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Consumerism is cancer of society created by capitalism, it is the societal tendency towards and force established culture of making members of society into mere slaves that have to constantly keep consuming products and services just for the sake of keeping bullshit businesses running. Consumers have to stand with open mouths at the end of producer asses that are constantly shitting out new and new excrement, and this process must never stop. This soon degenerates into such things as artificial scarcity and planned obsolescence, things that could last long must be made so that they will NOT last long, they must break soon so that the user has to consume a new one periodically, just like he consumes food, because that's what makes the corporation most money. Or perhaps "update the infrastructure" (5G! 6G! 7G!) and kill all devices that worked on the old infrastructure. So people are consuming computers, cars, swimming pools, cell phones, doctors, political drama, healthcare, things that make them sick, thing that make them healthy again, and so on and so forth. Even things that could be made to last long, such as buildings, or even forever, such as discovered information -- e.g. old books -- are artificially killed (for example using copyright), so that new ones have to be made so that people can keep having jobs and be miserable and don't have to lie on the beach and be happy. Businesses that would want to create non-consumerist products cannot exist -- a business that sells a thing that lasts 100 years will have to wait 100 years to sell another one, so naturally there is no chance for it to survive among those that make it so that they're selling the same thing each half a year, that's why consumerism in capitalism is unavoidable: it simply pays off, it makes the company rich and the richer company survives. Of course this is all pure bullshit that wastes lives of people, makes them miserable consuming machines that get depressed and commit suicides, while also creating enormous amounts of waste that are destroying the environment, just capitalism as usual. Under consumerism your life is expected to go like this: be born, consume, die.
Consumerism is additionally pushed by capitalists by many other means, for instance by psychological pressure such as extreme marketing that constantly creates artificial trends, hypes and fashion waves, or by economic means such as inflation created by printing money -- this is a simple trick for a state (nowadays controlled by corporations) to take away money from people so that people can do nothing about it, and this is how capitalism makes it impossible to save money: once you try to save money, it simply loses its value and you end up with nothing, so you're forced to immediately spend any money that you make. You must not stop, just consume, work, consume and work -- people that don't want to engage in this cycle are unwanted by the system and left to starve.
Someone once said that consumerism is an addiction like any other, the only difference being that it's not being cured and curing it is not even considered.
If you don't want to consume, you made a very big mistake by being born in 21st century.
Rant (Left For Historical Significance)
{ Here I'll leave the rant I've written when I was kinda stressed. ~drummyfish }
CONSUME YOU FUCKING IDIOTIC BITCH YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE THE LATEST AI RAYTRACING ENCRYPTION GPUUUUUUUU 1080K WIRELESS GAYMING MONITOR WITH BLOCKCHAIN BUY IT BUYYYYYY IT YOU IDIOT. --capitalism { Unironically this is literally how ads of Alza.cz (the most successful tech store in Czech Republic) are. There's this unbelievably annoying green motherfucker that just yells over and over from the TVs and radios things like "BUY THIS BUY THIS BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUY ITTTTITTTTTT ITSSSS ON DISCOUUUUUUUNT DICSOUUUUUUUUNTTTTTT", it makes me suicidal, everyone I ever met hates it to death. Also everyone I ever met buys stuff from them. ~drummyfish }
Consumerism (also consoomerism) is a built-in "feature" of capitalism that says EVERYTHING HAS TO BE CONSUMED on a regular short-term basis so as to keep CONSTANT P.R.O.G.R.E.S.S.^TM(c)/PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT GROWTHP/PRODUCTIVITY^tm^tm^tm^tm, even things that in theory could last decades to generations such as houses, cars, computers, software, even just INFORMATION etc. Yes, we could make nice durable machines that wouldn't break and would serve a man for generations, we could write a finished operating system that would work and be useful, but that wouldn't be good for the seller if he only sold the thing once in a hundred years, would it? ALERT ALERT: BAD FOR CAPITAL. He wants to sell the thing and then PROFIT from it every day as he lies on the beach being fucked by 10 billion whore lolitas, so the thing has to break regularly and just demand to be replaced once in a year or so (see planned obsolescence) -- haha, actually you know what would be best? WHAT IF :D WHAT IF WE RAPE THE CUSTOMER EVERY DAI, LMAOOOOOO What IF THERE ARE NO PRODUCTS BUT PRODUCT ARE ACTUALLY JUST SERVICES :DDDDD LMAO THEN NO ONE CAN OWN ANYTHING, YOUR CAR AND YOUR TOOTHBRUSH IS JUST A SUBSCRIPTION LOOOOL, it just stops running if you stop paying. Why do this? Because in capitalism economy MUSTN'T STOP ULTRA EXPONENTIALLY EXPLODING EVERY TRILLISECOND and EVERYONE MUST HAVE 10000 BILLION JOBS ELSE THE POOR WORKER LOSES THE MEANING OF LIFE like the neanderthals who lacked the good capitalist overlords that assure the basic human need of ultraexponential personal growth and all killed themselves, also the same with stupid lazy animals. So capitalism has to constantly GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW FOR ANY COST JUST GROW GROW GROW GROW GROW GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW -- is it good? No, but it's called PWOGWEESSS so people LOVE IT, people will shit themselves and suffocate their mouths with their shit just to hear the word PWOGWEEEEES (or alternatively UPDATE or ANTIPEDOPHILE PROTECTION), if a politician says PWEGWESS enough times in his speech the crowd will just start sucking his dick on the stage and he will win the elections by 130% majority. LMAOOOOO WHAT IF we make updates a kind of consumerist product, LOL WHAT IF one group of people build houses one day and the other group destroys them the other day and so on so on, it's INFINIITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE JOBS LOL :D I should fucking get into politics.