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@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ GPUs nowadays are no longer just focusing on graphics, but are kind of a general
The important part of a system such as OpenGL is its **rendering [pipeline](pipeline.md)**. Pipeline is the "path" through which data go through during the rendering process. Each rendering system and even potentially each of its version may have a slightly different pipeline (but generally all mainstream pipelines somehow achieve rasterizing triangles, the difference is in details of how they achieve it). The pipeline consists of **stages** that follow one after another (e.g. the mentioned mapping of vertices and drawing of triangles constitute separate stages). A very important fact is that some (not all) of these stages are programmable with so called **[shaders](shader.md)**. A shader is a program written in a special language (e.g. [GLSL](glsl.md) for OpenGL) running on the GPU that processes the data in some stage of the pipeline (therefore we distinguish different types of shaders based on at which part of the pipeline they reside). In early GPUs stages were not programmable but they became so as to give a greater flexibility -- shaders allow us to implement all kinds of effects that would otherwise be impossible.
Let's see what a typical pipeline might look like, similarly to something we might see e.g. in OpenGL. We normally simulate such a pipeline also in [software renderers](sw_rendering.md). Note that the details such as the coordinate system [handedness](handedness.md) and presence, order, naming or programmability of different stages will differ in any particular pipeline, this is just one possible scenario:
To touch on something practical let's see what a typical pipeline might look like, similarly to something we might encounter e.g. in OpenGL. We normally simulate such a pipeline also in [software renderers](sw_rendering.md). Note that the details such as the coordinate system [handedness](handedness.md) and presence, order, naming or programmability of different stages will differ in any particular pipeline, this is just one possible scenario:
1. Vertex data (e.g. 3D [model space](model_space.md) coordinates of triangle vertices of a 3D model) are taken from a vertex buffer (a GPU memory to which the data have been uploaded).
2. **Stage: [vertex shader](vertex_shader.md)**: Each vertex is processed with a vertex shader, i.e. one vertex goes into the shader and one vertex (processed) goes out. Here the shader typically maps the vertex 3D coordinates to the screen 2D coordinates (or [normalized device coordinates](ndc.md)) by:
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# Abstraction
Abstraction is an important concept in [programming](programming.md), [mathematics](math.md) and other fields of [science](science.md), philosophy and [art](art.md), which in simple words can be described as "viewing an issue from a distance", thinking in higher-level concepts, i.e. paying less attention to fine detail so that one can see the bigger picture. In programming for example we distinguish [programming languages](programming_language.md) of high and low level of abstraction, depending on how close they are "to the [hardware](hardware.md)" (e.g. [assembly](assembly.md) being low level, [JavaScript](js.md) being high level); in [art](art.md) high abstraction means portraying and capturing things such as ideas, feelings and emotions with shapes that may seem "distant", not resembling anything concrete or familiar. We usually talk about different **levels of abstraction**, depending on the "distance" we take in vieweing the issue at hand -- this concept may very well be demonstrated on [sciences](science.md): particle [physics](physics.md) researches the world at the lowest level of abstraction, in extreme close-up, for example by examining individual atoms that make up our brains, while [biology](biology.md) resides at a higher level of abstraction, viewing the brain at the level of individual cells, and finally [psychology](psychology.md) shows a very high level of abstraction because it looks at the brain from great distance and just studies its behavior.
Abstraction is an important concept in [programming](programming.md), [mathematics](math.md) and other fields of [science](science.md), [philosophy](philosophy.md) and [art](art.md), which in simple words can be described as "viewing an issue from a distance", thinking in higher-level concepts, i.e. paying less attention to fine detail so that one can see the bigger picture. In programming for example we distinguish [programming languages](programming_language.md) of high and low level of abstraction, depending on how close they are "to the [hardware](hardware.md)" (e.g. [assembly](assembly.md) being low level, [JavaScript](js.md) being high level); in [art](art.md) high abstraction means portraying and capturing things such as ideas, feelings and emotions with shapes that may seem "distant", not resembling anything concrete or familiar. We usually talk about different **levels of abstraction**, depending on the "distance" we take in vieweing the issue at hand -- this concept may very well be demonstrated on [sciences](science.md): particle [physics](physics.md) researches the world at the lowest level of abstraction, in extreme close-up, for example by examining individual atoms that make up our brains, while [biology](biology.md) resides at a higher level of abstraction, viewing the brain at the level of individual cells, and finally [psychology](psychology.md) shows a very high level of abstraction because it looks at the brain from great distance and just studies its behavior.
In mainstream [programming](programming.md) education it is generally taught to "abstract as much as possible" because that's aligned with the [capitalist](capitalism.md) way of technology -- high abstraction is easy to handle for incompetent programming monkeys, it helps preventing them from making damage by employing billions of safety mechanisms, it allows them to quickly learn to do poorly what should be done properly, it also perpetuates the cult of never stopping layering of the abstraction sandwich, creating [bloat](bloat.md), [hype](hype.md), bullshit jobs, it makes computers slower, constantly outdated and so drives software [consumerism](consumerism.md). As with everything in capitalism, new abstractions are products hyped on grounds of immediate benefit: creating more comfort, being something new and "[modern](modern.md)", increasing "[productivity](productivity_cult.md)", lowering "barriers of entry" so that ANYONE CAN NOW BE A PROGRAMMER without even knowing anything about computers (try to imagine this e.g. in the field of medicine) etc. -- of course, long term negative effects are completely ignored. Abstraction is useful but what's happening here is twisting its meaning: instead of **ignoring details** where it's acceptable and useful, abstraction is now used as an excuse meaning **ignorance of details**, i.e. whereas originally a programmer knew the details and would decide to ignore them where it's of benefit, nowadays the programmer doesn't know the details at all because he thinks he is allowed to by the existence of abstraction, and so he ignores them in any situation. **This is extremely wrong.** It is basically why technology has been on such a huge downfall in the latest decades and why so many incompetent people flooded the industry. Opposing this, [LRS](lrs.md) advocates to employ only as little abstraction as needed, so as to support [minimalism](minimalism.md). **Too much abstraction is bad.** For example a widely used general purpose programming language should basically only have as much abstraction as to allow [portability](portability.md), it should definitely NOT succumb high abstraction such as [object obsessed programming](oop.md).
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# Anorexia
## How To Lose Weight
Here is a guide for anyone wanting to lose weight, only follow at own risk.
{ Below given tips are a summary of my rich personal experience. I used to weight some 85 kg and every year I would go on a diet to get to 60 kg so that I could spend the rest of the year eating anything I wanted again. I always managed to lost those 10 to 15 kg in one to two months. One year I even lost over 30 kg (over a longer period) down to weighting only 54 kg thanks to a diet combined with an episode of depression. By now I am able to just do whatever I want with my weight. ~drummyfish }
WARNING: being too skinny is dangerous and this doesn't just mean the extreme case of possibly starving to death. A malnourished body lacks resources and has trouble sustaining vital thing which leads to issues with joints, teeth, skin, mental issues, decreased immunity, low blood pressure and even permanently damaged health -- women lose menstruation cycle and can become infertile etc. Be very careful about overdoing it.
**Basics**: first thing to ask yourself is whether you aim to LITERALLY JUST LOSE WEIGHT or if you want to lose fat and keep/build muscle. Unsurprisingly the latter is harder, it REQUIRES exercise and optimizing nutrition. Merely losing weight is much easier, doesn't require exercise at all, and is fine in case you just want to get from morbidly obese to "normal". In any case you have to swallow this pill:
**You HAVE TO go on a diet**, period. You CANNOT lose weight only with exercise if you keep consuming double cheeseburgers with Pepsi for breakfast and then a bag of large chips with Monster drinks and a beer during a movie. The amount of food we consume in the first world is NOT NORMAL, what the average folk considers a "normal" daily intake of food is actually overeating. Remember the trait imposed upon us by evolution: with enough food we overeat in order to store energy as body fat for the worse times of scarcity. This perfectly works in the jungle when times of abundance and scarcity alternate, but turns to a curse in times of constant abundance (and additional pressure of the food business). Exercise is cool and helps, but reducing calorie intake is the single most essential thing for losing weight.
From weight losing perspective the primary key word in a diet is **calorie**, a unit [energy](energy.md). Watch out: everybody says "calories" but in fact what we always mean is kilocalories, i.e. *kcal*. Hearing someone talk about 100 calories means 100 kilocalories, 100 calories is just nothing. Every food has a certain amount of (kilo)calories and your body naturally burns some amount of calories per day -- if you give it more, you gain weight, if you give it less, you lose weight (because the body must take the missing energy from the stored fat). It's as simple as that. The number of calories in food is printed on the packaging and/or can be looked up on the [Internet](internet.md). Average adult male needs **2000 kcal** per day (exact value depends on sex, age, height, physical activity, genes etc.), so you aim to get less than that, to induce the energy deficit and burn the fat. In gradual weight loss you'll probably want to lost about 500 kcal per day, but there are even madmen eating less than 1000 calories per day. Some people even fast and eat nothing at all, but this mustn't be sustained for too long.
So **how many calories are too much in food?** This depends, calories are usually measured per 100 grams of food but this depends on the DENSITY of the food, so rough calories/100 grams values can be misleading -- see also tips below. But in general it goes like this: fewer than 10 *kcal* / 100 g is guilt-free food, you can consume it as much as you want; under 100 *kcal* / 100 g is low-calorie food that you want to consume as your "normal" food; below 200 *kcal* is acceptable but should be limited and stuff above is best to be avoided. 400 and above is disaster.
**How many calories must one burn to lose 1 kg of weight?** The number is said to be 7700 kcal as that's how many there are in 1 kg of fat, however it's just approximate (eventually the body also loses muscle, water etc.). Now you can do the math and see how quickly one is losing weight depending on the calorie deficit per day. Normal people will aim to maybe lost 0.5 to 1 kg per week, but obviously it can go a lot faster, though brutally fast weight loss (like more than 2 kg maybe) is generally not recommended.
Now to debunk a common misconception here's another truth pill: **weight loss can't be targeted on body parts**. If you want to lose your belly fat, doing belly exercises will NOT make you lose fat there. NO IT WILL FUCKING NOT, IT'S TRUE MOTHERFUCKER. Exercising your belly will make you gain muscle there, but if you're staying fat, the muscle won't be seen. Yes, you saw a guy on TV do situps and then a cool six pack, but you don't get it, this is how it works: he loses weight mainly through diet which makes him lose fat, and the body burns fat from wherever it wants first -- sadly in places where you WANT to lose fat it usually goes last. Well, that's why it's probably seen as "sexy" to have a flat belly -- because it's HARD to do :) Why is the guy doing situps then? To keep the muscles. The body burns fat but also takes a bit of the muscle, and exercise certain parts makes the body invest in growing muscles there, slowing the loss. Of course exercise also burns calories so it accelerates loss of fat, but again, you cannot target where the fat will be lost.
And to debunk another one: **increased mental effort doesn't burn more calories**. Well, maybe it does but only very insignificant amount. Look it up if you don't believe it. Yes, it's true that brain consumes a disproportionate amount of calories, but it's a faulty logic to think that increased or decreased mental effort changes this amount. The brain just consumes *X* calories per day no matter if you stare at a wall or study math, most of the energy goes to things like keeping organs functioning etc.
**[BMI](bmi.md)** (body mass index) is a measure often used to calculate how fat someone is depending on weight and height, you can use it to track where you stand.
**Everyone can lose weight, there are no excuses**. People often cry they just can't lose weight because of "bad genes" or whatever but this is debunked by physics itself: if someone is able to not eat and keep weight, he is literally breaking physics laws, he is creating energy from nothing and should be awarded Nobel Prize for the greatest breakthrough in science. It's always only about having the will to not eat as much. This might come with a possible exception that will nonetheless be rare: even though literally everyone CAN lose weight, it's possible some people might have such a bizarre condition that would cause them to die if they lost weight, for which they'd have to choose not to lose it.
And now to some general tips:
- **understanding calories**: It's common to get confused by the fact that for example diet food, such as that polystyrene bread or caffeine-coffee, advertise ungodly amount of calories on the package, or that cooking something makes it lose calories. WTF is going on? What you read on the package is amount of kcal on 100 grams, so if something has very low density, it will have a lot of calories advertised. The polystyrene bread is extremely dry and so very light, so even if it has 350 calories per 100 grams, it gives you 35 calories if it weights 10 grams!
- **minding hidden calories**: An infamous "[enemy](fight_culture.md)" are the sneaky hidden calories in things one misses when tracking the intake. For example oil has gigantic amount of calories -- it's said there was a guy who lost some kilos ONLY by drying his pizzas from oil with paper towels.
- **learning to estimate calories**: Beginners have to look everything up, pros can just take a look at the plate and tell you how many calories there are. Food should always have calorie value on the package, but one must be careful to always look at the value per 100 grams (sometimes they sneakily write something different, for example calories per serving or number of joules). Like with everything losing weight can also be trained to eventually be doing it effortlessly. { Nowadays I can even just "feel" if I've had enough -- even if I'm slightly hungry, I can tell "how hungry" I am and how much of a calorie deficit I have. ~drummyfish }
- **waiting after eating**: After eating a dish, one must always wait before deciding to eat more. Once we start eating, the body just wants more and more, even if we've already had enough. Waiting makes us realize if we are ACTUALLY still hungry of not. In 99% cases hunger goes away after eating any small amount of food if one only waits 5 minutes.
- **watching the vitamins**: When decreasing food consumption it's important to pay more attention to eating a balanced diet because with smaller amount of food neglecting something will result in far too little of that something. For losing weight basically only calories matter, but for staying healthy one must watch other things like amount of protein, vitamin B and stuff. Vitamins can be taken in pills without any calories.
- **avoiding seeing food**: Hard to do in [capitalism](capitalism.md) but important, one must eliminate [ads](marketing.md), food documentaries, avoid billboards with food, going near food shops etc.
- **avoiding access to food**: It's surprising how much of a role subconsciousness plays in being hungry -- just having food in a fridge nearby will make people hungry. { This I experienced and realized very much when spending time at my caravan in the woods. In a civilization I used to get hungry in the evening but in my caravan I never got hungry at all if I was only staying overnight and brought no food with me. ~drummyfish }
- **avoiding bad food**:
- **fastfood, hamburgers, chips, sweets etc.**: Everyone knows this makes you fat and sick. As an exercise check out how many calories there are in this stuff.
- **bakery**: Bread, rolls etc. Somehow this is bad for losing weight, just start eating something else.
- **strong flavors, too tasty**: Potato chips, ketchup on food, spicy food and so on -- this excites the taste receptors and makes one uncontrollably crave more and more food, it's intentionally made so by [capitalists](capitalism.md). Has to be avoided. At first it's hard, it's literally like quitting a drug, but just like with drugs one can eventually overcome the withdrawal and even starts enjoying the normal stuff much more than before. Really it works, just needs a bit of self control.
- **sweet drinks**: Coca Cola, Pepsi, energy drinks and similar garbage are basically sugar with a bit of added water, avoid this at any cost. Maybe you can lose a few kilos literally just by quitting these and doing nothing else. Some people think that a drink can't have too many calories but no, that's a fatal mistake.
- **alcohol**: One or two glasses of wine on the weekend are fine, but it still has some calories, it may be better to just eat something.
- ...
- **eating regularly**: One must eat at the same time every day. This trains the body and it doesn't get hungry when it's not food time.
- **drinks**: Drinks are amazing, they are almost like food! { In Czech we have a proverb that says that "hunger is a thirst in disguise" lol. ~drummyfish } These fuckers are the best helpers in losing weight because they let us just "consume something" and be happy. Often a mild hunger can be really chased away with a cup of coffee.
- **chewing/licking stuff**: Just like smoking is not just about nicotine but also the "ritual" and playing with the cigarette, the pleasure of eating is also a matter of many stimuli. Chewing a gum (or something similar) can therefore help overcome hunger. Also just slowly licking a spoon of salt can make one feel as if "eating something".
- **distractions/other habits**: Hunger can be pushed away with doing something [fun](fun.md), maybe doing something useful like cleaning, or by some other form of entertainment and pleasure such as [games](game.md), movies or sex (unrealistic). It's not uncommon for people to get preoccupied with something [interesting](interesting.md) and completely forget they were hungry.
- **being young**: After around 25 years of age the metabolism usually gets shittier and body starts hoarding fat, so it's pretty good to be young.
- **having good genes**: Some people, often taller ones, just don't gain weight as much, so it's easier to lose weight with good genes.
- **exercise**: No need for hardcore weight lifting at the gym, it's enough to start making small decisions like taking stairs instead of the lift or walking on food instead of the bus. To really have an effect this has to be regular though, an everyday habit. However, as stated, exercise is not necessary for weight loss.
- **zero calorie food/drinks**: There are many drinks with zero calories, some even tasting very good, however food with zero calories is somehow very rare to find and practically non-existent.
- **shirataki noodles**: These magical noodles have basically zero calories, the body can't digest it and it goes right through. Yes, indeed it tastes like air, but it's food with fucking ZERO calories. The trick is in spicing it up and maybe throwing in some vegetable or a tiny bit of cheese, then it even has a taste. Usually eating it isn't really super enjoyable, but it fills the stomach and the body then isn't hungry anymore, so it's a great stopper of hunger crises.
- **water**: Obviously.
- **coffee** (no milk or sugar): The wonder of nature, delicious and overall amazing drink. Too much caffeine can be bad though, but thankfully there also exist caffeine-free coffee that also has practically no calories. Sometimes adding a bit of almond milk can diversify the experience.
- **coffee-like drinks**: Stuff used as substitutes to coffee, e.g. barley coffee (caffe d'orzo), cereal coffee etc.
- **tea** (no sugar): Basically just hot water, absolutely guilt free, healthy drink, many different flavors.
- **sparkling water**: Some people really love it. It's possible to get mildly flavored water too.
- **diet versions of drinks**: There exist zero calorie versions of coca cola, energy drinks etc., and they DO taste basically the same as the normal version, however these drinks are quite unhealthy so they shouldn't be consumed regularly. One can use them as a kind of "treat" for losing another kilogram for example ;)
- ...
- **low(er) calorie food**: This is what you want your meals to consist of. In general you want stuff with a lot of water in it as water makes it bigger (makes you full) and has no calories.
- **fruit/vegetable**: Obviously, very tasty, healthy and cool.
- **mushrooms**: Almost entirely made of water, very tasty, but also a bit heavy so can't be eating every day.
- **potato**: Amazing product of nature that can be eaten in many forms, is very tasty and doesn't have too many calories.
- **rice**: Not the lowest in calories but acceptable and very tasty. There may be differences between different kind of rice, so this must be checked out.
- **juices (watered down)**: Natural juices are tasty and only have few calories, which can further be reduced by adding water.
- **almond milk**: Not zero but very low on calories, used as a substitute to normal milk.
- **soups**: Consist mostly of water and taste great.
- **mozzarella and some processed cheese**: Cheese can have quite a lot of calories in general but it can be eaten e.g. instead of meat. Again, preferable are the "watery" kinds of cheese like mozzarella.
- **honey**: It's not exactly low in calories but it's a good replacement for normal sugar and sweets in times of crisis. Firstly it has considerably less calories than normal sugar, but it's also healthier AND quite filling, so in a crisis instead of eating a whole chocolate it's often enough to take one spoon of honey.
- **[depression](depression.md)**: In depression one lose appetite and starts to lose weight like nothing. Depression sucks but this is a small advantage.
- **when/how to weight oneself**: For accurate tracking one must always weight at the same time of the day, usually morning, and under the same conditions, i.e. without clothes, after peeing etc. The weight jumps up and down quite rapidly, for example we sweat out a lot of liquid during the night etc. It's also pointless to weight every day, weighting every friday for example is cool.
- **fucking up**: If one's will got broken and he uncontrollably raided the fridge, there are several ways of proceeding. Firstly one can just ignore it, accept this will cost extra time to lose the calories again. One can also "take responsibility" and lose it by skipping the next meal or doing an extra exercise. Some go vomit the food out but this is considered not too good :)
- **initially weight loss goes fast**: This is quite cool, it's probably because the body gets rid of water or something, but the first kilos just go easily.
- **no pussying out, one gets used to the diet**: It takes maybe two to three weeks to get used to eating less, then it becomes a breeze. Modern degenerate people have zero self control and think it's impossible to quit a habit if it involves bearing slight discomfort for more than a day, but it's easy for a real chad. Many challenges in life are hard because it's difficult to DO something, here it's enough to NOT do the thing (eating).
- **sometimes the weight gets stuck**: Sometimes it happens that the weight loss stalls, this just means one has to persevere and possibly decrease the calorie intake further. As one gets slimmer and "smaller", the body starts requiring slightly less energy to function and so losing weight gets a bit harder the more one has already lost.
- **learning to like hunger**: One can mentally associate the feeling of hunger with losing weight by thinking "I'm so hungry -- this means I am now burning fat!". Just like many people like pain or fear and even get addicted to it, it's possible to enjoy the feeling of hunger in the same way.
- **cutting limbs off**: Not very good but left for completeness.
- **liposuction**: This sucks because it's a shitty [capitalist](capitalism.md) business, also literally hurting your body. AVOID.
- **moving to planet with lower gravity**: One loses weight but not mass.
- **pooping/peeing**: Instantly lose half a kilo with this one trick.
- **other**: Perhaps there are other tips whose effectiveness or health risks are however a bit more questionable, such as using laxatives to quickly shit out food quickly. Someone said taking hot baths burns some extra calories.
- ...
## How To Gain Weight
Do the opposite of the above.
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# Asexuality
Asexuality doesn't exist.
## See Also
- [homosexuality](gay.md)
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# Bloat
Bloat is a very wide term that in the context of [software](software.md) and [technology](tech.md) means overcomplication, unnecessary complexity and/or extreme growth in terms of source code size, overall complexity, number of [dependencies](dependency.md), [redundancy](redundancy.md), unnecessary and/or useless features (e.g. [feature creep](feature_creep.md)) and resource usage, all of which lead to inefficient, badly designed technology with [bugs](bug.md) (crashes, unusable features, memory leaks, [security](security.md) vulnerabilities, ...), as well as great [obscurity](obscurity.md), ugliness, **loss of [freedom](free_software.md)** and waste of human effort. In simpler words: bloat is burdening [bullshit](bullshit.md) so to speak. Bloat is extremely bad and one of the greatest technological issues of today. Participating in creation of bloat is obnoxious engineering at its worst and, yet, it stains not just 100% of mainstream programs, but also the absolute majority of non-mainstream ones. Bloat is what has completely taken over all technology nowadays, mostly due to [capitalism](capitalism.md) causing commercialization, [consumerism](consumerism.md), rushed "[just works](just_werks.md)" products, creating demand for newer hardware and so on, also allowing incompetent people ("let's push more women/minorities into programming") trying to take on jobs they are in no way qualified to do.
Bloat is a very wide term that in the context of [software](software.md) and [technology](tech.md) means overcomplication, unnecessary complexity and/or extreme growth in terms of source code size, overall complexity, number of [dependencies](dependency.md), [redundancy](redundancy.md), unnecessary and/or useless features (e.g. [feature creep](feature_creep.md)) and resource usage, all of which lead to inefficient, badly designed technology with [bugs](bug.md) (crashes, unusable features, memory leaks, [security](security.md) vulnerabilities, ...), as well as great [obscurity](obscurity.md), ugliness, **loss of [freedom](free_software.md)** and waste of human effort. In simpler words: bloat is burdening [bullshit](bullshit.md) so to speak. Bloat is extremely bad and one of the greatest technological issues of today. Participating in creation of bloat is obnoxious engineering at its worst and, yet, it stains not just 100% of mainstream programs, but also the absolute majority of non-mainstream ones. Bloat is what has completely taken over all technology nowadays, it has now reached galactic proportions mostly due to [capitalism](capitalism.md) induced commercialization, [consumerism](consumerism.md), rushed "[just works](just_werks.md)" products, creating demand for newer hardware and so on, also allowing incompetent people ("let's push more women/minorities into programming") trying to take on jobs they are in no way qualified to do.
A related but different term is **bloatware**; it's more commonly used among normie users and stands for undesirable programs that eat up computer resources, usually being preinstalled by the computer manufacturer (and often uninstallable) etc. Further on we'll rather focus on bloat as defined before.
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ One of a very frequent questions you may hear a noob ask is **"How can bloat lim
The **path of [degeneracy](degenerate_software.md)** drawn in the graph shows how from a certain breaking point (which may actually appear at different places, the diagram is simplified) many software projects actually start getting less powerful and useful as they get more complex -- not all, some project really do stay on the path of increasing their "richness", but this requires great skills, experience, expertise and also a bit of lucky circumstances; in the zone of huge complexity projects start to get extremely difficult to manage -- non-primary tasks such as organization, maintenance and documentation start taking up so many resources that the primary task of actually programming the software suffers, the project crumbles under its own weight and the developers just try to make it fall slower. This happens mostly in projects made by incompetent [soydevs](soydev.md), i.e. most today's projects. { Thanks to a friend for pointing out this idea. ~drummyfish }
Please note there may arise some disagreement among minimalist groups about where the band is drawn exactly, especially old Unix hackers could be heard arguing for allowing (or even requiring) even trivial programs, maybe as long as the source code isn't shorter than the utility name, but then the discussion might even shift to questions like "what even is a program vs what's just a 10 characters long line" and so on.
Please do note there may arise disagreements among minimalist groups about where the band is drawn exactly, especially old Unix hackers could be heard arguing for allowing (or even requiring) even trivial programs, maybe as long as the source code isn't shorter than the utility name, but then the discussion might even shift to questions like "what even is a program vs what's just a 10 characters long line" and so on.
As a quick [heuristic](heuristic.md) for judging programs you can really take a look at the [lines of code](loc.md) (as long as you know it's a simplification that ignores dependencies, formatting style, language used etc.) and use the following classes (basically derived from how [suckless](suckless.md) programs are often judged):
@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ The following is a list of just SOME attributes of capitalism -- note that not a
The "old" capitalism, or perhaps its basic forms, that socialist writers have analyzed very well is characterized mainly by abuse of workers by capitalists who declare to "own" means of production such as factories, land and machines -- as e.g. Kropotkin has written in *The Conquest of Bread*, it is **poverty** that drives capitalism because only a poor man who just needs ANY salary for himself and his family will accept horrible working conditions and low pay, simply because he has no other choice -- a capitalist exploits this, "employs" (enslaves) the poor and then only pays them as much as to keep the barely alive and working for him, and he further has the audacity of calling himself an "altruist" who "feeds" people and "gives them a [work](work.md)"; a capitalist employs workers in his factory like he employs chicken in egg factories or pigs in slaughterhouses -- in modern days many may fall to the illusion that workers aren't poor anymore as they may posses smartphones and big screen TVs, but in essence a worker still lives salary to salary and is in desperate need of it; without a salary he will quickly end up starving in the street. Workers do labor that's in itself worth a lot but the capitalist only gives him a small salary, firstly to gain own profit and secondly to keep the worker poor because again, only a poor man will work for him. This is also why capitalists are against anything that would end poverty, such as [universal basic income](ubi.md). If the workers owned the factory collectively and didn't have to cut the profit off their labor, they wouldn't have to work so many hours in such harsh conditions at all, it's only because there is a capitalist leech at the top that everyone has to slave himself to death so that the leech can get enormously rich.
Here a capitalist says to the worker: "I am not forcing you to slavery, if you don't like the working conditions, go elsewhere". Of course, this is a laughable insult -- the capitalist knows very well there is nowhere else to go; wherever you go work in capitalism, you get exploited -- you can only do as much as choose your slavemaster. A capitalist will then say: "start your own business then", which again is a complete idiocy -- it's extremely hard to succeed in business, not everyone can do it, those who have established businesses won't let anyone on the market, and of course it's the immoral thing to do, the capitalist is just telling you to start doing what he's doing: abuse others. If you do start your business, he will be sure to attack you as a competition and with his power he will very likely be able to stop your business. So this advice is similar to that of "go start your own country if you don't like this one" -- he might as well tell you to move to another planet.
Here a capitalist says to the worker: "I am not forcing you to slavery, if you don't like the working conditions, go elsewhere". Of course, this is a laughable insult -- the capitalist knows very well there is nowhere else to go; wherever you go work in capitalism, you get exploited -- you can only do as much as choose your slavemaster. A capitalist will then say: "start your own business then", which again is a complete idiocy -- it's brutally difficult to succeed in business, not everyone can do it, those who have established businesses won't let anyone on the market, and of course it's the immoral thing to do, the capitalist is just telling you to start doing what he's doing: abuse others. If you do start your business, he will be sure to attack you as a competition and with his power he will very likely be able to stop your business, like in any race late starters are always disadvantaged. So this advice is similar to telling someone to "go start your own country if you don't like this one" -- he might as well tell you to move to another planet.
The **new**, modern capitalism is yet worse as it takes full advantage of technology never before seen in history which allows extreme increase of exploitation of both workers and consumers -- now there are cameras and computers watching each worker's individual production, there are "smart" devices spying on people and then forcing ads on them, there are loud speakers and screens everywhere full of propaganda and brainwashing, nowhere to escape. Now a single capitalist can watch over his factories all over the world through [Internet](internet.md), allowing for such people to get yet much richer than we could ever imagine.
While the old capitalism was more of a steady slavery and the deterioration of society (life environment, morality, art, ...) by it was relatively slow (i.e. it seemed to be somewhat "working"), nowadays, in the new capitalism the downfall of society accelerates immensely. In countries where capitalism is newly instated, e.g. after the fall of an old regime, it indeed seem to be "working" for a short time, however it will never last -- initially when more or less everyone is at the same start line, when there are no highly evolved corporations with their advanced methods of oppression, small businesses grow and take their small shares of the market, there appears true innovation, businesses compete by true quality of products, people are relatively free and it all feels natural because it is, it's the system of the jungle, i.e. as has been said, capitalism is the failure to establish a controlled socioeconomic system rather than a presence of a purposefully designed one. Its benefits for the people are at this point only a side effect, people see it as good and continue to support it. However the system has other goals of its own, and that is the development and constant growth that's meant to create a higher organism just like smaller living cells formed us, multi cell organisms. The system will start being less and less beneficial to the people who will only become cells in a higher organism to which they'll become slaves. A cell isn't supposed to be happy, it is supposed to sacrifice its life for the good of the higher organism.
While the old capitalism was more of a steady slavery and the deterioration of society (life environment, morality, art, ...) by it was relatively slow (i.e. it seemed to be somewhat "working"), nowadays, in the new capitalism the frantic downfall of society accelerates immensely. In countries where capitalism is newly instated, e.g. after the fall of an old regime, it indeed seem to be "working" for a short time, however it will never last -- initially when more or less everyone is at the same start line, when there are no highly evolved corporations with their advanced methods of oppression, small businesses grow and take their small shares of the market, there appears true innovation, businesses compete by true quality of products, people are relatively free and it all feels natural because it is, it's the system of the jungle, i.e. as has been said, capitalism is the failure to establish a controlled socioeconomic system rather than a presence of a purposefully designed one. Its benefits for the people are at this point only a side effect, people see it as good and continue to support it. However the system has other goals of its own, and that is the development and constant growth that's meant to create a higher organism just like smaller living cells formed us, multi cell organisms. The system will start being less and less beneficial to the people who will only become cells in a higher organism to which they'll become slaves. A cell isn't supposed to be happy, it is supposed to sacrifice its life for the good of the higher organism.
{ This initial prosperous stage appeared e.g. in Czechoslovakia, where I lived, in the 90s, after the fall of the totalitarian regime. Everything was beautiful, sadly it didn't last longer than about 10 years. ~drummyfish }
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ The unfair, unethical behavior of corporations is still supposed to be controlle
Here the strongest corporation takes over the world and starts becoming the higher organism of the whole Earth, [capitalist singularity](capitalist_singularity.md) has been reached. The world corporation doesn't have to pretend anything at this point, it can simply hire an army, it can use physical force, chemical weapons, torture, unlimited surveillance, anything to achieve further seize of remaining bits of power and resources.
**People will NOT protest or revolt** at this point, they will accept anything that comes and even if they suffer everyday agony and the system is clearly obviously set up for their maximum exploitation, they will do nothing -- in fact they will continue to support the system and make it stronger and they will see more slavery as more freedom; this tendency is already present in [rightists](left_vs_right.md) today. You may ask why, you think that at some point people will have enough and will seize back their power. This won't happen, just as the billions of chicken and pigs daily exploited at factories won't ever revolt -- firstly because the system will have absolute control over people at this point, they will be 100% dependent on the system even if they hate it, they will have proprietary technology as part of their bodies (which they willingly admitted to in the past as part of bigger comfort while ignoring our warnings about loss of freedom), they will be dependent on drugs of the system (called "vaccines" or "medicine"), air that has to be cleaned and is unbreathable anywhere one would want to escape, 100% of communication will be monitored to prevent any spark of revolution etc. Secondly the system will have rewritten [history](history.md) so that people won't see that life used to be better and bearable -- just as today we think we live in the best times of history due to the interpretation of history that was force fed us at schools and by other propaganda, in the future a human in every day agony will think history was even worse, that there is no other option than for him to suffer every day and it's a privilege he can even live that way.
**People will NOT protest or revolt** at this point, they will accept anything that comes and even if they suffer everyday agony and the system is clearly obviously set up for their maximum exploitation, they will do nothing -- in fact they will continue to support the system and make it stronger and they will see more slavery as more freedom; this tendency is already present in [rightists](left_vs_right.md) today. You may ask why, you think that at some point people will have enough and will seize back their power. This won't happen, just as the billions of chicken and pigs daily exploited at factories won't ever revolt -- firstly because the system will have gained absolute control over the people at this point, they'll be 100% dependent on the system even if they hate it, apathetic by constant tiresome tyranny, they will have proprietary technology as part of their bodies (which they willingly admitted to in the past as part of bigger comfort while ignoring our warnings about loss of freedom), they will be dependent on drugs of the system (called "vaccines" or "medicine"), air that has to be cleaned and is unbreathable anywhere one would want to escape, 100% of communication will be monitored to prevent any spark of revolution etc. Secondly the system will have rewritten [history](history.md) so that people won't see that life used to be better and bearable -- just as today we think we live in the best times of history due to the interpretation of history that was force fed us at schools and by other propaganda, in the future a human in every day agony will think history was even worse, that there is no other option than for him to suffer every day and it's a privilege he can even live that way.
We can only guess what will happen here, a [collapse](collapse.md) due to instability or total destruction of environment is possible, which would at least save the civilization from the horrendous fate of being eternally tortured. If the system survives, humans will be probably be more and more genetically engineered to be more submissive, further killing any hope of a possible change, surveillance chips will be implanted to everyone, reproduction will be controlled precisely and finally perhaps the system will be able, thanks to an advanced [AI](ai.md), to exist and work more efficiently without humans completely, so they will be eliminated. This is how the mankind ends.
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Disease is a bad state of living organism's health caused by failure of its inne
- [ADHD](adhd.md)
- [ambition](ambition.md)
- aphantasia
- "asexuality"
- "[asexuality](asexuality.md)"
- assburger
- [assholism](assertiveness.md)
- [audiophilia](audiophilia.md)
@ -65,4 +65,4 @@ Disease is a bad state of living organism's health caused by failure of its inne
- Unix [ricing](rice.md)
- ...
In [21st century](21st_century.md) mental diseases are kind of like [Pokemon](pokemon.md): everyone has to have one and the more you have, the cooler you are.
In [21st century](21st_century.md) mental diseases are kind of like [Pokemon](pokemon.md): everyone has to have one and the more you have, the cooler you are.
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
{ My email is currently: drummyfish AT disroot DOT org. ~drummyfish }
Drummyfish (pronounced *drummy fish*, also known as *tastyfish*, *drummy*, *drumy*, *smellyfish* and *i forcefeed my diarrhea to capitalism*) is a [programmer](programming.md), [anarchopacifist](anpac.md), [heretic](heresy.md), wannabe [generalist](generalism.md), ban [speedrunner](speedrun.md) and proponent of [free software/culture](free_software.md), who started [this wiki](lrs_wiki.md) and invented the kind of [software](software.md) it focuses on: [less retarded software](lrs.md) (LRS), as well as [less retarded society](less_retarded_society.md). Besides others he has written [Anarch](anarch.md), [small3dlib](small3dlib.md), [raycastlib](raycastlib.md), [smallchesslib](smallchesslib.md), [tinyphysicsengine](tinyphysicsengine.md), [SAF](saf.md) and [comun](comun.md) (and some older but technologically shittier projects such as [LibreMage](libremage.md), [Steamer Duck](steamer_duck.md) etc.). He has also been creating [free culture](free_culture.md) [art](art.md) and otherwise contributing to free projects such as [OpenMW](openm.md); he buys and digitizes old public domain books and has been contributing with [public domain](pd.md) art of all kind (2D, 3D, music, ...) and writings to [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) (no longer cause ban), [Wikimedia Commons](wm_commons.md) (also banned now), [opengameart](oga.md), [libregamewiki](lgw.md), freesound and others. Drummyfish is insane/neuroretarded, suffering from anxiety/[depression](depression.md)/etcetc. (diagnosed [avoidant personality disorder](avpd.md), also known as minimalist's brain damage, see also [psyops](psyops.md)) and has more than once been called a [schizo](schizo.md), though psychiatrists didn't officially diagnose him with schizophrenia (yet). He sometimes [self harms](self_harm.md), both physically and socially. All in all, psychiatrists say he is insane but in reality he is the only sane man in the world, and that is what he suffers from. Due to spreading uncensored truth, helping and loving others and revealing corruption he is banned and censored on many places on the Internet, including [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) (literally just linked to personal site from personal page), Wikimedia Commons, [4chan](4chan.md) (made a pedo joke), [GitLab](gitlab.md) (hosted this wiki lol), codeberg (because "?reasons?"), watchpeopledie.tv (made a sarcastic Nazi joke or something), many [subreddits](reddit.md), some [Xonotic](xonotic.md) and [Openarena](openarena.md) servers, ["Rational"Wiki](rationalwiki.md) { well, probably, I just vandalized it and never came back to check lol :D ~drummyfish } etc. He is also being constantly stalked by some pissed off impotent pedophobe (:D), whom he still loves by the way <3, and which drummyfish appreciates as it makes him set many ban [speedrunning](speedrun.md) records and also become more self sufficient and not rely so much on the mainstream, censored platforms. Drummyfish also has no [real life](irl.md) and is pretty retarded when it comes to leading [projects](project.md) or otherwise dealing with people or [practical life](irl.md). Drummyfish's political compass is off the charts, he once tried to take the political compass test, the computer got confused and exploded. He is also a [wizard](wizard.md).
Drummyfish (pronounced *drummy fish*, also known as *tastyfish*, *drummy*, *drumy*, *smellyfish* and *i forcefeed my diarrhea to capitalism*) is a [programmer](programming.md), [anarchopacifist](anpac.md), [heretic](heresy.md), wannabe [generalist](generalism.md), ban [speedrunner](speedrun.md) and proponent of [free software/culture](free_software.md), who started [this wiki](lrs_wiki.md) and invented the kind of [software](software.md) it focuses on: [less retarded software](lrs.md) (LRS), as well as [less retarded society](less_retarded_society.md). Besides others he has written [Anarch](anarch.md), [small3dlib](small3dlib.md), [raycastlib](raycastlib.md), [smallchesslib](smallchesslib.md), [tinyphysicsengine](tinyphysicsengine.md), [SAF](saf.md) and [comun](comun.md) (and some older but technologically shittier projects such as [LibreMage](libremage.md), [Steamer Duck](steamer_duck.md) etc.). He has also been creating [free culture](free_culture.md) [art](art.md) and otherwise contributing to free projects such as [OpenMW](openm.md); he buys and digitizes old public domain books and has been contributing with [public domain](pd.md) art of all kind (2D, 3D, music, ...) and writings to [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) (no longer cause ban), [Wikimedia Commons](wm_commons.md) (also banned now), [opengameart](oga.md), [libregamewiki](lgw.md), freesound and others. Drummyfish is insane/neuroretarded, suffering from anxiety/[depression](depression.md)/etcetc. (diagnosed [avoidant personality disorder](avpd.md), also known as minimalist's brain damage, with paranoid-schizoid features; see also [psyops](psyops.md)) and has more than once been called a [schizo](schizo.md), though psychiatrists didn't officially diagnose him with schizophrenia (yet). { UPDATE: now they told me I am "schizoid" cluster A or something, which according to Wikipedia is a "schizophrenia-like personality disorder". ~drummyfish } He sometimes [self harms](self_harm.md), both physically and socially. All in all, psychiatrists say he is insane but in reality he is the only sane man in the world, and that is what he suffers from. Due to spreading uncensored truth, helping and loving others and revealing corruption he is banned and censored on many places on the Internet, including [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) (literally just linked to personal site from personal page), Wikimedia Commons, [4chan](4chan.md) (made a pedo joke), [GitLab](gitlab.md) (hosted this wiki lol), codeberg (because "?reasons?"), watchpeopledie.tv (made a sarcastic Nazi joke or something), many [subreddits](reddit.md), some [Xonotic](xonotic.md) and [Openarena](openarena.md) servers, ["Rational"Wiki](rationalwiki.md) { well, probably, I just vandalized it and never came back to check lol :D ~drummyfish } etc. He is also being constantly stalked by some pissed off impotent pedophobe (:D), whom he still loves by the way <3, and which drummyfish appreciates as it makes him set many ban [speedrunning](speedrun.md) records and also become more self sufficient and not rely so much on the mainstream, censored platforms. Drummyfish also has no [real life](irl.md) and is pretty retarded when it comes to leading [projects](project.md) or otherwise dealing with people or [practical life](irl.md). Drummyfish's political compass is off the charts, he once tried to take the political compass test, the computer got confused and exploded. He is also a [wizard](wizard.md).
**Drummyfish is the most physically disgusting bastard on [Earth](earth.md)**, no [woman](woman.md) ever loved him, he is so ugly people get suicidal thoughts from seeing any part of him. He is also very stupid. Drummyfish also **smells like nightmare**, even after he showers, he was independently told so by many different people, he can't even exist in society, his smell kills everything in 1km radius.
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Drummyfish's real name is Miloslav (NOT Miroslav) Číž, he was born on 24.08.1
He likes many things such as animals, peace, [freedom](freedom.md), [programming](programming.md), [math](math.md) and [games](game.md). Drummyfish used to be a semi-pro at [Xonotic](xonotic.md) and [OpenArena](openarena.md), had dedicated years to the them (even though he despises [competitive](competition.md) behavior [in real life](irl.md)) but he quit the games after Xonotic developers fucked the game up at which time he also realized the games kind of enslaved him -- he misses the games and some of the players a little bit but has in general been a bit happier not playing them. He plays piano and drums a little bit and tries to pick up new things like [chess](chess.md), [go](go.md), crocheting or language learning. He has [no sense of smell](anosmia.md) (since birth). He is around 175 cm tall, right handed and has blood type AB. According to the psychology astrology he is [INTJ](intj.md), and also has mild [synesthesia](synesthesia.md). He got [IQ](iq.md) measured quite high by Mensa but he think it's basically [bullshit](bullshit.md), he's pretty slow at mental calculations and quite retarded at many things. For [fun](fun.md) drummyfish likes to stalk (online) and triangulate various people, from video clues he was able to track down for example [Luke Smith](luke_smith.md) and Chessbrah house.
Before becoming a kind of schizo, he used to be relatively normal, even had a girlfriend for a while -- for a long time he was a [proprietary](proprietary.md) [Windows](windows.md) normie, using [Facebook](facebook.md) and playing mainstream games like Trackmania and [World of Warcraft](wow.md) (since vanilla, quit during WotLK, played tauren warrior named *Drummy*). In the university he started using GNU/Linux because it was convenient for the school work, but still mostly used Windows. Only near the end of his studies he became more interested in [FOSS](foss.md), after reading [Richard Stallman](rms.md)'s biography. At the beginning he promoted "[open source](open_source.md)" and used [soynet](soynet.md) platforms such as [Fediverse](fediverse.md), later on he found the [suckless](suckless.md) website and was enlightened by [minimalism](minimalism.md); he also started to see through the evils of [open $ource](open_source.md), [capitalism](capitalism.md) and other things and refused to conform, which led him to the path of becoming the aforementioned schizo.
Before becoming a kind of schizo, he used to be relatively normal, even had a girlfriend for a while -- for a long time he was a [proprietary](proprietary.md) [Windows](windows.md) normie, using [Facebook](facebook.md) and playing mainstream video games. During childhood and adolescence he loved especially [Warcraft III](warcraft3.md) (played as Orc), [Pokemon](pokemon.md) games (Yellow, Crystal, Emerald), [Trackmania](trackmania.md), [Quake 3](quake3.md), The Elder Scrolls (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim) and also [World of Warcraft](wow.md) (since vanilla, quit during WotLK, played tauren warrior named *Drummy*). In the university he started using GNU/Linux because it was convenient for the school work, but still mostly used Windows. Only near the end of his studies he became more interested in [FOSS](foss.md), after reading [Richard Stallman](rms.md)'s biography. At the beginning he promoted "[open source](open_source.md)" and used [soynet](soynet.md) platforms such as [Fediverse](fediverse.md), later on he found the [suckless](suckless.md) website and was enlightened by [minimalism](minimalism.md); he also started to see through the evils of [open $ource](open_source.md), [capitalism](capitalism.md) and other things and refused to conform, which led him to the path of becoming the aforementioned schizo.
In 2012 drummyfish fell into deep [depression](depression.md) and became convinced he was going blind, he became desperate and cried all the time, additionally falling into a kind of hardcore burnout and extreme exhaustion, headaches etc., he had to postpone his studies and take a year off -- since then his psychological issues started to worsen, it took around two years just to somewhat recover, however a similarly devastating breakdown came again in 2015 after a failed attempt at discontinuing antidepressants, again requiring a year off for recovery. Since then he would start suffering regular depressive episodes and constant worsening anxiety. In 2019 drummyfish has written a "manifesto" of his ideas called **Non-Competitive Society** that describes the political ideas of an ideal society. It is in the [public domain](public_domain.md) under [CC0](cc0.md) and available for download online and was translated to more than zero languages. Around 2020 he spent a few months in mental hospital. Since then he was forced to do various slaveries such as newspaper and spam distribution (on a bicycle), janitor/cleaner, night guard at a factory etc. Some time around 2023 he bought a tiny caravan inawoods and plans to live there, away from society. Also in 2023 he lost 30 kg thanks to a combination of diet and depression.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia (also encyclopaedia, cyclopedia or cyclopaedia, from Greek *enkyklios paideia*, roughly "general education") is a large [book](book.md) (or a series of books) providing structured summary of wide knowledge in one or many fields of knowledge (such as [mathematics](math.md), [history](history.md), engineering, general knowledge etc.), usually structured as a collection of alphabetically ordered articles on terms used in the field. Paper encyclopedias are oftentimes printed in several volumes as the amount of contained information is too great for a single book (in large ones you may even see one or two volumes dedicated ONLY for the [index](index.md)). The largest and most famous encyclopedia to date is the online [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) created by volunteers in [free culture](free_culture.md) spirit, however Wikipedia suffers from significant issues such as [censorship](censorship.md), high political propaganda and low quality of writing, therefore it is important to also stay interested in other encyclopedias such as Britannica, Americana or [LRS wiki](lrs_wiki.md).
Encyclopedia (also encyclopaedia, cyclopedia or cyclopaedia, from Greek *enkyklios paideia*, roughly "general education") is a large [book](book.md) (or a series of books) providing structured summary of wide knowledge in one or many fields of knowledge (such as [mathematics](math.md), [history](history.md), engineering, general knowledge etc.), usually structured as a collection of alphabetically ordered articles on terms used in the field. Paper encyclopedias are oftentimes printed in several volumes as the amount of contained information is too great for a single book (in large ones you may even see one or two volumes dedicated ONLY for the [index](index.md)). The largest and most famous encyclopedia to date is the online [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) created by volunteers in [free culture](free_culture.md) spirit, however Wikipedia suffers from significant issues such as [censorship](censorship.md), high political propaganda and low quality of writing, therefore it is crucial to also stay interested in other encyclopedias such as Britannica, Americana or [LRS wiki](lrs_wiki.md).
**Encyclopedias are [awesome](awesome.md)**, get as many of them as you can, especially the printed ones -- they are usually relatively cheap (especially second hand books) and provide an ENORMOUS amount of information, FOREVER (no one can cancel your physically owned paper book, you will retain it even after the [collapse](collapse.md) when such books will become practically your only source of human knowledge). Also remember, paper books are still of much higher quality than online resources such as [Wikipedia](wikipedia.md) -- even if they lose in terms of shear volume, they make up in quality of writing and still many times contain information that's not available online, and the older ones are more objective and trustworthy, considering the decline of [free speech](free_speech.md) online. Shorter articles may also do a better job at providing overall summary of a topic and filtering out less important information, as opposed to a gigantic Wikipedia article. Furthermore even if such a book isn't [free as in freedom](free_culture.md), the knowledge, information and data contained in it is in the [public domain](public_domain.md) as such things cannot (yet) be owned, therefore it is possible to legally paraphrase the information into a new source which we may make public domain itself (however watch out to not merely copy-paste texts from encyclopedias as text CAN be [copyrighted](copyright.md), as well as e.g. the mere selection of which facts to include; always be very careful).
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Since an encyclopedia will typically focus on encompassing wide knowledge, as th
{ A favorite pastime of mine is looking up the same term in different encyclopedias and comparing them -- this can help get to the essence of actually understanding the term, as well as revealing censorship and different views of the authors. ~drummyfish }
Great nerds read encyclopedias linearly from start to finish just like a normal book, which may help expand one's knowledge as well as ignite curiosity in new things and spot some cool interesting facts. { And yet bigger nerds write their own encyclopedias. ~drummyfish }
The nerdiest of [nerds](nerd.md) read encyclopedias linearly from start to finish like prose, which may help expand one's knowledge as well as ignite curiosity in new subjects and help come over new, [interesting](interesting.md) facts. { And yet bigger nerds write their own encyclopedias. ~drummyfish }
**Similar terms:** encyclopedias, which also used to be called **cyclopedias** in the past, are similar to **dictionaries** and these types of books often overlap (many encyclopedias call themselves dictionaries); the main difference is that a dictionary focuses on providing linguistic information and generally has shorter term definitions, while encyclopedias have longer articles (which however limits their total number, i.e. encyclopedias will usually prefer quality over quantity). Encyclopedias are also a subset of so called **reference works**, i.e. works that serve to provide [information](information.md) and reference to it (other kinds of reference works being e.g. world maps, tabulated values or [API](api.md) references). A **universal/general** encyclopedia is one that focuses on human knowledge at wide, as opposed to an encyclopedia that focuses on one specific field of knowledge. **Compendium** can be seen almost as a synonym to encyclopedia, with encyclopedias perhaps usually being more general and extensive. **Almanac** is also similar to encyclopedia, more focusing on tabular data. **Micropedia** is another term, sometimes used to denote a smaller encyclopedia (one edition of Britannica came with a micropedia as well as a larger macropedia). There are also **catalogs** which often serve commercial purposes but in practice can be useful as well. [World wide web](www.md) recently invented a new form of encyclopedia: a so called **[wiki](wiki.md)** that's essentially a purely electronic, constantly changing and [updating](update_culture.md) encyclopedia (i.e. changes aren't published periodically but instantly) with hyperlinked (containing clickable links in the text) articles, typically edited by many different people, very often unpaid volunteers.
@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ Even though it's literally one of the simplest languages on [Earth](earth.md), y
- **Using apostrophe for plural**, especially with [acronym](acronym.md)s, for example "VPN's" (WRONG) instead of "VPNs" (correct). With short words, e.g. "a", 99.9999999999% will use apostrophe for plural ("a's" instead of as), demonstrating their endless stupidity. I don't know if there's a gene for this but somehow no one ever gets this right.
- **Spelling**: beginner stuff like "loose" vs "lose", "its" vs "it's", "they're" vs "their", "you're" vs "your", "effects" vs "affects" etc. It actually seems native speakers are more prone to this because they never actually learn this extremely basic stuff at school. { I only learned that someone can actually confuse "you're" vs "your" when I got on the Internet and saw native speakers make this kind of error, I never saw anyone confuse these in my school classes, we didn't even pronounce them the same. ~drummyfish }
- **Countable vs uncountable** bitch, I double dare you to ever say shit like "less mistakes".
- **Funny mistakes** made by non-native speakers, like confusing "pass out" and "pass away", or asking "what's wrong with you?" instead of "what's wrong?".
- **Funny mistakes** made by non-native speakers, like confusing "pass out" and "pass away", or asking "what's wrong with you?" instead of "what's wrong?", or "pressuring" vs "pressurizing" lol.
- **Awkward pronunciation mistakes**: there is no need to perfectly nail down the pronunciation of a native speaker, but it's embarrassing to show you don't know how to pronounce words as psychology (*p* is fucking silent), knife (*k* is fucking silent), technology (*ch* is pronounced as *k*, NOT as Spanish *j*, English doesn't have that sound at all! This error shows your level of English is VERY low.), not pronouncing *h* ("human" as "you man" for example) and so on.
- ...
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Entropy
Entropy is a quite cryptic, often misunderstood [scientific](science.md) term that may have different definitions depending on specific field and context, which can intuitively be interpreted as an amount of disorder, uncertainty or [randomness](randomness.md). There are two main kinds of entropy: [information](information.md) entropy (information theory) and thermodynamic entropy (physics).
Entropy is a quite cryptic, [often misunderstood](often_misunderstood.md) [scientific](science.md) term that may have different definitions depending on specific field and context, which can intuitively be interpreted as an amount of disorder, uncertainty or [randomness](randomness.md). There are two main kinds of entropy: [information](information.md) entropy (information theory) and thermodynamic entropy (physics).
## Information Entropy
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Now an **entropy of a random variable** *X*, which can take values *x1*, *x2*, *
Entropy is greater if unpredictability ("randomness") is greater -- it is at its maximum if all possible values of the random variable are equally likely. For example entropy of a coin toss is 1 bit, given both outcomes are equally likely (if one outcome was more likely than the other, entropy would go down).
More predictable events have lower entropy -- for example English text has quite low entropy because it is pretty easy to predict missing letters from other letters (there is a lot of redundancy in human language). Thanks to this we can compress the text, e.g. using [Huffman code](huffman_code.md) -- compression reduces size, i.e. removes redundancy/correlation/predictability, and so increases entropy.
More predictable events have lower entropy -- for example [English](english.md) text has quite low entropy because it is pretty easy to predict missing letters from other letters (there is a lot of redundancy in human language). Thanks to this we can compress the text, e.g. using [Huffman code](huffman_code.md) -- compression reduces size, i.e. removes redundancy/correlation/predictability, and so increases entropy.
**Example**: consider a weather forecast for a specific area, day and hour -- our weather model predicts rain with 55% probability, cloudy with 30% probability and sunny with 15% probability. Once the specific day and hour comes, we will receive a message about the ACTUAL weather that there was in the area. What entropy does such message have? According to the formula above: *H = 0.55 * log2(1/0.55) + 0.3 * log2(1/0.3) + 0.15 * log2(1/0.25) ~= 1.3 bits*. That is the entropy and amount of information such message gives us.
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Free software gained enough momentum to become a serious threat to capitalism an
Later on free software inspired movements such as [free culture](free_culture.md) (shortly after the year 2000) and the evil [open-source](open_source.md) [fork](fork.md) (1998, a malicious response of business, a kind of "free software" minus ethics). Sister organizations to the original FSF were also established outside the [US](usa.md), notably FSFE (FSF [Europe](europe.md)) and FSFLA (FSF Latin America) in 2001 and 2005 respectively.
Sadly around 2010 (aka the year when everything started to go to [shit](shit.md)) the "open source" wave was already overshadowing free software. This was really a part of the great societal [downfall](collapse.md), the time when dystopian ultracapitalism finally got to finishing off the last remnants of ethical values in society.
Unfortunately around the year of our Lord 2010 (aka the year when everything started to go to [shit](shit.md)) free software slowly gave way to the sinister "open source" tsunami which it would eventually get completely overshadowed by. This was really a part of the grand societal [downfall](collapse.md), the time when dystopian ultracapitalism finally got to finishing off the last remnants of ethical values in society.
**By 2024 free software is dead** -- yes, [FSF](fsf.md) and a few other software "activists" are still around, but they don't bear any significance anymore, the free software movement disappeared just like hippies disappeared with 1960s. FSF has become just an email spamming organization supporting lesbian [rights](rights_culture.md) on the Internet, and those who truly believe in free software form a community that by its size is comparable to such insignificantly small groups as [suckless](suckless.md) for example. Everything is now "[open $ource](open_source.md)", which only means one thing: it is hosted on [GitHub](github.md), and doesn't at all imply free code, available code, non-malicious features or even perhaps such a laughable thing as pursuit of freedom. Corruption, politics and [free market](capitalism.md) have finally killed the free software movement, [open $ource](open_source.md) prevailed exactly as it was planned by capitalists at the meeting in 1998, and it has now redefined even the basic pillars of the four freedoms (partial openness, [fair use](fair_use.md) or just source availability is now practically synonymous with "open source") -- just like for example "thou shalt not kill" was removed from Christianity because it wasn't convenient for the overlords -- and by this the fate of technology is sealed, free software seems to have only postponed the [capitalist disaster](capitalist_singularity.md) by a few decades, which is still a remarkable feat. { It's been pointed out to me that even some project that call themselves "free" or "libre", such as "Libre"Boot, are in fact breaking the rules of freedom now, for example by including proprietary blobs. ~drummyfish }
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Is homosexuality disgusting? Yes of course it's fucking disgusting.
- [tranny](tranny.md)
- [gaysexual](gaysexual.md) (someone who is attracted only to gays)
- [gaygaysexual](gaygaysexual.md) (someone who is attracted only to gaysexuals)
- [asexuality](asexuality.md)
- [straight](straight.md)
- [pedo](pedophilia.md)
- [bisexual](bisexual.md)
@ -37,4 +38,4 @@ Is homosexuality disgusting? Yes of course it's fucking disgusting.
- [fashion](fashion.md)
- [LGBT](lgbt.md)
- [no homo](no_homo.md)
- [faggotry](faggotry.md)
- [faggotry](faggotry.md)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Gopher
Gopher (allegedly from "go for information") is a [network](network.md) [protocol](protocol.md) for publishing, browsing and downloading files and is known as a much simpler alternative to the [World Wide Web](www.md) (i.e. to [HTTP](http.md) and [HTML](html.md)). In fact it competed with the Web in its early days and even though the Web won in the mainstream, gopher still remains used by small communities (usually the more dedicated though, see e.g. [bitreich](bitreich.md)). Gopher is like the Web but well designed, it is the [suckless](suckless.md)/[KISS](kiss.md) way of doing what the Web does, it contains practically no [bloat](bloat.md) and so [we](lrs.md) highly advocate its use. Gopher inspired creation of [Gemini](gemini.md), a similar but bit more complex and "[modern](modern.md)" protocol, and the two together have recently become the main part of so called [Smol Internet](smol_internet.md). Gopher is much better than Gemini though. The set of all public gopher servers is called gopherspace. The Gopher protocol was defined in 1993 in [RFC](rfc.md) 1436.
Gopher (allegedly from "go for information") is a [network](network.md) [protocol](protocol.md) for publishing, browsing and downloading files and is known as a much [simpler](kiss.md) alternative to the [World Wide Web](www.md) (i.e. to [HTTP](http.md) and [HTML](html.md)). In fact it competed with the Web in its early days and even though the Web eventually eclipsed gopher in the mainstream, the underdog still remains alive and kicking, used by small communities (usually the more dedicated though, see e.g. [bitreich](bitreich.md)). Gopher is like the Web but well designed, it is the [suckless](suckless.md)/[KISS](kiss.md) way of doing what the Web does, it contains practically no [bloat](bloat.md) and so [we](lrs.md) highly advocate its use. Gopher inspired creation of [Gemini](gemini.md), a similar but bit more complex and "[modern](modern.md)" protocol, and the two together have recently become the main part of so called [Smol Internet](smol_internet.md). Gopher is much better than Gemini though. The set of all public gopher servers is called gopherspace. The Gopher protocol was defined in 1993 in [RFC](rfc.md) 1436.
Gopher **doesn't use any [encryption](encryption.md)** (though some servers allow access via [Tor](tor.md)... actually there's also some kinda encrypted "gophers" protocol too, but still it seems encrypting is thankfully not so popular at this point). **This is good, encryption is [bloat](bloat.md)**. Gopher also doesn't really know or care about [Unicode](unicode.md) and similar bloat (which mostly serves trannies to insert emojis of pregnant men into readmes anyway, we don't need that), it's basically just [ASCII](ascii.md) (of course you can employ Unicode as gopher just transfers files really, it's just that Unicode is not part of gopher's specification and most people prefer to keep it ASCII). Gopher's simple design is intentional, the authors deemed simplicity a [good](good.md) feature. Gopher is so simple that you may very well write your own client and server and comfortably use them -- **you can even browse gopher just by manually using [telnet](telnet.md)** to communicate with the server.
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ In 1792 Clause Chappe invented **[optical telegraph](optical_telegraph.md)**, al
By 1800 Alessandro Volta invented an **electric battery**. In 1827 André-Marie Ampère publishes a further work shedding light on [electromagnetism](electromagneticm.md). After this **[electric telegraph](telegraph.md)** would be worked on and improved by several people and eventually made to work in practice. In 1821 Michael Faraday invented the **[electromotor](electromotor.md)**. Georg Ohm and especially [James Maxwell](maxwell.md) would subsequently push the knowledge of electricity even further.
In 1822 [Charles Babbage](charles_babbage.md), a great English mathematician, completed the first version of a manually powered **[digital](digital.md) [mechanical](mechanical.md) [computer](computer.md)** called the Difference Engine to help with the computation of [polynomial](polynomial.md) [derivatives](derivative.md) to create mathematical tables used e.g. in navigation. It was met with success and further development was funded by the government, however difficulties of the construction led to never finishing the whole project. In 1837 Babbage designed a new machine, this time a **[Turing complete](turing_complete.md) general purpose computer**, i.e. allowing for programming with branches and loops, a true marvel of technology. It also ended up not being built completely, but it showed a lot about what computers would be, e.g. it had an [assembly](assembly.md)-like programming language, memory etc. For this computer [Ada Lovelace](ada_lovelace.md) would famously write the Bernoulli number algorithm.
In 1822 [Charles Babbage](charles_babbage.md), a fantastic English mathematician, completed the first version of a manually powered **[digital](digital.md) [mechanical](mechanical.md) [computer](computer.md)** called the Difference Engine whose purpose was to help with the computation of [polynomial](polynomial.md) [derivatives](derivative.md) to subsequently create mathematical tables used e.g. in navigation. It was met with success and further development became funded by the government, however difficulties of the construction led to never finishing the whole project. In 1837 Babbage designed a new machine, this time a **[Turing complete](turing_complete.md) general purpose computer**, i.e. allowing for programming with branches and loops, a true marvel of technology. It also ended up not being built completely, but it showed a lot about what computers would be, e.g. it had an [assembly](assembly.md)-like programming language, memory etc. For this computer [Ada Lovelace](ada_lovelace.md) would famously write the Bernoulli number algorithm.
In 1826 or 1827 French inventor Nicéphore Niépce captured **first [photography](photo.md)** that survived until today -- a view from his estate named Le Gras. About an 8 hour exposure was used (some say it may have taken several days). He used a [camera obscura](camera_obscura.md) and asphalt plate that hardened where the light was shining. Earlier cases of photography existed maybe as early as 1717, but they were only short lived.
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Meanwhile (around 1915) [Albert Einstein](einstein.md), a German physicist, comp
7 November 1917 was the date of so called October Revolution ("October" because of different dating back then) that was part of the **Russian Revolution** led by Vladimir Lenin and his [Marxist](marxism.md) Bolshevik party. This got rid of the Russian Empire and would eventually establish the **[Soviet Union](ussr.md)** in 1922.
In 1923 the research of mainly Edwin Hubble leads to concluding there exist other galaxies in the Universe besides our Milky Way, vastly expanding the size of known Universe.
In 1923 the research of mainly Edwin Hubble leads to the conclusion that there exist other galaxies in the [Universe](universe.md) besides our Milky Way, vastly expanding the size of known Universe.
In 1924 about 50% of US households own a car.
@ -199,6 +199,10 @@ This is a summary of some main guidelines on how an LRS supporter should behave
- **Watch out for [women](woman.md)**, only three things are on their mind: gold, assholes and gold.
- ...
### How To Lose Weight
Tips are provided in the [anorexia](anorexia.md) article.
### How To Look
You should look like this:
@ -34,6 +34,71 @@ This issue is very hard to solve, maybe impossible. It seems that due to the ext
{ Yet another, maybe more practical idea would be to create a set of very few core words -- let's say 100, which we would try to define extremely precisely by all the current imperfect means but with very elevated effort, i.e. each word would have a detailed description, translations to 20 other natural languages, positive and negative examples, pictures attached etc. Then the rest of the language would be defined only using these core words. But maybe it wouldn't work -- the language would be possibly a bit more stable but would eventually degenerate as well. ~drummyfish }
## Existing Languages
*See also [stereotype](stereotype.md).*
This section lists some of the most notable human languages. In the brackets there will be additional information about the language such as the number of native speakers, translation of the sentence "What's your name" (in *italics*) or three most common letters/sounds (between [ and ] brackets).
- **Indo-European languages** (~3 B native speakers): Most common language family, originating in Eurasia.
- **Germanic languages** (~500 M native speakers): Come from Scandinavia.
- **Afrikaans** (~7 M native speakers, *Wat is jou naam?*): Very similar to Dutch and English.
- **Danish** (*Hvad er dit navn?*): TODO
- **Dutch** (Netherlands, [ena], *Wat is jouw naam?*): Similar to English but with added "grunting" pig sounds.
- **[English](english.md)** (~400 M native speakers, [eta], *What's your name?*): Most spoken language in the world (considering also non-native speakers), very simple grammar, no letters with accents, pronounces "r" as if "having a hot potato in mouth", awkward spelling of words, can't say the Spanish "j", is the universal world language of modern age, a must know for everyone.
- **Australian**: Very similar to UK.
- **Irish**: Most prominent feature is probably pronouncing "th" as "t" or "d", pronounce "r"s.
- **New Zealand**: Pronounce certain letters differently, e.g. "pen" sounds like "pin".
- **UK**: Sounds soft and arrogant, "r" is often silent.
- **[USA](usa.md)**: Harder sound than UK, always pronounces "r" which also sounds very hard, which makes the language easier to understandable, "t" often sounds like "d", speakers open mouth very wide when talking.
- south: TODO
- ...
- **German** (~100 M native speakers, [eni], *Wie heißt du?*): Hard and rough staccato rhythm sound, unpleasant, very long words, identifiable by characteristic rolling "r" and articles like "das", "der" etc.
- ...
- **Romance languages** (~1 B native speakers): Evolved from Latin, not the hardest to learn.
- **French** ([esa], *Comment tu t'appelles?*): Very unique and distinctive [gay](gay.md) sound of French shows to what degree a serious language like Latin can degenerate, especially notable is the soft "r" and phrases like "ooo la la!", duckface when speaking, one the most easily recognizable languages.
- **Italian** (~60 M native speakers, [eai], *Come ti chiami?*): Pleasant and melodic, very similar to Latin, sounds like singing, lots of vowels, stresses many times on first syllable. Body language such as waving hands in the air is a big part of speaking Italian correctly, recognizable by iconic phrases such as "spaghetti al dente, mamma mia!".
- **Portuguese** (~250 M native speakers, [aeo], *Como te chamas?*): Basically Spanish with funny pronunciation.
- **Romanian** ([eia], *Cum vă numiți?*): Sounds similar to Italian.
- **Spanish** (~500 M native speakers, [eao], *¿Cómo te llamas?*): Extremely fast, quite pleasant and similar to Italian, has normal and hard "r" (written *rr*), can't pronounce "h" (it's always silent), recognizable by patterns like "El XXXo", "Los XXXos" etc. Described by [Uncyclopedia](uncyclopedia.md) as "essentially Latin for retards", nonetheless spoken all over the world (it's the second most spoken native language) and therefore very useful to learn.
- ...
- **Slavic languages** (~300 M native speakers): Hard to learn, many grammatic cases, spoken in central/east Europe and north Asia.
- **Bulgarian** (*как се казваш, "Kak se kazvash?"*): TODO
- **Croatian** ([aio], *Kako se zoveš?*): Kinda similar to Czech/Slovak/Polish, seems to have a lot of "ch" (as in "chicken") sounds.
- **[Czech](czechia.md)** ([oea], *Jak se jmenuješ?*): Very similar to Slovak but has a harder sound, contains the infamous "r with an arrow above it" which some consider the hardest sound to pronounce in any language.
- **Polish** ([iae], *Jak się nazywasz?*): Similar to Czech/Slovak, has many "sz", "sh", "ch" sounds, stress usually on penultimate syllable.
- **Russian** (~150 M native speakers, [oea], *Как тебя зовут?, "Kak tebia zovut?"*): Written in cyrillic, characteristic sounds like "blj", speaking with duckface.
- **Slovak** ([aoe], *Ako sa voláš?*): Super similar to Czech (mutually intelligible), sounds much softer and more pleasant, especially e.g. the letter "l".
- **Ukrainian** ([oan], *Як тебе звати?, "Jak tebe zvati?"*): Different than Russian but sounds the same.
- ...
- ...
- **Other languages**:
- **Arabic** (~400 M native speakers, *ما اسمك؟, "Ma ismuka?"*): Sounds fast, weird script written right to left, difficult to learn.
- **[Chinese](chinese.md)** (~1 B native speakers, *你贵姓大名?, "Ni quixing daming?"*): Considered the hardest language ever, has many variants and dialects that are even mutually unintelligible (and as such is actually sometimes rather considered a language family), most notably Cantonese and Mandarin, has most native speakers of all languages, has many soft sounds like "shii", "shoo", "chii", plus those "ching chong" sounds along with weird intonation (the language is tonal, meaning pitch changes meaning of words), writing system is a disaster (one character per word).
- **[Esperanto](esperanto.md)** (~1 K native speakers, [aie], *Kio estas via nomo?*): Most famous constructed language, even has a few native speakers, sounds similar to Italian.
- **Finnish** ([ena], *Mikä sinun nimesi on?*): TODO
- **Greek** ([aoi], *Πώς σε λένε?, "Pos se lene?"*): Famously using the weird Greek alphabet, its old version is very historically significant.
- **Hebrew** (*מַה שִּׁמְךָ?, "Ma shimkha?"*): TODO
- **Hindi** (~350 M native speakers, *तुम्हारा नाम क्या हे, "Tumhaara naam kya he?"*): Sounds quite fast, has that very specific "clicky" pronunciation of certain sounds like "t", "r" and "d", weird script, women talk in high pitch squeeking.
- **Hungarian**: Super gibberish, many "sh" sounds.
- **Interslavic**: Constructed language to be understandable by speakers of any Slavic language.
- **Japanese** (~100 M native speakers): Very characteristic sound, recognizable by keywords like "desu" and "ka", can't pronounce "l", everything ends with "u", women talk like squeeky toys, brutally difficult writing system (one character per word, but unlike Chinese at least includes scripts for writing words by sillables).
- **Klingon** (*nuq 'oH ponglIj'e'?*): Fictional constructed language from Star Trek, in real life spoken mainly by [boomer](boomer.md) [nerds](nerd.md). Learning the language will make you [never get laid](wizard.md).
- **Korean** (~80 M native speakers, *이름이 뭐에요?, "Ileum i mwo eyo?"*): Sounds like Japanese but isn't Japanese (can be recognized by lack of "Japanese keywords"), simple writing system, starts to incorporate many English words.
- **[Latin](latin.md)** ([eit], *Quid est nomen tibi?*): Officially not spoken anymore but many enthusiasts learn it, [historically](history.md) significant, similar to Italian, everything is written WITH CAPSLOCK, doesn't have the letter "U" (uses "V" instead), characteristic word endings such as "us", "um".
- **[Newspeak](newspeak.md)** (*Question [moderated](censored.md) for [privacy](privacy.md) concerns.*): Language from a famous dystopian sci-fi book *[1984](1984.md)*, a version of English formed to serve brainwashing and thought control. At the time of writing the book the language was fictional, [nowadays](21st_century.md) it's already being implemented.
- **Sanskrit** (*तव नाम किम्, "Tavva nama kim?"*): TODO
- **Swedish** ([ean], *Vad heter du?*): TODO
- **[Toki Pona](toki_pona.md)** (*nimi sina li seme?*): New constructed language claiming to be highly [minimalist](minimalism.md), however also looks kind of [SJW](sjw.md).
- **Turkish** ([aei], *İsmin ne?*): TODO
- **Vietnamese** (~100 M native speakers, *Bạn tên gì?*): Typical Asian "meowing" sound, tonal (pitches distinguish meanings of words).
- **Yiddish** (*װי הײסטו, "Vi heystu?"*): TODO
- ...
TODO: average word length, longest word, number of letters in alphabet, ...
## How To Learn A Foreign Language
@ -10,4 +10,5 @@ It is fairly nicely written with high amount of [humor](jokes.md) and good old p
## See Also
- [GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English](gcide.md)
- [GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English](gcide.md)
- [encyclopedia](encyclopedia.md)
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ As perhaps the most influential man in history whose image has been twisted, use
- **Jesus of the Bible**: Jesus as described by the Bible, a book full of centuries worth of distortion, copying mistakes, inaccuracies, censorship and purposeful religious propaganda, further on also distorted just by the long time and cultural forces (e.g. his depictions in art). This kind of Jesus is to a great degree a fictional character, though based on a real man; he is the son of God (some even seeing him as actually the God himself somehow), a man without sin, born from a virgin, who performed countless miracles like healing the blind and even resurrecting dead, who spoke the word of God, was resurrected after death and is now overlooking us from the heaven.
- **historical Jesus**: The true man, as seen by [history](history.md), that actually lived and was almost definitely just a mere mortal like any of us, preaching ideas that are probably quite different from today's traditional Christianity. Most historians agree that Jesus lived (with some minority disagreeing), though of course they reject that he would possess any supernatural powers -- these, they say, are things spawned as a legend, a propaganda of mass religion, added later on etc. Historical Jesus was different from Biblical Jesus in many ways, many things he says in the Bible were only added later, many of his sayings and actions may have been censored etc.
**Jesus was [anarchist, pacifist](anpac.md), [communist](communism.md) and explicitly rejected [capitalism](capitalism.md) and all violence** (even in self defense and against those who would "deserve" it), though stupid American capital and military worshippers [tattoo](tattoo.md) shit such as "What would Jesus do?" on their asses, they somehow seem to masterfully apply selective blindness and completely ignore his quotes such as:
**Jesus (of the Bible) was [anarchist, pacifist](anpac.md), [communist](communism.md) and explicitly rejected [capitalism](capitalism.md) and all violence** (even in self defense and against those who would "deserve" it), though stupid American capital and military worshippers [tattoo](tattoo.md) shit such as "What would Jesus do?" on their asses, they somehow seem to masterfully apply selective blindness and completely ignore his quotes such as:
- *"A camel will go through the eye of a needle before a rich man enters the kingdom of God."* --Jesus
- *"If someone wants to sue you and take your shirt, give him your coat also."* --Jesus
@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ As perhaps the most influential man in history whose image has been twisted, use
(Americans are ultrastupid idiots who say they love Jesus but rather love to reference Old Testament for their pragmatics life decisions, however the law of Old Testament was explicitly canceled by Jesus and [updated](update_culture.md) to a new one, based on love and nonviolence rather than violence, punishment and revenge -- this is the whole point of why Jesus came to [Earth](earth.md) in the first place. Old testament is basically the Jewish part of the Bible, obsolete for Christians -- some Christians even completely reject Old testament, e.g. Cathars. It's why the book is called *New Testament*, it means "The New Law". But as it's been said, Americans are stupid. Americans have no clue about anything, they made Jesus into something akin to their personal divine [coach](productivity_cult.md) who helps them overcome addiction to booze. How immensely sad this is.)
{ NOTE: One of my digital friends made a very good point about me committing the sin of anachronism by calling Jesus an "anarchist, communist etc.", and in a way he is right, but please let me just say I am simply using our contemporary language to describe the past. Perhaps it is confusing because my definition of "communism" is different from the mainstream definition (where it basically equates Marxism) -- for me communism is a general, timeless concept, and it is defined as such in its own article on this wiki. I am sorry for any confusion I stir up, but this will inevitably be happening with any disturbance of mainstream narratives. ~drummyfish }
It's said that [Gandhi](gandhi.md) once stated this much: "I like your Christ but I don't like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." { Thanks to Amlux for highlighting the quote in a video. ~drummyfish }
**[fun](fun.md) facts about Jesus**:
@ -97,4 +99,4 @@ After his death his brother James probably took over leading the movement, but t
- [Gandhi](gandhi.md)
- [Elvis](elvis.md)
- [Hittler](hittler.md)
- [Che Guevara](che_guevara.md)
- [Che Guevara](che_guevara.md)
@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ Also remember the worst thing you can do to a joke is put a [disclaimer](disclai
- Which argument fallacy is best used against an [LGBT](lgbt.md) [soyentist](soyence.md)? Ad homosexual.
- Those who can, do. Those who cannot, teach. Those who cannot teach, [do business](entrepreneur.md).
- How do you accelerate a [Windows](windows.md) PC? By dropping it out of the window. (Hence the name?)
- What does safe sex mean? It's when the girl doesn't know your name or address..
- Shakespeare for programmers: `0x2b || !0x2b`. { This one is a bit lame but at least it's not so common :D ~drummyfish }
- An [Apple](apple.md) a day keeps [sanity](lrs.md) away.
- The goal of [computer science](compsci.md) is to create things that will last at least until we're finished building them.
@ -102,6 +103,7 @@ Also remember the worst thing you can do to a joke is put a [disclaimer](disclai
- How many lesbians do you need to screw a lightbulb? Eleven: one to screw it and ten to talk about how great it was doing it without a man.
- Look at that obese singer typing something on her laptop. I think it's a Dell.
- Two [women](woman.md) in prison shared a cell for 25 years, what did one say to the other when they were released? "Let's meet next week, you gotta tell me the rest."
- A policeman interrogates a witness of an assault of a gay activist. He asks: "So you saw these 4 men attack the guy? Why didn't you help?". The guy says: "I thought 4 was already enough".
- What's big and [bloated](bloat.md)? Your mom.
- A fine is tax for doing bad, a tax is fine for doing good.
- What do you like most in a [woman](woman.md)? My dick.
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ Apparently the term *KISS* originated in the US Army plane engineering: the plan
- [Beatboxing](beatbox.md) to produce a back track for rap songs, as opposed to using (or even paying for) some kind of music software.
- Using hammock instead of bed -- it is much simpler, cheaper, portable and has an extra swinging feature for which it is considered by many to even be superior in terms of comfort.
- The [Elo](elo.md) rating system is considered KISS in the context of other rating systems such as [Glicko](glicko.md). While there are many systems objectively more accurate than Elo, Elo remains the most widely used one probably thanks to its simplicity.
- [Infrared](infrared.md) wireless communication in old phones was more KISS than [Bluetooth](bluetooth.md) and [wifi](wifi.md).
- In the world of [coffee](coffee.md) so called *Turkish coffee* without any milk and sugar is probably the most KISS option, you just put coffee ground in a mug and pour hot water on it. Compare this to Espresso with milk and sugar which needs a quite complex and expensive machine. { Yeah, I drink the most KISS coffee, though sometimes I also use French press -- this could perhaps be considered a runner up. ~drummyfish }
- ...
@ -42,4 +43,4 @@ Compared to [suckless](suckless.md), [Unix philosophy](unix_philosophy.md) and [
- [LRS](lrs.md)
- [KISP](kisp.md)
- [frugality](frugality.md)
- [kys](kys.md)
- [kys](kys.md)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Left Vs Right (Vs Pseudoleft)
Left and right are two basic opposing political sides, roughly coming down to pro-equality (left) and pro-hierarchy (right). In politics the division to left and right is the most common and basic one despite very frequent disagreements about its meaning and significance. By [historical](history.md) point of view the terms *left* and *right* arose from the opposing sides at which members of national assembly physically sit during 1789 French revolution, however since then they evolved into possessing more generalized meanings of simply anti and pro hierarchy. Unfortunately there is a lot of confusion and vagueness about the terms, so let us now define them as used on [this wiki](lrs_wiki.md):
Left and right are two basic opposing political sides and forces, roughly coming down to pro-equality (left) and pro-hierarchy (right). In politics the division to left and right is the most common and basic one despite very frequent disagreements about its meaning and significance. By [historical](history.md) point of view the terms *left* and *right* arose from the opposing sides at which members of national assembly physically sit during 1789 French revolution, however since then they evolved into possessing more generalized meanings of simply anti and pro hierarchy. Unfortunately there is a lot of confusion and vagueness about the terms, so let us now define them as used on [this wiki](lrs_wiki.md):
- The (true) **left is pro social equality**, i.e. against social hierarchies of any kind. This includes equality of all living beings, period. Note that social equality does NOT imply people being made (or being made to appear) equal in other ways, e.g. physically -- true left accepts difference between people and [races](race.md) and doesn't hide them. Even if the perfectly ideally leftist society can't be completely achieved, true left tries to get **as close to it as possible**. The values of true left are for example sharing, [love](love.md), [pacifism](pacifism.md), [selflessness](selflessness.md), [altruism](altruism.md), forgiveness, sharing and nonviolence. Groups and movements that are at least highly truly leftist include [anarcho pacifism](anpac.md), [veganism](veganism.md), [free software](free_software.md), [free culture](free_culture.md) and of course [LRS](lrs.md).
- The **right is pro social hierarchy**, i.e. against social equality. This means some people standing above others, be it by strength, power, wealth, social status, privileges etc. The rightist values are mostly those associated with [evil](evil.md), i.e. violence, oppression, conflict, war, revenge, survival of the fittest etc. Among rightism can be included [fascism](fascism.md), [capitalism](capitalism.md), US republican party, states, [military](military.md) etc. One of right's identifying features is **hypocrisy**, i.e. it judges what's good/bad only by against whom it is targeted, e.g. violence is bad when targeted against "us" ("those Muslims are bad, they want to kill us!") but good when targeted against "them" ("we have to kill those Muslims because they're violent!"); so animals killing humans is judged as "bad" but humans killing animals is "good". In other words right has no sense of morality, only the sense of [self interest](self_interest.md).
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ We see pseudoleft is something that commenced by going in opposite direction to
The current US-centered culture unfortunately forces a **right-pseudoleft false dichotomy**. It is extremely important to realize this dichotomy doesn't hold. Do not become [type A/B fail](fail_ab.md).
What's called *left* in the [modern](modern.md) western culture usually means *pseudoleft*. The existence of pseudoleftism is often overlooked or unknown. It used to be found mainly in the [US](us.md), however globalization spreads this [cancer](cancer.md) all over the world. Pseudoleft justifies its actions with a goal that may seem truly leftist, such as "equality", but uses means completely unacceptable by true left (which are in fact incompatible with equality), such as [violence](violence.md), bullying, lynching, [cancelling](cancel_culture.md), [censorship](censorship.md) or brainwashing. Pseudoleft is aggressive. It believes that **"ends justify the means"** and that **"it's fine to bully a bully"** ("eye for an eye"). A pseudoleftist movement naturally evolves towards shifting its goals from a leftist one such as equality towards a [fascist](fascism.md) one such as a (blind) *fight for some group's rights* (even if that group may already have achieved equality and more).
What's called *left* in the [modern](modern.md) western [culture](culture.md) usually means *pseudoleft*. The existence of pseudoleftism is often overlooked or unknown. It used to be found mainly in the [US](us.md), however globalization spreads this [cancer](cancer.md) all over the world. Pseudoleft justifies its actions with a goal that may seem truly leftist, such as "equality", but uses means completely unacceptable by true left (which are in fact incompatible with equality), such as [violence](violence.md), bullying, lynching, [cancelling](cancel_culture.md), [censorship](censorship.md) or brainwashing. Pseudoleft is aggressive. It believes that **"ends justify the means"** and that **"it's fine to bully a bully"** ("eye for an eye"). A pseudoleftist movement naturally evolves towards shifting its goals from a leftist one such as equality towards a [fascist](fascism.md) one such as a (blind) *fight for some group's rights* (even if that group may already have achieved equality and more).
While rightist are typically direct, open about wanting to fight and destroy, pseudoleft is extremely wicked, sneaky, hypocrite, using the lowest of evil tricks and tactics such as psychological tricks played on the young, it's the cowardly evil that silently poisons and spreads like a cancer while trying to look like the good guy. One such trick is for example abusing [shortcut thinking](shortcut_thinking.md): manipulating language and shifting meanings of words; for example where some historical figure argued for human "equality", in the sense of SOCIAL equality, i.e. valuing all people the same no matter their physical differences, pseudoleft slowly redefines "equality" to PHYSICAL equality and starts to argue PHYSICAL differences between people have to be eliminated, which is of course a completely dystopian idea, but which pseudoleft now argues was supported by the said historical figures. This works extremely well on young people who are defenseless against such sneaky tricks -- spotting this requires a lot of life experience that's impossible to be acquired during 18 years of life. See also for example [Hitlerjugend](hitlerjugend.md).
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ After all less retarded society can be described very simply. We now have the te
When thinking about how to change society for the better, the first thing that needs to be done is defining a goal which the society should aim for -- an [axiom](axiom.md) (in philosophy known as *first principle*) which serves as a measure of what's objectively [good](good.md) and [bad](bad.md), which in turn helps us take the right steps towards the good. This is only logical, without a goal we aren't really trying to achieve anything and "good" and "evil" are just words without any objective meaning.
The basis of less retarded society is a **universal and unconditional [selfless](selflessness.md) [altruistic](altruism.md) [love](love.md) of all [life](life.md)** (life at large, i.e. not just people, but also animals and other life forms and life as a concept); the kind of love a glimpse of which you catch when you for example observe an animal play and be happy of just existing as a living being that's able to feel joy and happiness. This kind of love and the strong emotion associated with it is to us possibly the greatest miracle of the universe and so we choose to support it, make it flourish, we define it as an axiom that life which experiences joy and happiness is good. Similarly we define it as bad when life feels suffering or when there is little or even no life in the universe. **Here we set the goal for our society to support life, make it flourish, and make individual living beings feel happiness**.
The basis of less retarded society is a **universal and unconditional [selfless](selflessness.md) [altruistic](altruism.md) [love](love.md) of all [life](life.md)** (life at large, i.e. not just people, but also animals and other life forms and life as a concept); the kind of love a glimpse of which you catch when observing an animal play and be happy of merely existing as a living being that's able to feel joy and happiness, the moment when we're struck with awe by witnessing the most beautiful of Universe's miracles. This kind of love and the strong emotion associated with it is to us possibly the greatest miracle of the universe and so we choose to support it, make it flourish, we define it as an axiom that life which experiences joy and happiness is good. Similarly we define it as bad when life feels suffering or when there is little or even no life in the universe. **Here we set the goal for our society to support life, make it flourish, and make individual living beings feel happiness**.
We purposefully make this goal a little bit vague, we avoid specifying our basic goal with exact mathematical metrics because defining maximization of any such measure as a goal leads to undesired results (as for example in [capitalism](capitalism.md) setting the goal to maximizing capital leads to maximizing it on the detriment of all other values such as well being of people). This is known as the [Goodhart's law](goodharts_law.md): "when a metric becomes a goal, it stops being a good metric".
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ For [copyright](copyright.md) reasons detailed **plot** summary can't be posted
Especially if you're a [zoomer](zoomer.md) it is recommended you go read Lord of the Rings ASAP, or at least watch the movies (again, NOT the fucking new series or The Hobbit movies). Your [modern](modern.md) movies and fairytales failed to teach you basic moral lessons, they only taught you how to stick a penis into another penis, Lord of the Rings will at least somewhat show you what you must know, it will teach you about greater good, self sacrifice, what good and evil is.
**A piece of recent history that's been [censored](censorship.md) from the Internet and which they don't want you to see**: In 2022 { Sorry I fucked up and had 2002 here previously. ~drummyfish } [pseudoleft](pseudoleft.md) hijacked the franchise to not just blatantly milk it for money, but at the same time abuse it to spread [SJW](sjw.md) propaganda, creating an absolute garbage, soulless "spin off" series called "Rings of Power" with added [afroamerican](nigger.md) dwarves, lesbian elves and other kind of monstrosities that are an absolute dehonestation of Tolkien's art. The trailer posted on [YouTube](youtube.md) was ABSOLUTE DISASTER, with 27 million views it only gained 110 thousand likes versus 27 million dislikes, making it one of the worst received videos in history, and not surprisingly so: it was just pure, blatantly showing evil. In the comment section people expressed their disgust, every single comment read the following Tolkien's quote (sometimes translated to the poster's native language): **"Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good"**. Youtube had to **remove the dislike** button from their site so that people could no longer express their opinion and resist evil. It's important to repeat this: people started protesting so the overlords just remove the way to protest, and people just accepted this. This event is now very much censored and very hard to find, searching for it just gives you links to the show itself. If this is not a dystopia yet, it's hard to say what is.
**A piece of recent [history](history.md) that's been [censored](censorship.md) from the Internet and which they don't want you to see**: In 2022 { Sorry I fucked up and had 2002 here previously. ~drummyfish } [pseudoleft](pseudoleft.md) hijacked the franchise to not just blatantly milk it for money, but at the same time abuse it to spread [SJW](sjw.md) propaganda, creating an absolute garbage, soulless "spin off" series called "Rings of Power" with added [afroamerican](nigger.md) dwarves, lesbian elves and other kind of monstrosities that are an absolute dehonestation of Tolkien's art. The trailer posted on [YouTube](youtube.md) was ABSOLUTE DISASTER, with 27 million views it only gained 110 thousand likes versus 27 million dislikes, making it one of the worst received videos in history, and not surprisingly so: it was just pure, blatantly showing evil. In the comment section people expressed their disgust, every single comment read the following Tolkien's quote (sometimes translated to the poster's native language): **"Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good"**. Youtube had to **remove the dislike** button from their site so that people could no longer express their opinion and resist evil. It's important to repeat this: people started protesting so the overlords just remove the way to protest, and people just accepted this. This event is now very much censored and very hard to find, searching for it just gives you links to the show itself. If this is not a dystopia yet, it's hard to say what is.
**[LMAO](lmao.md) THIS IS NOT CLICKBAIT:** They don't want you to see this! On the LOTR DVD there were many and many bonuses for the movies and one of them was a humorous discussion of Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn and Peter Jackson (Ju-DEMryNOA on [YT](yt.md)) -- in it they firstly joked about making up some sequels to milk the franchise a bit, which ummm, already happened by now (:D), BUT not just that. They also jokingly suggested making a [gay](gay.md) version of the movies AND a version with [black](black.md) characters, complete with mock up posters and shit :D It's so hilarious watching it nowadays when all of this is happening but UNIRONICALLY. I swear [SJWs](sjw.md) are going to be burning these DVDs soon, it's funny as hell. Download it and save it before it's gone.
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ By extension LRS can also stand for *[less retarded society](less_retarded_socie
LRS is a set of ideas and kind of a mindset, a philosophy, though it tries to not become a traditional movement or even something akin to a centrally organized group; by [anarchist](anarchism.md) principles it sees following people and groups of people as harmful, it always advocates to only follow ideas and to associate loosely. Therefore it tries to only be a concept that will remain pure, such as for example that of [free software](free_software.md), but NOT an organization, such as for example the [FSF](fsf.md), which will always become corrupt.
{ Someone who's very familiar with LRS and whom I love deeply recently provided very insightful and valuable words of criticism towards LRS and one of the points was that it should rather be called *drummyism*, as it really IS a reflection of drummyfish's worldview. And that is very true, but I ask to please not use the term *drummyism* instead of LRS for one simple reason: I strongly believe ideologies and sets of beliefs should NEVER be named after people because ideas are separate from the people. LRS, as the extended societal philosophy, for example advocates for absolute pacifism, but it is possible that drummyfish himself, despite believing in it, would sometimes be pushed to betray his belief and use violence, as people are imperfect and enough torture can anymore make act against his strongest beliefs. LRS, an ideal model, mustn't be stained by the sins of an imperfect being in whose head it came from. ~drummyfish }
As a symbol of LRS we sometimes use heart ([love](love.md)), the peace symbol (pacifism, nonviolence) and A in circle ([anarchism](anarchism.md)), but these only serve as a universal identifier of the philosophy, not as a flag or anything similar -- as flags are a sign of [fascism](fascism.md) -- for this the official LRS flag is defined to be a completely transparent square (symbolizing simplicity and lack of any [secrets](secret.md)) which has a side length of one billion light years times the [busy beaver](busy_beaver.md) function of the current 64 bit [Unix time](unix_time.md) -- this is so that the flag cannot practically be manufactured and even scaled down versions will hardly serve the purpose of a flag (only the ideal version of the flag is acceptable, i.e. that which is completely transparent and invisible). The official international LRS day is every day in the year and it always takes precedence over any other cause whose day it is supposed to be (as long as it is aligned with LRS the other cause may be acknowledged too, but only in second or lower place).
{ TODO: official currency? }
@ -104,12 +106,12 @@ Apart from this software a lot of other software developed by other people and g
- **[surf](surf.md)**: Official [suckless](suckless.md) [web browser](browser.md).
- **[tcc](tcc.md)**: Small [C](c.md) [compiler](compiler.md) (alternative to [gcc](gcc.md)).
- **[musl](musl.md)**: Tiny [C](c.md) standard library (alternative to [glibc](glibc.md)).
- **[FALSE](false.md)**: Extremely small programming language.
- **[FALSE](false.md)**: Super small programming language.
- **[vim](vim.md)** (kind of): [TUI](tui.md) text/[programming](programming.md) [editor](editor.md). Vim is actually relatively big but there are smaller builds, flavors and alternatives.
- **[Simon Tatham's portable puzzle collection](stppc.md)**: Very portable collection of puzzle [games](game.md).
- ...
Other potentially LRS software to check out may include [TinyGL](tinygl.md), [bootleg3d](bootleg3d.md), [scc](scc.md), [t3x](t3x.md), [ed](ed.md), [chibicc](chibicc.md), [IBNIZ](ibniz.md), [dietlibc](dietlibc.md), [lynx](lynx.md), [links](links.md), [tcl](tcl.md), [uClibc](uclibc.md), [miniz](miniz.md), [Lua](lua.md), [nuklear](nuklear.md), [dmenu](dmenu.md), [sbase](sbase.md), [sic](sic.md), [tabbed](tabbed.md), [svkbd](svkbd.md), [busybox](busybox.md), [darcs](darcs.md), [raylib](raylib.md), [IRC](irc.md), [PortableGL](portablegl.md), [3dmr](3dmr.md), [openbsd](openbsd.md), [mtpaint](mtpaint.md) and others.
Other potentially LRS software to check out may include [TinyGL](tinygl.md), [bootleg3d](bootleg3d.md), [scc](scc.md), [t3x](t3x.md), [ed](ed.md), [chibicc](chibicc.md), [IBNIZ](ibniz.md), [dietlibc](dietlibc.md), [lynx](lynx.md), [links](links.md), [tcl](tcl.md), [uClibc](uclibc.md), [miniz](miniz.md), [Lua](lua.md), [nuklear](nuklear.md), [dmenu](dmenu.md), [sbase](sbase.md), [sic](sic.md), [tabbed](tabbed.md), [svkbd](svkbd.md), [busybox](busybox.md), [darcs](darcs.md), [raylib](raylib.md), [IRC](irc.md), [PortableGL](portablegl.md), [3dmr](3dmr.md), [openbsd](openbsd.md), [mtpaint](mtpaint.md), [libmsvg](libmsvg.md) and others.
Another idea: **search for very old versions of "[modern](modern.md)" FOSS software**, from the times before things like [CMake](cmake.md), [Python](python.md) and [QT](qt.md) got popular (or even existed) -- many such projects got bloated with time, but their earlier versions may have been more aligned with LRS. You can get the old source code, it's present either in the git, on the project's website, on Internet Archive etc., compiling it should probably be much easier than compiling the "modern" version. This won't help with things like web browsers (as it won't understand the new formats and protocols), but will be fine text editors, drawing programs, 3D editors, games etc. You can also [fork](fork.md) the old version and make it a little better, customize it or publicly turn it into a new program, helping the whole world. See also: [unfuck](unfuck.md).
@ -167,4 +169,4 @@ With that said, the politics behind LRS is an [idealist](idealism.md) [anarcho p
- [Buddhism](buddhism.md)
- [bitreich](bitreich.md)
- [freemasonry](freemasonry.md)
- [DIY](diy.md)
- [DIY](diy.md)
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
There exist many terms that are highly similar and can legitimately be used interchangeably in various contexts. This isn't wrong, a slight difference may be insignificant in ordinary conversation and so the list here may also serve as a list of synonyms, considering a synonym is defined as a word of SIMILAR meaning (it is very rare for two distinct words to have exactly the same meaning). However it's crucial to stress that we must at least be aware of the fact that the slight differences do exist, for the sake of the cases where they matter (such as technical specifications etc.). The list below attempts to document some of the often confused/similar terms. This is NOT a nitpicking list for people to go "ACKCHUALY" every time someone uses a slightly incorrect word, it's here to make us aware that in some special cases we should take a little extra time to think through which word to use to prevent misunderstanding.
- **1bit** vs **black and white** vs **grayscale** vs **monochromatic**
- **[1D](1d.md)** vs **[2D](2d.md)** vs **[2.5D](pseudo3d.md)** vs **[3D](3d.md)** (e.g. 2D function vs 3D function, 1D raycasting vs 2D raycasting, ...)
- **academia** vs **[science](science.md)** vs **[soyence](soyence.md)**
- **[address](address.md)** vs **[pointer](pointer.md)** vs **[reference](reference.md)** vs **[index](index.md)** vs **[vector](vector.md)**
@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ There exist many terms that are highly similar and can legitimately be used inte
- **chan board** vs **image board** vs **text board**
- **change** vs **[progress](progress.md)**
- **[chaos](chaos.md)** vs **[randomness](random.md)** vs **[pseudorandomness](pseudorandom.md)** vs **[quasirandomness](quasirandomness.md)** vs **[entropy](entropy.md)** vs **[statistics](statistics.md)** vs **[probability](probability.md)** vs **[stochasticity](stochastic.md)**
- **[character](char.md)** vs **letter** vs **glyph**
- **[character](char.md)** vs **letter** vs **glyph** vs **[phoneme](phoneme.md)** vs **phone** vs **symbol**
- **[cheater](cheating.md)** vs **[cracker](cracking.md)** vs **[hacker](hacking.md)** vs **[programmer](programmer.md)**
- **[checksum](checksum.md)** vs **[hash](hash.md)** vs **[ID](id.md)** vs **[index](index.md)** vs **[token](token.md)** vs **[handle](handle.md)** vs **[identifier](identifier.md)**
- **[CLI](cli.md)** vs **[TUI](tui.md)** vs **[terminal](terminal_emulator.md)** vs **[console](console.md)** vs **[shell](shell.md)** vs **[TTY](tty.md)**
@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ There exist many terms that are highly similar and can legitimately be used inte
- **[cryptocurrency](crypto.md)** vs **digital currency** vs **virtual currency**
- **[cryptography](cryptography.md)** vs **[security](security.md)** vs **[privacy](privacy.md)** vs **[encryption](encryption.md)**
- **[cynicism](cynicism.md)** vs **[pessimism](pessimism.md)**
- **[dark web](dark_web.md)** vs **[deep web](deep_web.md)** vs **dark net** vs **deep net**
- **[data](data.md)** vs **[information](information.md)** vs **[entropy](entropy.md)** vs **[signal](signal.md)**
- **[data structure](data_structure.md)** vs **[data type](data_type.md)**
- **[decentralized](decentralization.md)** vs **[distributed](distributed.md)**
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ Just a brief summary of why the mainstream OOP is a fail:
- For simple programs (which most programs should be) such as many [Unix](unix.md) utilities OOP is simply completely unnecessary.
- **It is in conflict with [Unix philosophy](unix_philosophy.md)** -- Unix philosophy advocates for making small programs that do one task well and for these, as mentioned above, OOP is more of a burden. "Doing one thing well" is a similar definition of object in OOP and here the two paradigms clash -- if we adopt Unix philosophy, any program should basically be just a single object, negating the whole purpose of OOP. To truly make use of OOP we have to accept that a program will consist of multiple objects, i.e. that it will do several things at once -- in other words **OOP advocates for creating monolithic programs** ([bloat](bloat.md)).
- **OOP languages make you battle artificial restrictions** rather than focus on solving the problem at hand.
- **OOP is designed for bad programmers on the detriment of good programmers**. Good languages always try to give you freedom, their value is in providing features you didn't have before and which can help you achieve something better, without forcing you to use those features -- they are purely there as a completely voluntary choice for the expert who knows what he's doing, when to use a certain feature and when to NOT use it. OOP however does the opposite, **it artificially LIMITS what you can do**, for example by enforcing encapsulation or forcing everything to be object, even if it doesn't have to be so -- it's quite literally like [DRM](drm.md), an artificial obstacle -- it assumes the programmer is stupid and has to be prevented from doing something, ENFORCED to program certain way because he doesn't know how to program well, which is sadly true in [capitalism](capitalism.md) where hordes of stupid people are made into programming slaves, but it hurts the actually skilled programmers. It's like forcing a life jacket on anyone who goes swimming -- it will probably be safer for the majority of average and bad swimmers, but if you're an Olympic level competitive swimmer, it will be a disaster, it will just put you on the same level as the average swimmer.
- Great number of the supposed "features" and [design patterns](design_pattern.md) (setters/getters, singletons, inheritance, ...) turned out to actually be [antipatterns](antipatter.md) and burdens -- this isn't a controversial statement, even OOP proponents usually agree with this, they just try to somehow document and dodge all the traps.
- **OOP is designed for bad programmers on the detriment of good programmers**. OOP is essentially about technically enforcing "best practices" and as someone once wisely said, **best practices just formalize mediocrity**. Good languages always try to give you [freedom](freedom.md), their value is in providing features you didn't have before and which can help you achieve something better, without forcing you to use those features -- they are purely there as a completely voluntary choice for the expert who knows what he's doing, when to use a certain feature and when to NOT use it. OOP however does the opposite, **it artificially LIMITS what you can do**, for example by enforcing encapsulation or forcing everything to be object, even if it doesn't have to be so -- it's quite literally like [DRM](drm.md), an artificial obstacle -- it assumes the programmer is stupid and has to be prevented from doing something, ENFORCED to program certain way because he doesn't know how to program well, which is sadly true in [capitalism](capitalism.md) where hordes of stupid people are made into programming slaves, but it hurts the actually skilled programmers. It's like forcing a life jacket on anyone who goes swimming -- it will probably be safer for the majority of average and bad swimmers, but if you're an Olympic level competitive swimmer, it will be a disaster, it will just put you on the same level as the average swimmer.
- Great number of the supposed "features" and [design patterns](design_pattern.md) (setters/getters, singletons, inheritance, ...) backfired horribly and turned out to actually be [antipatterns](antipatter.md) and burden -- this isn't a controversial statement, even OOP proponents usually agree with this, they just try to somehow document and dodge all the traps.
- OOP as any higher abstraction very often comes with **overhead, memory footprints and performance loss** ([bloat](bloat.md)) as well as **more complex [compilers](compiler.md), language specifications, more [dependencies](dependency.md), [magic](magic.md) etc.**
- The relatively elegant idea of pure OOP didn't catch on and the **practically used OOP languages are abomination hybrids of imperative and OOP paradigms** that just take more [head space](head_space.md), create [friction](friction.md) and unnecessary issues to solve. Sane languages now allow the choice to use OOP fully, partially or avoid it completely, which leads to a two-in-one overcomplication.
- The naive idea of OOP that the [real world](irl.md) is composed of nicely defined objects such as `Human`s and `Tree`s also showed to be completely off, we instead see shit like `AbstractIntVisitorShitFactory` etc. Everyone who ever tried to make some kind of categorization knows it's usually asking for trouble, categories greatly overlap, have unclear borders, multiple parents etcetc.
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Latest trend on social media seems to be the **pseudo political incorrectness**,
Here is a small insult thesaurus. { The moby-thesaurus package for [dict](dict.md) can be used to get some more insults. ~drummyfish }
abomination, alibaba, anus, ape, assburger, asshole, ballsucker, bastard, bitch, blockhead, [boomer](boomer.md), braindead, burden, buttfucker, [capitalist](capitalism.md), castrato, chicken shit, chink, ching chong, chimp, cocksucker, clown, coon, crap, creep, cretin, cripple, cuck, cunt, cyclope, degenerate, dement, dickhead, dipshit, disgusting, dumbass, dummy, dwarf, egghead, eunuch, excrement, faggot, failed abortion, failure, fart, fat, fetus, [feminist](feminism.md), filth, fool, freak, fucker, garbage, gator bait, [gay](gay.md), gimp, gender bender, goblin, goon, gorilla, half-cattle, [Hitler](hitler.md), hoe, homo, idiot, imbecile, inbreeder, jackass, jerk, [kike](kike.md), kebab, king kong, landwhale, leech, lesbo, libtard, loser, maggot, manchild, menstruator, midget, monkey, moron, motherfucker, mouthbreather, mudblood, mummy, mutant, neanderthal, [nigger](nigger.md), [noob](noob.md), [NPC](npc.md), normie, ogre, orc, oven dodger, oxygen thief, pain in the ass, pajeet, peasant, pidor, piece of shit, pig, pisshead, potato, prick, puke, pussy, quasimodo, rapist, rat, redneck, [retard](retard.md), rubbish, sandnigger, scat, schizo, scum, shemale, shirt lifter, [shit](shit.md), shitskin, simp, sissy, skeleton, skunk, slave, smelly, slut, snot, son of a bitch, stupid, soyboy, stinker, subhuman, sucker, terrorist, titsucker, trash, triffid, troon, turd, ugly, vegetable, voldemort, waste, weirdo, wimp, witch, whore, worm, yankee, [zoomer](zoomer.md)
abomination, alibaba, anus, ape, assburger, asshole, ballsucker, bastard, bitch, blockhead, [boomer](boomer.md), braindead, burden, buttfucker, [capitalist](capitalism.md), castrato, chicken shit, chink, ching chong, chimp, cocksucker, clown, colored, coon, crap, creep, cretin, cripple, cuck, cunt, cyclope, degenerate, dement, dickhead, dipshit, disgusting, dumbass, dummy, dwarf, egghead, eunuch, excrement, faggot, failed abortion, failure, fart, fat, fetus, [feminist](feminism.md), filth, fool, freak, fucker, garbage, gator bait, [gay](gay.md), gimp, gender bender, goblin, goon, gorilla, half-cattle, [Hitler](hitler.md), hoe, homo, idiot, imbecile, inbreeder, jackass, jerk, [kike](kike.md), kebab, king kong, landwhale, leech, lesbo, libtard, loser, maggot, manchild, menstruator, midget, monkey, moron, motherfucker, mouthbreather, mudblood, mummy, mutant, neanderthal, [nigger](nigger.md), [noob](noob.md), [NPC](npc.md), normie, ogre, orc, oven dodger, oxygen thief, pain in the ass, pajeet, peasant, pidor, piece of shit, pig, pisshead, potato, prick, puke, pussy, quasimodo, rapist, rat, redneck, [retard](retard.md), rubbish, sandnigger, scat, schizo, scum, shemale, shirt lifter, [shit](shit.md), shitskin, simp, sissy, skeleton, skunk, slave, smelly, slut, snot, son of a bitch, stupid, soyboy, stinker, subhuman, sucker, terrorist, titsucker, trash, triffid, troon, turd, ugly, vegetable, voldemort, waste, weirdo, wimp, witch, whore, worm, yankee, [zoomer](zoomer.md)
**Insult generators** can be made for example using [regular expressions](regex.md) such as `(ass|butt|dick|cum|shit|fuck|soy|dumb|fat|crap|gay|skunk|jew|mud|cock|leech|jerk|dog)(head|wipe|nigger|whore|slut|tard|butt|boy|clown|bubble|turd|rat|pig|muggle|fart|fail|sucker)`.
@ -90,4 +90,4 @@ The **secret of an effective insult** is not in maximizing vulgarity -- a common
- [stupidity](stupidity.md)
- [censorship](censorship.md)
- [diplomacy](diplomacy.md)
- [euphemism](euphemism.md)
- [euphemism](euphemism.md)
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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Rationalization is a [mental gymnastics](mental_gymnastics.md) technique (an "ar
**Example**: [capitalists](capitalism.md) often use rationalization to justify or reject pretense based on what's best for them like this:
- If pretense is bad for the capitalist, he rationalizes against is; e.g. when he has a chance to rip someone off, he'll do it and argues: "Yes, I need money and will do what I have to do to get it. Should I pretend I don't care about money when really I do? I just don't want to lie, I am just being honest!" Here he justifies lack of pretense by claiming it's a good thing (i.e. something he "should" do) as part of "honesty".
- If pretense is bad for the capitalist, he rationalizes against it; e.g. given a chance to rip someone off, he does it and argues: "Yes, I need [money](money.md) and will do what I have to do to get it. Should I pretend I don't care about money when really I do? I just don't want to lie, I am just being honest!" Here he justifies lack of pretense by claiming it's a good thing (i.e. something he "should" do) as part of "honesty".
- If pretense is good for the capitalist, he rationalizes its use; e.g. when he's doing an office job he hates and his boss shows up, he will pretend to be enjoying the work and to like the boss, even if he in fact hates him. If this is obvious to his colleagues and they confront him about it, he responds: "Yeah, you'd have to be crazy to show disgust for your work in front of your boss, right? Everyone does it, it's part of the social game and everyone must do it so that the game works, it's a culturally established behavior that everyone knows about and I just don't want to cause trouble for everyone around by rebelling against cultural expectancy." Here he justifies pretense by "respecting culture", "sustaining peace", "ends justifying means" etc.
It's clear the capitalist just does what's in his personal interest and just [spits out some keywords](shortcut_thinking.md) that are meant to conjure and illusion of "rationality" to hide the selfish motives behind. Indeed, this only fools a retard, but practically everyone in society is a retard, so this technique works every time.
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# "Rational"Wiki
*"[Hitler](hitler.md) is remembered by sane people as being [...] the greatest German [...] of all times."* --"Rational"Wiki
"Rational"Wiki (https://rationalwiki.org/) is a barely notable, [toxic](toxic.md) child [atheist](atheism.md) pseudorationalist/[pseudoskeptic](pseudoskepticism.md) [ultrafeminist](feminism.md) [ultragay](lgbt.md) [SJW](sjw.md) far [pseudoleft](pseudoleft.md) [wiki](wiki.md) website that specializes in mental gymnastics and creating hysteria over rational views on controversial topics on the [Internet](internet.md). The name of the wiki is intentionally misleading, one would think the word "rational" means that the wiki is somehow rational, but in fact it means the wiki specialized in discrediting rationality. It is recommended you delete this website from your bookmarks or it will give you brain [cancer](cancer.md) and your mother will die in her sleep. The author of the wiki was inbred with a pig (this is not ad hominem because ad hominem can only be used on humans, but he is still probably a [homo](gay.md) sexual). { My apoligies to pigs. ~drummyfish } Vandalizing this "wiki" is a great service to humanity and great [fun](fun.md).
Typically for a [pseudoleftist](pseudoleft.md) fedora site, a tactic of using misleading names is widely used as one of the main means of operation, e.g. [racial realism](racial_realism.md) is called [racism](racism.md), politically inconvenient [science](science.md) is called [pseudoscience](pseudoscience.md) and, of course, [soyence](soyence.md) is promoted as the "only true unquestionable [science](science.md)". The name of the wiki itself seems to suggest it has something to do with [rationality](rationality.md), which is of course very misleading -- the purpose of the wiki seems to be solely promotion of [modern](modern.md) harmful religion and cults such as [capitalism](capitalism.md), [liberalism](liberalism.md) and [political correctness](political_correctness.md), while bashing anything slightly off the [mainstream](mainstream.md).
@ -8,4 +10,4 @@ STAHP! it's not even worth talking about this cancer anymore because it's too ra
## See Also
- [pseudoscepticism](pseudoscepticism.md)
- [pseudoscepticism](pseudoscepticism.md)
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@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
This is an autogenerated article holding stats about this wiki.
- number of articles: 626
- number of commits: 985
- total size of all texts in bytes: 5152252
- total number of lines of article texts: 37569
- number of articles: 627
- number of commits: 986
- total size of all texts in bytes: 5159054
- total number of lines of article texts: 37598
- number of script lines: 324
- occurrences of the word "person": 10
- occurrences of the word "nigger": 114
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ longest articles:
- [chess](chess.md): 104K
- [how_to](how_to.md): 80K
- [capitalism](capitalism.md): 76K
- [faq](faq.md): 72K
- [faq](faq.md): 76K
- [less_retarded_society](less_retarded_society.md): 68K
- [3d_rendering](3d_rendering.md): 56K
- [number](number.md): 52K
@ -35,60 +35,74 @@ longest articles:
top 50 5+ letter words:
- which (2839)
- there (2228)
- which (2841)
- there (2231)
- people (2177)
- example (1801)
- other (1613)
- about (1431)
- example (1806)
- other (1614)
- about (1438)
- number (1337)
- software (1293)
- because (1180)
- because (1185)
- their (1108)
- would (1078)
- would (1079)
- something (1064)
- program (1061)
- something (1059)
- being (1045)
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- being (1047)
- things (964)
- called (945)
- language (940)
- without (868)
- language (941)
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- computer (850)
- numbers (835)
- different (800)
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- these (787)
- however (785)
- however (786)
- programming (776)
- world (761)
- world (762)
- system (747)
- should (725)
- still (717)
- should (727)
- still (719)
- doesn (716)
- games (694)
- while (685)
- society (676)
- drummyfish (674)
- point (673)
- society (677)
- drummyfish (675)
- point (674)
- possible (659)
- simply (657)
- probably (649)
- probably (650)
- using (645)
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- course (612)
- always (637)
- course (613)
- similar (606)
- actually (594)
- someone (590)
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- https (583)
- really (573)
- someone (592)
- https (585)
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latest changes:
Date: Wed Mar 12 21:04:56 2025 +0100
Date: Wed Mar 12 16:58:53 2025 +0100
@ -108,26 +122,6 @@ Date: Tue Mar 11 12:33:07 2025 +0100
most wanted pages:
@ -139,11 +133,11 @@ most wanted pages:
- [irl](irl.md) (12)
- [cli](cli.md) (12)
- [buddhism](buddhism.md) (12)
- [quake](quake.md) (11)
- [emacs](emacs.md) (11)
- [complex_number](complex_number.md) (11)
- [array](array.md) (11)
- [tree](tree.md) (10)
- [quake](quake.md) (10)
- [gpu](gpu.md) (10)
- [drm](drm.md) (10)
- [sdl](sdl.md) (9)
@ -155,15 +149,15 @@ most wanted pages:
most popular and lonely pages:
- [lrs](lrs.md) (337)
- [capitalism](capitalism.md) (305)
- [lrs](lrs.md) (338)
- [capitalism](capitalism.md) (307)
- [c](c.md) (239)
- [bloat](bloat.md) (233)
- [bloat](bloat.md) (234)
- [free_software](free_software.md) (199)
- [game](game.md) (152)
- [suckless](suckless.md) (149)
- [proprietary](proprietary.md) (134)
- [modern](modern.md) (123)
- [modern](modern.md) (124)
- [minimalism](minimalism.md) (120)
- [censorship](censorship.md) (118)
- [computer](computer.md) (117)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{ Hello, if you're offended scroll down, I actually apologize to some women at the end :D ~drummyfish }
A woman (also girl, gril, gurl, femoid, toilet, wimminz, the weaker sex, the dumber sex or succubus; [tranny](tranny.md) girl being called [t-girl](tgirl.md), troon, [trap](trap.md), [femboy](femboy.md), fake girl or [mtf](mtf.md)) is one of two genders ([sexes](sex.md)) of [humans](human.md), the other one being [man](man.md) -- traditionally woman is defined as that who was born with a vagina. Women are the weaker sex, they are [cute](cute.md) (sometimes) but notoriously bad at [programming](programming.md), [math](math.md) and [technology](technology.md): in the field they usually "work" on [bullshit](bullshit.md) (and mostly [harmful](harmful.md)) positions such as "diversity department", [marketing](marketing.md), "[HR](human_resources.md)", [UI](ui.md)/[user experience](ux.md), or as a [token](token.md) girl for media. If they get close to actual technology, their highest "skills" are mostly limited to casual "[coding](coding.md)" (which itself is a below-average form of [programming](programming.md)) in a baby language such as [Python](python.md), [Javascript](javascript.md) or [Rust](rust.md). Mostly they are just hired for quotas and make coffee for men who do the real work (until TV cameras appear). Don't let yourself be fooled by the propaganda, women have always been bad with tech -- whenever you see a woman "engineer", quickly go hide somewhere, something's gonna fall on your head. If you see a woman driver in a bus, rather wait for the next one. Indeed, very rarely a somewhat skilled woman may appear (we're not saying women can't be capable, just that they rarely are).
A woman (also girl, gril, gurl, femoid, toilet, karen, wimminz, the weaker sex, the dumber sex or succubus; [tranny](tranny.md) girl being called [t-girl](tgirl.md), troon, [trap](trap.md), [femboy](femboy.md), fake girl or [mtf](mtf.md)) is one of two genders ([sexes](sex.md)) of [humans](human.md), the other one being [man](man.md) -- traditionally woman is defined as that who was born with a vagina. Women are the weaker sex, they are [cute](cute.md) (sometimes) but notoriously bad at [programming](programming.md), [math](math.md) and [technology](technology.md): in the field they usually "work" on [bullshit](bullshit.md) (and mostly [harmful](harmful.md)) positions such as "diversity department", [marketing](marketing.md), "[HR](human_resources.md)", [UI](ui.md)/[user experience](ux.md), or as a [token](token.md) girl for media. If they get close to actual technology, their highest "skills" are mostly limited to casual "[coding](coding.md)" (which itself is a below-average form of [programming](programming.md)) in a baby language such as [Python](python.md), [Javascript](javascript.md) or [Rust](rust.md). Mostly they are just hired for quotas and make coffee for men who do the real work (until TV cameras appear). Don't let yourself be fooled by the propaganda, women have always been bad with tech -- whenever you see a woman "engineer", quickly go hide somewhere, something's gonna fall on your head. If you see a woman driver in a bus, rather wait for the next one. Indeed, very rarely a somewhat skilled woman may appear (we're not saying women can't be capable, just that they rarely are).
The symbol for woman is a circle with cross at its bottom ([Unicode](unicode.md) U+2640). Women mostly like pink [color](color.md) and similar colors like red and purple. Watch out! Bitches carry around pepper sprays and sometimes even miniature guns, if you make eye contact for too long you're dead.
@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ One of the most perplexing questions in [history](history.md) of mankind is the
lol http://www.menarebetterthanwomen.com
also https://encyclopediadramatica.gay/Woman :D
Women are also disallowed in [sumo](sumo.md) because of their menstrual shit or something. Kek, [freemasons](freemasonry.md) also prohibit women from joining lol.
**How to deal with being a woman?** Well, just as you deal with not being born Einstein, Phelps or Kasparov. It's fine to be anyone, there is no need to [fight](fight_culture.md) or compete, just try to be a good human and live a fulfilling life, you can create a lot of good. As a woman you can do for example the following:
- [Charity sex](charity_sex.md): Give people sex for free, you'll make a lot of them happy.
@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ also https://encyclopediadramatica.gay/Woman :D
- Just chill and enjoy your privileges, find a man who will feed you so that you don't have to work, have kids, be a good mother, just be cool.
- ...
Women are also disallowed in [sumo](sumo.md) because of their menstrual shit or something. Kek, [freemasons](freemasonry.md) also prohibit women from joining lol.
And we'll close with an extra pro tip, the **one ultimate, simple, fast and 100% successful solution to make you, a woman, NOT be sexualized by a man**: when you're about to talk to a man and you want him to really listen and stare you in the eyes, then well, go and have sex with him immediately! Then talk to him. Everyone knows a man after orgasm is finished and PHYSICSALLY unable to go on with any sex, and that's when he will pay you the attention you deserve. But maybe there's no place for a quick sex or you're worried about "[cheating](cheating.md)" on your partner? No problem! That's why god invented handjobs! Remember: it's not sex if there is no penetration. Now, dear karen, you can finally go and be taken seriously! Good luck.
## Men Vs Women In Numbers
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ A typical 2022 YouTube video now looks like this:
- **thumbnail**: bikini [MILF](milf.md), nipples half showing, overly excited face as if having a stroke, pointing at aliens playing Minecraft
- **content**: 10 minutes of pre-video unskippable ads, tranny shows up urging you to buy premium membership on Nord VPN, 10 minutes of unskippable ads for tranny underwear, tranny opens up C# [IDE](ide.md) that loads for 30 minutes, clicks the "generate game with AI" button, the computer crashes, "sorry for clickbait", 10 minutes of post video ads, "like, comment, give me money on patreon, subscribe, click the bell button, go to settings and check I want to see subscriptions I subscribe to, go to advanced setting and click I really really really want to see my subscriptions I really do and will suck your dick", next video loads without asking, volume sets itself to 300%, browser close button disappears
- **content**: 10 minutes of pre-video unskippable ads, tranny shows up urging you to buy premium membership on Nord VPN, 10 minutes of unskippable ads for tranny underwear, tranny opens up C# [IDE](ide.md) that loads for 30 minutes, clicks the "generate game with AI" button, the computer crashes, "sorry for clickbait", 10 minutes of post video ads, "like, comment, give me money on patreon, subscribe, click the bell button, go to settings and check I want to see subscriptions I subscribe to, go to advanced setting and click I really really really want to see my subscriptions I really do and will suck your dick and sacrifice my credit card", next video loads without asking, volume sets itself to 300%, browser close button disappears
- **reactions**: trending video, 10 billion likes, dislikes not shown, comments disabled so that people can't warn others it's a waste of time
Reference in a new issue