12 KiB
Ashley Jones
"Either she's genius at comedy or he's genius at comedy." --comment under one of her videos
Ashley Jones (born around ?1999?) is a rare specimen of a based American biological (which on occasion gets questioned) woman on the Internet, a politically incorrect red pilled comedienne and a pretty unique, curious girl of many talents and hobbies who is sadly no longer underage. Ashley Jones IS NOT DANGEROUS. She got famous through 4chan (which now she abandoned and no longer likes) and similar boards thanks to having become red pilled at relatively young age: her being a pretty underage girl on 4chan definitely contributed to her fame, however she started to create masterful OC comedic videos with which she managed to win the hearts of dedicated fans that wouldn't abandon her even after they could legally have sex with her (at least in theory). For some time she used mainstream platforms but, of course, censorship would eventually lead her to self-hosting all her stuff with free software, which she now supports. She has pug dogs, loves old vintage technology, hoarding vintage stuff and things of this kind of nature. As she revealed on her current imageboard she had her first imageboard back in 2014 on 8chan (https://8ch.net/ashleyj), then there was a board on endchan (https://endchan.org/ashleyj/) not owned by her, and then she created her tubgurl board (archives have snapshots of those old boards). In 2022 she made a famous (and needles to say "controversial") documentary named TikTok Tranny in which she pretended to be a male to female transsexual on TikTok and revealed just how toxic the platform is. Ashley Jones ruined her reputation for your sins.
Her website is newly at https://dukenukemis.cool (previously https://icum.to, also her image board is at https://tubgurl.com). Some of her old videos are archived on jewtube, bitchute and Internet Archive. Currently she seems to be focusing more on videos about technology before doing comedy. If you can, please go donate to Ashley right now, we don't want her to starve!
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Ashley is such a cutie.
Why is she so based? For example for the following reasons { Note that this is purely my interpretation of what I've seen/read on her website. ~drummyfish }: She is a pretty, biological woman (i.e. NOT some kind of angry trans landwhale) BUT she shits on feminism and acknowledges plain facts about women such as that they usually need to be "put in line" (with love) by a man and that they are simply different creatures. She makes a nice, ACTUALLY ENTERTAINING, well made politically incorrect stuff, her art is sincere, not trying to pretend anything or ride on latest trends like most "creators" do these days, and please let this be stated with absolute clarity: her comedy videos are of the HIGHEST quality, they're up there with and beyond the most successful commercial comedy shows that make their authors millions of dollars and (from what it seems) Ashley does everything with zero budget and herself, her talent not only for comedy but also acting in general, writing and editing makes her quite unironically a genius in true sense of the word. { NOTE: Ashley pointed out that her site is NOT an art project or "social experiment". Indeed, this is not the intended meaning of the word "art" here, we simply mean "work" or "creation", just to make it clear. At LRS we kind of hate the word work so we often say "art" instead. ~drummyfish } She also hosts her OWN video website with a modest fan following and even though on Jewtube she could get hundred thousand times more followers and make a fortune, she doesn't because that would compromise her art and prevent her from doing what she really wants to do -- in fact recently she started to depart more into other topics, like technology repair, which probably in terms of popularity rather "hurts the numbers", but she just goes there because it's what she likes and wants to do, it can be seen that she doesn't lust for simple popularity and money grabbing but rather for discovering and sharing truly interesting stuff. She does ask for donations but refuses to monetize her content with ads or paywalls, creating a nice, pure, oldschool place on the Internet looks to truly be the one thing she's aiming for. She makes fun of herself (like that she has a crush on Duke Nukem lol), masterfully plays along with jokes blatantly sexualizing her and does some cool stuff like post measurements of her asshole and finding her porn lookalikes for the fanbase. It looks like she possesses some skills with technology (at least Luke Smith level), she supports free software. She acknowledges the insanity of pedophile hysteria and proposes lowering age of consent (despite saying she was NOT a pedophile herself). She wants to normalize nudity, and doesn't shave her legs, she discourages makeup for females. Her website is quite nice, 1.0 style, with high LRS/4chan/Dramatica vibes, there are "offensive" jokes but she stresses she in fact doesn't encourage violence, real racism and that she's not an extremist -- in one video she says she dislikes transsexuals and wants to make fun of gays but that in fact she doesn't mind any individual being gay or whatever, basically just opposing the political movements, propaganda, brainwashing etcetc., i.e. showing the exact same kind of attitude as us. She also understands Internet culture and things like trolling being part of it -- in one video she clearly separates Internet and real life and says you "can't apply real life logic on the Internet", that's very mature. By this she for example supports consensual incest. She even freaking has her own imageboard that's by the way very good (although now she says it's mostly occupied by retards, but she still keeps it running for them, that's very selfless). She advocates piracy instead of giving money to corporations: extremely based. She seems to see through propaganda and brainwashing, she says she does "not accept the reality" forced on her by this society, something we say and do as well, she shits on vaccines and likes cool "conspiracy theories". Yes, she seems SMART, she sees the power game of the elites, the propaganda, warns about it, shits on it. She seems to know how to write English without making 10 errors in every word. She advocates ETHICAL veganism, to spare animals of suffering. She hates Elon Musk. She advocates not using cellphones and mainstream social networks. She does NOT have any tattoos. However, while all of these individual things are very nice, the most important part, and the one that basically matters above having certain opinion or demonstrating coolness in some way, is simply this: she makes her own opinions. As she states on the website, she doesn't accept any prefabricated "package of opinions", she thinks about things herself and makes HER OWN fucking decisions regardless of whether that leaves her alienated from the rest of humans on the planet, and that's where all the coolness comes from -- this is the most important lesson Ashley can teach us.
{ YES, OF COURSE I was accused of simping and orbiting Ashley with this article, how could I have not been? I will only tell you this much my brother: my simping years are long gone. I am no longer 16 or even 26 -- I so wish I was but I am not, I am an old half homeless faggot who is no longer interested in waifu relationships, I'm free from your simple NPC desires that you probably suffer from and which you consequently assume in others -- I assure you I no longer have interest in romantically fantasizing about girls on the Internet who live on the other side of the planet, please understand I am NOT fucking this retarded at this age anymore, I have completely fucking more serious things on my mind than imagining marriages with dreamed up waifus. Getting older and falling deeper and deeper into depression sucks, but it comes with the nice things of decreasing libido, lowering stupidity and dropping illusions, which all increase freedom from being a slave to your penis. Are you fucking stupid? I get it -- you assumed I'm your average 4chan retard whose life revolves around anime and masturbation, and I can't blame you for that, but then you probably haven't read my wiki carefully enough and don't know who I truly am. So I will make this extra clear to you: what I write here is truly NOT a teenager's love letter, I am NOT a zoomer and such accusations fucking offend me. When I say Ashley is based, I mean exactly this: SHE IS BASED. I would say the same thing if she was an ugly dude, the only difference would be that she probably wouldn't be so famous and I wouldn't know she exists. I always try to make it crystal clear that what I write on this wiki is what I THINK objectively about the world and people who inhabit it, please do NOT degrade it to mere TikTok simping. Also she's not my type (romantically, sexually of course the question has no meaning to a man.) ~drummyfish }
Sure enough, we cannot say we agree on everything with Ashley, like it often happens we for instance clash on the question of "privacy": but even here she still never takes anything to retarded, degenerated extremes like most people -- despite being "pro privacy" she still DOES put her real life face and intimate details of her life up on the Internet, along with her email, phone number etc. But if we call Diogenes a based man and Encyclopedia Dramatica a based website, we also have to admit Ashley Jones is a based woman and her website is likewise no less cool. At least at the time when this article was written. Even if she gets spoiled and one days turns 180 degrees from everything she stood for, the image of what she once was will remain for others as an example, she is an original thinker and created something greater than a human can be: an immortal imagine of what one can hope to be.
In her comedy videos Ashley has created many characters that keep reappearing, notably e.g. Chester the pedophile, Derrick and his Mom, the Antiques guy, Taz and others.
As for those sweet personal life details a pervert lusts for: officially only very little is known with certainty, for example her age and that she has a brother (which she said in a video), no one else appears in her videos, and as a matter of fact you have to assume the name she is using on the Internet is NOT her real name as anyone knowing the ways of the Internet as well as she does will very likely want to avoid giving this away. Probably for fun she keeps dropping esoteric hints at times like mentioning the town "Minnetonka in Minnesota" for whatever reason (no idea if it's a joke or what lol) and in one video she shows "her house" from the outside: again, probably a gigantic troll. Rumors are circulating that she actually has a husband (probably false, everyone knows her heart belongs to Duke Nukem) and there is a huge conspiracy theory -- with which she does play along -- stating she is actually partly Mexican. Archive digging reveals some dark secrets but that's as much as will be stated here. There are many, many more in jokes like something about horses, Kevin Sorbo, Sam Hyde and Fish Tank into which we won't be digging deeper either, just look it up.