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# Drummyfish
Drummyfish (also tastyfish, drumy etc.) is a [LRS]( software programmer that invented the term [less retarded software]( for the kind of [suckless]( software he writes. Besides others he has written [Anarch](, [small3dlib](, [raycastlib]( and [SAF](
Aside from creating [LRS]( drummyfish has contributed to a few [FOSS]( projects such as [OpenMW]( He's been contributing with [public domain]( art and writings to [Wikipedia](, [Wikimedia Commons](, [opengameart](, [libregamewiki]( and others.
Doxx: his real name is Miloslav Číž, he was born in 1990 and lives in Moravia, Czech Republic. He studied [compsci]( focused on [computer graphics]( in a University and got a master's degree, but subsequently refused to work in the industry, partly because of his views (manifested in [LRS]( and partly because of mental health issues.
{ Why do I doxx myself? Following the [LRS]( philosophy, I believe information should be free. [Censorship]( -- even in the name of [privacy]( -- goes against information freedom. We should live in a society in which people are moral and don't abuse others by any means, including via availability of their private information. And the first step to achieve an ideal society is to start living as if we're already there. ~drummyfish }