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3 years ago
# Linux
2 years ago
Linux is a "[FOSS](" [unix-like]( [operating system]( [kernel](, probably the most successful and famous non-[proprietary]( kernel. Linux is NOT a whole operating system, only its basic part -- for a whole operating system more things need to be added, such as some kind of [user interface]( and actual user programs, and this is what [Linux distributions]( do (there are dozens, maybe hundreds of these) -- Linux distributions, such as [Debian](, [Arch]( or [Ubuntu]( are complete operating systems (but beware, most of them are not fully [FOSS]( Linux is one of the biggest collaborative programming projects, as of now it has more than 15000 contributors.
Linux is written in the [C]( language, specifically the old C89 standard, as of 2022 (there seem to be plans to switch to a newer version). This is of course good.
3 years ago
2 years ago
Linux is typically combined with a lot of [GNU]( software and the [GNU]( project (whose goal is to create a [free]( OS) uses Linux as its official kernel, so in the wild we usually encounter the term [GNU/Linux]( Some people just can't be bothered to acknowledge the work of GNU and just call GNU/Linux systems "Linux" (without GNU/). Fuck them.
3 years ago
2 years ago
Linux is sometimes called [free as in freedom](, however it is hardly deserving the label, it is more of an [open-source]( or [FOSS]( project. **Linux is in many ways bad**, especially lately. Some reasons for this are:
3 years ago
- It actually includes [proprietary]( software in the form of [binary blobs]( ([drivers]( The [Linux-libre]( project tries to fix this.
2 years ago
- It is [tranny software]( and has a fascist [code of conduct]( (`linux/Documentation/process/code-of-conduct.rst`).
- It's development practices are [sus](, it is involved with many unethical corporations (through the [linux foundation]( including [Microsoft]( (one of the greatest enemies of free software) who is trying to take control over it, [Google](, [Intel](, [IBM]( and others.
- It is a monolithic kernel which goes against the [KISS]( philosophy.
- It is [bloat]( and [bloat monopoly]( and in some ways [capitalist software]( (just try to fork Linux, maintain it and add/modify actual features).
- It uses a restrictive [GPL]( license as opposed to a permissive one. Also it doesn't really enforce its license legally -- we're not advocating legal battles, but the fact that they entertain a license and then don't use it indicates it may be there just for good image.
3 years ago
2 years ago
Nevertheless, despite its mistakes, Linux offers a relatively comfy, powerful and (still) safe [unix]([POSIX]( environment which means it can be drop-in replaced with another unix-like system without this causing you much trouble, so using Linux is at this point considered OK (until Microsoft completely seizes it at which point we migrate probably to [BSD]( or [GNU Hurd]( It can be made fairly [minimal]( (see e.g. [KISS Linux]( and [Puppy Linux]( and [LRS]([suckless]( friendly.
3 years ago
2 years ago
Linux is so called monolithic kernel and as such is more or less [bloat]( However it "[just works](" and has a great [hardware]( support so it wins many users over alternatives such as BSD.
3 years ago
Some alternatives to Linux are:
- [GNU Hurd](, an unfinished (but somewhat usable) kernel developed by [GNU]( itself.
- [BSD]( operating systems such as [FreeBSD](, [NetBSD]( and [OpenBSD]( (best from the [LRS]( point of view)
- [bare metal]( UwU
## History
2 years ago
{ Some history of Linux can be read in the biography of Linus Torvalds called *Just For Fun*. ~drummyfish }
2 years ago
Linux was created by [Linus Torvalds]( He started the project in 1991 as a university student. He read a book about operating system design and [Unix]( and became fascinated with it. Then when he bought a new no-name PC (4 MB RAM, 33 MHz CPU), he install [Minix]( on it, a then-[proprietary]( [Unix-like]( operating system. He was frustrated about some features of Minix and started to write his own software such as terminal emulator, disk driver and [shell](, and he made it all [POSIX]( compliant. These slowly started to evolve into an OS kernel.
2 years ago
Linus originally wanted to name the project *Freax*, thinking *Linux* would sound too self-centered. However the admin of an FTP server that hosted the files renamed it to *Linux*, and the name stuck.
On 25 August 1991 he made the famous public announcement of Linux on [Usenet]( in which he claimed it was just a hobby project and that it "wouldn't be big and professional as [GNU](". In November 1991 Linux became [self-hosted]( with the version 0.10 -- by the time a number of people were already using it and working on it. In 1992, with version 0.12, Linux became [free software]( with the adoption of the [GPL]( license.
On 14 March 1994 Linux 1.0 -- a fully functional version -- was released.
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