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Welcome To The Less Retarded Wiki
Love everyone, help selflessly.
Confused? See tl;dr.
Welcome! Welcome to the newest rabbithole for you to explore. It may change your life.
Welcome to Less Retarded Wiki, an encyclopedia only I can edit. But you can fork it, it is public domain under CC0 (see wiki "rights") :) Holy shit, I'm gonna get cancelled hard as soon as SJWs find out about this (once this happens, read the wiki post mortem). Until then, let's enjoy the ride. THERE IS NO MODERATION, I can do whatever I want here lol. I love this. INB4 "hate speech" website { LMAO codeberg and Gitlab have already banned us :D Wikipedia/WM Commons also now banned me globally for "opinions expressed on my website". ~drummyfish } CONGRATULATIONS, you have discovered the one true, undistorted and unbiased view of the world -- this is not a joke, this wiki contains pure truth and the solution to most of the issues that plague our current society. Do you have what it takes to unretard yourself? We wish you a nice journey :)
{ This wiki is now also on gopher, see my gopherhole (unless it's down again). ~drummyfish }
{ We have reached 2^9 articles, yay! Yeah, some are just empty, but it's nice. PDF now reached 2^10 pages! ~drummyfish }
DISCLAIMER: All opinions expressed here are facts. I agree with myself 100% (well, sometimes).
WARNING: If you are easily offended, then fuck you, you must fix it. OK but for realz, if you're a real sissy who starts shaking if someone says a bad word, you probably better not browse this site, it might be too much, just go back to whatever safe space you came from and continue living in sweet ignorance. Maybe one day you'll be ready and we will welcome you :)
We shit on your privacy.
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(This is not a flag. We have no flags, flags are harmful. It's just a decoration, ok?)
We love all living beings. Even you. (Not just all people but also animals and other life forms.) We want to create technology that truly and maximally helps you, e.g. a completely public domain computer. We do NOT fight anything or anyone and we don't have any heroes or leaders. We want to move peacefully towards society that's not based on competition but rather on collaboration. We also reject all violence.
{ I no longer see hope, good is practically non existent in this world. This is my last attempt at preserving pure good, I will continue to spread the truth and unconditional love of all life as long as I will be capable of, until the society lynches me for having loved too much. At this point I feel very alone, this work now exists mostly for myself in my isolated world. But I hope that once perhaps my love will be shared with a reader far away, in space or time, even if I will never know him. This is the only way I can continue living. I wish you happy reading, my dear friend. ~drummyfish }
This is a wiki (yes, it IS a wiki) for less retarded software, less retarded society (LRS) and related topics, mainly those of society, its culture and ideal political views etc. -- LRS should help achieve ideal society with ideal technology. LRS Wiki is a new, refreshing wiki without political correctness. It is neither rightist nor pseudoleftist which many will find confusing. This wiki may contain life spoilers.
You ask how could people of the past have been so stupid, how they could have believed obviously nonsensical "pseudoscience" and religious fairy tales, how could the past peasant take part in witch hunts, how could so many people support Hitler and let Holocaust happen? Well, don't judge them so fast -- if you disagree with this wiki, you are just like them. No, there was no magical turn around of society from evil to good just before your birth, times are still the same, except much worse; if you don't see the catastrophic state of the world, you are most likely blissfully brainwashed beyond the level of any medieval peasant. But don't worry, it's not your fault, you are just among the 99.9999%. We are here to help. Keep an open mind and the truth will show. But beware, truth comes for the price of irreversible depression.
Or perhaps you see the evil but play along with the system out of fear? Because everyone does it? Because everyone tells you? Are you afraid then of thinking with your own brain and following what you sincerely judge as honest truth? Are you afraid of losing the comfort and luxury you live in? Think again then: are you not just a slave? Are you not rather afraid of living a bad life, of wasting the only opportunity at living you will ever have? It's not too late for a change.
This wiki is NOT a satire. Yes, everything is UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
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| no, you can't advertise on this page, go fuck yourself |
Are you a failure? Learn which type you are.
Before contributing please read the rules & style! By contributing you agree to release your contribution under our waiver. {But contributions aren't really accepted RN :) ~drummyfish }
We have a C tutorial! It rocks. We also now have our own programming language! It is named comun.
Pay us a visit on the Island and pet our dog! Come mourn to the graveyard because technology is dead. Want a muh webring experience? Come board our boat. Modern age is a pile of shit extending to another galaxy. The future is dark but we do our best to bring the light, even knowing it is futile.
Want some #LRSchallenge? Try our exercises.
LRS Wiki is collapse ready! Feel free to print it out (there is now a complete pdf book download up there), take it to your prep shelter. You may also print copies of this wiki and throw it from a plane into the streets. Thanks.
If you're new here, you may want to read answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ), including "Are you a fascist?" (spoiler: no) and "Do you love Hitler?".
STOP CAPITALISM STOP BLOAT STOP censorship STOP business STOP bullshit STOP copyright STOP working STOP coding STOP competing STOP fighting STOP consuming STOP producing STOP security STOP privacy STOP worshiping people STOP fascism STOP economy STOP slavery STOP violence STOP pedophobia STOP wearing clothes STOP eating animals STOP being an idiot etc. Start loving, sharing, creating and caring :) <3
{ Hi CIA :D How is it g(l)o(w)ing? Yeah, I know you're reading this. Sorry you have to sit through that long and boring shift. How did you even end up in here? You dreamed of becoming a badass policeman, the next Dirty Harry driving fast cars, chasing criminals, shooting bank robbers and now you're just sitting on a chair drinking coffee and spying on people on Facebook, pointing fingers on those who seem to not want to have their will broken and who say what is forbidden to think. You probably got a cool title and job description too, cybercrime and terrorism fighting expert or something like that, although you feel it's just a nice way to call you a little telltale, they tell you sweet lies so you do the dirty job they want you to do and behind your back they probably laugh at how easy it is to manipulate you. Maybe you even feel you no longer differ from the sniffer dog of your colleague who at least goes outside sometimes, they treat you basically the same, the dog gets a cookie, you get another medal -- what's the difference? That sucks, no? But I'm with you, no offense. Life is tough, sometimes we end up in a cesspool. I hope this website will at least provide a bit of entertainment, hopefully it will be better than reading Facebook and will make your shift more bearable. Maybe you'll learn a bit of programming or something along the way :D Or just read some jokes. Please have a wonderful day <3
BTW do you also read my email? Please do, I think my conversations with the people will put many things in context and you'll see I am really not a threat you should be spending your resources on, there are people who are genuinely dangerous -- I am not one of them. Please stay safe. ~drummyfish }
What Is Less Retarded Software/Society/Wiki?
Well, we're trying to figure this out on this wiki, but less retarded software is greatly related to suckless, Unix, KISS, free, selfless and sustainable software created to maximally help all living beings. This is so because we just love all living beings. LRS stands opposed to all shittiness of so called "modern" software (and society in general). We pursue heading towards an ideal society that is similar in spirit e.g. to that of the Venus project. For more details see the article about LRS.
In short LRS asks what if technology was good? And by extension also what if society was good?
UPDATE by drummyfish: now as I've been writing this wiki for a longer time myself, without much self censorship and thought "filtering", the wiki has also become something akin a snapshot of my brain averaged over time, for more see the article about the wiki itself.
Wanna Help?
See needed projects. Thanks :)
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Did You Know
- That old technology (such as toys or alerts in cars) could play prerecorded audio without using any electricity or needing batteries? This was done by simply using a plastic disc spinning on a needle (same principle as a vinyl record). There is a gramophone, called CardTalk, made purely of cardboard which plays vinyl records without any electricity (it used to be used by missionaries traveling to jungles etc.). Phonograph, invented around 1877, allowed people to easily record and play back sounds on a small cylinder covered with wax, the wax could later be smoothed out and rewritten with a new record.
- That the free software song has a very uncommon 7/8 rhythm that is not easy to follow?
- That the term "retarded" was actually made as a politically correct replacement for medical terms such as "idiot", "imbecile" and "moron" which became seen as derogatory.
- That all Intel processors since 2008 (and AMD processors since 2013) have a hardware backdoor (Intel ME, AMD PSP) that run the Minix operating system and allows spying on users of those processors no matter what operating system they run?
- That Wilhelm Rontgen, a Nobel laureate, did not patent his groundbreaking discoveries, stating that they should be freely available to anyone without any charge?
- That brain size correlates with intelligence and male brains are on average 10% larger than those of women? Yep, this is still even on Wikipedia, though the implications mustn't be mentioned there.
- That capitalism is probably the most retarded and dangerous idea in history?
- Thanks to quantum computing you can use a computer to carry out computation without actually running the computer?
- You can mathematically prove you don't know some information?
- That some early telephones used a water microphone (a microphone that uses a needle submerged in water)?
- That in capitalism low end CPUs are made by manufacturing a high end CPU and then purposefully crippling it, just for economic reasons? See e.g. core unlocking. This also goes for car engines etc.
- That back in the times of black and white TVs they sold colored transparent plastic sheets to put over the screen to add fake color to it? It was blue on top (for sky), green at the bottom (for grass) and orange in the middle (for people, which would nowadays be seen as "racist").
- That a complement of a formal language can be computationally simpler than the original -- for example that a pushdown automaton cannot tell which strings are of form a^(n)b^(n)c^(n), but it can tell exactly which ones are not?
- That LGBT, feminism and similar movements are not truly leftist but rather pseudoleftist and therefore fascist?
- That there is no simple formula for calculating the perimeter of an ellipse?
- That there is a limit on how fast any computable function can grow? There exist uncomputable functions growing so fast that they will eventually outgrow any function that any computer will ever be able to compute. Most famous such function is the busy beaver.
- In 3rd world pigeons carrying SD cards are still much faster and reliable way of transferring data than internet service providers? This also avoids censorship.
- That compiler bomb is a very short source code that makes the language compiler produce gigantic executable?
- That in capitalism toilet paper dispensers are purposefully designed to not work with other brands of toilet paper rolls than those of the dispenser manufacturer? This is why in public toilets you often encounter badly working dispensers, they have cheaper rolls in them and the dispenser won't allow them to rotate. Capitalism is literally wasting time of smart engineers on inventing ways to hold innocent people hostage for money by preventing them from wiping their ass after shitting.
- That there is a light bulb in California that has been turned on since 1901 and as of writing this is still working? This shows that old things are better than those manufactured under more advanced capitalism which pushes for more consumerism and applies artificial obsolescence. Many sowing machines made mode than 100 years ago still function perfectly fine as well as many other types of machines; anything created nowadays shouldn't be expected to last longer than 3 years.
- That there exist numbers that are not computable or are otherwise unknowable? See e.g. Chaitin's constant.
- That throughout history one of the most common patterns is appearance of new lucrative technology or trend which is labeled safe by science, then officially recommended, promoted, adopted by the industry and heavily utilized for many years to decades before being found harmful, which is almost always greatly delayed by the industry trying to hide this fact? This was the case e.g. with asbestos, freons (responsible for ozone layer depletion), x rays, radioactive paint (see radium girls), lobotomy (which even generated a Nobel Prize), some food preservatives, plastics, smoking, car emissions and great many prescription drugs among which used to be even cocaine. Despite corporations denying it, there even appears evidence that cell phone radiation causes cancer (e.g. Meta-analysis of long-term mobile phone use and the association with brain tumors, 2008, even International Agency for Research on Cancer now holds that phones may pose such danger). Yet when you question safety of a new lucrative invention, such as 5G, antidepressants or some quickly developed lucrative vaccines, you are labeled insane.
- That curved monitors are bad?
- That before sufficiently advanced computer graphics was around, NASA still had space flight simulators? Instead of rendering 3D graphics they used a live feed from a small camera placed in a miniature physical environment; the camera was moved by the people in the simulator. Such simulators still exist (although mostly just as a curiosity), e.g. for tanks and submarines -- they offer photorealistic graphics at very high resolution and FPS.
- That the dickheads maintaining the debian
utility package started to censor "offensive" fortunes, moving them to a separatefortunes-off
package that won't by default be installed, and which in the future will be removed completely? They also put some cringe disclaimers and apologies to man pages and so on. - That Kinora, invented around 1895, allowed people to view short videos with a simple, small, purely mechanical device? It used the flip-book principle.
- That wifi radiation causes cancer?
- That David Hampson is a man who repeatedly commits the crime of standing in the middle of the road, lets himself be arrested and then refuses to speak a single word, then goes to jail and once released repeats this whole again? He is capable of talking, he just likes doing this. This is one of the most based things anyone has ever done.
Here there are quick directions to some of the important topics; for more see the links provided at the top that include the list of all articles as well as a single page HTML which is good for "fulltext search" via crtl+F :)
- basics: bloat -- capitalist software -- less retarded society -- LRS -- pseudoleft
- LRS inventions/propositions: A/B fail -- Anarch -- boat webring -- comun -- freedom distance -- gege -- less retarded chess -- less retarded hardware -- less retarded society -- less retarded software -- less retarded watch -- less retarded wiki -- macrofucker -- public domain computer -- raycastlib -- rock carved binary data -- SAF -- small3dlib -- smallchesslib -- tinyphysicsengine -- world broadcast -- unretardation
- programming/computers: 3D rendering -- binary -- computer -- AI -- algorithm -- C -- C tutorial -- computer -- computer graphics -- CPU -- data structure -- demoscene -- GNU -- hacker culture -- hardware -- Internet -- KISS -- Linux -- OOP -- open consoles -- operating system -- optimization -- portability -- procedural generation -- programming -- programming language -- suckless -- Unix philosophy -- web
- math/theory: aliasing -- chaos -- combinatorics -- fractal -- formal languages -- information -- linear algebra -- logic -- math -- number -- pi -- prime number -- probability -- Turing machine -- zero
- society: anarchism -- anarcho pacifism -- capitalism -- censorship -- collapse -- communism -- democracy -- everyone does it -- fascism -- feminism -- fight culture -- history -- homosexuality -- left vs right vs pseudoleft -- Jesus -- less retarded society -- LGBTQWTF -- science vs soyence -- productivity cult -- selflessness -- socialism -- Venus project -- work
- freedom/law: Creative Commons -- free culture -- free hardware -- free software -- copyleft -- copyright -- GNU -- "intellectual property" -- license -- open $ource -- patent -- public domain
- interesting: beauty -- bytebeat -- chess -- Dodleston messages mystery -- hyperoperation -- interesting -- interplanetary internet -- netstalking -- steganography
- fun/relaxed/offtopic: audiophilia -- C downto operator -- C obfuscation contest -- dog -- esolang -- fantasy console -- fun -- games -- island -- jokes -- LMAO -- NaNoGenMo -- open console -- rock -- shit -- SIGBOVIK -- Temple OS
Link Bump
Feel free to ignore this. Here we'll put links to help them being promoted, to help small search engines connect the non-mainstream web and so on. Please note that we don't necessarily agree with or promote what's on these sites, we just feel it's good if they get a bump for whatever reason (e.g. being censored by mainstream, containing some useful stuff, having good web design, provoking thought, demonstrating something good, demonstrating something bad and so on). If you feel brave you can try randomly clicking something, we put quite interesting sites here. The links follow. { Let me know if you want to suggest addition or removal of some link. If some site turns 404, woke, capitalist or employs adds, I'll probably take it down. ~drummyfish }
http://collapseos.org, https://suckless.org, http://duskos.org, https://wiki.osdev.org, http://lolwut.info, http://cat-v.org, https://tubgurl.com/catalog.html, https://opengameart.org, https://www.gutenberg.org, https://librivox.org, https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/puzzles, https://libregamewiki.org, https://pantsuprophet.xyz, https://duion.com, http://digdeeper.club, https://www.chimpout.com, http://floodgap.com, https://en.metapedia.org, https://www.vidlii.com, https://wikiindex.org, https://saidit.net, https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org, http://progopedia.com, http://techrights.org, https://landsofgames.com, http://www.macroevolution.net, http://macrochan.org, https://hub.darcs.net, https://repo.or.cz, https://templeos.org, http://cidoku.net, https://www.gnu.org, https://www.711chan.net/lulz, https://kiwifarms.st, https://circumlunar.space, http://www.nigger.org, https://forums.somethingawful.com, https://the-eye.eu/redarcs, https://notabug.org, https://gopherproxy.meulie.net, http://www.reactionary.software, https://libre.video, http://textfiles.com, https://esolangs.org, https://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/gw?=henfepl.us.to+70+312f72616d6f6e, http://www.ioccc.org, https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com, http://www.calresco.org, http://edramatica.com, https://infogalactic.com, https://www.icechewing.com, http://www.alexchiu.com, http://www.nigrapedia.com, https://www.rouming.cz, http://wermenh.com/index.html, https://www.thevenusproject.com, http://www.bentoandstarchky.com/dec/rants.htm, https://doxbin.org, https://frogesay.neocities.org, https://www.debunkingskeptics.com, https://stallman.org, http://keypad.org/bunnies, https://8kun.top, https://annas-archive.org, http://icculus.org/piga, https://forum.freegamedev.net, https://fediverse.wiki, https://dolphinana.codeberg.page, http://www.niggermania.com, https://watchpeopledie.tv, https://flarerpg.org, https://copyfree.org, https://wiki.bibanon.org, https://www.chessprogramming.org, https://neolurk.org, https://zerocontradictions.net/FAQs/race-FAQs, https://projectoberon.net, http://bitreich.org, https://tcrf.net, http://www.humanbiologicaldiversity.com, https://incels.wiki, https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net, https://softpanorama.org, http://humanknowledge.net, https://wrongthink.link, https://wiki.leftypol.org, https://mdfs.net, https://bienvenidoainternet.org, https://leftychan.net, https://leftypol.org, https://postbox.garden, https://www.lord-enki.net, https://r.sine.com, https://sanctioned-suicide.net, http://www.tastyfish.cz, https://simplifier.neocities.org, http://datamath.org, http://www.armory.com/~crisper/Scorch/index.html, https://www.lixgame.com, https://obsoletemedia.org, http://www.doshaven.eu, https://omick.net, http://countercomplex.blogspot.com, http://batheinmymilk.com, http://users.rcn.com/hgomberg/boys.html, https://wiki.thingsandstuff.org, https://tinfoil-hat.net, https://search.marginalia.nu, http://wiby.me, https://57296.neocities.org, https://coom.tech, https://rightdao.com, https://www.alexandria.org, https://allthetropes.org, http://dunfield.classiccmp.org, https://nanochess.org, http://afternoon.dynu.com, https://searchlores.nickifaulk.com, https://senseis.xmp.net, https://www.pgdp.net, https://stardust.cx, https://planetmath.org, https://www.otrr.org, https://texteditors.org, https://www.trade-free.org, https://www.spi-inc.org, http://runtimeterror.com, https://wiki.archiveteam.org, https://www.expedition-atlantis.com/, https://piracy.vercel.app, https://wiki.tuhs.org, http://stupidctf.ddns.net, http://cyber.dabamos.de, https://eldritchdata.neocities.org, https://bellard.org, https://gcide.gnu.org.ua, https://2bit.neocities.org, http://choice.tiepi.it/~matteobin, https://1chan.net, https://repomansez.xyz, http://mathlair.allfunandgames.ca, https://classicdoom.com, http://www.planix.com/~woods/ms-word.sucks.html, http://cumallover.me, http://www.trashrobot.org, http://horsefucker.org, http://washedashore.com, https://colfax.site/books/trashrobot, https://forum.agoraroad.com/index.php, https://archive.org/details/@autism_personified127, https://doomwiki.org, https://ludicrital.neocities.org, https://jacobsm.com, https://lolcow.wiki (archived because of censorship), http://www.peacefulhippo.info, http://ronja.twibright.com, https://dwarffortresswiki.org, https://unix.dog/~stone, https://posting.cool/index.php, https://conspiracies.win, http://www.twibright.com/hw.php, http://im.snibgo.com, http://zimage.com/~ant, https://www.fsfla.org/~lxoliva, http://www.billwallchess.com, https://kb.speeddemosarchive.com/SDA_Strategy_Wiki, https://www.doomworld.com/pageofdoom/index.shtml, https://lolcow.farm, https://phillfromgchq.co.uk/?phill=1, https://www.old-games.com, https://kassy.neocities.org, http://frogfind.com, https://www.theoldrobots.com, https://lotanstomb.nfshost.com, https://unixtopia.neocities.org, https://maniacsvault.net/ecwolf/wiki/Main_Page, https://youtuube.neocities.org/homepage, https://psychonautwiki.org, https://unixtopia.nfshost.com, http://www.choosesimplicity.com, https://www.eskimo.com/~billb/billb.html, https://dukenukemis.cool, https://blitz.serveo.net