2025-03-15 23:42:07 +01:00

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Lord of the Rings

Lord of the Rings (LOTR) is a an epic fantasy book trilogy by J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973), one of the best literary works ever made, released in 1954, followed by very well made movies in 2001, 2002 and 2003; the books are legendary not just for having started the whole modern fantasy genre, but simply for their sheer gigantic volume of lore and detail, including additional books and stories, detailed geography of the fantasy world, its history, mythology and several constructed languages, into which the author, a university professor, poured his whole life, heart, knowledge and wisdom. Before Tolkien's work fantasy books were very different, not as popular, usually just shorter fairytales and stories for children based off of real history or existing mythology and stories; Tolkien took it all much further by inventing his own "universe" to set his stories in, with very realistic, deep history (in the sense that reading Silmarillion for example you could really accept it's a mythology recorded by a REAL civilization, including blank spots, contradicting witness testimonies, exaggerated narration and so on), historical figures, battles, epic songs in languages of the fictional people and so on, and this is what every new fantasy basically copies ever since. Unfortunately for their immense popularity the works have been seized and absolutely raped by capitalism, nowadays they have become a vehicle for propaganda -- it's incredibly sad but true; the rape began in 2012 by filming the Hobbit movies (a short children book was made into a whole trilogy of movies, for more moneis, furthermore extremely badly made), and continues today by yet much worse consumerist, absolutely disgusting McDonalds style crap stuffed with lesbians and liberalism and shit. The original books are still proprietary, but their entering to public domain is at least on the horizon -- unlike most modern fantasy works, Lord of the Rings should enter the public domain relatively "soon": in 2044. Besides the main LOTR trilogy Tolkien also wrote several related works, such as The Hobbit (the prequel, more of a children book, but still very good to read) and The Silmarillion (kind of "Bible", recounting history and mythology of the world, origin of the races etc.).

NOTE: Anything post 2005 is NOT part of Lord of the Rings. It's very important to note this because the franchise became one of the most raped milking cows of capitalist, pseudoleft, SJWs and other evil. Only look for pre-2005 stuff.

For copyright reasons detailed plot summary can't be posted here, thank copyright faggots. Yes, Wikipedia does it and no, it can't be done under free culture, fair use is not free culture and Wikipedia is a joke. Very briefly: the story takes place in Middle Earth, a fantasy land (which however is actually supposed to be a mythological past version of our current day Europe; the works basically present a made up mythology of our actual world), and is about a hobbit (a race of short people, distinct from dwarves) named Frodo who, with the help of many other characters (so called Fellowship of the Ring), carries an "evil" magical ring -- a thing potentially usable as a kind of superweapon -- to Mordor, the land where all evil dwells, to destroy it in Mount Doom, the only place where it can in fact be destroyed, and so prevent anyone from using this superweapon. In the story there is very much apparent a great high contrast between good and evil and highlights of various virtues and moral values, it is kind of an epic fairytale for adults.

{ Is it fkn good or not? Yes, it's great. I grew up when the movies were coming out and it was the hype of my generation, although at the time I felt it wasn't absolutely brilliant, and objectively it probably isn't (Tolkien wasn't a professional writer, he was just making it as a pet project "on the go"), in retrospect it is indeed an awesome story, very well told. Fucking go read it, or at least watch the movies FFS, but NEVER watch The Hobbit movie or the toxic lesbian shit after that, it's better to die than to see it. ~drummyfish }

Especially if you're a zoomer it is recommended you go read Lord of the Rings ASAP, or at least watch the movies (again, NOT the fucking new series or The Hobbit movies). Your modern movies and fairytales failed to teach you basic moral lessons, they only taught you how to stick a penis into another penis, Lord of the Rings will at least somewhat show you what you must know, it will teach you about greater good, self sacrifice, what good and evil is.

A piece of recent history that's been censored from the Internet and which they don't want you to see: In 2022 { Sorry I fucked up and had 2002 here previously. ~drummyfish } pseudoleft hijacked the franchise to not just blatantly milk it for money, but at the same time abuse it to spread SJW propaganda, creating an absolute garbage, soulless "spin off" series called "Rings of Power" with added afroamerican dwarves, lesbian elves and other kind of monstrosities that are an absolute dehonestation of Tolkien's art. The trailer posted on YouTube was ABSOLUTE DISASTER, with 27 million views it only gained 110 thousand likes versus 27 million dislikes, making it one of the worst received videos in history, and not surprisingly so: it was just pure, blatantly showing evil. In the comment section people expressed their disgust, every single comment read the following Tolkien's quote (sometimes translated to the poster's native language): "Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good". Youtube had to remove the dislike button from their site so that people could no longer express their opinion and resist evil. It's important to repeat this: people started protesting so the overlords just remove the way to protest, and people just accepted this. This event is now very much censored and very hard to find, searching for it just gives you links to the show itself. If this is not a dystopia yet, it's hard to say what is.

LMAO THIS IS NOT CLICKBAIT: They don't want you to see this! On the LOTR DVD there were many and many bonuses for the movies and one of them was a humorous discussion of Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn and Peter Jackson (Ju-DEMryNOA on YT) -- in it they firstly joked about making up some sequels to milk the franchise a bit, which ummm, already happened by now (:D), BUT not just that. They also jokingly suggested making a gay version of the movies AND a version with black characters, complete with mock up posters and shit :D It's so hilarious watching it nowadays when all of this is happening but UNIRONICALLY. I swear SJWs are going to be burning these DVDs soon, it's funny as hell. Download it and save it before it's gone.

See Also