2025-03-15 23:42:07 +01:00

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United States of America (also United Shitholes of America, burgerland, USA, US or just "murika") is the biggest tumor on Earth, a dystopian imperialist country of fat, stupid idiots enslaved by capitalism, either rightist or pseudoleftist fascists endlessly obsessed with money, wars, fighting, shooting their presidents and shooting up their schools. Other things they like include guns, oil, throwing nuclear bombs on cities, detonating nuclear bombs in the sea and crashing planes into their own skyscrapers so that they can invade other countries for more oil. Spread of the toxic American culture over whole world is now like a plague, but it's yet worse than cholera and black death combined. USA consists of 50 states located in North America, a continent that ancestors of Americans invaded and have stolen from Indians, the natives whom Americans mass murdered. Americans are stupid idiots with guns who above all value constant societal conflict and make the world so that all people are dragged into such conflict. It's the land of NPC and home of the slave.

You may have been led to naively believe USA is something of a superior country but it's a beginner mistake to think that, it's merely a country that's shouting the loudest and tries to be seen as much as possible, it is like the popular blonde chick in your class that everyone is giving attention because she's wearing tons of makeup and is bitching and crying all the time, however despite the attention you can bet in any other way she's most definitely the stupidest, least interesting human in the room.

{ Sorry to some of my US frens :D I love you <3 ~drummyfish }

USA is very similar to North Korea, main difference being that USA actually attacks other countries instead of just talking about it. Apart from this we only find striking similarities: in both countries the people are successfully led to believe their country is the best and have strong propaganda based on cults of personality, which to outsiders seem very ridiculous but which is nevertheless very effective: for example North Korea officially proclaims their supreme leader Kim Jong-il was born atop a sacred mountain and a new star came to existence on the day of his birth, while Americans on the other hand believe one of their retarded leaders named George Washington was a divine god who was PHYSICALLY UNABLE TO TELL A LIE, which was actually taught at their schools. North Korea is ruled by a single political party, US is ruled by two practically same militant capitalist imperialist parties (democrats and republicans), i.e. de-facto one party as well. Both countries are obsessed with weapons (especially nuclear ones) and their military, both are highly and openly fascist (nationalist). Both countries are full of extreme propaganda, censorship and hero culture, people worship dictators such as Kim Jong-un or Steve Jobs. US is even worse than North Korea because it exports its toxic culture all over the whole world and constantly invades other countries, it is destroying all other cultures and leads the whole world to doom and destruction of all life, while North Korea basically only destroys itself.

In US mainstream politics there exists no true left, only right and pseudoleft. It is only in extreme underground, out of the sight of the public eye, where on rare occasion sometimes something of value comes into existence as an exception to the general rule that nothing good comes from the US. One of these exceptions is free software (established by Richard Stallman) which was however quickly smothered by the capitalist open source counter movement. Also the hippie movement was kind of cool, and here and there a good videogame or movie happens to be made in the US, but remember you have to sift through an ocean of crap to find a small nugget of gold here.

On 6th and 9th August 1945 USA murdered about 200000 civilians, most of whom were innocent men, women and children, by throwing atomic bombs on Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The men who threw the bombs and ordered the bombing were never put on trial, actually most Americans praise them as heroes and think it was a good thing to do.

Americans are uber retarded^([source: my brain]) for example in trying to somehow pursue both self interest and "social equality", it's extremely ridiculous, an american brain is literally incapable of imagining someone who doesn't at his core work on the basis of self interest, so the American that tries to identify with "wanting equality and human rights" just comes up with hugely fucked up arguments like "SKIN COLOR IS JUST ILLUSION THEREFORE WE ARE ALL EQUAL" -- because he inevitably sees differences implying oppression because self interest just cannot be not present (this idea won't even occur for a second to him during his whole lifetime, it's simply something he NEVER can physically think), his mind is hard wired to be unable of grasping the idea of accepting difference between people while giving up the self interest of falling to fascism as a consequence. Similar arguments are encountered e.g. regarding vegetarianism: an American supporting vegetarianism will resort to denying evolution, biology and anatomy and will argue something like "HUMANS ARE HERBIVORES BECAUSE THIS FEMINIST SCIENTIST SAYS IT AND MEAT KILLS US SO WE MUST NOT EAT IT", again because he just thinks that admitting meat is healthy to us automatically implies we have to eat it because self interest is just something that's an inherent part of laws of physics; a normal (non retarded) vegetarian will of course admit not eating meat at all is probably a bit unhealthy, but it's a voluntary choice made of altruistic love towards other living beings who now don't have to die for one's tastier food.

USA also has the worst justice system in the world, they literally let angry mob play judges in actual courts, they pick random trash from the streets (similarly to how they choose their presidents) and let them decide someone's guilt for giving them free lunch, which they call "jury duty". This is not a joke, look it up, in USA you'll literally be judged by random amateurs who have no clue about law and will just judge you based on whether they like your face or not. You can't make this up.

{ "List of atrocities by the United States" is the longest page on leftypedia :-) https://wiki.leftypol.org/wiki/List_of_atrocities_committed_by_the_United_States. ~drummyfish }

Here is a comparison of average European country before and after infestation with American culture (judged by Czech Republic, the author's country of residence, but it's more or less the same in whole EU):

what before US culture (~1990s) after US culture (~2020s)
mass shootings no yes
feminazism no yes
gay fascism no yes
slavery mild extreme
public toilets yes no
free healthcare yes no
corruption mild extreme
youtubers no yes
Santa Claus no yes
ads mild unbearable, aggressive
morality sometimes no
idiots some all
free speech mostly no
Apple no yes
privacy hysteria no yes
social security yes no
old age pension yes no
fear culture no extreme
update culture, consumerism mostly not extreme
powerty none extreme
financial crisis no yes
society collapsing no yes
art and culture good none
toxicity rare extreme
technology fine worst in history
plastic surgery abominations no yes
TV content to ad ratio > 10 < 1
wanted to commit suicide no yes
society worked kinda no

USA <3 imperialism. In general it goes like this: there is some jungle tribe that has figured life out, they don't have to work much, lie down all day, have sex with anyone they like, have no money, walk around naked, are generally happy. USA sees their resources and they go: "Hey, you need some DEMOCRACY. We'll take your fields but we'll build a factory there and GIVE YOU JOBS. It's not slavery, you'll just be in the factory for 12 hours each day doing repetitive tasks, then you give half of the money you make there to us so that you can keep the land on which you have your hut -- no, it's not slavery, we don't use that word anymore, we call it capitalism. We'll teach you what racism and feminism is. We'll build you MCdonalds in your village. We'll kill the jungle in 100km radius along with all life in it, but we'll give you a device to manage your finance and as a bonus it will be showing you ads all day so you don't even have to look around at all the mayhem, you'll just be watching the display, OK? You're welcome."

In Europe, or maybe just anywhere else in the world, you are afraid of getting hit by a car because you might die, in America you afraid of it because you couldn't afford the ambulance bill and would get into unpayable debt (yes, even if you pay "health insurance"). You can literally find footage of half dead people running away from ambulances so that they don't have to go to debt for being kept alive. In Europe you are afraid to hit someone with a car because you might kill him, in America you are afraid of it because he might sue you. This is not an exaggeration or joke, it's literally how it is -- it's incredible how people can believe the country is somehow "more advanced", it is quite literally the least developed country in history.

To touch on another subject Americans would rather love the world to forget about, in 1920 the so called "land of freedom" banned drinking alcohol so that capitalist slaves could spend less time on fun and more time on slavery, this was known as the prohibition and led to skyrocketing of organized crime. Another pinnacle of stupidity indeed. This lasted over a decade.

Alright so now that we've mentioned the important stuff we might as well poke on a more lighthearted note: what are the things typical of the big shiny USA (see also stereotypes)? It's the little differences. For example: driving a bicycle and throwing newspapers onto houses of other people who all have a dog trained to catch and bring the newspaper in the house (stopping the bike would mean losing time and time is money). Or school buses. State borders, roads and city layouts are always rectangular and perpendicular, no organic or curved shapes. Road signs and traffic lights are also all slightly wrong, for example the lines on roads are yellow instead of white, your lights are on the OPPOSITE side of the crossroad etc. Little children are required to dissect frogs in schools. For some reason child abduction is part of American culture, whenever you go to a super market, you see walls covered by photos of missing children, that's unbelievable. Toilets are always in bathroom, which Europeans find DISGUSTING. In shops you will meet baggers -- people paid to put your groceries in your bag, you can't make this up. Everyone is suing everyone constantly, no divorce or even a minor traffic incident is complete without a lawsuit over horrendous sums, that's why it's completely normal to be a billionaire for a week and then live another week as a hobo under a bridge because you slapped your secretary's ass, then next week you become a millionaire because you were lucky to be hit by a car and sue the driver and so on, and extremes like this are completely normal: criminals for example get sentences to hundreds or thousands of years in jail plus several lifetimes on top just to make it more dramatic, whole cities catch fire or get swallowed by sinkholes, tornadoes routinely disrupt school classes etc. Next are disgusting manners in eating, roasting marshmallows, drinking wine from plastic cups, putting peanut butter and jam on everything and having all food, including bread, sweetened to just short of lethal dosage, to a degree that would unironically be illegal in the EU, that's all very typical of the US (it is by the way also why gargantuously fat people are a real issue there, they must have special toilets, special seats on a plane and so on). { I don't even fkn know what peanut butter tastes like, no one eats that shit in Europe lol. ~drummyfish } Also weird pseudosports and illogical measurement units. In the US dentists don't give you anesthetics before a surgery like one would expect from a sane doctor, probably because that would be too expensive and not entertaining enough for the customer -- no, they rather give you LSD or some kinda similar shit after which you get high as a kite, you can literally find footage of people going from the dentist being drugged like a street whore, this is not normal. Children are selling lemonade and cookies to random people in the streets, learning to be filthy capitalists from a very early age; garage sales are typical and very popular. There is too much over the top friendliness, emotion, anger, agreement and disagreement: everyone is very vocal about what's currently on his mind and has to signal it with exaggerated body language, happy people are hugging each other, kissing, singing and dancing, annoyed people are waving guns and flags and shouting at each other over the street, traffic jams are a shitfest of car horns and people shouting and shooting guns, and then sometimes in the streets complete strangers will smile at you and talk to you for no reason. In USA no one is truly American because people came to the steal the land just recently, so everyone is actually some kind of Euro or Asian degenerate, everyone's like "hey bro, I'm Italian Irish and Portuguese from mother's side but I'm actually 1/17th Polish Jew so I'm very, VERY sensitive to discussing Holocaust". Everything is far apart in the US and people commonly travel from state to state and coast to coast just cause they feel like it, to get to the shop you must first drive 3 hours through barren desert on a completely straight road, people travel hundreds and thousands of kilometers (sorry, miles!) -- upon settling in a new place one must go and greet all the neighbors and inform them that he's a convicted pedophile while bringing cake as a welcome gift. EVERY SINGLE house must have American flag in front -- the bigger, the better -- fascism is completely normal, people don't even see it as weird. Nomadic life, temporary homelessness, living in a caravan or just in your car on a parking lot -- that's nothing uncommon either, but a homeless in America is much different from European hobo: in America homelessness is like catching cold, it just happens from time to time to everyone, even to a CEO or rich lawyer, but it literally only means you have no house, you just go sleep in your car instead of your home, but that's not much of an issue because you live at work anyway, so a homeless guy is still a slave, he goes to slavery like he would if he had house -- that is very stupid and weird. Houses in America look luxurious but it's fake as everything else, they are built with no solid foundation and have walls made of cardboard and polystyrene that a slightly stronger breeze will destroy, it's all just about the external look, like the whole glorious US.

{ I gotta say now I came to know more than one, or even two people from the US who are exceptions from all the, well, "negativity" I've just written (but only because I couldn't write anything positive), in fact they often leave me speechless with how fantastic and amazing they are, who absolutely make me wish I could be more like them. No words can adequately describe it -- anyway my point is your country of origin cannot stop you from being good, I rely on the basic sense of reason that no one can possibly take everything I write as an unbreakable fundamental law of nature -- I dislike pointing this out because it should be obvious by logic, but I really hope it's pretty clear sometimes I use hyperbole, irony and similar devices to get some points across. But then again please don't take the article as a joke, it IS absolutely serious, USA is a dystopia and hell on Earth. ~drummyfish }

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