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# Work
2023-03-08 20:23:02 +01:00
*Work is a glorification of [slavery](slavery.md).*
2023-07-13 23:15:11 +02:00
Work, better known as slavery, is an unpleasant effort that one is required to suffer, such as harvesting crops or [debugging](debugging.md) computer programs. Work hurts living beings and takes away the meaning of their lives, it destroys their bodies and minds. Work makes us slaves, it wastes our lives and is a cause of a large number of [suicides](suicide.md) -- many consider it better to die than to work. One of the main goals of civilization is to eliminate any need for work, i.e. create machines that will do all the work for humans (see [automation](automation.md)).
2024-01-03 22:30:48 +01:00
**[Fun](fun.md) fact**: the Spanish (also Portuguese etc.) word for work, "trabajo", comes from *tripalium*, a device made of three sticks used to force slaves to work. { Thanks to my friend who told me about this <3 ~drummyfish }
2024-08-26 15:22:39 +02:00
While [good society](less_retarded_society.md) tries to eliminate work, [capitalism](capitalism.md) aims for the opposite, i.e. artificially creating bullshit jobs and bullshit needs so as to keep everyone enslaved to the system. Fortunately movements such as the [antiwork](antiwork.md) movement try to oppose this, however masses have already been brainwashed to be hostile to such movements and instead demand their own enslavement.
2023-07-13 23:15:11 +02:00
[We](lrs.md) see it as essential to start educating people about the issue as well as starting to eliminate jobs immediately with things such as [automation](automation.md) and [universal basic income](ubi.md).
2024-05-17 23:26:53 +02:00
**Slavery has NOT been abolished.** On the contrary, more people than ever are enslaved, and the conditions don't much differ from those of slaves in older times. How is it so? Well, firstly slavery back then wasn't as bad as you see in the movies (just like for example a typical day of a cop is much different from what you'll see in a movie, it's a fucking movie) where you usually see black men in chains rowing in a ship or people dragging stones to the pyramids while being constantly whipped -- indeed that did happen, as it still happens today in the third world, but it wasn't so common, slaves were often owned by a family and were part of it. Yes, they were owned, but your [dog](dog.md) is also owned by you, and still love it and take great care of it, don't you? The slave was a worker but many times had a good relationship with his master, just as you can have a good relationship with your boss; the master didn't take pleasure in torturing the slave or overworking him to death in a week, he wanted to keep him in good shape and happy so that he would live long and do work for him. The slave might have had a relatively good life -- if he could read and write he might have been a transcriber or teacher of the master's children; [Diogenes](diogenes.md) for example was a wise slave who had great respect of his master. A slave could many times save up money and buy his freedom in a few years if he desired. Today's propaganda paints historical slavery as much worse so as to make seem today's slavery not so bad -- yes, it was bad back then but it is possibly even worse today -- the only changes that we made are just cosmetic: for example we don't call slave masters *masters* but *managers* or *bosses*, your employer still owns you through your work contract (which you technically "may quit", but won't because you need money, or because you would simply have to go to another slave master who will treat you exactly the same), we (at least in the first world) don't use physical force on people anymore but we use a much more effective and cruel psychological, economical and social pressure (it works just as well and keeps the slave in better physical shape, and we can call it "[progress](progress.md)"), we no longer physically chain people in place because we can tie people down by holding their families hostage or making them dependent on drugs, and we can track down any individual no matter where he goes, physical chain is not needed anymore, another cosmetic change we call "progress". People commit more [suicides](suicide.md) from overworking than ever, that alone says something. Many modern capitalists put people under much worse conditions than old slavemasters, for example at one point Henry Ford allowed his workers only 10 minutes for lunch -- that's as fucked up as it gets. If you think slavery doesn't exist, see for example the documentary *Shipbreakers* in which you'll see today's people -- men, women and children -- in India in conditions as miserable as you could ever image, being forced to dismantle ships all day long just to earn a few dimes for food, breathing toxic fumes, getting cancer and going blind, dying on daily basis from no work safety, living in small huts on beaches soaked with toxic chemical poison. That's today's world.
2024-08-27 17:09:58 +02:00
**Stop working right now!** Society has brainwashed you into constantly "planning for retirement", to keep postponing living for "later", to sacrifice the best years of your life, your whole life -- the only life you will ever have -- to do something you hate from your heart, to sacrifice time you could spend with your loved ones, by helping others, by creating art of love. You are constantly made to chase something and never just live -- you are working hard to graduate, then to pass exams in University, then to defend your thesis, then to get a job, then to get a promotion, then to pay off your mortgage, and suddenly you are 70 years old and your life is gone. Do not waste your life like this, start living right now.
2024-08-26 15:22:39 +02:00
2023-07-13 23:15:11 +02:00
## How To Avoid Work
2024-07-21 01:20:52 +02:00
For lawyers: we officially DO NOT ADVISE any illegal methods mentioned here. However unofficially we highly welcome them. Also for lawyers: fuck you. Here are some ways in which it might IN THEORY be possible to avoid work:
2023-07-13 23:15:11 +02:00
2024-05-22 17:49:39 +02:00
- **Becoming as independent as possible**: living frugally, stopping consuming, using old technology, growing own food, making one's electricity etc. Even if one needs some money, needing less is always better, as one can work less.
- **Just saying fuck you to any work [lol](lol.md)**: fuck everything YOLO style can be fun, just stop doing anything, go beg for money. You'll probably lose any social security such as healthcare and old age pension, but you may still get some minimum life support, and if you are extremely sick just lay down in front of main hospital entrance, they'll probably have to save your life even without health insurance. Even if not, living fewer years in freedom is probably better than living longer in slavery.
- **Saving [money](money.md)**: obviously, saving a lot of money makes one able to retire soon. Watch out for inflation that destroys savings, it's nice to put some part of it e.g. in gold so that it keeps the value.
2024-02-28 22:45:32 +01:00
- **Some professions come with long holidays**, typically e.g. teachers get about two months off each year, so you can try to find something like this. Also some seasonal work and so on. In some countries an employer is required to still pay you a portion of salary even if there is no work to be done and you have to stay at home -- you can strategically search for work in an industry that is going to stagnate.
2023-11-13 22:00:51 +01:00
- **Getting a disability pension**: if you are really disabled then you've already won, otherwise either fake it or bribe a doctor (e.g. with sex). As a desperate move a capitalist slave may even go as far as trying to cripple himself on purpose to avoid remaining slave for his whole life, however we can't downright recommend this as of course this can backfire in many ways. One possible way of doing so might be e.g. stopping eating and become anorexic (to many a whole life of freedom would be worth a few months of starving).
2024-05-22 17:49:39 +02:00
- **Striking as often as possible**: going on strikes as often as it is possible over everything is cool, one gets a holiday and hurts the employing company.
2023-11-13 22:00:51 +01:00
- **Faking sickness or getting sick on purpose**: for an employee it is possible to pretend to be sick to avoid work, to bribe doctor or break one's leg on purpose to stay at home and leech the employer and state is a possibility (of course we don't advice you to hurt yourself, just saying it's possible). If one just keeps breaking his leg over and over to avoid work, they will also likely give him some mental disease diagnosis and a disability pension so that he can stay at home indefinitely.
- **Leeching welfare**: it's a common practice to e.g. register at the employment office and then just take unemployment support.
2024-07-21 01:20:52 +02:00
- **Becoming caretaker of a relative**: in some countries you can become a caretaker for someone, usually a relative, who's old and/or disabled and needs a daily assistant, which will count as a job, you'll be getting some state money etc. So ask your grandma maybe, then just let her watch TV all day and do whatever you want with the free time.
2024-07-22 13:52:54 +02:00
- **Convincing someone rich to just give you $$$**: low chance of success, but it can't hurt to just sincerely ask some millionaires if they could maybe drop $100K or something, maybe when the guy will do it if he's drunk or high or just likes you.
2024-05-22 17:49:39 +02:00
- **"Religious reasons"**: adopt of even invent a "religion" that says you cannot work, for example Judaism forbids any work on Saturday (Sabbath) -- you may be able to dig up a religion that has a lot of holy days on which you mustn't work. If your employer protests, absolutely rape him in court for racism and oppression, sue him for at least $1000000000, you're guaranteed to win this.
- **Calling anonymous inspections**: it can be fine to [troll](trolling.md) one's employers by calling for example hygienic workplace inspections, one may for example call that he saw they mix in shit into food, that there are rats running around, that employees masturbate in workplace and so on. When inspection comes, workers may be left waiting and just relaxing or even staying at home, and if the inspection does find some violations (very likely), it may at least temporarily close the workplace, again winning a few days off for the slaves.
- **Stealing from the rich**: stealing stuff from supermarkets, offices etc. is nice (officially NOT ADVISED, but it's still very nice). It's also helping society. Do not steal from the poor.
2023-11-13 22:00:51 +01:00
- **Getting a rich partner?**: someone rich can just take care of you for sex and love, however it may be not worth it as rich people are often capitalists whom it's better to stay away from.
2024-05-22 17:49:39 +02:00
- **Moving to some nice community that doesn't force work**: the problem is actually finding such community, but maybe some hippie tent villages could be like that. Multiple people living together can be an advantage, they may pool in money to pay the absolutely necessary bills like property tax -- this will spread the expenses over many people so that every member will have to pay just a very small amount per year. They may then use their land to establish a micro community that works on [communist](communism.md) principles, making their own food etc.
2024-10-05 21:09:59 +02:00
- **Going to [jail](jail.md)**: in some countries jail are quite luxurious and once in jail you can just refuse to work as they cannot lock you up more. In jail you have shelter and food, i.e. already more than most people in a capitalist society. However watch out: for some crimes you may just get fined, not actually locked up, so it's good to study the law to know which crimes it's best to commit to safely get one to jail. Your inspiration may be David Hampson who repeatedly gets himself arrested by standing in the middle of the road and then just refuses to talk to anyone.
2024-05-25 21:44:26 +02:00
- **US edition: suing the employer**: If you're a woman, nowadays you can successfully sue anyone for rape, you don't even need evidence, making $1000000 shouldn't be a problem. A non-white can play it on [racism](racism.md), a "disabiled" man can play it on disability etc. However one mustn't hurt a fellow working class poorfag, it must be made so that the comapany or some rich manager pays. IN THEORY it is possible to plot with one's coworkers -- for example the coworkers on same positions talk to each other, reveal their pays to one another, then the one with lowest pay sues for discrimination and they split the profit. Etc.
2024-05-22 17:49:39 +02:00
- **Becoming a prostitute (usually for [women](woman.md))**: it's easy money and you literally get paid for having [sex](sex.md). Unless you're real ugly it may be enough to just "work" like this for a few days in a month.
2024-07-21 01:20:52 +02:00
- **The gypsy way: making tons of children**: gypsies managed to [hack](hacking.md) the system by just making 10, 15 or maybe 20 children -- not only you stay on maternal leave, but you can take financial support for every one of them.
- **Widow pension**: sometimes there is a widow pension, so you can quickly marry someone who is dying, then you'll be forever getting free money.
2024-08-04 16:49:53 +02:00
- **The feminist way: if you're a [woman](woman.md), you can sue a random millionaire for [rape](rape.md)**. This works every time, you can just make everything up, the guy will be forced to pay you a billion or two, no evidence needed, just cry in the court.
- **Alcoholism**: starting to drink heavily may remove your brain brain, but then suddenly you'll also be judged a "victim" of alcoholism, locked somewhere and probably won't have to work, so it may be worth it.
2024-07-21 01:20:52 +02:00
- **Getting EU (or similar) money on some bullshit** -- if this was to be considered """fraud""", then we officially DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS (:D), but it is very nice if someone does it. This would require the hypothetical man to maybe do some small amount of "work", but he could just dig a lot of money for doing almost nothing, for example one may ask for money for some software project that looks like a 100K EUR 1 year project -- this would actually be true if you made the project the "normal" way (i.e. using bloat tech, hiring consultants, managers, lawyers and whatever), but you can just do the project in a simple, [LRS](lrs.md) way over the weekend alone, then enjoy a whole year off as well as your free money.
2024-08-04 16:49:53 +02:00
- **[Sucicide](suicide.md)**: obviously death solves all problems. TBH lying in ground is probably more comfy than being raped every day of the year for 120 years.
2024-05-11 20:41:35 +02:00
- ...
## See Also
- [antiwork](antiwork.md)