985 B
Script included is bitcoin-balance-checker, modified to fix inconsistent indentation and comment out lines throwing errors on Python 3. Licensed under GPLv3
First compile vanitygen++
git clone https://github.com/10gic/vanitygen-plusplus
cd vanitygen-plusplus
Then generate some addresses:
./vanitygen++ 1Pattern -z -k -o /tmp/addresses.csv
Alternatively, to check more than one pattern at a time:
./vanitygen++ -z -k -o /tmp/addresses.csv -f /path/to/patterns.txt
Hit Control+C when you think you've got enough.
Then cd
into this directory and generate a list of all the public keys:
awk -F "\"*,\"*" '{print $3}' /tmp/addresses.csv > ./list-addresses.txt
Then run the address checking script:
python3 bitcoin-balance-checker.py
Check to see if there were any hits:
cat addresses-with-balance-yay.txt
If the address is in this repo, I've already confirmed it has a balance of 0 BTC.