2024-12-14 16:25:29 +01:00

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*This article is part of ad homosexual arguments.*
XXIIVV is a vomit inducing [proprietary](proprietary.md) [soynet](soynet.md) snob website and personal [wiki](wiki.md) (in its concept similar to [our wiki](lrs_wiki.md)) of a Canadian [narcissist](egoism.md) [minimalist](minimalism.md)/esoteric programmer/"artist"/[generalist](generalism.md) David Mondou-Labbe who calls himself "Devine Lu Linvega" ([lmao](lmao.md)) who is a part of a highly [cringe](cringe.md) [SJW](sjw.md) [fascist](fascism.md) "artist"/programmer group called [Hundred Rabbits](100r.md) (100r, alternatively 100 retards) who live on a small boat or something. David seems to be a normie [feminist](feminism.md)/[gay](gay.md) lesbian [fascist](fascist.md) (see also [snowflake](snowflake.md)), proclaiming "aggressivity" on his web (under "/ethics.html" on his site). He's also a [plan9](plan9.md) fanboy (i.e. a [pseudominimalist](pseudominimalism.md)). The site is accessible at http://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/home.html. There are some quite good and pretty bad things about it.
{ Holy shit his webring is toxic AF, do not research it. Basically a one huge gay nazi wannabe "artist" circlejerk, it's like a small village worth of the kind of [furry](furry.md) psychopaths who like to draw cute cartoon animals while also advocating slow torture and castration of people who dislike them. ~drummyfish }
Firstly let's see about the letdowns: the site is [proprietary](proprietary.md) and **he licenses his "art" and some of his code under the proprietary [CC-BY-NC-SA](cc_by_nc_sa.md)**, big RETARD ALERT. This means he's a [capitalist](capitalism.md) [open soars](open_source.md) fanboy trying to monopolize art by keeping exclusive "commercial intellectual property rights" (as if his amateur stick figure level "art" had any commercial value lol). At least some of his code is [MIT](mit.md) (purely for populist reasons, to attract open soarz fangirls), but he also makes fucking **[PROPRIETARY](proprietary.md) PAID software** (e.g. Verreciel, see also [incel](incel.md)), then he somehow tries to brainwash the readers to believe he is "against capitalism" or what? :'D (Or is he not? I dunno. Definitely seems to be riding the [eco](eco.md) wave.) The guy also seems **[egoistic](egoism.md) as fuck**, invents weird hipster names and "personal pronouns", has some [ugly](body_shaming.md) "body modifications", wears cringe rabbit costumes and tries to write in a super cringe pompous/cryptic/poetic tryhard style probably in an attempt to appear smart while just making a fool of himself and, in addition, making it shithard to make any sense of his texts -- truly his tech writings are literal torture to read. The only thing he's missing is a fedora.
There are also nice things though, a few of them being:
- The guy is creating extremely minimalist, small from-scratch technology that's worthy of attention. Some of it includes:
- [uxn](uxn.md): Simple (~100 [LOC](loc.md) of [C](c.md)) [virtual machine](virtual_machine.md), similar to a "[fantasy console](fantasy_console.md)" but intended more for [portability](portability.md). This also comes with an assembly language called [tal](tal.md).
- [lietal](lietal.md): Simple [artificial language](conlang.md).
- The wiki writes on pretty [interesting](interesting.md) topics, many of which overlap with [our](lrs.md) topics of interest. For example [pen and paper computing](pen_and_paper.md) that includes [games](game.md).
- Some of the presented opinions and wisdoms are [based](based.md), e.g. "for writing fast programs use slow computers" etc.
What should be done: take the few good ideas he came up with that are not proprietary and [clone](clone.md) them, [unfuck](unfuck.md) them and isolate them from the lesbian shit. He definitely needs less attention.
{ Let me say only this much: it is SAD when talented people are evil. ~drummyfish }
## See Also
- [100r](100r.md)
- [uxn](uxn.md)
- [permacomputing wiki](permacomputing_wiki.md)
- [xkcd](xkcd.md)
- [SJW](sjw.md)
- [pseudoleftism](pseudoleft.md)
- [pseudominimalism](pseudominimalism.md)
- [populism](populism.md)
- [snob](snob.md)
- [cringe](cringe.md)
- [vomit](vomit.md)