2023-07-29 11:26:00 +02:00

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Communism (from communis -- common, shared) is a very wide term which most generally stands for the idea that sharing and equality should be the basic values of a society; as such it is a leftist idea which falls under socialism (i.e. basically focusing on people at large). There are very many branches, theories, political ideologies and schools of thought somewhat based on communism, for example Marxism, Leninism, anarcho communism, primitive communism, Christian communism etc. -- of course, some of these are good while others are evil and only abuse the word communism as a kind of brand (as also happens e.g. with anarchism). Sadly after the disastrous failure of the violent pseudocommunist revolutions of the 20th century, most people came to equate the word communism with oppressive militant regimes, however we have to stress that communism is not equal to USSR, Marxism-Lenninism, Stalinism or any other form of pseudocommunism, on the contrary, such regimes were rather hierarchical, violent and pseudocommunist, often downright fascist. We ourselves embrace true communism and base our LRS and less retarded society on ideas of unconditional sharing. Many other communities also work on more or less communist principles, see e.g. Jewish kibbutz, Sikhist langar, free software, or even just most families for that matter. The color red is usually associated with communism and the "hammer and sickle" (U+262D) is taken as its symbol, though that's mostly associated with the evil communist regimes and so its usage is to be greatly considered.

Common ideas usually associated with communism are (please keep in mind that this may differ depending on the specific flavor of communism):

  • Ending capitalism and similar rightist oppressive hierarchical systems which are the polar opposite of communism and are incompatible with it. Along with these also things like consumerism, worker exploitation, crime and poverty will disappear.
  • Abolishment of private property, establishing common ownership, for example a factory shouldn't have a single owner who makes profit off of it, it should rather be collectively managed by those who work in the factory and they should collectively share what they make there.
  • Sharing and collaboration as opposed to competition.
  • Equality, seizing of division of people into social classes (such as workers, bourgeoisie, rich, poor, aristocracy, ...).
  • Eventual abolishment of state, as again in a good society that benefits people there shouldn't be any crime, theft, abuse of workers etc. However some "communists" see state and its control of economy as a necessary intermediate step towards this goal.
  • Abolishment of money as that is a means of dividing people into classes (rich and poor), means of abuse (wage slavery) and a tool of systems such as capitalism. In a good society money is unnecessary, everyone gets what he needs.
  • Sometimes revolution (and even war, temporary dictatorship etc.) is seen by some "communists" as a necessary way of achieving a change, however many others oppose this as revolution means violence, dominating man by another man (inequality) etc. -- peaceful voluntary evolutionary approach is also an option of achieving communism.
  • Focus on workers and common people.
  • Intellectual endeavor and idealism -- many communists are intellectuals, scientifically examining society and seeking models of an ideal society, a "utopia" as opposed to accepting life in a dystopia.
  • ...


See Also