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# Nationalism
Nationalism (also *patriotism*) is [fascism](fascism.md) based on nationality, it has fueled the worst horrors in [history](history.md): see e.g. [Nazism](nazism.md) that led to World War II. In any shape or form **nationalism is pure [evil](evil.md)**, it is the poison and curse of humanity and is absolutely unacceptable under any conditions, it cannot be kept moderate, it will never do any good, it is wrong in its very essence by fueling [pride](pride.md) and sense of [identity](identity_politics.md) and always leads to violent hysteria and [wars](war.md). "Moderate" and radical nationalism differ only like early stage of [cancer](cancer.md) differs from the late one. Nationalism is one of the easiest and most common tricks playable by politicians to manipulate masses, it can be easily used to achieve anything from lowering wages to invading other countries and starting a nuclear war, and for this it is used over and over in practically every country -- it is practically impossible for any politicians to succeed without playing the nationalism card.
Nationalism is especially dangerous by being accepted by 99.9999999% of population to some degree because, for some twisted reason, people believe that something like "moderate" nationalism exists or that it is even healthy, despite this having been proven wrong every year for millions of years, they will never learn just like kids will never learn that taking heroin will ruin their life, they will always think they'll be able to control it. For this we must stress that **there is NEVER any acceptable form of nationalism**, nationalism is always fundamentally wrong in any form -- no, you cannot fix it. You know deep down that nationalism is the purest evil -- if you try to fool someone, at least admit you accept nationalism as an excuse to do evil under some illusion of nobility or for purely practical reasons of it being a good means to your ends. Imagine having a group of few million people with [leaders](hero_culture.md) and [army](army.md) already in place, with heard mentality, ready to circlejerk any slightest idea of own superiority to absurdity -- do you think it's clever to feed them such ideas? Sure, for 5 years you can keep it moderate, but wait for the first crisis, for a politician that stirs a bit of [fear](fear_culture.md), for anything at all that will seem to "threaten the nation", like the neighboring nation doing better and starting to build a stronger army maybe, for economic crisis caused by migrants or anything similar. What do you think a group of people with strong nationalist thinking will do? Will it remain calm, reasonable and pacifist? Even if year and year over new politicians come calling for war? Just stop shitting yourself, admit that despite obligatory rejection of some of the Hitler's actions you admire him a bit for how great leader was, don't you?
Virtually every [war](war.md) was possible only due to nationalism. If nationalism disappears, wars will disappear.
Nationalists love to invent and/or highly distort [history](history.md), create [heroes](hero_culture.md) and fairy tales with which they brainwash children in [schools](school.md). They also love flags, anthems, their own [language](human_language.md) and everything that gives them a sense of "belonging to a nation". Never accept this. Use your country's flag as a toilet paper and shit on the photo of your president, **always try to fart during the anthem**.
Somehow a mistake committed by 99.9999999999% of people is to connect awareness of differences -- for example accepting that [races](race.md) exist -- with inevitable pursuit of self interest and [fascism](fascism.md) such as nationalism. I.e. all people think that once you acknowledge we fall into different groups, we inevitably "have to" have [competition](competition.md) between the groups, that they have to be "proud" of being part of such groups, "[fight](fight_culture.md)" for them and be obsessed about "identifying with it". People are just split into two equally idiotic groups here: one that wants to pretend there are no groups ([pseudoleftists](pseudoleft.md)) and those that say that the groups exist because "competition is good" ([rightists](rightism.md), nationalists). BOTH ARE WRONG, the only correct resolution is given by [LRS](lrs.md) that states there indeed DO exist groups but they DON'T have to and SHOULDN'T compete. I.e. there DO exist different races, sexes, cultures, religions and so on but none of them should be proud of being so or masturbate over some kind of identity, just fucking exist with attributes you have, stop jerking off about it. In this take [drummyfish](drummyfish.md) as an example -- he is [Czech](czechia.md) but hates the country, as he hates all other countries. He is also [white](white.md) and acknowledges everything that comes with it, good and bad, but is NOT proud of being white just as he wouldn't be proud of being black or jew or any other race.
Level of nationalism could possibly be measured by [fascist distance](fascist_distance.md): the average distance, within the borders of the country, of the country's flag to another nearest flag -- the shorter the fascist distance, the more fascist the country is.