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Smart, smells like fart.
The adjective "smart", as in e.g. smartphone, is in the context of modern capitalist technology used as a euphemism for malicious features that include spyware, bloat, obscurity, DRM, ads, programmed planned obsolescence, unnecessary dependencies (such as required Internet connection), anti-repair design and others; it is the opposite of dumb. "Smart" technology is far inferior to the traditional dumb technology and usually just downright harmful to its users and society as a whole, but normal (i.e. retarded) people think it's good because it has a cool name, so they buy and support such technology. They are slowly boiled to accept "smart" technology as the standard. Orwell is rotating in his grave.
Richard Stallman has called smart phones "Stalin's dream" -- a device Stalin would wish every citizen of Soviet Union had so that he could be tracked and spied on.
In programming the word "smart" is also used as an euphemism for magic, i.e. obscurity/bloat, for example "smart pointer".