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Encyclopedia Dramatica

Encyclopedia Dramatica (ED, bearing the symbol of joined letters ae) is one of the most notable and best overall quality Encyclopedias on the web, focusing mainly on Internet culture but generally containing knowledge on all topics, surpassing even Wikipedia in such areas as quality of articles, political neutrality and completeness of information for its strict tradition of excluding any and all censorship. It is a wiki, i.e. a collaboratively developed site that anyone can edit. Dramatica is a highly respected and one of the most valuable sources for people seeking truth; while Wikipedia possesses the official political direction of liberalism and shapes articles to adhere to it and promote it, Dramatica maintains a politically neutral viewpoint by keeping lulz as its sole motivation and shitting on absolutely everything -- be it communism, capitalism, GNU/Linux, Windows, atheism, Jesus, furries or mass murderers, Dramatica will absolutely destroy every topic -- in this lies its beauty. If you hate something, simply look it up on Dramatica and your day will suddenly be better. Now yes, it is a meme-style encyclopedia (so called memopedia), which means it is written in a very informal tone -- the language of the people -- but it absolutely contains very useful information and data, and is in fact many times the only source of the most notable and valuable knowledge -- where Wikipedia dumps you 200 boring pages of someone's biography describing every day of his life (while strategically downplaying or excluding controversial information), Dramatica will put the leaked pictures of the guy fucking a goat right under the article heading because THAT is the most notable highlight of his life and the thing you actually came to see. Dramatica may be one of the last island of a somewhat free speech, like a last nature reserve of true wild life in Africa, and as such is immensely important, it is being constantly attacked and faces threats and bullying, so go donate to Encyclopedia Dramatica right now. It will serve you as a new home once you get bullied out of Wikipedia, like it has already served so many. Yes, it inspired our wiki to a degree.

OBVIOUS NOTE: This article is about a constantly changing website, anything claimed here may change any second, keep in mind info here applies only to the moment of writing the article.

The encyclopedia's motto is simply "in lulz we trust". Currently it has over 15000 articles.

Dramatica is notorious for lightning fast domain switching, as of writing this it is at http://edramatica.com (previously at encyclopediadramatica .com, .ch, .es, .rs, .se, .wiki, .online, .wtf, .gay). If it seems to be down for several days, search the Internet for the new link, you'll usually find it on their Deviant Art page or somewhere.

Examples of what you will find on ED include a highscore table of mass shooters, summary of important event of each year, tips on how to vandalize Wikipedia, detailed article on every lolcow, a lengthy article about niggers, women, video games, countries, music bands, Hitler, Pokemon, daily featured pictures, documentation of 4chan raids and other wonderful acts of trolling and much more. Every article about a fictional work starts with all the important spoilers in bold uppercase.

The encyclopedia used to be published under CC0, which is of course amazing, but they seem to just be switching licenses however they like -- maybe to support a bit of a drama anyway -- however even with CC0 much of the content simply by nature comprises of copy pastes, screencaps, anonymous works and fair uses (sometimes perhaps also illegal unfair uses), so in general you can't really treat it as a "tidy" public domain, more like a chaotic "we shit on any copyright" philosophy, which given the situation (impossibility of achieving true PD) is probably the least evil. As of writing this it also doesn't sport any shit like ads (though there were ads in the past, but they managed to get rid of them) or Turing test bullshit and it also only works on plain HTTP (no HTTPS nonsense, even though there are logins and passwords lol), which is simply amazing and shows a high standard of this magnum opus, but of course everything may change at any time so better not speak too early. ED also has pretty nice forums.

Dramatica has firmly stood towering as the giant among the people's encyclopedias since its establishment on December 9 2004, it can only be compared to such places like 4chan. It was established by a WOMAN who got pissed at Wikipedia, who was called called Girlvinyl (Sherrod DeGrippo), which would make her one of the few based women wasn't it for her betrayal of the project in 2011 when she caused a major drama by trying to milk the project and replaced ED by some shitty normie friendly website (called "Oh Internet") that soon went bankrupt, by which she confirmed she indeed was just a woman unable to control her lust for golds (and even failing at digging it after going all in lol). Fans however kept ED backed up and going under different domains. ED is mainly a work of oldfags, a place of classic, old style, porn-rich meme culture, nowadays in contrast with the lame zoomer shit like soyjaks and whatnot. The articles are visually rich, joyful, with many flashing colors, flying CSS pictures and many catchy quotes and phrases with a lot of exclamation marks!!11!1! The editors call themselves EDiots. The work achieved a legendary status despite facing the hardest forms of censorship, for example being excluded from Goolag search results; Wikipedia also tried to ban and censor the whole article about Dramatica but eventually had to give in because ED actually became very notable and referenced in mainstream media. This couldn't go without inspiring similar projects, so ED has since its inception been competing with other similar encyclopedias, however it might be better to say it's simply been copied and mimicked without anyone so far reaching the high quality. Some competing wikis are for example the Lurkmore wikis (English, Russian and Ukrainian ones), Nigrapedia or the Soyjak wiki -- nevertheless these hardly ever managed to get on the same level. The "competition" usually does have some valuable material but overall generally fails by several points, like for example being quite small, having low effort articles consisting of unfunny spam, forced self serving vulgarity without any artistic vision (Family Guy style), having too many rules, putting on ads (revealing its motives for just grabbing some internet cash), putting on cuckflare and basically just not valuing the work enough, not keeping the standard that ED seems to be valuing and tryharding too much to dethrone Dramatica. Dramatica simply knows what it wants to do and does it to the fullest, it puts no barriers, no "this is too far" lines, an artist wouldn't put just 50% effort in his painting and he wouldn't stick a sponsor logo on it. ED is about memes and shitposting but that is art like any other -- awareness of this is key for a quality wiki. Dramatica makes fun even of itself, it won't censor its own failures, it writes about the competing wikis (when these, on the other hand, may pretend Dramatica doesn't exist), it simply truly only follows the lulz, at least that's how it seems.

Dramatica can also be seen as a more extreme (read better) version of Uncyclopedia. Uncyclopedia is like a children humor site while Dramatica is for normal adults.

Of course, we -- LRS -- by our philosophy cannot embrace many things advised on Encyclopedia Dramatica, such as its acceptance of violence (though probably satirical), but this is not the point, the point of Dramatica is free speech -- we not only tolerate, but also appreciate and even ENJOY reading it, despite perhaps not agreeing on everything. This is a healthy, non-toxic atmosphere, one without forced, pretended and hypocritical correctness. We let others say how they feel, what they REALLY think, we read about what is really important, interesting and notable, and then we can similarly express our own feelings, disagreements and emotions. This is a sincere communication between true humans, not a strategically planned exchange of euphemisms between robots.

We applaud Encyclopedia Dramatica and yes, this article sucks its dick a little, but deservedly so. Unless it goes to shit of course, in which case fuck it and please make something similar. For this it's very good to still keep up the alternative wikis as well.

See Also