2023-01-18 22:17:11 +01:00

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Stereotypes are general statistical observations, mostly about groups of people (such as different races), that were discovered naturally (without rigorous scientific effort). Stereotypes are good because they tell us what we may expect from different kinds of people. Of course no one, maybe with the exception of blonde women, is so stupid as to think stereotypes apply 100% -- let us repeat they are STATISTICAL observations, they talk about probabilities.

Some stereotypes are:

{ WIP ~drummyfish }

  • Americans:
    • extremely stupid, primitive, close-minded, not knowing geography/history besides the US
    • extremely fat, eat only fast food, have no real cuisine
    • shallow, obsessed with looks (white teeth etc.)
    • materialist, obsessed with money, hardcore capitalists, panic fear of anything resembling communism
    • arrogant, rude, individualist, self-centered
    • eccentric, extroverted, loud behavior
    • violent, militant, imperialist, constantly invade other countries
    • don't mind violence but are afraid of public nudity, get panic attacks when see a naked child
    • solve things by brute force rather than by smartness
    • obsessed with working as much as possible and forcing others to do the same
    • want everything big
    • US south: slow, even more stupid, racist, rednecks, inbred, for slavery, for guns
  • Asians:
    • extremely smart
    • all look the same
    • polite
    • don't show emotion
    • work extremely hard
    • small penises
    • men of honor
    • collectivist, sacrifice themselves for society
    • there are too many of them, lives of the poor ones have no value, work safety of peasants is non existent
  • black people:
    • unintelligent, stupid, uneducated, primitive, poor
    • physically fit, good at sports
    • good at music, especially rhythmic music
    • fathers leave their children
    • all look the same, similar to monkeys
    • have big dicks
    • criminals
    • love chicken and watermelon
  • gypsies:
    • don't work, wellfare leeches
  • Australians:
    • tough, living in dangerous wilderness
  • Arabs:
    • terrorists, suicidal bombers
    • women are belly dancers
    • pedophiles, bigamists
  • blond, attractive women:
    • extremely stupid
    • gold diggers
  • Canadian:
    • extremely polite
    • ice hockey fans
  • Chinese:
    • smart, wise
    • do martial arts
    • make crappy off brands and cheap copies of western art, steal "intellectual property", manufacture cheap things at large quantities, everything is "made in China"
    • don't value human rights
  • Czech:
    • heavy drinkers, especially beer
    • friendly but appear cold
    • beautiful women
  • English:
    • well behaved, reserved, educated, classy
    • conservative, old fashioned
    • drink tea
    • dry humor
    • football fans
    • dislike French
    • bad cuisine
  • French:
    • good lovers
    • lazy, Bohemian life, hate work
    • eat baguettes and frogs
    • dislike Brits
    • revolutionaries, constantly protest
    • artists, intellectuals
  • gays:
    • men act feminine, are good at art and women jobs
    • women (lesbian) are masculine, ugly with short pink hair
  • Germans:
    • no sense of humor, being kind of robots
    • precise, efficient, organized, great technology
    • love beer and sausage
    • ugly women
  • Indians:
    • extremely friendly, often too much
    • no hygiene, dirty
    • smart but poor
    • good at IT but usually tech support scammers
    • spiritual, peaceful, meditate a lot
    • don't know what work safety means
    • transport extremely big loads on bicycles or small motorcycles
  • Italians:
    • handsome men who are passionate lovers
    • extremely passionate, have heated emotional arguments about even trivial things
    • involved with mafia
    • great focus on family, know and regularly meet distant relatives
    • have mustaches, eat pizza and pasta
    • talk with hands
  • Japanese:
    • like extremely weird things like actually living with sex dolls instead of human life partners
    • salarymen regularly jump out of skyscraper windows due to overworking depression
    • men talking Japanese to other men sound as if being aggressive to each other even if in fact being polite or talking something uninteresting
    • everyone reads manga and goes to karaoke after work
    • extremely precise, always on time, well organized
    • have extremely technologically advanced toilets
    • commit seppuku when fail at something important
  • jews:
    • very smart, inventive
    • greedy
    • good at business
    • have the "eagle nose"
    • members of secret societies, closed jew-only communities, conspire for world control, some being fascists wanting to become the ruling race
    • spread everywhere like rats
    • can adapt to any environment
    • do all kinds of weird religious rituals
  • Polish:
    • very religious
    • heavy drinkers
  • Russians:
    • very tough, big and strong, endure conditions that would kill other people, keep pet bears
    • drunk (especially by vodka), aggressive, rude
    • wear Adidas pants
    • act straight without talking too much, ignore work safety
  • Slovak:
    • who?
  • Spanish:
    • extroverted, passionate, dance flamenco
    • take naps on siesta
    • attractive tanned men
  • women:
    • bad at driving
    • bad at logical thinking and math
    • passive aggressive
    • gossip
    • don't know what they want, "no" can mean "yes"
    • too emotional, especially on period
    • attracted to douchebags and money, avoid nice guys
    • can distinguish and name different shades of similar colors
    • on board of a ship bring bad luck