2023-07-13 23:15:11 +02:00

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LRS Dictionary


mainstream correct/cooler
cloud computing clown computing
code of conduct (COC) code of coercion
copyright copywrong, copyrestriction
digital rights management (DRM) digital restrictions management
Firefox Furryfox
gaming gayming
Intel Incel
internet of things internet of stinks
iPad iBad
iPhone spyPhone
"left" pseudoleft, SJW
"Linux" GNU
microtransaction microtheft
modern malicious, shitty
NVidia NoVidya
object oriented programming (OOP) object obsessed programming
openbsd openbased
plug and play plug and pray
"science" soyence
software as a service (SAAS) service as a software substitute (SAASS)
systemd shitstemd, soystemd
user (of a proprietary system) used, lusr
wayland whyland
YouTube JewTube

See Also