
  • SIMD (single instruction multiple data)
  • SLOC (source lines of code)
  • SMS (short message service)
  • SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol)
  • SNTP (simple network time protocol)
  • SOC (system on a chip)
  • SQL (structured query language)
  • SRAM (static RAM)
  • SSAO (screen space ambient occlusion)
  • SSD (solid state drive)
  • SSH (secure shell)
  • SSL (secure socket layer)
  • STFU (shut the fuck up)
  • SVG (scalable vector graphics)
  • SW (software)
  • TAS (tool assisted speedrun)
  • TB (terabyte, terabit)
  • TCC (tiny C compiler)
  • TCP (transmission control protocol)
  • TFT (thin filter transistor)
  • TFW (that face when)
  • TLA (three letter acronym)
  • TM (trademark, Turing machine)
  • TOS (terms of service)
  • TTY (teletype)
  • TUI (text user interface)
  • UBI (universal basic income)
  • UDP (user datagram protocol)
  • UI (user interface)
  • UML (unified modeling language)
  • URI (uniform resource identifier)
  • URL (uniform resource locator)
  • USA (united states of america)
  • USB (universal serial bus)
  • UTC (coordinated universal time)
  • UTF (unicode transformation format)
  • UX (user experience)
  • VCS (version control system)
  • VOD (video on demand)
  • VHS (video home system)
  • VIM (vi improved)
  • VFX (visual effects)
  • VLAN (virtual LAN)
  • VLIW (very long instruction word)
  • VM (virtual machine)
  • VPN (virtual private network)
  • VPS (virtual private server)
  • VRAM (video RAM)
  • W3C (world wide web consortium)
  • WAN (wide area network)
  • WAP (wireless application protocol)
  • WIFI (wireless fidelity)
  • WOW (World Of Warcraft)
  • WPA (WIFI protected access)
  • WTF (what the fuck)
  • WTFPL (do what the fuck you want to public license)
  • WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get)
  • WM (window manager)
  • WWW (world wide web)
  • XAML (extensible application markup language)
  • XHTML (extensible HTML)
  • XML (extensible markup language)
  • YOLO (you only live once)
  • ZOMG (when you want to write OMG but accidentally also hit Z)

See Also