2024-10-03 17:34:08 +02:00

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LRS Wiki Post Mortem

The following is written by drummyfish:


I am hoping to possibly get a few more years of writing, however eventually this wiki will get censored, I will be cancelled, put in jail or killed (or I will just run into the woods or just go insane of capitalism or something, one never knows); NGL I am also getting older and tired and perhaps even looking forward to the retirement, in whatever form, voluntary or not. This page here is to leave final words of advice on what to do next. For now let me write a few basic points:

  • Although obvious, let's still stress that once this wiki stops being updated, it becomes frozen in time, representing an imperfect snapshot of drummyfish's views and of the world at a certain point in time. Years later drummyfish and the whole society will likely diverge in either ways, becoming worse or better -- one will inevitably keep discovering new things or his previous errors, he may simply change his interests and some opinions. This is not to waive "responsibility", just to state the simple fact that the work will become a mere photo of someone living in some kind of world at a specific point in time. Please treat the work for what it is.
  • I will be demonized, therefore forget me; the work will be attacked ad hominem, the biggest argument against it will be "the author supported pedophilia, therefore the work is invalid" (or something similar). Read the ideas here and only focus on them.
  • Keep the work accessible, at least in the underground; if it can't be on clearnet, keep it on on the dark net, on torrents, print it out on paper etc. I hereby thank you for doing this.
  • Keep improving the work, add more articles, correct errors, translate it etc. Again, thank you. If you continue developing this, it might be good to rename the project a bit so that it's clear it's no longer the original work, that it's something new written by someone else.
  • This work will be modified with malicious intents by those who dislike it, it will either be censored by removing what they deem unacceptable, or it will be changed so as to rather help promote their views; they will put words in my mouth to make it seem I supported something I actually opposed, to make me seem more insane than I actually was etc. -- again, forget I existed, view the ideas and judge them by clear logic; logic will help you reveal any edits made to this work, as this work is build on top of pure truth and logic, it is impossible to change something so as to keep it fitting in.
  • Similarly if this work gets wider attention -- which is unlikely but possible, for example if some famous YouTuber makes a video about the schizo who made it or something -- it may be used to kickstart a harmful movement completely contradicting the original ideas -- therefore beware this, do not follow a "LRS" brand but only the ideas. This pattern is repeating in history: someone comes up with a good idea that gains some popularity, then someone else takes the popularity of it as capital, takes the idea and turns it completely on its head while keeping the majority of brand-following sheeps as supporters, while the original creator or the minority of original supporters of the true, pure idea are forgotten, suffocated by the majority of idiots, oftentimes ridiculed, censored, bullied, canceled and even removed. It happens over and over, typical example being e.g. open source, a capitalist movement, being spawned from free software, an anticapitalist movement, or with suckless, an anti-consumerist movement, spawning a ricing consumerist craziness, or with China successfully building capitalist society on top of "communism", or with militant, capitalist "Christians" riding on top of non-violent, anticapitalist teaching of Jesus and so on. Never follow the brand or a word, follow individual pure ideas.
  • Also, especially for the readers in further future, remember the message of this work will naturally be becoming more obscured and distorted just by the change of human language itself. Words slightly change meanings and sometimes shift by a lot, slight contemporary connotations and associations get lost and new ones arise so the meaning of every single word I use nowadays may differ significantly from your meaning of the word (this is always a problem with trying to understand ancient texts, see e.g. interpretations of Bible, quotes of Jesus and so on). Just as with intentional distortions though, logic should help you reveal them. This text is meant to point in the direction of truth and if it gets fuzzy, the direction will be more unclear, but you should be able to tell if it's pointing in the wrong direction because you can look there and you will simply find nothing.
  • Remember to not become like them, do not use violence, do not become a fascist, do not fight them or wish them ill, be loving and peaceful, help everyone and be selfless. If against my advice you still choose to keep some memory of me, then please mainly remember that I loved you :) <3