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# Fight Culture
Fight culture is the [harmful]( mindset of seeing any endeavor as a fight against something. Even such causes as aiming for establishment of [peace]( is seen as fighting people who are against peace, which is [funny]( but also sad. Fight culture keeps, just by the constant repetition of the word *fight*, a subconscious validation of violence as justified and necessary means for achieving any goal. Fight culture is to a great degree the culture of [capitalist]( society (of course not exclusively), the environment of extreme competition and hostility.
[We](, of course, see fight culture as inherently undesirable for a good society as that needs to be based on peace, love and [collaboration](, not [competition]( For this reasons we never say we "fight" anything, we rather aim for goals, look for solutions, educate and sometimes reject, refuse and oppose bad concepts (e.g. fight culture itself).